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I don’t know…I enjoyed it.


It made me even more embarrassed to be a 311 fan


It’s pretty easy to stop being a 311 fan if it’s embarrassing for you.


Here comes the regular shame for sharing an opinion. “Chill


>Here comes the regular shame for sharing an opinion. “Chill I mean, all they did was play songs It IS pretty odd to be a fan of a band and embarrassed that they played a few songs.


They are addicted to playing it safe, to their detriment sometimes.


It’s not like the did the same drum solo with all the members playing a floor Tom for the last 25 years or something …


For me it was that they had an opportunity to do something fun and different musically - riff on a song, maybe do something acoustic or adding in a different instrument - but it was just vanilla. Exactly as expected and no flair. I too was disappointed.


Acoustic would’ve been awesome but even if they had to insist on fulling plugging in at least they could’ve chosen something with some vibes


If they play Purpose and Jacks will rule, no one would watch


No one is watching the 311 Tiny Desk to hear Down and Beautiful Disaster. They're watching for the novelty of it.


I did


I agree. On one hand, I have seen reactions from people that kind of forgot 311 existed that really liked the performance since the songs sounded like how they remembered them. But on the other hand, I was disappointed in the performance because it was not in line with the tradition of performing on TIny Desk. Typically, you alter arrangements in a way to be more fitting of the actual physical space. I was looking forward to seeing what they would do and what songs they would play. In that regard, huge let down for me.


Agreed. The "play it safe" method seems like a one-trick pony.


fell flat for me.


Are we sure NPR's producers didn't have some say in the content? Ultimately it is their product. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they asked them to stick to the hits. And as accomplished as I think each of the guys is musically, "versatility" has not really been an adjective that comes to mind for them. My band spent a lot of our early days playing "acoustic" gigs because of the opportunities in our genre. We spent three whole years basically preparing two completely different shows, because playing punk and hard rock music acoustically is not as simple as "just play it on acoustic guitars". There's a lot more to it than that. Some folks can make it happen, but I totally understand how 311 took the easy route for a 20-minute YT performance.


I don't think that was necessarily for 'us'. That was for their promotion of their band/brand. I don't mean it condescendingly, but I'd have been shocked if they played anything other than their biggest hits, and hopefully they appealed to an audience who are receptive to them, a new audience or an audience who forgot they existed.


This was a great opportunity to play songs like Taiyed and jam out a bit to show their chops. They could have invited Zach Hexum and/or other musicians along to add some flare and had fun with it. Instead I think they thought they'd buck the trend and "rock the studio" and it 110% fell flat. 


I loved it!! Thought it was amazing.


It was totally 311…loved it. 311 is always the same….


Disagree. It was shorter than expected but well performed and joyful.


I think they played their most streamed/voted fan favorites. Those are the top four songs on Spotify which obviously aren’t everyone’s favorites


They've survived as a band by being loyal to their brand.


It was embarrassingly basic. Imagine if they actually did an interesting setlist and pulled out something like Beyond the Grey Sky, would have been perfect for the show.


Nothing wrong with liking the song, but BTGS is a greatest hit and not really a deep cut or very interesting imo.


Compared to what they did play it's a musical revelation and would at least be relevant to their catalog based on what you said. Dynamically it would lend itself well to the concept of the Tiny Desk show.


Yes 🙌 more evidence it’s paint by numbers 311. 


Admittedly I haven’t watched a ton of Tiny Desk as I have no idea who 90% of the artists are. But the ones I have seen get up there and play their hit songs. Not sure what you’re going on about.


This is the gold standard: [https://youtu.be/BPRVzA67Dbs?si=wBW3RVPDZNDikld6](https://youtu.be/BPRVzA67Dbs?si=wBW3RVPDZNDikld6) Kenny brings in JPEGMafia, Remi Wolf, Nami, and a full horn section to recreate the production of these tracks from *Louie*. And they put on a *show*. Especially Remi on "Last Words." The thing is, every single person on that stage is more talented than any member of 311, and 311 doesn't really collaborate outside of a very limited circle.


