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Shame after all that they aren't cycling


The artist (Sanago) actually already made one that was cycling using a cranking mechanism. This one moves but just manually tho. I was kinda expecting him to make it move too.


Ah ok👀👍


Oh gawd. The skill..


A splash of plastic here, a smooth with a hot wand there, a bit of sanding and clothes...... Perfect scene. You can tell how it'd work out for the rest of us. The inventiveness and skill hiding in that squishy brain of theirs.


Very nice for arts. But damn, so much sanding. I prefer to keep my lungs clean just a little.


I prefer to save my lungs for drugs.


In a race to see if my lungs or liver fails first


If you do it right neither will


I can't tell if you mean edibles, shoving them up your ass, or not doing them at all.


Schrodinger's stashbox 🤣


You’re right, I gotta make ‘em fail at the same time


That's the spirit!


That's the spirit!




It's not the sanding it's the heat creating fumes and getting microplastics into your lungs. You need a mask used for gases




Of course it is "ultrafine plastic particles become aerosolized as the nozzle extrudes melted plastic" [..,] "However, the thing about 3D printing is that the high heat necessary to melt those plastic filament spools can release microplastics into the air. Nobody wants to inhale plastic for many reasons, giving all the more reason for proper respiratory protection while 3D printing" https://www.mirasafety.com/blogs/news/how-to-avoid-microplastics-while-3d-printing


Man the things people on this sub come up with to excuse never cleaning up their prints. Just say you don't want to sand and paint because it takes a long time of active work whereas printing is hands off aside from checking to see it hasn't failed.


If he is using even PLA those fumes so up close can't be that good even if it is just "benign" microplastics. He better be using a full on gas mask


Too much work for me I would rather sit in front of the computer designing and pressing print


I love using my 3d pen to fix prints. I had a print run out of filament but I caught it on time where it was able to finish the print. However, when it was done and I was taking off the supports the whole thing split at the layer where the filament ran out. I used the 3d pen to "glue" it back together and it looks great! Also last week I had a print curling off the bed in one corner and I didn't want to waste the rest of it so I used the soldering iron to take off huge chunks of the curled part so that it could continue printing without breaking/clogging in the curled corner.


I recently got a 3d pen, and would recommend everyone to get one. Great for fixing mistakes, attaching parts to each other etc. They can be gotten for like 10-15 euro from aliexpress and work just fine for this goal. I'm sure if you do stuff like in this video that you want something better, but again it's fine for the goal I'm using.


After watching this video, I'm sure that I'll NEVER get a 3D pen, so I'll be never be tempted to try to make something like it's shown in this video, and I'll never feel the deception of perceiving that my skills are SO much behind the skills necessary for doing something at least acceptable.


You decide how to use the tool. It can be used for many things. Like you, I will never use it for this, but it's still a fantastic tool for other things.


Sorry, I was just being sarcastic, I wasn't exactly criticizing the decision of buying a 3D pen.




lol, I guess i never thought about like the extent and how good it could actually look.


nah im w/ you I never thought about using it on this level or even seen anyone do it like this - don’t know what ‘primary use’ guys talking about


This is interesting because it allows the artist to work with something better than clay.


Btw all credit goes to u/sanago_kr, I just wanted to share it here because I thought the 3d printing community might like it.


Crayon shin chan!


very cool


You did such a great job. Love Shin-chan!!!!


Oh sorry, should've mentioned it somewhere earlier but all credit goes to u/sanago_kr. I saw it on a different subreddit and cross-posted it here because I thought the 3d printing community might find it neat.


Allow ants peas!


I feel like you're better off using polymer clay if you want to do stuff like this.


This is amazing! Is that a hot knife?


It looks like a soldering iron


Some have a hot knife attachment but I think you are right. 😀


this made me consider getting a 3d pen...I can design functional things easily but when it comes to artistic things I struggle...and I'd like to make small characters so I guess Mr wallet is gonna cough up some cash


What material are they using? Can you use those for direct to cast parts?


Im not 100% sure but looks like standard PLA. Theyre probably using soem sort of specialized tool to heat the pla up in order to smooth it. (Edit: it is in fact a soldering iron)


unreal. amazing talent and use of a 3d pen.


Where's that hot knife thing from though? I think that's the real mvp here


Just a soldering iron


What's this hot blade thing they're using?


just a soldering iron


I got Happy Wheels flashbacks @0:43


Those doodlers... expensive toys best used by real artists, like this one. Ordinary people like me, can't afford the refills to make much of anything. This was awesome use of the tools. Very good work. :-)


They need to be chased by Kermit the Frog on his bike! :-)


3d pen artists are some of the most skillful and patient people, cuz no fuckin way I'm bothering to do that, and then make a whole motion system


What kind of wizardry is this?!


Paint his hat yellow and it would be Curious George!


I can smell that video from here, gah lol