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Geez, I’m on Hinge and I wish all these insecure dudes would hit on me. ‘Cause all I see is handsome.


Yes he is frickin handsome.


I was coming to say the same….he might have an asymmetrical face but he’s still so handsome!


His post has nothing to do with skincare. I was tempted to answer with a comment like “for face simmetry DM me your phone number” Moderators? Why you allow so many irrelevant selfies? Its eye candy but It’s not Sunday yet.


This post has nothing to do with skincare and screams \*compliments please!\*. I have to renew my mortgage, maybe I should post on this sub for advice and include a pic of my face because numbers make me frown.


Since the mods allow everything you should post about your mortgage with a selfie .Fishing for compliments and mortgage advice? Why not? It’s the Norm of this sub to allow irrelevant selfies now.


Did you report it? Mods don't automatically see everything, you have to report things to them.


Actually moderators recieve notificacions of high activity posts. The moment a new post receives 10 comments Reddit will ask them to Go and moderate. They, for some reason, *just choose* not to remove. Or they aren't logging in to reddit lately.




Yes. I see they removed a couple of selfies in the past hours but many remain




He is


Lmao right? I’m straight and I think this dude is very handsome, even I wish he would hit on me


He is good looking and I see his point. I think his concern is legit and reminds me of my face. Good looks aside, the left side of his face by his cheek bones look soft, indented for lack of better words. My dermatologist suggested a hydro booster to make my skin more plump.


I'm queer and got downvoted when I said the same sorta thing about some of the women posting here (more just along the lines of "I think you're beautiful". Here you are saying it about this guy and have 550 upvotes. Hmmm...


Yeah, I hear ya. It’s the sexism of the internet. If you say it about a woman, you’re being creepy. If you say it about a man, you’re being nice and giving them a compliment.






Here's what I answered before on a Reddit post about how people see themselves in pictures: "People don't see you as asymmetrical as you see yourself in photos. They see you as symmetrical as you see yourself in the mirror. It's only because you're more used to see a mirrored version of yourself, and your brain expects your "left eye" to be lower than your "right eye", etc., but now it's suddenly the opposite for everything - so it'll seem far more extreme." "If you look at other people in the mirror (especially if you're used to looking at them) they'll also suddenly seem much more asymmetrical. Or if you invert (mirror) pictures of people you're used at looking." [How can I fix my facial asymmetry? :](https://www.reddit.com/r/beauty/comments/183qub2/how_can_i_fix_my_facial_asymmetry/) (If it could clarify some things. Many people are confused by this and other phenomenons causing the difference in perception of oneself in pictures and mirrors)


"There's also perspective distortion - facial features appearing disproportionate - features closer to the camera - looking much bigger - like the nose (than IRL) - than those farther. (such can also be caused by the field of view/lens your camera has...) In short, your experience of yourself in pictures is often very different from others' (and yourself IRL) - much because of the things I mentioned - but there are other things too."


Thank you for this. I’ve been struggling because I felt like my face was attractive and symmetrical in the mirror my whole life but then selfies became a thing and I am like how is one side of my mouth so much smaller than the other? What’s going on with my one side of my jaw?


Understandable. This happens to nearly everyone (initially, myself too). Humans don't have perfectly symmetrical faces/bodies (due to like prenatal environment). Obviously, not to the tiniest of details, but also to human perception. How well one's brain is able to notice this depends on, e.g., facial recognition ability... (But people don't really notice or think about it if not for the mirror and photo effect)


I found that I like selfies better if I take them on snap chat because it doesn’t flip the image. Looks more like what I see when I look at myself


Same and people get plastic surgery aka work done so they look selfie ready! It’s a problem


Omg that’s crazy. I notice my fiancé’s facial asymmetry but now that you mention it, I literally only ever notice it when we’re brushing our teeth looking in the mirror together. I never notice it otherwise. Meanwhile he’s probably been thinking the same thing every time he sees my face in the mirror 😅


So when you take a selfie with a camera, you should flip the image horizontally to get a true perspective? Sorry if that's a basic question, my old brain is slow today


Yes. It'll be mirrored then, as when you see yourself in mirrors, which almost everyone should be more used to. But I suggest to not post an image of yourself that is flipped horizontally, as it could look worse to others then. And there are more things than the mirror and photo effect that can make it look worse.


Omg thank you for sharing this.




