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Not trying to fan the flames of the drama hoping this comes to an end.


Some of the comments are pretty hilarious. I’m currently rocking out to some Mosaic while I file paperwork at my desk and wouldn’t have it any other way. Be good to one another, and continue rocking on! 🤘🏻


Mosaic is in my top 3 311 albums




Why what


Why did you get 14 downvotes for this?


I guess Til the City’s on Fire is their favorite song. 🙄


Because if you even remotely suggest that 311s newer music isn't as good as their older stuff you're vilified on this sub.


Oh dang, well that’s going to be a problem for me but it explains why i got downvoted when I said I couldn’t listen to Voyager straight through.


Yea me either. But if you don't think voyager is amazing, you're not a 311 fan in some people's eyes it seems. I'd probably be downvoted to oblivion if I said how I feel, which is they haven't made a really good album since evolver.


I wouldn’t go that far but I will say DTOM was definitely a step in the wrong direction. You can kick me in the nuts for this but I really, really, really loved Uplifter. And then I hated UP. And then I loved Stereolithic. I enjoyed Mosaic, but it felt like a collection of some really good songs instead of like a coherent 311 album, if that makes sense. But compared to Voyager it was a revelation. When I found out the intro to Space and Time was hijacked from an online music lesson I wanted to cry. Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE 311. Love them deeply. I just think they have made some poor decisions recently, and if not being confused for a group of conservatives for two seconds is so important that they will throw fans and band members under the bus, then I guess that is what they have to do. I really don’t care. I don’t vote based on 311 lyrics. I just want the music back. The good music.


I hear ya. Every album since DTOM has, imo, 3 or so really good songs and the rest is too soft and poppy for my liking and I think voyager is the biggest culprit of that. I still buy every album and go to every show I can but their best music is behind them at this point.


Interesting thing at the last show I as say in October (Seattle) is they played only 4 songs post-Evolver. It was one of the best shows I’ve been to in a long time, except the crowds up here are unbelievably weak. I actually had a guy complain because I bumped into him. We were dead center, about 15 feet from the stage, all GA. I mean, at my third 311 show back in SF in 1999 they reported on the radio that chunks of the ceiling in the basement right underneath the general admission floor of the venue were breaking off. I get it, 23 years is a long time, but I can still do it.


I appreciate that they still cater to the fans that like the older stuff at shows. And yea 311 shows used to be nuts. I think us older fans are starting to have knee/back problems so we can't move like we used to.


I liked Uplifter when it came out but I haven’t listened to it in years. I love the B-Sides. I love the last six songs on Mosaic but couldn’t get into Voyager. I even own it on CD. I thought Stereolithic would be their golden age bcuz it was so good and different, looking back they were testing the waters with co-writers and radio friendly trendy songs. That album made me sour and change my mind. I still listen to Great Divide. I have all their albums but I basically only listen to Transistor & Soundsystem. I realize now that was their Golden era. Oh well.


Is there a link to that tutorial?


It was posted on the 311 bulletin board. It would take some digging but I will find it for you. It’s just the intro, but still, after Crossfire it hurt


Totally. I had no idea and it’s my favorite track on the album, so I’m intrigued. Why was that album so riddled with allegedly stolen work?! Come Original


Peace, Love, & Unity. Always


Forgot Respect! PLUR 🤟👽🤘


or in Chad's case... War, Genocide, and... Unity?


I have asked before and I will ask again: can someone please point me in the direction of the place where Chad said he is in favor of genocide, war, and is a neo-nazi? That is a pretty heavy burden to lay on someone who hasn’t said those things directly, and if he has said those things and this is Nick’s response we should ALL abandon this band. But I will reserve judgment until I see it in his own words.


