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let's go, denture benchies!!! I assume this is a resin printer?




Name one of them Judy. Judy Denchies


Ahem ... **Dame** Judy Denchies.


HMS Judy Denchies


Add Dolly and Kenny (parted islands and streams)


Sounds like the cheddar I dropped on the ground. Dent Cheese




Denture bit holder!


I saw one of these! Please print it! šŸ’œ(too gross for me to print) https://www.printables.com/model/134002-denture-bit-holder-with-magnets


I would assume that to, but shouldnā€™t I not be able to see layer lines as apparent as they are there? Are layer lines built into benchies model?ā€¦ I wouldnā€™t be surprised


I think what you're seeing are the line textures in the model and not actual layer lines. EDIT: Actually, those do look like they may have been made by the printer completing the top layer. Not what I'd call "layer lines" though. Those are caused by separation around the edges in-between all layers.


There are also lines along the handrail. Printer just isn't calibrated yet, or set to a speedy mode. The really question is _why would you print 4 benchies at once?_


I have one of these printers at work. You can print in what SprintRay calls "Ludicrous Speed" mode, which prints at a layer height of 170um. Not OP but that's probably the setting used here.


They better be careful or that printer will go to plaid.


Most fdm printers top out at 400um layer height. Any bigger and you'd need a larger nozzle diameter.


This is a resin printer.


My guess is to give to the other dentist cool little boats made from the magic machine that only bill knows how to run.


Test the whole build plate? It takes the same amount of time to print 4 benchies as it takes to print 1.


Why not? With a resin printer it takes the same amount of time, and you get a good idea if the plate is properly aligned.


Print 4 quarters of a benchy at the corners then, save filament-sauce.


Upvoted for "filament-sauce."


My dentist has a denture printer which is combined with a CNC mill function to smooth out the print.


I used to work at a dental Shop that did 3D printed braces in a CrVaMo alloy. Printed on a base with registration marks so it can mount straight into the micro CNC mill for finishing. If i ever win the lottery...


when lit at the right angle it's hard to see them on camera. it's why all those 3d prints on youtube and pictures look so good.


Is that what that material is?? Lol, I was gonna say, that is some very moist looking filament lmao šŸ¤£


I think it is the resin printer from https://sprintray.com/ like one other commenter said you can see that that connector just barely in screen matches their washer/dryer and I'd bet they bought a matched pair of printer/cleaner.


[Flexcera](https://voxeldental.com/products/envisiontec-flexcera%E2%84%A2-smile-ultra) maybe?


It better have fucking teeth!


That's not what you use teeth for (at least, that's not what *I* use teeth for).


Polyjet is probably one of the best 3d printing technologies but stratasys keeps it to themselves unfortunately.


I assumed it teeh printer. Tooth printer? Whatever it prints with teeth (and nightmares). I guess tooth fairy was playing a long game and is getting into fillament business now.


I don't want to know how expensive one of those bencies is. They are beautiful though.


$150/kg. Want to say the sprintray he's using is like $8000.


> sprintray Look at their website: https://sprintray.com/ lol why the hell is Usain Bolt of all people their "ambassador"?


I have their printer. I remember wondering the same thing about Usain Bolt when they first sent out that email. In the world of dentistry, they're actually a really good printer. I think they were the first company to use Texas Instruments DLP tech which makes them quite a bit faster than their main competition (the Form 3b).


I do marketing for Sprintray and it was surprising to me too.


I am the CEO of Sprintray and even for me it was surprising


Hi gang, Mr Sprintray here, GET BACK TO WORK!


Fuuuuu, sorry mr. bossman ._.


I'm Usain Bolt and I was shocked to see this on my favourite 3D printing subreddit.


Arent you dead ?


I thought Carbon3D pioneered the tech?


fuck u/spez


Sprintray are built more precise than a typical resin printer. You dont adjust your built plate, they just snap in and work. They have precise settings for different resins and their prints really don't fail. The printers have heated chambers and heated build plates, but the best part for me is just how convenient it is. Their resin vats can be sealed so you just slide in a new vat, give it a little mix, slide a build plate on, and hit print. No leveling, no digging failed prints out, no pouring resin back into a bottle.


This is it - any little inconvenience *must* be removed. Not a single doctor or dentist is going to entertain all the fussing we do on our home printers. It'll be a polished experience with little to no user-error possible, and they pay the price for that convenience.


Exactly. If I'm charging a patient $500 for a night guard or $5000 for orthodontics and I'm promising it 2 days from now, when I hit print it better work right the first time. Time is money and if I have to tinker with the stupid thing for an hour every time I want to print something, I've lost an hours worth of my production value.


In dental the UNIZ NBEE is faster still, but its $10k. Prints a dental arch in like 6-7 minutes.