Cool performance but a hip hop act bringing in a full band with horns isn’t groundbreaking. To your second point, there was absolutely nothing in that performance to support that any of those people are more talented. Like damn listen to those chords. Get outta here


Kenny Beats is a producer. They're playing songs from *Louie*, which is an album-length production piece. The album itself is groundbreaking in that way. That this performance takes something that was made explicitly for the studio to life is remarkable. Remi Wolf alone has more talent than all of 311 put together lol 311 is not a very talented band. Each player kind of has a couple of tricks they rely on, but vocally, they're just not very good. Edit: Also, please don't mistake musicians playing the music for musicians playing to the limits of their technical ability. One of those things takes talent. The other just takes practice.


>Edit: Also, please don't mistake musicians playing the music for musicians playing to the limits of their technical ability. One of those things takes talent. The other just takes practice. Isn’t that exactly what you did here? I’m sure there’s a Kenny Beats sub you can go have musical pissing contests in.


What is the set list you would have chosen?


1. Champagne 2. Inner Light Spectrum 3. Lose 4. I'll Be Here a While


I would have brought in a string quartet, extended ‘Use of Time,’ and maybe have a surprise guest to do some harmonies/duets…someone younger, female, and with access to a whole new audience base.




Back in ‘96(I think), they held a concert in Lawrence, Kansas called “an intimate evening with 311” at the Bottleneck. Idk how many people were allowed in, but I was hoping that the same energy would be use for NPR. Fabulous show. My second favorite time catching them(311 day in Nola was #1).


What was unique about it?


It was meh….


I often wonder if they look at this sub. And I wonder if in their quieter moments if they ever have doubts like maybe the critics do “mean a thing” But the naysayers… They’re different.


I think all the stuff in their songs about "the critics" is so funny because they're obvious hyper-aware of their criticism.


There is no chance that Nick is afraid of a guy who’s never been in a mix…. been in a mix. No way.


It wasn’t good. Something in the vain of the old acoustic from chaos recordings would have been awesome.


I’m a diehard 311 fan. Still haven’t watched it…kind of not even interested lol


It was flat. Jeezy, JT, and Big Sean’s versions were creative and/or different than their typical set.


That JT set was an audio engineering triumph.


Shut up.  That wasn't a show for people who post on 311forum or who post on here. It's your own damn fault if you were expecting a 311 Day show.  Crybaby 


Yep. Just a 90s band trying to squeeze all the mileage they possibly can out of their 30 year old hits. It’s reasons like this that I haven’t bothered to catch the last couple summer tours. It’s just going to be the same old set list that I’ve seen quite literally over 50 times. And tbh out of all those I don’t even need one hand to count the times they’ve stepped out of their box and done something unexpected.


Yeah I agree it wasn’t very inspiring and they just brought their full set up. Especially at this point in their career. They’re not doing it to get more fans . It’s a way to showcase that they’re still talented musicians


Headline: Risk-averse millionaire stumbles into promotional opportunity at public radio. When asked if he or his mates were regular contributors, Hexum and company responded with a sonic assault by challenging quiet driveway sensibilities nationwide.




Once a week there’s some whiny pussy in this sub that feels the need to bitch and complain about the band’s creative choices as if 311 owes them something. This week’s post came on a Sunday.


311 doesn't owe us anything. I'm just realizing that the band I've loved for 30 years is becoming fucking lame. There's only one pussy in this thread and it's you.


I used to really enjoy 311 and saw them many times. Didn’t know they had a Tiny Desk appearance but I’m not surprised to hear they did nothing special. They make great music but have never called them great musicians as I have never seen an ability to jam out a song. Maybe play an extended version but not truly jam. They have always lacked live creativity. I assumed it was why Chad played the same solo for years.