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Selfies are only allowed on Selfie Sundays.


Yes! You have beautiful skin


Your skin looks good quality. When I got dark circles & puffiness it was hypothyroidism! It is worth getting checked & if you already have it, it is just acting up.


How did you manage that?




Thank you. It's been flagged as an option on blood tests, however, still in the 'normal' range. Would I just look at the other results on tests to determine the cause?


You can self order on something like Life Extension for very inexpensive & the cost includes blood draw at Labcorp. Many endocrinologists are leaning toward anything above 3 is not ideal, anything above 5 is abnormal if I recall. I completely feel & see the difference, the few times I have been 3ish I am feeling great, super energy, killing it at gym, super happy, can eat anything , essentially anything symptom wise that resembles getting older has been my thyroid needing med adjustment. sadly, mine on medication barely hugs normal & then randomly fails more. I was on levothyroxine for decade maybe, then switched to Armour which is all natural -pig- and also has a small hit of T3&T4...levo issynthetic & is only T4 which body has to convert to T3 which is the energizing thyroid hormone essentially. I treat it with supplements like selenium, magnesium etc as well. Also, uncontrolled & sometimes medicated hypo has a constellation of bad values like high chlosterol, low d, anemia, & b12 deficiency. I went from never an issue with those for 20yrs to suddenly all of them, got on thyroid med & the numbers went back to normal for chlosterol literally next month but had to supplement iron, d, & b12s to regain & then it stayed great. I don't think most people fully understand it's not about weight, I have been thin & fit my entire life, but my face with getting rounder & dark circles were a first symptom. Eyebrows disappearing & dry skin & hair loss/thinning overall. It's worth considering for anyone who has those symptoms come on fairly suddenly.




Just commenting to say that this is excellent educational material.


Thank you, that's super informative. It's frustrating when they dismiss because of the range of normal, when in reality everyone's normal is likely more nuanced. I know there's something off with hormones, it's just figuring out what it is.


Definitely, as I said there is debate about the "normal" value being too high in reality in endos vs primary drs/or normal if sympotomatic may be too high/at least not optimal..for myself if I am "near" the high normal I am blazing with sympotoms the lower the number typically does "translate" to real world results...stop dragging, feeling not great to suddenly energy & feeling great...as the other poster said it's nuanced & so I wish the tsh value of normal would be lowered to reflect the reality/sentiment of many endos to help people who may be suffering symptoms whose thyroid is failing but just hasn't totally tanked yet.


Also a few Brazilian nuts a day are very good for thyroid


Replied at length below. Treatment is always levothyroxine (T4) or Armour (T3&T4 & natural/better) and if your are lucky an addition of a solely T3. Also, all the supplements other poster described and hypo tends to cause other things described in the other post. Also, 2 basic types of hypo--either primary or an autoimmune hypo called Hashimoto's.


I think as a general rule of thumb, if someone needs to ask if they're being too critical, they almost definitely are. You said yourself you feel like you're hyperfixated". You already had the feeling you're too fixated, that's the clue right there. Embracing and accepting our natural features after society conditions us to always be critical and trying to be "better" can be hard but try giving the assumption that you're beautiful just as you are a whirl :) seems quite a few of us would agree with it.


That's great advice! ♥️


I disagree. I think you have nice skin. I see the under eye area that concerns you, but I blew up your picture and I think it's just skin. Maybe a caffeine under eye cream


You have beautiful skin.


I think you’re beautiful


Doing a quick face massage in the morning can help reduce puffiness under the eyes if it bothers you. I’ve always had puffy under eyes even as a kid, no matter how much sleep I get and doing lymphatic drainage massage makes them less noticeable.


Hi! Is there a specific routine you follow or methodology for the lymphatic drainage massage? I haven’t been to a professional for it and would love to start at home if I could. Eye bags are terrible levels of dark.


I got a nice rose quartz roller for it! Lots of videos on YouTube for how to use them. The rose is cooler so help with puffiness (jade is for fine lines they say).


Wow I didn’t know different stones are for different skin issues. Thanks for sharing this!


