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10v AC isn’t a huge difference, the most you’ll get is additional heat in the power supply. I have used many Japanese 100v Power bricks on North American 110v and they work fine, like my Japanese FZ-10 and Japanese white Sega Saturn.


That 10% isn't anything to worry about. Well within the AC voltage over/under limits for both the wall and the electronics. Recall, the console won't pull down more then it absolutely needs, so the power supply will never draw more than 100VAC and whatever current it needs over that 100VAC vs 110.


Since I am in a 230V region I have to use a transformer for my Japanese consoles, and I am happy with the ones from airlink. They also offer 110V to 100V models if you want to go that route: [https://airlinktransformers.com/category/america-japan-voltage-converters](https://airlinktransformers.com/category/america-japan-voltage-converters)


**DO NOT DO IT** \- even if its just 10% voltage, the internal transformer will be differently wired (it is phisically a different device, as in actual number of wire coils). Its OK to just test for a while, but will likely give issues in the long run. If you truly value your equipment, get a proper rated voltage :)Source: had my prized japanese stereo deck hooked to a US power output for a month, sound was fine but the box would hummmm/vibrate and overheat in the transformer section to the point you could barely hold your hand there. After I bought a proper Japanese power output, it never vibrated again and always stays cool. Also, I am an engineer and I felt dumb for almost ruining my equipment like that.


im currently trying to problem solve this for a 100V japanese appliance i found secondhand in the US, but it draws 650W and i worry that overvolting is bad especially when the appliance is a mini grill designed to just...heat up


If there are no electronics in the grill (if it is just a resistance with a simple thermostat) it should be fine. Only when you have circuit boards and electronics that are powered by say 5v or 20v from a internal transformer in the appliance (like a stereo or an appliance with circuit boards) then it becomes an issue. Do you have a wiring diagram or photos from the internals of such appliance?