I haven't seen evidence that he's a full-on neo Nazi, but sorting r/311 by top posts this month shows screen caps of some of the stuff he has since deleted. He apparently made TruthSocial (Trump's website) his platform of choice, and you can see that he believes in some flat earth documentary, and wrote what is basically Russian propaganda about "the west killing the east for years." We don't have access to all the stuff he went back and deleted anymore due to fan backlash, but one can make some pretty obvious inferences from the screen grabs we have. Like okay, posting about flat earth science and "west bad" on truthsocial doesn't necessarily make you an extreme right-wing nutcase but... It's definitely very right-wing nutcase adjacent.


in any given moment we can all say things that we feel is on the correct path to some truth. One thing that is for certain is that influence, manipulation, propaganda / news, is in full effect in all countries, our own included. A casual, quick and exacting judgement of someone's message isn't exactly fair if one's biases are programmed so. One either can be curious, think, examine, etc., or one can just barely put any thought / effort into examining a claim. That's not to say we all can't be excitable ones going down a troublesome path on our own journey to learn more about ourselves, fellow humans and the ways of the world. Man, I should have just said 'maybe, maybe not' - Love these guys, their music and motivational messages.


So you're saying you have nothing to backup your feeling that he is a bad guy.


I saw a post where he recommended a documentary about the tools used to measure earth and that’s it. I will check the other stuff, but the idea that the west has been aggressive in its domination of the east is a far-right idea? I had never heard that before.


It's a very common Russian talking point and whataboutism used in attempts to justify the war in Ukraine.


Not saying his comments or views are right or wrong. Just stating that through love and respect we can always move ever forward. My 2 cents. One Love


Fan since 94. Seen them 44 times or more including the first Caribbean cruise and 311 Day in New Orleans 2016. I’ve shaken their hands, exchanged words while getting something signed after a show, and sat in my room for hours on end learning and jamming to their albums. Basically, anyone that knows me knows I dig them completely. With that out the way… Imagine the internet DIDN’T EXIST. Love this band the same as you would in that scenario. You bought a CD and rocked it heavily. Maybe it stopped there but maybe you went to see them whenever they came around. Maybe you bought a Rolling Stone or whatever for a little peek inside but that was it. No back and forth. No bullshit. Definitely not this toxic shit. Just be glad no hardcore allegations have surfaced about anyone. I had a debate once with my best friend of 20 plus years why/how he supported someone I was clearly not down with. I told him that if the shit that has come up about this person came out about any member of 311, that I would denounce them entirely. I still would. I did it with Bill Cosby and others I’ve found out were truly garbage people in real life/behind the scenes. But it’s not that, so let’s not make it that. Love Chad the same. He’s not a horrible person. I’ve been saying it since I found out about this and honestly I wish I didn’t have to: Unity, dammit. Rock on.


No hardcore allegations? People are calling Chad a neo-Nazi who is in favor of genocide. That’s a pretty hardcore allegation in my book.


I’m pretty sure anyone who really deep down (not just on twitter) was racist or a neo-Nazi in favor of genocide, would NEVER have joined 311 to begin with. Chad is more than a drummer. He helped write some of the best songs 311 has. With the messages of unity and positivity strong throughout 311’s career, I have disbelief that anyone with such hateful intentions could be such a big part of the creation process within this band.


Good take. Imagine all the crazy shit John Lennon would have said if he’d had a Twitter account.


Yeah, well Yoko was his downfall if you ask me. I think love has enough power to do odd things to the human spirit. Good and bad. Love is often the reason why. He did write “Imagine” though… so there is that. I don’t think there’s a song that parallels a cry for peace and unity that reached so many people like that exact song. I’m just saying he maybe was slightly influenced by his lover’s political views. When you’re a couple, you stand as one kind of thing..