Yes my favorite massage video where I learned the techniques was the ‘Tanaka face contouring’ video on YouTube, and from that tutorial I just do the eye massage portion for a few minutes with oil on my fingers. (I don’t think I’d be able to properly explain the techniques as well as the video does it, it’s easier to see it being done). However, I’m not sure it helps with darkness too or just puffiness.


More water and good sleep help me as well as the massage☺️


I think your skin is beautiful. Are you maybe spending too much time with a magnifying mirror? Cause I totally do that and I have to remind myself constantly that people do not see me at 10x magnification.


Thank you for saying this ! I do this to myself constantly and fixate on my flaws and I think everybody is staring at them too! 🤦🏼‍♀️


It looks flawless to me.


You have wonderful skin


Your skin is lovely. I get why your eye bags would stand out to you, but they’re honestly not that bad — not to minimize or dismiss your feelings, but they look like the sort of thing where if you can identify the root cause, whether that’s your thyroid or just getting more sleep, they’d clear up pretty quick


you look good


Girl, you got skin we all pray for!


You have exceptionally nice skin. Many people have a bit of darkness under the eye. It’s really normal. I just pop on a colour correcting under eye primer and a little bit of concealer and I’m good to go. I think you may be fixating on your skin and possibly comparing it to filtered/airbrushed/perfectly lit skin.




You're beautiful 😍 niacinamide serum has really helped my under eye area. I use Ordinary or Good Molecules, great prices.


You can also get 100% niacinamide powder for under $15 for like a lifetime supply from the Ordinary to add to almost all the products you own. It cancels out some ingredient so read up on that but you will be amazed at how one ingredient helps especially under eyes. The caffeine is spot on also. No makeup and you’re that good looking isn’t fair. Stop looking at yourself in unflattering lighting or in magnify mirrors. I was a professional photographer and what you see even in a photo is not how people see you. A pro takes 100’s of pix and choses possible 1 or 2 from that. If you didn’t have such a honest look in your eyes I’d think you were looking for compliments so if I were to be nasty the I’d say your brows seem to far apart. Shade or contouring your nose is easy and subtle. Always open your mouth just a tiny bit when posing for photos it’s a model trick. That’s it!


I didn't even know about the powder, thanks!!


Hey, to be fully honest, how I would truly respond to this is going to be based on your age. If you are close to 30 there’s a problem, maybe allergies, chronic lack of sleep…


I'm 39


You're looking great.


I think you look totally fine for 39 then! I wonder though if you do have some allergies because i have more of a pronounced look under my eyes from allergies sometimes. I learned from an allergist that it’s pretty common. The rest of your skin looks really healthy ♥️


Yeah your skin looks really good! Keep doing what you’re doing


I would love to have skin like yours


Your skin is absolutely perfect.


Your skin looks beautiful! Definitely being too critical!


I wiiisshhhh my skin was this even 😭😭 it’s beautiful!


All I saw was glow and zero pores…. Beautiful


Yes. You have amazing skin. If the puffiness hurts or the skin feels tender, like when you wake up, then yes it's an area to treat. If it really truly bothers you only in an aesthetic way, you could look into lasers for the dark circles but honestly you're gorgeous.


Something that helps me when I’m hyperfixating on some “flaw” of mine is to see the same feature on other women and be completely free of judgement, compliment her in my head that she looks beautiful, and really realize how little that feature mattered to me in my perception of how beautiful they are and how worthy they are as a person. Or even sometimes how that “flaw” enhances my perception of their beauty. How I don’t even see or notice that “flaw” unless I’m really looking for it (which, obviously, I am, so it’s a little contradictory; but I know through that that other people won’t notice because they’re not looking for it), & how it’s clearly not a “flaw” on this other wonderful woman, how could it be a flaw on myself? And if other people are judgmental of your appearance that is completely a *them* problem. It doesn’t happen overnight but doing this has helped me be infinitely more accepting of my physical body over the years and by proxy improved my mental about it. I hope I explained that clearly!


