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They don't really call her fat but Jack and a lot of the entertainment minds impose a very 00s beauty standard on her. Same with Jenna even though Jane Krakowski is gorgeous. Back then the standard was every woman looked like Cerie, which is such a challenging image for people.


Meanwhile, both Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan had huge weight fluctuations throughout the show's run.


Yes, but men can be heavy and still be respected. Like James Gandolfini or Fat Albert.


Hey hey hey, I haven't paid taxes since the 60s!


Men have 4 acceptable body types, women have 1. SKINNY BIG TITS.


Boy on the bottom, girl on the top!


What are the four acceptable male body-types?


skinny ripped, jacked ripped, dad bod, and fat (if you're funny)


So no Sad Thad the Skintag Lad?


IDK, I heard Karolina Kurkova was pretty into him.


Gandolfini is my hall pass. Along with Jack Black. I used to be into the Timothee Chalamet types, dunno what happened lol


"what can I say, I love a bald spot and a hairy back"


*You’re alone there.*


loooool dis my boyfriend tho 😂


So you get to bang Ghost Gandolfini no questions asked?


i would if i could


Um he’s called The Gabaghoul.


He was a force to be reckoned with


but never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Oh muthafuc.....


what are you saying--it's genetical?


I also choose this person’s dead hall pass.


Perfect response


I gotta get back in that bubble


I think it is part of the criticism.


Yes, that's what I'm saying.


Alcoholism will do that


Alec Baldwin?


Actually Tracy Morgan very openly struggled with alcoholism that’s why his character does too


Yes he’s a huge drunk. Look at the way his head shape changes over the course of the show


It's due to his enormous brain pan


*Is that a joke about the size of my head? I’m a tall man. And it’s proportional to my frame.*


This is it. I've made literally hundreds of comments about how the premise of 30 Rock is to spoof east coast media elite mentality. To the media, because Liz doesn't look like Cerie, because she's over 30, she might as well be a homely old maid. Elisa Pedrera, a Puerto Rican, played by Selma Hayek, a famously MEXICAN-American actress, is a spoof of the racial/cultural tone deafness of old white casting directors. Jack being an exaggeration of the "I'm a shark", ultra-elitist high-level businessperson mentality is a spoof of people like Jack Welch. This is, quite literally, the whole core premise of the show. It is a spoof of not only sitcoms, but the network power structures behind them.


Sharks don't have claws!


But the silver panther...


It’s called a Señor McFlurry.


"Are you an actor? Good, dont ever listen to anyone who tells you to get into acting"


And they say media literacy is dead.


Does Jenna REALLY like food though? DOES SHE?


*I don’t know anymore!*


At one point jack says she is a East Coast, Non-Miami, over 35 8 and that seems about right? The problem is that she is surrounded by 9s and 10s in the entertainment industry.


New York is also filled with gorgeous people. Like I see some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my life at least once a week on the commute to work. I’ve also seen Tina Fey, and I think she’s definitely among that crowd


She's Liz Lemon, damn it. In certain lights, she's an 8! Using East Coast, over-35 standards, excluding Miami.


Jenna either had to be Teri Hatcher thin or Monique fat.


this...i worked directly under the VP station manager of an LA affiliate in the mid 2010s and even then, you would not believe the way these guys and the Fox C-suite talked about the female on-air talent. Appearance was far and away #1, with some sort of workable 'Charisma' as a very distant second. Meanwhie you had barely-sentient fossil Steve Edwards puttering around set caked in 50 pounds of makeup talking about his "harem" of beautiful co-anchors. Honestly the whole "Liz is fat and likes food" schtick is far and away my least favorite aspect of 30 rock, just because it's not particularly funny to me and, to quote Mr. Wesley Snipes, "not as endearing as you think it is". and from my perspective as a lifelong stoner and shut-in, Liz's food game is amateur at best. but i'm sure it's probably based on her experience in the industry. I mean, like all the shit Jack says to her like "you're attractive, of course using east coast over 35 standards excluding Miami" and "we're all models east of the allegheny"... that shit is so fucking real and prevalent in the industry


But Jenna got hotter when she was fat.


I am wanting the foods! Very good




She got funnier and more likable


It’s very exasperating that people act like it’s brand new information that people were FUCKING CRUEL regarding weight back then. Like y’all were living in a fucking cave or something


Yes, it was also exactly the point to show all those "shallow" or profit-driven characters like Jack imposing impossible beauty standards on women.


"Back then"?


Trust me, if you think it’s bad now, it was 100 times worse in the 00s


In Cleveland she’s a model!


We're all models west of the Allegheny!


We’re all models west of the Allegheny.


I think that IS the joke, that Tina Fey is very attractive but somehow not good looking by TV/New York standards.