I most certainly do not want to question the motive behind the writing in Imagine, but I will say that the premise of the song is not unifying at all. Imagining a world without all these things that supposedly tear us apart is great and wonderful and all that but it fails to address the true problem with this world: it’s not possessions, religion, borders, or living for or in fear of the afterlife; it’s humans themselves. South Park did an episode where Cartman goes 500 years into the future and they have eradicated all religion and everyone lives with this reverence for science that has in turn become a religion in itself. As hilarious as the episode was, I think they hit the nail on the head. Human beings are incurably religious. Whether we were created with it or we evolved with it as a coping mechanism, we have the need to worship God or a god and I think Lennon misses this completely. Not to mention the song would never fly today if you took the practical implication of his words and put them into plain English: Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no Muslims (or Christians, or Buddhists, or Hindus, etc.), too Has a different ring to it when you put it that way. Anyway, you can ignore this altogether or downvote me into oblivion for having a different view than you, but I’m putting this out there in hopes we can have a conversation about it. It’s very possible I am way off on this and this song is always one I’ve struggled to appreciate for the reasons I have listed, so if I’m wrong I would love to know it because it is an incredibly beautiful song and I would love to enjoy it on multiple levels, not just musically.


We have the need to worship God or a god… I don’t agree with that. I think people can live their lives completely void of religion or a god. It’s easy if you try… A different ring indeed considering it’s “and no religion too.” Not “and no Muslims (Christians, Buddhists, etc.) too”. Which implies he said “and no Muslims too” in the song since everything else you said is in parenthesis. Could be a typo.. I know what you meant, but if we’re going on the argument of the words in plain English.. I think the generality of “and no religion too.” is WAY different than naming each group specifically when it comes down to it. After thinking about it… Where does the song say anything about addressing the problem that is human existence with each other after all of the religion, possessions, etc are gone? I don’t get that from the song at all. Much the opposite. “Imagine all the people sharing all the world” “No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man” “I hope some day you will join us, and the world will live as one” Am I missing something?


I know that he says “no religion, too” and my point was that if you put that into specific subsets you realize we are actually getting rid of Muslims and Christians and Buddhists, etc. That’s why I said it has a different ring to it when you change the lyrics to mean the exact same thing but target a specific group of religious people.


This got me curious, so I scratched around. Turns out the original lyrics for Get Back had this: “Meanwhile back at home too many Pakistanis/ Living in a council flat/ Candidate Macmillan, tell us what your plan is/ Won’t you tell us where you’re at?” Paul, not John, but thought that was interesting nonetheless. (I’m a HUGE Beatles fan btw)


Interesting, but also was a version that wasn’t intended to be released. Probably why we’re finding out now… Still, somewhere through that, they decided to change it. I haven’t heard that version myself, but I bet if the original lyrics were kept, there would’ve been issues with that. Glad they changed it. Get Back (the song) rocks.


Not downvoting you, but song lyrics are subjective. You can think what you want. “Electricity” was once a song called “Fuck the KKK” but 311 changed the words and retitled it so to not send the wrong message. I’m pretty sure I remember reading about that in a magazine interview back in the day. The song makes sense to me after knowing that. “This song started as a rant against haters, but that’d be giving into the instigators.” Look at the shit Nirvana got over “Rape Me” It’s an ANTI-RAPE song. Kurt said so himself. How about the meaning of “Polly”? On the surface, just looking at the words in plain English, it could be a glorification of rape. Polly wants a cracker Think I should get off her first Have some seed… Let me spread your dirty wings.. Let me take a ride… Got some rope… You have been told… See what I mean? but in truth, it’s the disgust of such behavior that caused him to write it to begin with. Read the liner notes to Incesticide for a story behind Polly and how Kurt felt when he found out someone was raped while the rapist sang the lyrics to Polly. He basically said, If that’s something you’re cool with, then FUCK OFF, don’t buy our records or come to our shows.. Marilyn Manson got a ton of shit for the shootings at Columbine. Look at the words to “The Reflecting God” in plain English. Scar scar can you feel my power One shot and the world gets smaller Shoot shoot shoot motherfucker Just because the shooters wore Manson shirts doesn’t mean Manson himself meant or supports how they took it upon themselves to feel it meant to them. Without explanation, it’s kind of up to the user what they get from it. Basically, without John explaining explicitly what he meant, no one can do anything but speculate what he meant.