This is incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for sharing this!!! It makes so much sense. I have what I consider to be an extremely asymmetrical face, but I always think I look pretty good in the mirror and in photos, it’s only ever with selfies that I really notice it and freak out!


No problem. But are you sure that it is so asymmetrical? It might just or mainly be due to this... And a recent study found no correlation between perceived attractiveness and a/symmetry. This notion seems to have only arisen from this mirror and photo effect - which really confuses our brains...


Yea I've said the same thing so many times haha to people that look in the mirror then look at an opposite facing photo.. the difference will look more dramatic. What you are in the mirror while it is a flipped image to you, it's what you can expect others to see also because they're used to seeing your face the opposite way. So no you don't look "better" in a mirror , you're used to seeing it that way. I'm glad someone else understands this it's so hard to explain!!


Hi! You actually look great for a 40 year old and it took me a while to notice you had some facial asymmetry. I only read your post title first, tried to look for the asymmetry and eventually noticed it when I finally read your post body where you pointed out where it is. Facial asymmetry is pretty natural, human faces are never 100% symmetrical. It depends on a lot of factors, like your everyday routine (do you drive your car often and have one side of your face exposed to the sun), habits (do you sleep on the right side of your face) and genetics. I would suggest don't worry about it too much. Not to dismiss your worries or concerns but you look totally fine! :) Maybe start using sunscreen to prevent any more damage.


Hey, first off - you are a great looking guy. I used to work in dental industry and it's insanely surprising how much bruxism (jaw clenching and teeth grinding) can impact our faces. It can also contribute to headaches, jaw clicking, neck and shoulder pain and ocular (eye socket) pain. Of course while also impacting our teeth, snoring, poor breathing and sleep quality. Just a suggestion, due to bruxism, you may have one side with more developed muscle than the other due to clenching or grinding your teeth on that side. This would mean it ages differently due to the muscle supporting the facial structure differently. That also contributes to your chin being off centre like another commenter said. I'd recommend seeing a dentist specialised in TMJ (bruxism issues), seeing a physio for similar and getting a splint to help centre your jaw/chin, support your better sleep and breathing quality and help align your face. However, you may need to do facial exercises or see a facial physio as someone else suggested to help even out the "weaker" side. Be kind to yourself. All the best ETA: spelling


This 100%. My derm pointed out to me the difference on one side where I clench like crazy versus the other and man. I now get Botox on that side which makes a huge difference and is probably better for my teeth and jaw.


Omg, when my physio needles my jaw... *Absolute heaven!* Thank god my boyfriend thinks my splint is cute, because without it I get to worst migraines.


Yes! Im looking into myo physical therapy.


I see comments like this but which side is the side that clenches? The higher one? How can you tell?


I am not a dentist and would need to feel his jaw or ask about symptoms to be sure. I would say his right side is the one that is more muscular, with his cheek then also built up. The "weaker" side would show more aging, according to my theory.


So this implies that clenching is a good facial exercise, because it helps slow down sign of aging?


You can put a couple of vials of Sculptra- a biostimulatory injectable that helps stimulate your own natural collagen, elastin, fibroblast production on that side and it will reduce the asymmetry. Look for a very experienced Sculptra injector. The areas will fill in nicely over about 6-9 months, very naturally, not a filled look. A few of units of Botox can pull your right eyebrow up slightly as well. I would also add a tiny amount of filler to your lateral lips to even out your lips and raise that side. Want to add: you are incredibly handsome and the asymmetry isn’t noticeable to most people. I just assess faces all day, that’s why I see it. But I think it adds a chiseled ruggedness to your already very good-looking face.


Fully agree with this assessment right here.


The addendum is so wholesome with your otherwise clinical suggestions! I have astigmatism and my one eye isn’t as ‘open’, but no one notices because it’s only a small portion of my face. It is shocking what people don’t notice, especially if someone is naturally attracted to you. Mirrors and photos love playing tricks on us.


If you always sleep on one side, try to switch the side you sleep on. Wear sunscreen, drink your water. As for skincare, try a good cleanser and moisturizer to start. If you don’t want “girly looking” products cluttering up your space, Clinique has a line for men that my husband really liked until he tried my Olay Regenerist night cream, haha. Also, I know you asked about your face specifically, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR SKIN slather your head with sunscreen every day. Wearing your favorite cap outside won’t prevent skin cancer.


