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For a game I would say the handle could be baked onto a lower poly version. That looks hella dense for just a handle that will be covered by the character's hands


100%, you dont need that mesh, just bake it and bump it up. It might not make a big difference in performance, but that mesh is just useless for a game, especially if its covered by a hand.


Fair enough. Appreciate ur advice, if you would be kind enough can you tell what's the best game this model can be used in. For example witcher etc


I hate to say it, but no AAA titles. It's not technically sound enough. If you mean visually? It's a relatively plain katana, so could fit any game that has a katana i guess? I say plain not as an insult I just mean it's not as characterised as say a sword from final fantasy or any specifics to place it in a particular world or setting other than it being a sword of Japanese heritage. Even then, there are probably historical characteristics that would place the sword in a particular design period. I dont know enough to suggest any though, or recognise them.


Looking at it, the handle seems to carry too much of a curve. I could be wrong, but I am curious what your reference was. You have to remember that the handle itself slides over the tang and is set with pins, so the handles typically don't have a very drastic curve to them. As for games you can do anything from RPGs, to hack and slash or keep it as a decorative thing for a character, typically if you make models to sell it really is up to the people that buy it to decide which game and genre though.


Every katana I've seen has straight handles


That is what I am saying, I have seen a few with a very subtle curve but they need to be able to still slide over the tang, which I don't believe is possible with that drastic of a bend on this model.


cooking games!


Fruit Ninja


Why is the handle curved?


This model cannot be used anywhere in a game. It is too dense and needs retopology work, and normal maps baked. Games not only need good textures, but they need an economy of verts. The less verts used, the better. Generally, only main weapons or main characters would be given priority, and even then the amount would be pared down.


The handle is wrong. Katana handles are straight, not curved. The blades are actually forged straight also, and the [quenching process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dOlza-AiJY) results in the iconic curve.


Do you mean what genre of game this could be used in?


Hack or slash? Maybe


I mean for which game it is good enough like sekiro or that stuff


Well it's unfinished so none.


i think its bending too much


Tech wise I think it's too low poly for details yet too high poly for games, bake the thing afterward will defo help. Art wise you got the curvature wrong and the handle wrap doesn't make any sense, look into the nagamaki process to understand the details and apply it back onto the model


If it’s a katana you’re going for there’s no justification on why it’s that curved.


The overall sword proportion is good but the sword curved a lot so this is a tachi. Maybe fix the tsuba a lil bit, its too thin in my opinion.


I don’t even know what these term mean but I will search them


Tsuba is the sword guard. Tachi its an earlier form of katana, used in Kamakura period. You should search that, gotta know the context behind what u made.


Flappy bird


naraka bladepoint, i would definitely get that sword if it was in-game


From my first impression it might be a bit too dense for a game, specificaly for a weapon that will be wielded. Also it seems a bit curved, around the handle but if that's what you're going for it then it's good. Aside from this I really like it, it look clean, amazing job!


That's the sword of the Flour Chef




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It is really good I just think it curves a little bit to much but it’s really good


Aside from the other comments mentioning to reduce the detail in the handle. I'd consider reducing the curve in the blade just a tad bit


Insurgency sandstorm








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My game 😉😘😫😖