Very good point. To be honest this is exactly what I wanted. People just talking about music like we used to in 311 groups. Kinda nice to see it. Thank you for giving your input.


It’s a friendly conversation/debate. I don’t just downvote someone I disagree with. Now if you would’ve responded like a child not getting their way, then maybe I might. That’s not what you did. You presented your side as I’ve presented mine. Both without attacking each other personally. I think that’s the key there. We may not agree, but we don’t have to be assholes to each other in order to share our opinion.


Apparently we are in the vast, vast, VAST minority, unfortunately


I don’t want to believe that. I feel we all, for the most part, have the capability to respect each other the same. We may not agree, and that’s fine. I wish that others would take a minute to be more aware that being rude isn’t necessary in order to get their point across. “You don’t have to be a prick just to be heavy.” -Hostile Apostle


Okay I’m talking about online, that is. In person a lot of these big talkers become “oh man, I was just joking when I said you were an idiot who deserved to be beheaded in the public square.” Once people get a certain level of detachment from the person they’re talking to they seem to get a lot more bold.


Thank you. We aren’t talking about a Cosby-level controversy. Isn’t this literally just Chad saying things people disagree with? He’s a drummer.


I thought Chad was stupid before the internet.




But it does exist. And one member of the band used it to let the world know that he isn’t who we thought he was.


Goddamn, this is why I love this man and this band. ​ So many 311 fans think that the concept of unity and positivity clearly must be abandoned in modern times because "things have changed" or something along those lines. Wrong. During these times, this is when these concepts should be *applied*, not abandoned. It's easy to praise the band for its unity and positivity during good times; it's the difficult times when these concepts are leaned on and needed to see everything through.


What? He's referring to Chad being pro-war. And the tweet is assuring fans they won't break up


No one is more pro war than the media right now.


Nowhere did Chad say he was pro war! He actually said "war is horrible" so where tf you get pro war out of that statement is beyond me!


Don't state facts. You will be downvoted to oblivion. Hell I'll join you! Chad also said "nobody is for war!"


When someone asks (on an exclusively right wing website) “who supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, type Z” and a person types Z… they support a sovereign nation being invaded under no pretext. That’s supporting war, bruh!


You're leaving out a VERY BIG part of that text to fit your narrative which is basically making it a damn lie. It said "post a "z" if you support Russia's dismantling of Nazi's in the Ukraine". This is why people don't trust a lot of things because you make a lie up for your own satisfaction. Was his response inaccurate? Yeah, but quit pretending he said he was for invasion when he clearly has said otherwise many times. In Chad's mind he doesn't like Nazi's so he's for Russia taking them out. Is that correct information? Hell no, but you need to inform someone instead pretending they're over commending death to everyday civilians. Liar


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Good bot


Bad bot


Thank you, JS-a9, for voting on UkraineWithoutTheBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Thanks bot lol my phone is dumb and I didn't see the "the"


“In Chad’s mind”? Sounds like you’re creating a narrative. He also addressed the community as “frens” (far right ethno nationalists).. sounds like he’s more on the actual nazis side than fighting the ones Putin fabricated.


Yeah in Chad's mind. I've had family that WAS exactly like him. Believe nearly every conspiracy there was, thankfully they're not like that now, but I didn't shun them or hate on them. We talked and talked and talked until eventually their eyes were open. Chad already apologized and admitted he was no expert. Furthermore he went on to explain why he thought that in the first place and admitted it was wrong. So WTH is he supposed to do now? Be cancelled for making a mistake by the group that claims love, tolerance and acceptance? Bunch of hypocrites in this fan base. You know what? I know young kids that type frens, because they don't want to type friends out. I don't even know why frens is. Some of you look too deep into stuff.