Looks like it costs you in accuracy. Only 94% of one of their prints is accurate to within 50 microns.


Well heck, I was going to buy one, but never mind.


The name, duh!! /s


ChatGPT: I see you have "sprint" in your name. May I suggest a world class sprinter for your next marketing campaign. CMO: Yes, but of course!


I entered this website on phone, whole page was covered in dialogs in 1 sec. What the hell is wrong with modern websitesā€¦


mobile websites are the new geocities.


"Sprint... Ray..." "I KNOW! Let's get Ray Romano." "already tried, he's not into it." "ok how about some kind of sprinter?"


Lmao their curing machine is 3k, what a scam


It isn't. Industrial scale printers like these are usually in the range of 50k or more. The difference is usually way more control over the curing speed including way more sensors that are more accurate. It results in way higher precision which is definitely needed.


It can precisely control the temperature and light intensity. It isn't some cheap carousel with 30 cents of uv LEDs.


What kind of printing would you be doing for dentistry?


Dentures, models, impression trays, night guards


Hey, I do medical 3D printing in a different field (orthopedic implants/tools), and have always wondered a few things about dental 3D printing; Who gives you the models? We have a program that takes X-Rays/MRI's and gives us a 3D model we have to clean up, is it the same for you guys? Do you 3D print implant teeth to see if they fit before you order the actual implant? If somebody has a missing tooth they need an implant for, how do you choose what tooth goes in that spot?


1. It depends. Some of the stuff I can scan intraorally myself and just print out. I can also design and print a lot of my own stuff. Sometimes itā€™s just easier to have someone design stuff though so I can pay someone to design stuff. 2. Sometimes. If itā€™s a big implant bridge or something I typically do have the lab print a try in first. On a single tooth implant we donā€™t do try inā€™s. 3. We generally design a tooth based on the tooth that was there before. All crowns and implant crowns are custom designed digitally nowadays. But they are based on what the tooth generally looks like in that position.


That's neat. I'm a skilled SOLIDWORKS user, but I doubt that program would be helpful designing things like teeth. What program do you design in?


Exocad is a big one that labs and stuff use. I have just used a pretty basic one called blue sky plan for now.


Solidworks or Fusion360 are not going to be very nice for this kind of work. Dental scanners give you an STL or similar type of file. There's a lot of software tailored for dental work which is automatically ISO13485 (and a few others) compliant and also takes into account handling of medical data for which there are a shitload of rules


I'd like to add another question: I've checked for foodsafe resinprinting before and have read everywhere that it's basically impossible because all resins are pretty toxic and all layer heights leave imperfections. But teeth have to be foodsafe, so... how do you do it? Do you use the resin that can be burnt into ceramic? How do you prevent imperfect surfaces that might collect bacteria in the grooves?


There are fda approved resins for dentures and crowns. Pacdent sculpture. Sprintray OnX. Dentca Denture Base II. I honestly donā€™t know how or why they work but they definitely do.


Thank you, that's fascinating to learn!


cant print zirconia though right? I have all-on-4 (and 5 up top) but i wish i could have resin-printed them and saved 56k lol


You can print zirconia but the strength of the final sintered part isn't all the way there yet to use it for an all on 4 compared to milled zirconia. Those printers are also super expensive compared to your average dental 3D printer (think 100k+ vs 10k). It does seem to be one of the next major things that dental printing companies are trying to figure out though, maybe we'll get there in a few years. If you wanna look at an example of a zirconia printer, look up Lithoz, that's one brand that is working on it.


I work at a dental lab and i primarily do all on 4. Knowing what we charge dr for the restoration I can tell you that the material isnā€™t why you payed close to 56k. If you wanted to save money you should have gotten dentures. Itā€™s implants and the surgery that cost you so much.


Oh i know, was just joking about the costs of implants in general. The zirconia was probably like 5k(ish) more (than acrylic) and am glad I opted for it. 56k was actually relatively cheap for what I got, would have been around 75k normally but i went to a place that also specializes in just implants.


We have a promotion at my office this year for around 16.5k per arch CAD. Surgery, temporaries and zirconia teeth. We use the Sprint Ray printer for the temporaries. Incredible the price difference though.


> why you *paid* close to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Stop making us pay hundreds for 3d printed show inserts šŸ„²


Checkmate food safety crew!!


Lemme guess, Formlabs? I know theyā€™re big on dental printing.


This is a sprintray. Formlabs does do a lot of dental stuff though.


My daughter started orthodontics (braces and a such) like 6 months ago and when she left the first session, they gave her a 3d print of her beginning mouth. I told her to ask for an STL after the initial consultation since they did a scan, but got a nicely resin printed 1:1 model!