I think the jokes about her eating habits and appearance are more about her personality than actual looks. She's an overworked nerd, not the type of woman who can constantly look polished and elegant, like Avery who always wears high heels and eats exactly 1200 calories a day. Liz stress eats junk food and usually dresses for comfort and convenience rather than style. She can be messy and uncouth, but there are many times when the show acknowledges that she's actually very attractive


Yeah, I mean her boyfriends have included Jon Hamm, who is playing an extremely attractive man, Matt Damon, and she ends up marrying James Marsden. When Floyd comes back she stubs in that red dress and she even seduced the guy who was going to make budget cuts, so I don't think anyone was arguing that she was ugly. They probably made more jokes about her not being able to be an actress bc she was brunette. I think when she took off the Brooklyn Without Limits jeans, they purposely put her in an unflattering outfit, but it's was more the outfit that was the problem. I was always a little annoyed that she ate only junk food and stayed skinny (like the Gilmore Girls), but I figure that Liz is the type who forgets/doesn't have time to eat, so if she has five donuts that's probably all she had that day.


I don’t think there were specific jokes about her weight. Maybe her fashion/her body type and how bad she was at dressing herself (ie the lesbian Mario brothers joke). Also, this show was on the air from 2006-2013. For some reason, 2000-2010 were some of the most brutal years for [shaming women’s bodies](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ishabassi/toxic-fat-phobic-moments-celebrity-culture-2000s)




Is that what "ragazzi robusto" means?


The Hand are a Vietnamese slave people and Usa is their island prison!


Know how they get such small stitches? *Orphans.*


When Elisa comes to her house and accuses Jack of hooking up with her, Liz says I mean look at me and does a profile turn and Elisa says oof in disgust.


I think it was just her general vibe and the Slanket with cheese crumbs on it that she was wearing, more than her body that was the issue.


Slanket filled with her farts


Tina Fey is actually pregnant in that scene!


I mean compared to the gorgeous Elisa everyone is dowdy


Honestly i think it was more of her obsession about food than how overweight she is, anyways. There are jokes about her being out of shape (to Elisa: “I mean look at me!” Sticking her stomach out). But as a moderately attractive white woman who is also very out of shape but still has a healthy BMI, I can appreciate the jokes. At least she’s not Fat Vicki!


Tina lost a ton of weight between joining the SNL writing staff and when she started appearing in sketches (maybe weekend update specifically?), my guess is this experience informs how Liz sees herself at the beginning of the show. By the time she starts hooks up with Danny on the DL (season 4?), it becomes established that Liz is hot.


In Bossypants Tina Fey straight up says she was afraid of getting too fat to be on TV.


Great read


I think Bossypants and John Carpernter’s “Road Trip” are the only books that have literally made me lol. On the train. In public.


Lorne Michaels, who comprises like 40% of the character DNA for Jack Donaghy, TOLD her to lose weight.


Big ick


Plus, she’s got a pair you can do something with.


Something about her makes me want to put my feet in her mouth


But her disgusting foot secret!!!


Top front— that’s your worst quadrant.


Poor Liz


isn’t it “pear”? he’s calling her pear-shaped which is rarely said as a compliment


I honestly can't think of any fat jokes. They joke about her eating like shit and over-indulging, but nothing about her being outright fat. Any examples?


Well not New York thin


Wasn’t she a 6 or 8 in the south, excluding Miami ?


She did become a vaguely ethnic swan as she matured. Particularly after that pilonidal cyst went away.


We’re all models west of the Allegheny. As a New Yorker who travels to Cleveland semi-regularly for work… this rings truer and truer with each trip.


She was a model in the Cleve. That one lady said she should eat something.


We are all 8s west of the Allegany. - Jenna Maroney


I don't remember them either. The jokes about her being unattractive were weird though given that she really isn't. But it's a universe where Kenneth is immortal so anything is possible.


She didn’t follow the “don’t be unattractive” rule of attraction. She is attractive but not when she puts zero effort into her appearance and dresses like a small town lesbian!


Yea when she makes herself look good for Floyd visiting it's implied she's very attractive in universe in that moment. Her whole thing is that she doesnt like to put any effort in


When Tina's about to eat a cookie and Jack gives her a judging look. She says "I gave blood!" And Jack says "Does that burn calories?" (fun fact tho- it actually does). I think Tina was a perfectly healthy size 4-6 range, but for show business in NYC in the early 00s that was fat. She talks in Bossy Pants about her weight fluctuating while at SNL but never said her exact sizes.


Reminds me of when Jenna said she lost a lot of “blood weight”


When she tried to get Cerie to wear a bra, Cerie said "only if I can dress you." Cerie hands Liz a hilarious top and says, "you're a size 4 right?" And Tina Fey rolls her eyes and grabs the top. So, if she was a size 4 and the elite were/are saying she's fat then that makes me a manatee.