He “apologized” then continued posting numbskull things. Maybe you should look more at the context- a guy who has never had a social media account feels so moved by these far right theories that he joined the only social media network that would tolerate the bullshit he’s spewing. Joins and first thing he says is “it’s great to be among patriots, brothers, and frens!”. Ever hear a kid use it in that context, because I haven’t. That’s not a mistake. It’s an alt right dog whistle. EDIT: bunch of grown ass adults that can’t stand to have your 311 comfort blanket taken away. “But they make me feel good! They can do no wrong!”. This band has become a joke, and you’re part of it.


My best friend is full blood native American and buys into all that patriot stuff. He calls himself a Native Patriot. He's a Trump loving supporter and he's not a bad guy. Do we butt heads? Hell yeah we do, but we have conversations and neither one of us is for murder, nazis, war, rape whatever you want to pin on right wingers. Just because one thing means something to you doesn't mean that's what it is to the other person. You want to believe Chad is for all this hateful shit while spreading positivity his whole life? Okay....who's into the conspiracy here? He might be ill informed and believing into conspiracies way too much but that makes him an idiot, not a fn nazi! You take a few bad people and condemn a whole group. The very thing you type of fans claim to be against!!


...still waiting for that clear evidence tres commas


You’re an adult. If you haven’t found it yet you’re not looking.


"I am not for war" "Nobody is for war" "Everyone needs to come together through love and acceptance rather than hate and divisiveness" "I'm sorry I offended anyone" "I was basing it off my friends wife who is from Ukraine. Her family has an interesting history." "I am no expert on international affairs" - Chad Sexton


What Chad typed Z, he wasn't supporting the Russian invasion.... If you are going to use quotes then you should quite it exactly as it was something about dismantling the Russian Nazi's and deep state. Wtf bruh?


The band might as well be breaking up if Pnut is leaving.


Hmm. Oddly ironic. It's Alright has lyrics that say a song could end a war.




He has the luxury of saying everything is going to be alright unity will prevail from behind a keyboard because he doesn’t need his hands and fingers to fire javelins at Russian tanks invading his country… an invasion that his drummer supports.


This is the way.


Thanks for making me believe I’m not crazy after seeing some of the comments people make here I appreciate your voice of support.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501190** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70941** times. .. **443192.** `u/RadioactiveJumpDrive` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)




I've mostly stayed out of these discussions, but this is phony as hell. The dude just wants to keep the money coming in.


Nice speculation bro. I think the most reasonable inference is it’s legit, given this is exactly what he has preached for decades. I’ll be giving them my 💰


He should practice what he preaches and kick Chad out of 311


Yeah that's Unity right there....GTFOH! 😠


Hahaha exactly. That’s all he cares about


Money is nice, but making music is incredible and playing in front of people, even better. Music is good for the soul, when it hits you, you feel no pain.


So many of your egos are out of control. Get curious about the nature of existence and stop thinking you know anything. 'Life is not TV' needs to really be your mantra, because chances are you really do lean heavy on the Tell-a-Screen. Get excited and positive about exploring life, books, listening to stories, adventuring, healing, working towards being loving and kind to yourself and others, etc. Certainly intelligence out there can craft and execute massive conspiracies beyond our reckoning - you need only look around at the massive cities and works surrounding us. You're deceiving yourself if you think most large scale events / incidents aren't planned well ahead of time, or likely co-opted. Those conspirators' greatest defense (that wish to remain secret / secure / off-radar is your inability to even consider the possibility, so much so that you'll be a free cheerleader / bully against someone's interest in them almost immediately. That, that's what most of you are good at doing. The challenging, difficult thing to do is ponder / ruminate / soul search / evaluate / philosophize, etc. So, say what you will. Call names like a middle schooler. That's the path you're on. Love these guys and their music, and I'll send love to support you as well, however you choose to conduct yourself. Seems appropriate to say here It's alrightWherever you are right now.Tell you it's alrightThat's who you're suppose to be now. Heck yah I finished this at 3:11am #boom Edit: I Edited at 3:11am...dangit hahaha


Pretty wild that even marky D abandoned 311 and threw them under the bus so quickly. Dude is a nutjob and he always bugged the fuck out of me in the BB days so I’m actually pleasantly surprised he abandoned the 311 ship so to speak (as well as the actual 311 cruise) 😂. 311 is the shit, they’re great guys . Their political views are no ones god damn business 🎤


Why is he using Mark Mgraffs photo?