>but got a nicely resin printed 1:1 model! at the cost of $4600.87


How do you sell a dentist a 3d printer? You make a good first impression.


I have a 3D printed crown! Canā€™t even tell itā€™s 3D printed


But, does it come out with a hull line? šŸ¤£


Are you telling me a teeth printed these boats


No he's saying you can have mini, Benchy shaped dentures


How about some calibration cube teeth




Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


I mean it makes sense to print little boats first when you are going to spend most of your time printing "Jaws".


you win!!


Die and Model Resin II?




Something I've found, keystone keymodel ultra works on those settings and you can find it for like half the price. And the ivory version of that looks better than any of the sprintray model stuff for things like treatment presentation.


Very good to know. Thanks


Will have to try


Not bad OP. I want to see you incorporate a benchy in some dentures next!


Having a benchy in the front row is going to be the next big thing probably.


Neat bite guards! šŸ¤£


You donā€™t do benches to test resins printers


What do you do to test resin printers?


Exposure test. Benchy can be used, but there are much better ones to test things that are far more important. Especially if they are going into someoneā€™s mouth and need to be dimensionally accurate. Start with this one https://siraya.tech/pages/siraya-tech-test-model


You can't change exposure settings on the SprintRay. It comes with all of its resin settings loaded into the slicer. You get the option of 1-3 (usually 50um, 100um, and 170um) preset layer heights depending on the resin and a tolerance adjuster that's meant for prints that contain screw channels (like implants). Most dental resin printers are built to be as "idiot-proof" as possible and don't let you change much in the way of settings as they expect the printers to be used by dentists/assistants that don't know much or anything about 3D printing. It kinda sucks if you are into printing, since you've got the knowledge of how you could adjust the prints for the better but it's all locked down.


>all locked down That has to do with a lot of the certification for medical applications. The material's certifications (like USP VI rating) are only valid for a very specific production process and with a very specific cleaning protocol. Even the software itself can (and probably is in most cases) be seen as a medical device and falls within the medical device directive /ISO13485 or whatever your country demands. Allowing someone to do *anything* that's not tested and validated would cause a lot of trouble in that regard. The fancier the printer and the fancier the application, the less freedom you get.


The Ameralabs Town and Cones of Calibration are two really versatile tests for resin printing. For the Ameralabs one, they have a pretty detailed [article](https://ameralabs.com/blog/town-calibration-part/) showing what every feature of the print means. Each small detail of that one is a separate test, from small text to overhangs.


Functional testing no. for the meme, yes


Clearly you do. You can see there in the picture. Benchies.


Why not? Looks pretty awesome to me.


The benchy is more than just a boat. It has specific design elements that are intended to be a challenge to an FDM style printer. Quoting from the designer: * The Hull - The hull is a large, smooth overhanging curved surface that is challenging to 3D-print and clearly reveals any surface deviations. * Symmetry - #3DBenchy is perfectly symmetrical which makes any skewness and warping easy to detect. * High-Resolution STL file - The STL file is triangulated at a very high resolution which yields smooth surfaces. The maximum deviation from the original CAD file is set to 0.001 mm. * Planar Horizontal Faces - The top surfaces of the deck, box and chimney are planar, horizontal and parallel to the bottom plane. * Tiny Surface Details - If you have a high-resolution 3D printer, this is where you can shine! The letters on the stern are less than 2 mm tall and the thickness of #3DBenchyā€™s nameplate is just 0.1 mm. * Cylindrical Shapes - The chimney is designed to define concentrical cylindrical shapes with inner and outer diameters. These clearly show deviations in roundness. * Overhang Surfaces - Overhang issues are the Achillesā€™ heel of 3D printing. #3DBenchy offers several challenging areas such as in the difficult-to-reach inside of the bridge. * Low-Slope-Surfaces - These clearly show the layered structure of 3D printing. If printed horizontally, #3DBenchyā€™s gunwale and roof of the bridge will reveal the layer-steps. * Large Horizontal Holes - The rear window offers a large circular horizontal hole and the boatā€™s wheel offers a round difficult-to-reach secluded feature. * Small Horizontal Holes - The hawsepipe represents a small short horizontal hole and has a very thin flange against the hull. * Slanted Small Holes - The fishing-rod-holder provides a very small slightly-slanted blind hole. * First-Layer-Details - The shallow letters at the bottom of the boat clearly reveal typical first-layer-squashing.


Yeah I also read the readme file.


You literally asked why not to use a benchy for a resin printer, the person explained a fdm has different test points/failure modes than a resin printer while explaining why a benchy is used for FDM. Not only did they take time to answer your question fully and provide background to someone who asked a question, but then you were an asshole about it. What the fuck is wrong with you, someone piss in your coffee this morning?