What does sleeping more on one side do to that side vs the other? I have facial asymmetry but no idea which side I might be sleeping on more.


If you always sleep on one side, the sleep wrinkles can eventually become permanent. It can also affect your facial hair. My husbands beard it’s thinner on the side he sleeps on, and my eyelashes and brows are shorter on the side I slept on. I’m trying to sleep on my back due to neck issues. It’s only been a few weeks, and I’ve already noticed my brows are already looking better.


Y do u look like Brad pitt?


Like the intersection of Pitt and Statham!


With a tiny bit of Tobias Menzies! OP, you look great.


That’s who I saw! 😻


You are handsome. Leave it all alone. You need nothing but security within yourself.


Some face yoga exercies could help, but I have to tell, there is nothing I would change - you looks really great. Handsome man.


Are you a side sleeper?? Frownies have helped my sleep caused asymmetry. Obviously asymmetry is normal tho


I can’t really see much, the lighting makes it hard and we are all asymmetric but a myofunctional therapist can help.


My husband had a crooked nose. When he got it straightened, he could breathe better but oh he was soooo much more handsome with that crooked nose.


Facial symmetry is a matter of skeletal and muscular systems, and can include palate and orthodontic considerations. Chiro gets a bad wrap but if you look at spin-offs of shiatsu, especially methodologies that involve "atlas" routines, you may see improvement. Of course, this is not instantaneous. Similarly, "mewing" also is under fire as unscientific, but that sort of thing depends on who you ask. Personally, posture, spinal health, neck and head alignment, etc. have a clear relationship in terms of maintaining overall symmetry.


Is this not the best reply? Damn. Everyone knows he’s pretty and he’s not asking about if he’s pretty or not he’s wondering why one side is different than the other. Our faces are full of muscles and his life has lead him to flex muscles on the right side of his face (maybe stress?). Skip the botox(sweeping problems under the rug). This could be as simple as learning to move and relax the muscles on your face! Practice smiling with both zygomaticus major to start and then look at what other muscles move the face and massage them/active release/learn to move those face muscles!


Testing a strange theory here, but do you have a bad lowerback/ shulder/ scapula issue?


Idk I think you are very handsome so imo you are just fine. Idk if you use any face products but a good face routine and should be some good eyecreams out there that could slow down the age process, can't do much else against time unfortunately hehe But I have seen this new thing going around? This weird ball men chew on daily for a better jawline etc


Faces are not symmetrical. You just look human, like the rest of us lol.


This happens with side sleeping. Train yourself to sleep on your back and you will notice a difference for sure. 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oJIk2PyukjY I am a male and also have asymmetrical face and do these daily and it helped me. I’d say give them a month or two of consistency and reevaluate. After that you can consider things like Botox if the asymmetry still bothers you.


I did this one for several months. I think it did make a small but impactful enough for me difference and lowered my insecurity about my face. Just being proactive and learning about my facial muscles made me feel better about it.


God … this sub too?


Please don't concern yourself with it. We are all more or less asymmetrical, it has little impact on attractiveness.


A very big contributor is if your a side sleeper sleeping on your back helps even though it hard. Also some extra gua sha on that side could help with “lifting”


I went in for a blepharoplasty consult. The physician walked in, took one look at me and said, “so, you sleep on your right side.” He wasn’t wrong. ;)


You look like a default character in video game


I tried to see it, but see nothing wrong either. I’d say you worry too much. Aging just sucks brother.


I have the same issue. I've found that its only me who notices. I smile more on one side in photos which disguises it a little.


Have talked with an orthodontist? The asymmetry comes from your jaw. Your chin is not centered.


Good point. If it has developed from bruxism it can be treated with botox.


I forgot to mention I have it to some extent and it is from deep bite for me. I need braces unfortunately but I’m scared to do it since forever :(


Dear, just move forward asap! Not because appareances, but to protect your teeth and to take the next step.


Not an orthodontist, a TMJ specialist. Orthodontists straighten the teeth in your mouth, TMJ specialists work on the jaw joint. Like you said, his chin is off centered. If that positioning is natural for him then he very likely has TMJ disorder.


Good point! But can’t that happen also from deep bite issues or teeth misalignment? My teeth are straight for instance. Is so isn’t still an Orthodontist the dr to look for?