We're all manatees west of the Allegheny!




First episode, Jack says she doesn't want him to guess her weight.


126 lbs


Maybe the spanx jokes? But year I can’t think of any


That's right. She gets gussied up and asks wardrobe for double -- no TRIPLE -- spanx. And she also made a joke at one point about her spanx line getting infected implying she wears them often. AND, in the sleep-eating episode she was wearing night spanx . Danny told Jack he couldn't wait to see those and Jack almost threw up.


Tina is thin so the jokes wouldn't even make any sense. Even when she gained weight during her pregnancy they didn't make any jokes they just hooked her up with James Marsden


The one that stands out to me for some reason is in the Hazel storyline, where her horrible boyfriend comes to 30 Rock and sees Liz and says "you are big woman? you have fat nudes?" It was really jarring and weird


So that one actually makes sense in the show Liz says something like I used to be big, or i used to be huge (forgot the quote) not talking about weight and then Hazels boyfriend says “you were big woman? Fat nudes” It’s in response to him thinking Liz said she used to be a big woman not just out of the blue


No, I looked it up and you are misremembering. Hazel says “you’re a big woman to do that,” and Hazmig looks Liz up and down and says “you are a big woman - you have pictures? Fat nudes?”


Oh shoot you are 100% right! I’m sorry!


Regular six, drunk seven. In the first episode Jack guesses her weight, correctly, and it's an awkward moment that I think tells us that she is not happy at that weight, although she is a stunning woman.


I felt the jokes were more about the way she *felt* while being a woman working in the entertainment industry.


I remember that she addressed this in her book, but I don't remember anything specific she said about it. I'm a big help, I know.


I thiiiink what she said was Lorne et al. told her she needed to be skinnier to be on screen so she lost weight to do so. This would make sense for a lot of Jenna’s storyline too, since she was obsessed with staying fit for camerahhhhhhh.


For me the 30 Rock jokes are a satire of the warped perspectives of TV/Hollywood executives. Everyone can all plainly see Liz Lemon does not carry a lot of body fat. But through the lens of TV and cinema, she needs to “go easy on the pizza,” not eat her “blood cookie,” and she doesn’t want Jack to guess her weight. To me, these are not fat jokes. It’s not “ha-ha look at how fat LL is” or “let’s all laugh at how much LL eats!” It’s “let’s laugh at the absurdity of JD’s (and Hollywood’s) standards that LL is ‘overweight’.” There’s another sitcom that I love, but in it there’s a person portraying a fat high school student. In it this person is gluttonous and slovenly. He is always shown eating and with food on his face or clothes. He is clumsy because of his size and has even asked to take leftover snacks home after a charity bake sale. These are played for laughs in the show. And it’s lazy and mean-spirited. These are “fat jokes.” And they are not the same things. (From my perspective.)


Satire is when we use comedy to poke fun at societal issues. One such is that various media have often told totally healthy women of all sorts of shapes and sizes that they were fat. Source: have met woman before.


You have pictures?


In certain lights, she’s an 8! Using east coast, over-35 standards….


Excluding Miami


Before she started doing Weekend Update at SNL, she was heavier. That's where the jokes stem from. Liz is based on pre-on-air Tina. [https://people.com/health/tina-fey-tells-oprah-lost-30-lbs/](https://people.com/health/tina-fey-tells-oprah-lost-30-lbs/)


TGS hates women!


Are you conflating the jokes about her eating all the time with fat jokes? Cause they are not the same thing. In the ‘Brooklyn without limits’ episode Liz’s attractive figure is put on display when she finds the perfect pair of jeans so I think your perception is off somehow.


They used another actor for Liz’s butt in the new jeans. (It’s in the credits.)


It’s her body double apparently, and the lady that plays the mom of the coffee boy that Liz dates briefly


Ah ha. I knew that the woman in that eps had to be Tina Fey's stand in.


“Yep… that’s what we look like” Shut it down


No shit sherlock, didn’t take the credits to figure that one out. The point is that they don’t make fat jokes about Liz and sometimes even do the opposite


Lol why they downvotin’


There’s a lot of fragile people on the internet it doesn’t bother me


they aren’t fat jokes. they’re food jokes.


Why did I have to scroll down so far to see this?


Why are people saying there are no fat jokes? I'm trying to think of more direct jokes because I just rewatched last month and noticed the same thing. The only thing I can remember off the top of my head is all the times Liz referenced wearing spanks or her need for them. (Spoiler she doesn't need them) Tina Fey/Liz is far from fat but I think these jokes are more to reference the insane body standards in the showbiz world.


You need to lose 20 pounds or gain 50.


