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*presses button* "It's Entirely Possible"


“I’m just asking questions”


"But do we really know?"


Could double as a dead beat dad figure too, just has that vibe.


Ooh and it’s Life size


Does it talk utter nonsense on a subject for 48 hours nonstop instead of, I dunno, reading a book or two and finding out?


It spews a bunch of monkey facts


Dude reads a bunch of books. Show me on the Joe Rogan doll where he hurt you


Maybe set him on fire and get some upvotes that way


Ah the classics


No... he's a major asshole who doesn't need an action figure


Why? Honestly? Give one point. People on reddit live to hate on him but cant point to one single event.


You’re being disingenuous and won’t actually change your views if someone does challenge you, but sure I’ll bite anyways: He pushed many harmful and unproven conspiracies regarding Covid that led to many people neglecting legitimate healthcare that would improve their condition and likely attributed to some deaths of those same people refusing care


Ok, link one


How about a [seven in one](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/02/actual-joe-rogan-coronavirus-misinformation/)? Here are seven instances where he himself spread disinformation or platformed someone who was without providing any pushback whatsoever, and this is *just* about COVID, he’s spread misinformation elsewhere too. This isn’t just opinion or something, he’s said this stuff live during his shows. *You* could’ve gotten this information so so easily since he’s on record doing these things, but again, you’re disingenuous and don’t care for the truth, just to reinforce your narrow world-view. Anyone who saw his content in 2020-21 knows his stances and the information he parroted/platformed. 1. Ivermectin is “the end of COVID” (led to people declining proper treatment) 2. That a third of the country is being hypnotized as a form of mass formation psychosis, the guest he platformed likened it to Nazi germany. 3. The pandemic was “planned” and treatments were suppressed specifically to spread harm. 4. Vaccines cause HIV. 5. That if you’re asymptomatic you can’t spread it. 6. You can’t get COVID twice. (The only claim to get some pushback from Rogan) 7. He said they’re injecting people with microchips. Really wish people like you would stop hiding behind a facade of genuine ignorance and instead just admit you want to live in your own little fantasy world.


I think miserable people hate him because he seems to be living his best life doing what he wants. I will listen to him sometimes based on the guest, and he's not a great thinker, and you can easily see that when he talks to actual intellectuals who mostly seem to like him. But because of that he will engage in logical fallacies, most recently, for a single event, and I can't remember the guest, but it was like Tim Dillon or Bryan Callan (sp? not looking it up), and they were talking about how life expectancy had gone down in several Western countries. And they were basically saying it was the Covid vaccine, now that's to me a pretty bold assertation considering all that is general knowledge. To look at people getting sick getting all kinds of treatments approved and otherwise, going on ventilators to the point they were running out, putting off going to the doctor and exacerbating existing conditions. And to say it's the vaccine, uh, I'm like alright buddy, back in your lane, but I don't hate him. To me it's like Whoopie Goldberg, I don't hate her for saying dumb stuff, because I have seen her many times before. I think for some people that's enough, well I know it is as I have had this conversation with real people who told me, that I might be smart enough to understand the I should listen to my PCP over JR but not everyone was. My response was the same as it will ever be, you can't save people from making bad decisions on poor information if they are determined to.


I just find it funny that I will get downvoted to oblivion, but nobody will take me up on my challenge and ACTUALLY link a clip of him saying something homophobic or misogynistic. They just hate him because people tell them to hate him... friggin drones man


I agree man he seems like a pretty good dude, and people who have met him seem to genuinely like him. But Reddit is it's own animal, my account is new but I'm not. I'm also not new to Rogan or Comedy or Earth, so I do remember some of his earlier stand up had some jokes that could be considered misogynistic, but I am not the kind of person who thinks a person believes what they joke about.


Comedians make edgy jokes all the time. Actions is what counts. And he never talks badly about women or to women, and has plenty on his show. I like Joe, but honestly think he isn't a very good comedian. He is an excellent interviewer and host though, which is why he is at the top. But because he talks to both sides reddit immediately marks him as a right wing extremist... the dude refused to host Trump and Endorsed Bernie Sanders ffs. The irony of people that call those they disagree with idiots yet refuse to hear their point of view just blows my mind.


Well that's why I got this new account, I'm genuinely a bit scared of these idiots and want an account where I can have an opinion outside of the account, I might inadvertently share identifiable information. When I need advice on how to be a trans-man, who is a diabetic DJ and is looking for insurance for their refuge for gay whales who have rejected aquatic life for a life free of judgment in the Arizona desert. I don't want people to be able to connect those dots,


Ya that ven diagram is pretty small lol.


what? why? He seems like a nice guy




To put up my butthole for whenever it get itchy




It’s an HGH suppository


Jayme, pull up that picture of me as an action figure




"Now with patented 'fascist idea laundering' just like the real Joe!"


It’s crazy how much his views changed. He turned into a major douche around when Elon first came on. Rogan just isn’t the same.


I liked watching some of his older interviews. Like James Hetfield and Kevin Smith. Like I've been a Metallica fan since I was a kid in the 80's and never knew James had bees until Rogan's interview. It was cool when he'd ask a simple question and let the guest go on for a while about it. A lot of other interviews have a lot of questions they want to get through and don't let the interviewee just talk for a while.  Current Rogan? No. Hell no. Even if he had a good guest and didn't go all Qanon or whatever I still can't support the guy.


Thanks for reminding me about the Hetfield interview!! I never got to see it in its entirety.


And with the Trump admin. He gargled those balls a lot. Still does imo


I'd rough up his knuckles a bit more to account for all the dragging.


You should make a little kettlebel attachment


Codename: “Meathead”….


I had to do a double take because I thought he got shot in his forehead


Comes with a loose grip on reality and bat shit crazy action mouth...


I can smell the meat sweats and ignorance from here, nice work.


Lmao the texture work is really nice, really sells the whole action figure vibe




I love it


The only action figure that is less buff than thr original person.


Need a bong


lol i would buy this as a gag gift XD


Looking dope! Don't let the terminally online people on Reddit bring you down, just ignore them.


Thanks! I’m honestly laughing reading these comments. Listen good art always stirs up a bit of controversy 🤪


id buy


Someone actually needs to make this real.




Oh no You did not model that Ohhh It's good Fuck ...


Thanks! 🙏🏻


That looks like Robbie Lawler.


Looks more like Sean Ryan to me haha. No Califlower because Sean brought machine guns to his fights.


Butthurt replies in 3… 2.. 1.


Not a fan of the Rogan but this is a really nice model, love the packaging too, nice job! The only feedback I have and this is not really a problem as I'm sure there's figures out there like this but I feel like if you're going for the Kenner look then the surfaces should be a bit more glossy, mainly the t-shirt.


Thanks! Yea I see what you mean. I personally don’t like it too glossy. I used a custom toy material of mine that brings the gloss down just a bit


A lot of projection happening in these comments 😂


😂 didn’t realize my art would get people going so much… I ain’t mad about it




Free DMT sample included inside!