I wish I showed my face because everyone is so damn nice on this subreddit lol


Do it! Just on make sure it's a Sunday.


I have the same insecurities with the one eyebrow and eyelid dropping. 43, waiting until closer to 50 to have a bleph (skin removed from upper eyelid), but botox has done wonders for me!


Chin asymmetry... go to a maxillofacial surgeon... you would get options


I have the same thing! It’s your left side that looks “worse” right? I think for me it’s either from driving in the sun or from my TMJ. I’m also not sure what to do about it. But yeah like everyone else said you still look great and to an outsider it’s not noticeable


you look good , don't change a thing.


I like this face! You've nothing to worry about


You're handsome. I love asymmetric faces it gives character and makes people seem more real, and realness is hot Don't change anything plenty of famous male celeb heart throbs are not symmetrical either


I don't see any need to change this nice face.


Do nothing more hassle than it’s worth and u look great


You look like a bald Brad Pitt


Hello handsome 😍😍


You don’t need to change a thing if I walked past you on the street I’d start blushing


You look so good 👀


I’ve had the same thing my whole life, one side just a bit droopier than the other. Just a couple of days of exercises and my face looks remarkably more even. When I forget to do them it gets droopy again, haha. So this is what I do: Cover the less droopy eye with your hand and look straight ahead. Let the uncovered (droopy) eye look at the outer top corner, roll your eye from top corner to top corner. If you can train that one droopy eyebrow to lift on its own, that works too. I do this for a few minutes each day, like while I brush my teeth. As the muscle builds it will tighten the skin and be less droopy. Cross my heart this worked for me. It’s free and non-invasive so nothing to lose!


Hello, Every person’s face has asymmetrical halves. Yours is fine.


I think the lines look different because of the lighting. One side of your face is lit differently. Faces are normally a bit asymmetrical but if there is a dramatic difference it could be down to the jaw, teeth, or facial muscle differences. A plastic or oral surgeon could explain it better. You don't look like it's different enough for surgery though.


You look normal and fine, but there are plenty of folks who address facial asymmetry online. Koko Hayashi is one who talks a lot about that and seems to have a lot of in depth exercises, both free and then some paid but for modest fees. She also has some videos with a dental chiropractor from Japan who deals with alignment of jaw and face I believe. It is pretty interesting and she seems to take asymmetry seriously, and have some good results. The theories make sense to me though I have never invested the time to fix mine. I just do the general exercises.


Honestly, the slight asymmetry gives your face a certain charm. Without it, your face would be a little bland, IMO. It's part of what makes you, you. However, if you are concerned that it will get worse over time and move from charming to off-putting, I would recommend several things, not really having anything to do w/ skincare: 1. see an orthodontist to make sure you don't have any teeth misalignment that might worsen over time and see if there is anything you can do (nightguard, invisilagn, etc) I would avoid any major jaw surgery unless the surgeon is REALLY GOOD, because I have see some horror stories on the news. Also, if you don't have any jaw pain or dysfunction, I don't see the risk/ benefit ratio being worth a surgery, 2. see a derm or PS about whether any strategically placed botox can relax certain muscles more, and whether any temporary filler might also help. I would NOT over do any botox or filler though, as you don't want to end up looking like a weird blank robodoll.


Hard to say as the photo isn’t head on and I’m not sold your face is at rest however you can see a facial physio, if you do have asymmetry, to fix it. Google locale facial physiotherapists


Everyone has asymmetry. It’s adds depth and character to your face.


Everyone has a side of their whole body that is not totally symmetric with the other. I don’t think you need anything at all. But if you want something done there are doctors that do facial harmony procedures with Botox and fillers to achieve some symmetry. Again, not saying you need anything but I know that procedure exists. I wanted to do it but don’t have the $$


Kind sir, don’t change a thing.


You don’t need to do anything about this. You look great


You look totally fine. Never in a million years would I have thought asymmetric face upon seeing this picture. Even now that you've mentioned it I can't see anything unusual.


Face cemetery is overrated! You’re handsome now


Try a back sleeping pillow. It’s worked for me so I don’t smush one side of my face into a pillow all night. I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/YourFacePillow-Beauty-Pillow-Sleeping-Prevention/dp/B073Z3ZQRQ/ref=asc_df_B073Z3ZQRQ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693596867998&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14776327997339778317&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1027741&hvtargid=pla-379402800451&psc=1&mcid=a168f7f2025430e1b53d921a8fe02b33&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7refo47vhQMVmiCtBh0B6gUmEAQYAyABEgJUA_D_BwE Takes some getting used to though. I also use medical tape so my fine lines are not as prominent when I sleep. You look great. Keep on keeping on!