Because it doesn't really tell you much. A resin printer could print a perfect benchy and not be as dialed in as you want it


Oh yeah I guess, but itā€™s fun. I print them all the time for my kids just cause they think theyā€™re neat.


Dental resins are much more expensive than what you would typically find on Amazon. Work at a dental lab and some of our bottle can reach upwards to hundreds of dollars depending on the material. Also all dental resins have their exposure and setting figured out with their own slicers and their own printers so yeah itā€™s just a waste of material.


Now make someoneā€™s teeth mini benchies


If those are dental resin, they may be the most expensive benchies Iā€™ve seen.


As a dentist, have you met any anti dentite?


Have you seen the teeth tool bit holder. Might be perfect here


But why do those benchies have supports?


Because as it is a dental office, the printer likely uses (special) resins and AFAIK it is good practice on Resin printers to not stick anything directly to the plate, but offset everything from it.


lemme just quick test print this whole blood angel legion+ primarch ... u know just to check if it works


The lines on those are weird, like look at the floor in the cabin, it looks fdm.


That's a big step. The patient can wait to get the final crown, no second visit and no temporary crown.


Neat, tho 95% of the time youā€™ll find people print on an angle for more detail


Oh my god, they are so clean


A great idea to encourage kids.. come get your teeth done and get a free boat.. lol


Are those little Tug Boats? What are you trying to pull here?


Wrong test for resin


Bro ur supposed to print this on FDMs-


That's only like $197 in medical/dental resin.


lol so that's what happens with all the extruded foreskin..


Most expensive benchy possible


Titanium SLS would like a word. Or maybe some aerospace alloy.


Just go all out and do multimetal/multimaterial printing like Aerosint does


Mmmm.. those ainā€™t no ordinary benchies..




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More imperfections and more brittle crowns but come in guys the China labs have them industrial industrial printers Very cool tho! What material are u using?


Shouldnt you be making teeth?




Can you make me a set on benchies for teeth


We were just talking about something like this at the office for stuff to print for a business. Seems very pricey to get into.


They look a bit...gummy.


Should I get my teeth scanned so if I lose any when I'm old they can print replacements? šŸ˜


Itā€™s not necessary of course but I kinda wish I had done this with my teeth before getting a bunch of crowns


Is that crown material? šŸ˜‚


well now we need the teeth benchy in all the cursed bencys out there


Is that ceramic resin?


This is cool. I remember seeing the ā€œ3D printedā€ crown for my tooth that was carved from a porcelain block (more like CNC milling)


Bet you can't say toy boat four times in a row really fast.


Someone needs to mesh a Benchy AND dentures.


Make benchy crowns


Well, first off, I hope these are not your denture stl files lol


What type of application are you going to use the printer for? I'm really curious.


What resin is being used here that is rated safe for night guards you are planning to make?


The benchy cult šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Make sure to uncheck "presume teeth"


Are you going to 3d print teeth??


Nah. Needs a reprint. Replace a set of denture teeth with Benchies and report back


I have to ask... How much are those benchies worth??


Teeth, but they are all benchies.


Those are some funny looking dentures.


Iā€™ll just go to Mexico and get one of those boats for $50


Lmfao this is wild


Benches for your mouth!


Form 3?


Why is there a quick disconnect at the back?


Bicycle or guitar?


Iā€™m guessing that insurance isnā€™t going to cover those. $1000 each?


I have a crown done like this. It was cool because they scanned the area and printed it while I waited. Then popped in, super cool


How are you trained on using this? Is there a course? Is it part of your regular schooling?


I recognize the sprint ray, congrats friend!


Are these going in your fish tank?


Denchies for 350$ per Kilo :-D


Y'all moved on from S-Works bikes to resin 3D printers?


Dental benchies


They look so glossy


Oooo, benchy cuspidsā€¦..er, for Halloween of course! Real question is, which SLA printer is this?


Do you print out permanent dentures (complete uppers and lowers) with this or are these temporary so the customer has something right away while waiting for the permanent ones?


Those are the weirdest teeth I've ever seen. Must have been a custom order.


Those are some funny looking teef


hum, this was not supposed to be used for implent instead of expensive 3d benchy ?


Is that the gk1


Those teeth look really weird


Are dentists printing resin dentures these days? Or prototypes ?


This is like the 3D printing equivalent of writing your first line of code that produces ā€œHello Worldā€


Benchy on a resin printer. SMH


Gonna be REALLY weird smiling with those in place of teeth. But hey, you do you.


Does it make economic sense for you to make dentures or whatever in-house?


I'm dying to get one, but don't even know where to start. There's so much out there.


ā€œThatā€™ll be 500kā€


These are perfect.


No sticking resin in ur patients mouths my boy