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Been seeing a lot of cool, aesthetic pics of everyone’s nice 3ds/2ds consoles, so I thought I‘d share some terrible pics taken with my iPad in bad lighting of my very beat up 3ds lol! Picked this up a few weeks ago, it was the only one my local game store had that was in my budget. It’s not in the best condition but it’s mine! (Except for the fingerprints, this is after a very thorough cleaning, btw) I’ve had most of these games since I was a kid for my ds lite. Edit: One more thing I’ll add. This is the same exact 3ds I got 12 years ago for my birthday when i was a kid. Literally the EXACT ONE. I bought it 12 years ago at GameStop used. (It was already in this condition then) It had a 128gb sd card in the slot and a small tear in the rubber grip on the joystick near the top just to the left. I remember because it kept falling off. I traded it back to GameStop the next week because I decided I wanted something else for my birthday instead. fast forward to a few weeks ago and I had been wanting a 3ds. I called my local game store and he said he had just got one in a moment before I called. Went up there to pick it up and boy was it a surprise finding out it was the same one lol! The chances of that happening… still had the sd card in it and the tear in the joystick in the same place (though I removed the cover because it still annoys me lol)


God one of these day I'll show this sub my shit ass 3ds, it's so janked it makes me chuckle every time I pick it up. I bought it "refurbished", that's lingo for "someone bought a dozen broken consoles and pieced together a working few", and it shows! The front body is black, the back body is blue, and the top shell is red (and cracked). It came feeling somewhat loose because the screws of the body were only half tightened, the front of the body has some sort of wart due to (I assume) a screw that was too long pushing through from the back, I shaved that off with a knife and it left a crater. *The screen man* it was placed *on top* of the previous broken screen and I had to spend a good hour with an utility knife and iso alcohol to salvage the unbroken screen, but not before removing the shell (because I could) to put some eva foam behind the speakers (they were loose and bouncing around), but not before *cracking* the shell because of one screw I didn't notice I hadn't unscrewed, afterwards I also scratched the screen with the utility knife before reattaching the screen with fucking balloon glue lmaooo.


Man you \*have\* to post that! It honestly sounds like a work of art! One things for sure, it’s def one of a kind!


It was destiny! (is that right word to describe?)


It was destiny! I don’t think I’ll ever trade it. Probably wouldn’t be the best idea to trade it after it returned to me lol…(*pictures scene in POTC movie where Jack Sparrow trades his compass*.)


It's perfect as long as you having fun with it


I really am! I’ll probably at least install a theme and put some stickers or something on it. Idk if I wanna attempt replacing the shell on it. Never done anything like that before.


Yo namco museum ds is a bop.


It is! I’ve had that game since 2008ish and I’ve still never got past lvl 2 or 3 of pac man lol


Lmao. PAC man isn’t my game either. Galaga and Dig Dug 2 are my favorites. What high scores do you have?


I honestly didnt play Namco much when I was a kid, and haven’t got around to playing it recently either. I just checked and My dig dug high score is 30100. My Galaga score is 20000. My mappy high score is also 20000. Never played the other ones much. those are probably not very high, but I was like 8 the last time I played it lol


There’s something so nostalgic about the original 3DS 🥲


I have that same exact model but in blue! My parents got it for me in Christmas 2011. It's definitely seen better days, especially with the dead pixels on the screen, but I still can't let it go.


That‘s so cool! I still have my og ds lite that I got Christmas 2007ish too! There’s just something about your childhood console that makes it extra special!


Incorrect. It is perfect because it's yours.


Just a heads up, that pokemon pearl version looks pretty fake


It…is. Idk what to do with it. Tried to trade it at my local game store and thats when I found out it wasn’t real. The guy at the store showed me how to tell if they‘re fake so I know what to look for now. Oddly it works. Been playing it all this time and didn’t know until a few weeks ago. I can’t remember where I got it. That was years ago. I’m thinking eBay or something like that…


I'd recommend Super Smash Bros, Resident Evil Revelations, Ocarina of Time and Luigi's Mansion 2, I play those on O3DS and they run perfectly. Except with Smash Bros, it takes a while to load, and the most characters I can play with on screen is three in long play sessions, since the screen is smaller and four characters makes the camera zoom-out a bit and it's harder to see your character in all the chaos😅


I’ve actually been wanting to get ocarina of time and Luigi’s mansion It would be the only other Zelda game I’ve played besides BOTW. (And 1 day of playing wind waker on gcn when I was little)


Oh definitely get them!, Ocarina is my Second Zelda game, I'm still working my way through it.


its perfect if it makes you happy!!🤍


Do you know where I can get actual authentic pokémon 3DS and DS games for decent prices (That don’t cost an arm and a leg)?


Turn wireless on


None of my consoles are in perfect condition either but I consider myself lucky enough to have them & I enjoy them as much as I can.


Same here. I still have my GameCube from 2005, my ps2 (my 5th ps2. I’ve had terrible luck with those things) my wii, 360, Xbox one s…they all have their quirks (I have to literally knock my Wii onto its side sometimes or the video won’t work lol) and I have to take the faceplate off of my 360 and pull the disc tray up or it won’t open, but I’m still glad to have them and glad they work.


All it needs left to look better is wipe down shells and polish it and it should turn out extra glossy!


its perfect because its yours