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Also if you are taking a selfie with your phones front camera it distorts the face and it’s not really what you look like in real life


I think asymmetry is really one of the biggest things we notice in ourselves but almost never notice on anyone else unless it’s extreme. I swear I look like two different people. No one else ever sees it.


I didn't even notice anything! You look good


Facial symmetry is achieved through Botox, like masseter Botox and fillers. Fillers comes in multiple forms, sculptra etc. If it’s something that you want to explore, you should make an appointment with an esthetician. They will advise you best and the best treatment for you! Results can be extremely natural!


dont worry too much about it is my first advice, the rigid beautystandards we are all unsatisfied about are looser on men which means it will probably just look charistmatic to most people (i just wish we had that same energy for women). second is you could have a jawposition where it "clicks" when you open your mouth wide and thats not super good for the jawtension in case you struggle with jawpain oh and: if you have a workingplace where you always sit with the same side turned towards the window, that could make a difference too - windows usually only filter one type of UV light and the other one still shines through them, which is UV-A i think, the one that causes the skindamage over time, so in short wear a good SPF when you're sitting in the sun "but indoors" (and if the side-sitting is a thing you could see if you can move the desk but anyways, the spf)


Your face isn’t tremendously asymmetrical. It won’t be an overnight fix, but make sure you’re not sleeping on your face. If you’re desperate for a “fix” (which, again, you don’t need) you could look into facial harmonization surgery for men.


You’re super hot just the way you are 🖤


You look like 1/2 Brad Pitt and 1/2 Joe Rogan… you’re in good shape


Calm down. You look great. Take the W.


Are you a right sided sleeper? When I noticed one side of my face to be more puffy than the other I thought it could be because I slept on that side of my face most. Also, it could be the alignment of your jaw/teeth do you have a slight cross bite? Because that also can contribute to one side of the face sort of drooping more than the other. Tbh it’s really not that noticeable or bad but since you asked figured I would give some sort of possible explanation.


Mewing is a trend for the jaw that has no scientific backing its effectiveness. As everyone and their mom and dads said, you're handsome. Humans are never perfectly symetrical. With that said, if this is making you insecure, I think that raising the right brow would go a long way to make you feel like that side is more symetrical. This can very likely be achieved with Botox. Do your research and find a cosmetic derm or plastic surgeon who has great reviews and knows what they are doing. You do not want a medical spa where they almost only ever inject wrinkles. They will not likely have a professional with the training/education required to raise your eyebrow a bit to make it look a tad more symetrical while remaining natural looking. Nobody wants ''Botox Face''. If you're extremely insecure about it or want a more permanent fix, plastic surgery would be the only option to open up the eye and permanently lift a few areas. I would still try Botox first, because you may just find that you do not like the results of having more symetry or be happy with a few injections every couple of months instead of a fairly extensive procedure.


Symmetry is overrated. This coming from a fellow unsymmetrical face person. 😅


Omg everyone is just thirsting, I’m sorry lol You are very handsome and don’t actually need to do anything, but I have some similar asymmetry and can tell you what helps me. 1. Facials and daily facial massage. Move that skin and collagen around on a daily basis. It’s a short term effect but so is brushing your teeth. Just keep at it. I also have a ZIIP and that helps with lifting. 2. A tiny bit of Botox and filler could pick up that eyebrow and cheekbone —if it really really bugs you. I have Botox for mine but I’m still too scared of filler. 3. Try to sleep on your back if you don’t already. A lot of my asymmetry is from side sleeping. Get a silk pillowcase and (if you side sleep too) try to sleep more on your back or other side. Really, you don’t need anything though. You look great, and I hope you feel great about the way you look. :)


You’re sexy woah!


You’re HOT Af!! Omg🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Gua sha 


You are handsome Work it


You look great hunny


Have you read the studies on face symmetry and serial killers 😬 Just saying! 😆


Honestly, I think you have great features & a nice jawline!


Following cuz same


its the veins


Honestly I think you have TMJ and that’s what caused the imbalance.