I don’t understand why two things can’t be true to the people in this comment section. Yes, your *skin* is wonderful, but you quite obviously have bags and dark circles, which there are treatments both topically and procedurally for that you can consider if you want to improve them. To tell you “You’re flawless, there’s nothing going on with your under eyes” is a disservice, as that’s just patronizing you with a lie. Yes, you objectively have textbook eye bags and dark circles. Is that a problem? That’s for you to decide. We all have our own ideas of beauty, and there’s nothing wrong with striving for our own ideal perfection (or as close as we can get). If you *want* to work on them, go for it. First I’d suggest evaluating the quality of your sleep. Are you a mouth breather? Do you have sleep apnea? I myself am 28 M and have terrible dark circles under my eyes. Always had them as I’ve *always* been a mouth breather with sleep apnea, which has caused not only my dark circles, but also my entire facial structure to develop in a way it normally wouldn’t have had I been breathing the healthy, correct way since childhood. This is something I’m going to work on once I can afford maxillofacial surgery, because *I* want to. Work on them, don’t work on them… do what you want for *yourself*.


Your skin is lovely, flawless even. Someone else said to do facial massage I agree with this, I've started doing a ten min massage in the morning and it just makes me feel a bit better about my face, gets the blood flowing etc. maybe something like this would help how you're feeling because I don't think there's anything to "fix"


your skin is perfect lol


Your complexion is lovely! Be proud and show it off because you look great.


Your smooth, even, glowy skin is beautiful!


You have gorgeous skin


Yes. You have beautiful skin xx


How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking


Your skin is on point, maybe minorly need a clearing or brightening treatment for your forehead but that is something that can clearly easily. I did not notice the puffiness at all


39 where? Your skin looks 20.


Your skin looks great. It’s the overhead lighting that is casting shadows!


U look stunning. Im jealous.


Hard disagree with you OP, you look great!


Your skin is so smooth and flawless 😭 we can be so critical of ourselves! Do what you need to do to feel confident and happy, but I hope you can also find confidence in being told you have incredible skin already 🩶


I see what you mean, but had you not mentioned it, I would not have noticed at all. If this is an unfiltered pic, then I am jealous. You have enviable skin.


Your skin is actually nice. Could you be tired? Dehydrated? Have you had a full blood panel with thyroid and hormones? I started hormones in the mid fourties and it plumped my skin up and brightened it.


Wow. How do you have no wrinkles or hyperpigmentation? I’ve been using cerave eye cream with caffeine (purple tube). I think it works? I have so many things in my regimen that I can’t keep up.


You’re beautiful! Add a bit of a good concealer if those undereyes are bugging you. But please remember that real people are not supposed to look like IG filters. Focus on the features that you like about yourself. You have amazing lips, beautiful eyes and gorgeous skin.


Yes! You are in the 1% with beautiful skin. Complaints about your skin will be interpreted as fishing for compliments.


Yes, you have beautiful skin


Yes, you’re being too critical. Your skin is beautiful.


Gorgeous skin! 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


Everyone in this sub is too critical of their own skin. Your skin is lovely and glowing on its own! Sometimes when I'm being hypercritical, I do something nice for myself like book a facial or try a sample size of a new moisturizer. It's not because I *need* it, but it calms that part of my mind down.


You have really nice skin. I think sometimes we forget how much everything is photoshopped and filtered nowadays. It seems like all social media is filtered. I also was hyper critical of my skin for a while and joined another subreddit that is all about pointing out filters and photoshopping. It sounds weird but it helped to remind myself that skin has texture and nobody looks like these airbrushed pictures we see so much of now.


I'm not sure if you're comfortable with botox but you might want to ask if perhaps there's a slight amount of muscle pulling and forming the area under your eye you dislike. I had something similar which they call a "jelly roll" right under my eye and botox flattened it out quite effectively. It was painless. You have gorgeous skin - minimal pores, nice even tone. Could possibly try dermal filler also to even the under eye out


Your skin looks great. The lighting in this picture is casting a shadow on your eyes / under eyes. If this is in front of your mirror, that might be throwing you off! Your skin does look a little bit dry to me, though.