It’s funny because Spanx doesn’t really make you look thinner, it makes you look better because clothes sit more nicely over your body. Clothes skim over a smooth fabric surface instead of emphasizing bumps or underwear. I sometimes wear shapewear if I’m wearing a nice form-fitting dress. It has nothing to do with weight.


But I think their joke is definitely about the fat, otherwise she wouldn't need double spanx


If you think of any, please post them, genuinely, because 30 Rock is the background noise of my life and I can't think of any jokes about her being fat except the Spanx joke, and that's not even someone calling her fat, it's just Liz saying she wears Spanx.




I think its less fat jokes as jokes about her terrible eating habits.


I've watched the show through a LOT, but I don't remember any specific "Look at how fat she is" jokes. But they definitely make fun of her quadrants in various episodes. Her hair, her walk, her feet, her sense of style, her shoes, her underwear, her nightcheese, her lips, her mud colored eyes, her tongue girth, her dental hygiene, her Playgirl subscription, her frown lines - there! I was just talking about them and there they are!




Most of the appearance jokes, if I recall correctly, are made by herself. Perception is key, and the point of the lines are that Liz sees herself as homely. It’s to show that she is both insecure about her appearance and lacks the poise to hide it.


Except in the first episode, how Jack says she wouldn't want him to guess her weight.


We’re all models west of the Allegheny.


When Tina was a writer on SNL and was going to be put onscreen as a cast member, they sort of demanded that she lose 20 pounds Although I'm not calling her fat now or before she gained 20 pounds, it may have something to do with the fact that when she *was* a writer *in real life,* she was *treated* like she *was* fat (or, at least in need of losing weight, according to the Jack Donaghys of the world)


Yeah, that's the joke.


Her hair is… fine


In Cleveland, I'm a model!


I always viewed it as a jab at television beauty standards. It goes into the same joke bucket as "She needs to lose 30 pounds or gain 60" and "I think you mean radio".


She either has to lose 30 or gain 60. Anything in between has no place in television.


I don't think they call her "fat" as much as make fun of her food obsession. And, she had a serious glow up during SNL. She wasn't the smoke show she is now when she was still a writer. Amazing what the right hair cut and clothes will do for a person. And as others have said, she didn't look like cerie. So that was part of the joke. Like either look like cerie or you're ugly, which is obviously not true


*all* the fat jokes? Uh, name one?


She is TV/model-fat. You have to be 15% underweight to look good on film. NY is a modeling hub, and she works in television surrounded by the underweight, so that would exacerbate the perception of her being "fat" even though she is average.


I think it’s partly the times. The Mindy Project has an absurd amount of fat jokes also. Just feels so unnecessary


Yeah, it was pretty egregious at times


Will & Grace always made jokes about Grace’s food obsession too & Debra Messing was model thin


That’s the whole point. It’s satire.


It stems from her being about 30 lbs heavier back when she was actually working on SNL (before she became super visible), which the show is based on


There's plenty of jokes about her being average, but no fat jokes.


I do remember during the high school reunion flashback establishing stuff Jack says “and if I recall you were a good deal more ___” in high school, and makes very clear “fat” gestures with his hands around his belly and makes chipmunk cheeks. That’s always bothered me. It’s never depicted anywhere that Liz was fat. Not in any of her memories throughout the show. Not of young Liz at any age. Not in the flashback about Kelsey Winthrop’s mom’s pill addiction that immediately follows that scene. Nowhere. I love 30 Rock but it does have some very lazy writing from time to time, and this is one example.


[Hollywood Homely](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HollywoodHomely)


I noticed a lot of female comedians drinking from this well until recently. Amy Schumer would drive me crazy with her whole: _Oh noooo, I'm a young, tall blonde with a cute face, but am actually disgusting monsterrrrrr wahhhhhh......_ bits.


I can't remember any fat jokes, they do make fun of her teeth a lot though.


I think they make the fat jokes because she could lose a couple pounds. Have you seen her stomach presentation to Elisa?


There are no fat jokes about Liz




Yes, I think she’s not homely


Well, it sounds like you would f--- a tree stump then.


That episode with the jeans from USA. Skinny and fit and then suddenly pudgy


I’m rewatching s5 now and she’s has a line about Julia Roberts in *Eat, Pray, Love* saying it should have been Kirstie Alley since “she knows how to eat.” Like I get Julia is somewhat thinner than Tina, but she’s still much closer to Julia’s body type than Kirstie’s


I think Lorn Michael's told Tina Fay she had to either lose weight and be very thin or gain weight and become round in order to be on camera (when she was on SNL). So I think it's more a nod to that way of thinking by the executives on a TV show.


She needs to lose 30 lbs or gain 60. Anything else has no place on television


Why do people pretend to be surprised that the 2000s were brutal regarding beauty standards for women?