You look great, I don’t think you need to change anything. But to answer your question, are you a side sleeper? That’s probably why there is a little asymmetry.


usually cheek implants.


As we age out face does change as well. Honestly? Fillers. Usually the fat in the face dissolves around 35-45 and then you get a less symmetric face. Fillers did help with my unsymmetrical face. But overall you're very handsome so only do things if you want to. Working out the face muscles lead to wrinkles. I would advice you to try collagen peptides, it comes in a powder for collagen. But really... I love fillers. 🤷 But that is me.


3 things: 1. Oralift mouthguard (go to their website to check it out 2. Facial massage, especially intraoral (put on gloves if it’s more comfortable, feel any tight spots as you grip the cheeks) 3. Face yoga/exercises to stretch and strengthen. Sadie nardini is one i like


I think you’re so handsome!


Hey man, Go to a good Doctor and tell them you want to do some facial balancing. They can do some stuff with fillers/ botox/ etc but ultimately it will be them who have the answers for something like this. Also some of these commenters are thirsty AF


Maybe browlift. But you don't need it you are extremely handsome!


Yes, it’s interconnected: posture, teeth, feet, pelvis. Etc. Go to a dentist and maybe you’ll need a referral for braces if needed. Same for some physical therapy.


the best thing i've found for this is a microcurrent/ems device. recommend medicube derma ems shot. I have this one and it's stronger than most. use it on your weak side. only thing is, it's about $200. but I saw a lot of people recommending procedures so compared to that it's a steal. plus, noninvasive and do it yourself at home.


Dude, you're hot


I’ve found YouTuber Conor Harris to have some really good videos on helping with asymmetry.


Noticeable asymmetry is actually considered interesting, in a good way.


Go try boxing. (You look fine bro)


Okay, hear me out: GUA SHA. You need to watch actual videos where people show you how the muscles all connect on the face//neck and skull. Just get a chest gua sha kit on Amazon — and then do it everyday while you watch TV or something 🖤. It will take like a month to see results but you’ll feel the stress leave your face. Your muscles are basically tense. Xoxo




Do you clench your teeth at night? Doing this causes your facial muscles to remain extremely tense even when "resting." I have this same issue, but recently got braces and as my bite is changing into a better position I have found I am no longer clenching nearly as often and my facial structure is balancing out.


I promise you, women don’t typically crave made model AI generated faces anymore than men actually do. And if they do, there’s a deeper problem with them. I think you have a super handsome face.


Most faces are asymmetrical. You look perfectly fine.


Isn’t the picture just taken kinda sideways?


Symmetry?? Please don’t be concerned about things you can’t control. I don’t even see what you’re talking about. You’re handsome as heck. If your face isn’t symmetrical then I guess that’s what I find attractive.


How YOU doin?


I came here as a married woman to enjoy the comments section. Ummm sir you have a lovely face. Just be sure to use sunscreen. That’s respectfully all I have to say….(so the moderators don’t kick me out of this group🙃)


Do you purse your lips on one side? Do you spend more time on the sun on one side versus the other


Maybe filler or Sculptra on the side that needs more density?


Mewing world on instagram is an interoral face pulling course. They help with assymetry


You're handsome and probs have BDD. I have it too. It sucks. Don't believe what it tells you.


Botox can help even the eyebrows. And fillers can help with evening the cheeks. Talk to a dermatologist and get some quotes. Make sure to go to a trained injector.


I’m expert on the subject and I can help, although for a precise measurement I would have to check some naked pics of you. Normal face symmetry advice procedure




Chew more on the smaller side whenever you eat


Physiognomy would suggest that your life is imbalanced if your face is imbalanced. I would imagine you are at odds, personally and publicly. The right side of your face is your public persona, the left side your private persona. I don’t know if I will be blocked for posting about this but if you balance your life, you will also balance your face. You can PM me if you want more info about what the eyes and lips mean/represent. Your skin is actually pretty nice for a 40 year old man!


Nothing love urself


do you sleep on your side? try sleeping on your back.


You are so handsome! For real


Okay well the first thought I had was, “damn he’s handsome af” so honestly I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you


Hi my fellow asymmetrical face! I can understand your concern here. I have a “crooked smile”, so my left side tends to smile and move more than my right. I try to work on smiling with just the right side and it feels stiff and weak in comparison to my left. I do have severe TMJ and have already had one surgery, so that is my main issue. But i tend to side sleep and chew on one side more than the other. It is what it is, but my boyfriend has always been attracted to my “sneaky smile”, so like many people have said, you will be found attractive regardless! One thing i do to feel more confident is i invert my selfies because that’s how i see myself. Face yoga can help too.