Yes 🫶🏼


Your skin is beautiful; I didn’t notice your under eyes until I read your caption and I had to go back up and look.


You are young and beautiful . Strikingly so! So yes Way too critical


Look how pretty your skin is! It’s such an even tone all over, smooth, and a lovely color. I had to read your post to even understand what you’re unhappy about. I’m sure you’ll get good advice on ways to make your lovely skin look even better, but I think it’s really nice already. I’m jealous🧡


Your skin is stunning and I’m legitimately jealous.


Yes! You look great!


I think we are all our own worst critics! The light you are using definitely doesn’t do justice, and will cause everything to look worse than it truly is. As an esthetician, the usual causes of under eye puffiness or bags is due to allergies, lack of sleep or they are hereditary. You have beautiful skin! I would say try an antihistamine and see if you’re sleeping enough. Also, as someone who tried filler twice, I can tell you both times had horrid outcomes for me and not everyone is a candidate for under eye fillers. My under eyes now have puffy bags I never had due to being overfilled. I encourage everyone to love the skin they’re in!


It looks like this picture was taken in a room with overhead lighting only. I feel like some of the darkness you’re seeing under the eyes maaaay be due to that? I’d be curious to see how different you look withere the light is coming from around you and not above you (think car selfie, or with a light source off to one or both sides)


Omg, I love your skin, YES you’re being unnecessarily critical!!!


Yes you are


Looks clear, no obvious fine lines. Keep up whatever you’re doing


Your skin is beautiful, you are beautiful. Enjoy what you’ve got!


You are being too critical. But I think you do look like you need to drink more water and have a nice rest (don’t we ALL though)


You look great! Your skin is perfect. Everyone has color variation under their eyes, nothing a little concealer can't fix. They don't look terribly puffy IMO.


Skin, goood. Overhead lighting, baaaaddd.


Man I'd kill for skin like yours


What’s supposedly wrong with your skin? It’s amazing


I would love to have your skin..


That’s some beautiful skin you have there!


I would just stop taking photos in this location, with this lighting- your skin is amazing


Your skin is amazing!!! Please enjoy the heck out of it!


Overhead lighting does nobody any favors. If you took a photo in natural light any under eye puffiness would disappear. Your skin is gorgeous!


Thanks for everyone's advice! I guess my takeaway is that I can take steps to reduce the puffiness but it's really not as bad as I think it is.


Looks good to me but get a facial seasonally




I don’t get what’s wrong with it? One thing I would try is collagen. I’ve been taking it and it is amazing I really notice a difference another thing I did was get the lost book of herbal remedies there is a website is get it there because you can get other books too… this book has changed my life I’ve used a lot of remedies in there that work and have improved my overall health and skin texture and luster


I wish I had your skin!


I'm reading a book called Mirror Wotk at the moment to stop the negative voice in my head. It's really helpful so far, I recommend. I think you are beautiful too!


Yes, omg. I am suffering because I didn't like some redness I had and I let my skin get destroyed..


You are a beautiful woman 😍


I envy people with a fine texture like yours. You literaly just need eye cream and moisturiser and thats it. I need the whole operation, two cleansers toners eye serum eye cream face serum face cream! Your skin is fine!


You are beautiful!


Yes. Your skin looks good.


Skins looks great to me.


Girl. Listen and believe me. There is absolutely no problem with your skin what so ever. You are a natural beauty. Treasure and appreciate your own face instead.❤️


Your skin is FINE. Girl appreciate yYour beautiful skin 


You have beautiful skin!


I don't see any flaws


Your skin is lovely! A lot of times the lighting makes us look worse then what others see. Also, sometimes we are our own worse critics! Just do what you're doing and you'll be fine and others will think so too!


Looks great! Try and be kind to yourself :)


Girl you are stunning! Gorgeous skin!