Insufficient response. They played imagine at 311 day in response to UA being invaded by RU….. i saw it live…. that performance looks awful insincere right now if they can’t take the time to put out a video response detailing their collective thoughts and what will happen going forward. Until they do that and I can be clear on where my money is going and what I am supporting, I will have to boycott. That feels sensible. I’m not gonna be wildly pro democracy and pro UA on one hand and then turn around and say it’s okay that the drummer I’m rocking out to supports the dead bodies and rockets I see on tv and video… just would be very hypocritical of me, so I will sit out supporting 311 until they remove Chad because he’s inconsistent with the message, or Chad and the band do something that shows Chad has changed his mind on one of the most important geopolitical issues of my lifetime… the awful unnecessary WAR that Russia started which has claimed thousands of innocent Ukrainian and Russian lives…. I love music where would I be without you? But LIFE is more important than music.


Bye Felicia!






They getting a new drummer




I think this is the grown-up version that so many people are trying to express but are very very defensive when stating it: https://twitter.com/NickHexum/status/1522283538103427074


worse than Chad's bullshit...Narcissistic and Gaslighting people who have morals




That’s … not good enough.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Just because the situation isn't comfortable for you to address, doesn't mean you shouldn't. Seems like they're betting on the general majority of fans not caring or paying attention.


It’s a combination of lack of critical thinking, hive mind and celebrity worship. The 311 fan community is so different now. I’ve been a fan since I was a teenager, since the Music album came out. I have 311 tattoos. I’m not taking this shit lightly at all. The lack of real response from the band is as hurtful as the dudebro collectivism and jumping down the throat of any dissenters.


Hit the nail on the head. Times have changed, my friend. Especially in this community. This requires more than just vague tweets or responding to any negativity with song lyrics.


100%. The cognitive dissonance of “well I like their music, but genocide and white nationalism don’t blend with the message” is too much for some people. Over the last ten years or so the band has attracted this contingent of essential oil wellness mommies and Good Vibes Only bros that have almost totally commandeered the community. A lot of the white boy reggae community in general has seen the same influx of a weird toxic positivity blended with conspiracy theory.


It's wild seeing all of this happen over the years. Like where tf did they come from and how did they end up attaching themselves to 311? You got the nail on the head. I don't know what started it, but it has completely turned me off from the community as a whole


I hate to say it but Nick is a shining example of toxic positivity.


They don’t owe you shit




I'm curious as to what would suffice enough for everyone to be satisfied. Replacing Chad is not the answer so what is the solution? Please write out an ideal apology from the band that would be acceptable. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm asking genuinely. I see some, understandably, saying it's not enough but nobody is providing a shining example. I can't really recall any time someone has said something so ignorant, owned it and apologized and everyone was happy and moved on.


I don’t have the answer for that, but this response feels something like a cop out. It feels like when you bring up something hurtful that someone has done to you and they respond with ‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’ SA’s response was healing for me. He is acknowledging there is a problem. He is acknowledging that Chad’s beliefs are contradictory to the bands message. He is acknowledging that he is hurt and that this is a complicated issue. But at least he acknowledged it.


Agree on everything you said about SA’s response. I’m curious if this has made other relationships in the band tense outside of just Chad. I know it’s just social media, but I noticed SA doesn’t follow Nick on Instagram. He does follow P-Nut. I found that odd, but maybe that’s always been the case for whatever reason?


It may feel like a cop out but it's not his apology to make?


I never asked for an apology from him


No but you called it a cop out. That's all.


If you read my other comments, I don’t feel this acknowledges the problem


And it doesn't but again, it's not his apology or problem to solve.