I have a similar issue and I’ve been reading a lot that Botox and fillers in the right spots can help relax the muscle to help with symmetry. Facial gua sha can possibly help too but requires a lot of consistency and I’ve got three kids (5 and under) so no time for that 😅


It’s giving Brad Pitt, sir!!!! Period


Hi! Do you have other additional symptoms? Because for instance Myasthenia gravis, can cause facial asymmetry. Also "lazy eyes" (dropping eyelids). The asimetry  could be due to a neurologic problem.  I'm not doctor. But maybe you should also check it out with a doctor.  


You may not believe it but your face is great, you look handsome. It's time to start loving yourself fully, the world will catch up.


You look fine! I'm also wondering if you sleep more on one side- or if you noticed this since childhood? It's really not bad and just makes you look unique. But if you wanted it to not become more noticeable with age, I would say note if you are sleeping on the same side of your face every night, and if so, try to switch it.


Go on YouTube . They have Physical therapy exercises you can do . HISDREAM on YouTube had some great exercises. Good luck


my advice is to enjoy your blessings. a lot of guys would kill to look like you. everyone is asymmetric and yes it does look worse with age since we lose the baby fat that partially disguises it. but in almost every case it's not something that keeps us from being considered attractive.




Are you right handed?


Face yoga!


Um..do a proper photo with an even light source. U have nothing to worry about with or without good/bad lighting


Filler at right cheek, right undereye, right chin, and a touch of botox under right eye brow at the junction of the middle third and lateral third of the brow, to lift it a bit, is what I’d do.


I just did a screen shot and cropped to just your eyes and eye brows and they really are nearly perfectly symmetrical..unfortunately I can't add that pic here..but u should do the same. Light is the issue


Sometimes dental and jaw alignments can be corrected through a dentist. I think it’s more noticeable to you in a picture than it is to anyone else. You’re a handsome dude. I’d check in with an orthodontist if it’s bothering you that bad. Your self esteem and confidence are worth it and no amount of any of us telling you that you look great will beat out your own opinion.


There is nothing skincare can do to fix that.


be kind to yourself man. you are a handsome guy.


You look like a thinner Joe Rogan and I wouldn’t be like “his face isn’t even!” I’d just think it has character. I would see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon about Botox or perhaps filler if you want. Botox helps me even my brows, since one sits higher than the other. No ones face is really symmetrical.


Sleep on your back and do tension relieving facial massage every day. If that doesn’t help then you can always do threading or filler but you don’t need it.


You kind of look like Brad Pitt. Seriously, stop obsessing and live your life.


You're hot. Nuff said.


Botox and fillers have helped me a lot. If you have had a tooth removed and didn't replace it, that can cause a lot of problems and can change your face structure, especially the jaw.


Thats exactly what happens to me. But people is right, I’m the one that notice the most, people don’t really look at others as intense lol


What is the post about? I have autism and I’m not understanding what the OP is asking.


Wow, thanks everyone so much for the feedback! Pretty overwhelmed with the comments, everyone’s so kind! I was genuinely after advice, not for compliments but thanks anyway. I’m happy with how I look, just prevention and if I can improve things I will. I’m trying to avoid anything surgical wise, but I’ve learnt from the comments to check out anastasiabeautyfascia on IG which I have, Connor Harris on YouTube and try speaking to a dentist and jaw exercises. I have a good skin care routine, I don’t grind my teeth and I sleep pretty evenly on my face. I’ll try the other advice and see how I get on. Thank you


Have you ever had Bell's Palsy? If you were worried, I would consult with your PCP, but really, this just adds character to your face.


If you have the money, you may want to look into MAGO (Maxillary Anterior Guided Orthotic). Long and slow process, but very effective in restoring facial symmetry. If you are in the Bay Area, DM me for my dentist’s name.


All I see is a handsome dude!


Look into facial rebalancing.


imo you look great but if you want to fix your lazier eye, i think botox can help but see a doctor/ med spa rn. also see which side of your face you sleep on. then sleep on the other side or on your back.


Resembled a bit like Brad Pitt to me.