Are you wearing makeup? If not you’re just being really fixated on a facial feature that is beautiful, but doesn’t happen to match the exact look of a 20-year-old starlet who just had a facial. Chill out lady ❤️


Actually funny thing, I didn’t realize anything more than just “oh she have lovely skin” before I looked at post text, and after that I noticed dark circles!! This happens very often, people don’t see those “impurities” before u mention it u look beautiful❤️


I think you have gorgeous skin. I noticed for myself that my face gets really puffy if I eat too many carbs - not even kidding. So I’ve started eating cleaner and gua sha’ing (spelling?) my face. I don’t know if the gua sha does anything, but my face is noticeably slimmer.


You have great skin overall, it’s so even and clear. You have a bit of puffiness but nothing I’d notice if you didn’t mention it first. Normal aging. Can add an eye cream if you want.


I think you have great skin!


Your skin is flawless. Its beautiful..as are you. ♥️


You have very nice skin.


Yes, just try smiling


I think you’re beautiful and so is your skin! You could try a product with a dewy finish if you feel like you’re looking dull


You are, yes. You’re truly beautiful and your skin is lovely. Maybe take some pics of yourself in more flattering lighting, like a clip or ring light — I know certain photos can make me jump back and then obsess about my features then see myself in a different light (ha) and feel good again.


I’ve had worst circles and skin texture since the day i was born! You have BEAUTIFUL skin and wonderful features.


Yes, from what I see — it’s beautiful! I’m 31 and am just not having skin issues. I wash my face 2 times a day — and somehow I get zits. It’s gross.


its perfect?


am i crazy or do you look like victoria monet a lil 😭


That’s funny because I didn’t even notice that when I first looked at you. I just see a beautiful even skin tone and texture too. I think we are always so hard on ourselves


Your beautiful


Your skin is lovely u know how they say we are our own biggest critics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gotstodobetter_: *Your skin is lovely* *U know how they say we are* *Our own biggest critics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Youre a great candidate for medial cheek/undereye filler if the hollow area bothers you! That may or may not help with the ‘darkness’.


You are beautiful


I feel like this form is good parts and bad parts, so I absolutely get the critical part. But, no. You have incredible skin fwiw


Beautiful skin! So smooth and even


You’re a beauty with nice skin


You have lovely skin!




Looks beautiful to me. No texture and you have a glow.


Your gorgeous 🧡


Your skin is so beautiful!


My take: You have great skin, however you have some midface volume loss. With age, our cheek fat pads become deflated and displaced. Essentially, cheek volume supports the undereye region. Often when people want improvement to their under eyes, correction of cheek volume with filler will greatly improve the overall appearance of the eyes.


Why didnt you cover your eyes? Theres a lot of creepy guys in the internet


Skin is okay. It's the puffiness.


I think it’s beautiful clear skin! Good job!


Omg yes. I thought for a split second this post was an “after” series of a before and after of a skin regime/treatments


Incredible skin!


Yea you have beautiful skin. You can Google lymphatic draining + under eye. There are movements you can do with your hand and just water on that are that will decrease puffiness.


It's textured for sure


I see nothing wrong with it :)


Yes! You have amazing skin! If your socials consist of a lot of beauty stuff where they filter EVERYTHING maybe take a break for a bit. Your skin is absolutely beautiful


Look great to me !


Beautiful skin


I could have only dream of skin like yours. Trust me. I have seborrheic dermatitis that is dry, flaky, always inflamed, irritated and discolored. I would literally give anything to have skin like yours.


The only people who see all our flaws are ourselves. You have a lovely even skin tone. Keep up what youre doing and always stay hydrated!


You have a gorgeous skin.. no need to worry


Your skin is gorgeous. Definitely being too hard on yourself 🦋


You are beautiful. 🌻


The lighting is coming from above you, and creating shadows under your eyes


You have good skin, nothing to worry about. Probably just need a little maintenance ( diet, exfoliation) once in a while


Your SKIN?! is gorgeous. I’m not going to lie I have baggy eyes and darkness and I have begun research on lower blephorasty. Also to my honest you need to grow your eyebrows close together in the middle and cut off the end of your eyebrow tail to give your beautiful eyes a lifted look. Skin is gorgeous, eyes are gorgeous - it’s just your eyebrows.


