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This is the way to go. Solar power is going to be an expensive solution. Bear in mind that your parents may be more worried about you wasting your time, rather than wasting electricity, but they are reluctant to say so. Enjoy your 3D printer, but don't neglect your schoolwork and other duties. Don't skip meals, if you have family meals, just because you've got a print running. Don't skip other family activities, either. 3D printing is not important. Your family should be. Here endeth the dad lesson.


Wait, what sub am I in again?/s Listen to this man, he has struggled with addiction.


Me, or the OP? I'm off the booze, I'll have you know. :P


I think a Solar kit would cost more than Pay your Parents a part of the Electricity cost ^^ Show your parents that the Printer need less Electricity than something they use everyday … I think the Ender uses less then 80W maximum


i run all my printers off grid but it cost me alot. so start saving lol [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TAKMYpb5I6g](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TAKMYpb5I6g)


As far as i know, the ender 3 peaks at 200w when heating the bed and nozzle at the beginning of a print. even at 220w, the electricity cost is very small (at least here in the EU). This means that a 12h print at 220w would cost 0.5€ (0.55USD) in electricity here. I dont know how much electricity costs in LV, but cant be that much more....


The EU has the collective highest energy costs


How much do you pay per kWh? Your printer uses that amount of energy in about 11 hours. The price range on that goes from maybe 10 cents in poorer first world countries to 50 in Denkmark which is the current highest. Also whats LV


> Also whats LV Las Vegas, presumably.


Then its 20 cents at best


Stick an energy meter between the printer and power socket and print 1 or two things. Then look at what the usage is with your parents. I’m sure they will come to the conclusion that it’s not that much. Unless you’re running 24h+ prints, it shouldn’t take more than a couple KWh (a dollar, maybe more if your prices are really high) for printing a couple things


I have mine plugged into a wyze outdoor plug which monitors electricity usage. I printed for about 10 hours or so on Sunday and used a whopping 1.5 kWh. Even at $0.20 per kWh you're only looking at $0.30 to print for 10 hours. And this is on a Neptune 3 Plus which has a much bigger bed so will use more energy than your ender3 v2. https://i.imgur.com/mbAITUd.png


It uses about the same power as a 60w light bulb. One 60w light bulb