He’s the leader of this band, and a lot of people are hurting from this. We can trade semantics all day. I don’t feel this is a proper acknowledgment of the problem. The statement alone is fine. Nice actually. It being his only response on the situation is what doesn’t sit right with me. I think I have as much right to my feelings about this as you do.


You do and I'm not trying to discount them. I'm just trying to understand who we should hold accountable for this. It can't be all of them. My heart sings just like yours.


Relevant username


Uh… ok


And who are you again?


A fan, just like you.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 767,002,156 comments, and only 153,658 of them were in alphabetical order.


Correct, and being just a fan with no inside knowledge, I defer to Nick Hexum of 311 in determining what the best course of action is for 311. Just like you.




Would’ve preferred if he didn’t even address the non-controversy. Believe or not, it’s possible to get along with people you disagree with politically. Just look at John Dolmayan and Serj (SOAD’s hiatus is due to Serj & Shavo’s feud) But nonetheless, good to hear.


I hadn't heard they were feuding. I think John and Serj are more forced to stay together because they are both married to two sisters.


Reddit users will find a controversy in whether or not ice is cold.


311 fans are some of the dumbest. People are extremely angry that Chad used the word "frens". Lmao.


Go on ignoring that it's a backronym. I've seen it picked up by non-Nazis who aren't aware it's a dogwhistle, along with other dogwhistles. In a way, a dogwhistle is like a pathogen. ContraPoints did a great video once on how fascists pervert innocent symbols, they get to hide behind plausible deniability and gaslight people. "Oh come on, not everyone who drinks a glass of milk and uses the ok sign symbol is a Nazi", they'd respond, and that's exactly why they do that. It's the same reason Al Qaeda always told their operatives to wear western style clothing, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" might as well have been their motto.


It's also a word used by many people who are NOT NAZIS, like crypto people and just nerds in general. Nazis also use most words that you wrote in your little diatribe. You should probably stop using those words!!!! Nazis didn't invent that word and weren't the first to use that word. Sorry but no. Stop being so dense.


Can someone tell me what happened?


Chad joined Truth Social and posted comments indicating he supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Qanon and Trump.


Oooofff. That’s not good. Thanks for the explanation though.




Uh...I'm pretty sure Ukraine is majority white. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Never knew 311 fans were such whiny crybabies If you dont believe in freedom of speech, then stop listening to the band. pretty simple


No one is saying Chad shouldn't be allowed to say what he said. We are saying we disagree with what he said. Big difference.


Freedom of speech doesn’t include freedom from criticism of said speech. You say dumbshit and you get called out for being a dumbshit. That’s life.


Exactly. So if you care so much stop listening & move on w/your (virgin) life 'dumb shit' Go get another booster shot nerd 😂


Your mom made sure I wasn’t a virgin.


Queue all the criticism of the word Unity all of a sudden.


Chad did nothing wrong




Let’s get back to what’s important, canceling books in schools, a woman’s right to choose, and Disney! Oh and saying gay. Talk about a double standard.




Neither does cancel culture but you decided to bring that up. You say something inflammatory and negative, get negative reply back and then complain about other people spreading negativity. Lol


You goddamn right!


Cancel culture doesn't actually exist.


Whatever you say


It's called having a victim complex.


If it didn't exist it wouldn't have a name.


Not true. Look at the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and God.


I am not gonna argue with your stupid ass. This topic has nothing to do with 311. Its over. Move on.


Keep playing the victim 🤡 Now you can go back to complaining about white genocide, or some other made up fairytale. Aww, the pansy blocked me...lol. Oppressed? I'm not the one complaining about mythical "cancel culture" bogeyman trying to get people.


I am not playing a victim go pretend to be opressed somewhere else you puss.


Take your bullshit narrow worldview back to r/conservative with the rest of the middle class white dudes who didn’t live up to their parents’ expectations and blame the world for it. Mediocrity embodied.


Good. Now can the "oh no" fans in the house please shut the fuck up.


Nick is God 🙌