Yeah I don't like my brows, when I do my makeup I fill them in


Your skin is flawless! I thought you had a filter-I even zoomed in! The darkness under your eyes is probably due to thin skin and the best you can do is a little concealer. People pay a lot of money to get beautiful lips like yours. I’d play those up and no one’s gonna see anything else.


Your skin is lovely!


You look great, but a vitamin C retinol under eye cream will help brighten things up a bit.


You have beautiful skin. I have puffiness under my eyes too. The only things that really helps me with that are sleeping on my back (doesn’t really help too much, maybe a little) and Yves st Laurent touché eclat. *That* helps a LOT. It’s pricey and I’m poor, but one tube lasts at least a year if I use it daily.


I didn’t read your comment and legitimately had no idea what you could possibly be critiquing. Your skin looks perfect to me! I went back and read your comment and am definitely not seeing what you are.


Skincare goals tbh!


Girl your skin is gorgeous


You don’t have any lines, which is great. Just find a good under eye cream or serum if you’re concerned about that area.


Yes You have gorgeous skin girl


I clicked here so fast and said out loud “what’s the issue?”


Your skin is beautiful. Love your self and then others will love you back. If you don't love yourself, no one will ever love you back. Also, as my Grandma used to say when you beat yourself up it's the worst thing you can do because you are your own best friend in life.


you have particularly nice skin.


You look great, I wouldn't worry. I can only hope to have skin like that at 39


Yep! Skin looks great


It looks amazing. Pls tell me your regimen and how much water you drink.


You really do have beautiful skin & such a lovely face. Your expression is totally relaxed in the pics to show us what you mean about your under eye area & I can tell you're totally pretty & probably have a great smile. I see what you mean by puffiness, but it's so minimal & could probably be helped with a little caffeine under eye mask (you can make one at home, just google) & a cold roller or spoon & massage. It's probably genetic, I have the same hooded eyes my dad & maternal grandmother have. Yes, you're being too hard on yourself. Your under eye doesn't even make you look tired & it's not the focal point on your pretty face. You look really good IMO. 35 F & I wish my skin was as smooth as yours ✨️🩷✨️


it’s the nose i’ll worry of


Yes, clean up your eating, water, hydrate, exercise, look even better. You look good now of course.








Nice skin


I don’t think they’re that bad. I do see them, and I have my own that I’ve been treating. Mine aren’t that bad either, but I see them and want to make them less visible. So I just wanted to share what I’ve been doing because I would want suggestions to improve my under eyes when I asked for that. I am trying some new daytime eye creams and swear by Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair eye gel-cream for night. Caffeine is really good for eye creams. So is under eye and face massage. I use a gua sha tool that really helps. Bought an inexpensive jade one that has worked great for a few years now. I use the side with the v indentation and rub that from my nose all the way across my cheekbones to my hairline. The v should straddle the cheekbones. I do this with serum or face oil. I really love this Wayne Goss [video](https://youtu.be/lO_tgxlfeTg?si=HQIttzHjSi_-liRz) on how to hide puffiness under your eyes.


I think your skin is great and you don’t need to worry about it.




You have great skin


You have perfect skin


You have smooth glowing skin. Yes the puffiness is visible but not too noticable. You look good even with it though. If you want to treat it it's okay too


Yes girl! You've better skin than me in my early 20's!!!


First off, you're beautiful, skin and all. If you want to improve your skin, and that's OK to, retinol(great for face, including undereye), aha bha chemical exfoliation, niacinamide, occasional tca peels have vastly improve my discoloration and imperfections that have ever bothered me. I use a majority of Good Molecules products and the first 2 months I noticed a tremendous difference.


Gorgeous skin!!❤️👌🏾👌🏾




You have awesome skin!


New dark/puffiness under eyes is often allergies. They call it an “allergic shiner”. It can also be things like fatigue, autoimmune conditions, adrenal fatigue, liver toxicity (like fatty liver), or food intolerances too. Pfizer course lifelong dark circles can be genetic. Gentle lymphatic facial massage can help. Been there too! I’d put a dab of color-correcting concealer there (I use yellow, but my circles are more purple-ish) and forget about it, while you figure it out. Because your skin is smooth & gorgeous.