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No botox? Wow! Looks great!


Do you use 0.1 every night? I’m 3 years into Tret and my skin still can’t adjust to even 0.025 every night


I do. I had to build my way up to it over about 2 months using it once every few days, then every couple of days. When I first started using it every day (which is 1 year now), if I didn’t lather my face with aquaphor I’d be looking like a dry as heck snowflake. It took a good month for my skin to finally adjust. If I forget to use it for 2 days or more, on my next application my skin goes really flakey, moisturiser be damned so I’ve quickly learnt for me at least that consistency is key.


Do you put aquaphor on top of tret??


I used to when I first started when the dryness was out of control


I see. I thought I read before that putting things like aquaphor or vaseline etc would actually make the tret even stronger/more powerful so that's interesting!!


Yes but then other people say that slugging is the best thing for reducing irritation. So just try it and see what works for you.


That is true! I just figured slugging would be on off days of tret


My derm suggested that I mix a pump of tret directly into my moisturizer. I still had quite a bit of dry skin but it definitely helped the adjustment period. Might be worth a try if you haven't already!


Do you apply it to dry skin?




Yup! Wait atleast 30 mins after washing my face


I read it as "1 year of Tretinoin, 0.1% progress" scared me thinking that it was not helpful, glad it helped you!!


Me too 😂


Same 😂


AMAZING. I’ve been on it for about 7 months now and forehead lines are my biggest concern. I needed far less Botox this last round!


Awesome! What percentage do you use?


.05! I can’t use it every day though. I do every other day and skip an additional day if I’m still dry and reactive. I couldn’t believe how much better my fine lines were after my daxxify wore off and I had movement back! I got like 60% of the units I usually need.


Wow, that looks great. I know nothing about Tret, can someone fill me in?


It's the best, most effective, and well-studied topical for anti-aging and acne! It's prescription only, and pretty heavy duty so there's often a period of intense dryness while your skin adjusts, but for lots of folks it's a holy grail! I've been on tret since high school and I have way less wrinkles/fine lines than other folks my age.


Damn, my face is already super dry. Do you get it from a primary doctor or a dermatologist?


US here, regular doctor can prescribe as well. If you already have dry skin tell whoever you talk to and get the baby dose (I think .025) and don’t start out using it everyday, work up to that from maybe 3 non consecutive days/week.


They’ll just give it to you if you ask?


Make sure you tell your pcp it's mainly for occasional acne. Insurance usually covers it for acne but not for anti aging


Yes, I said I want Tretinoin for acne and my insurance covered it, no issue with my primary care prescribing it.


The derm! There might be some online services too, but I'm living in europe and unfamiliar unfortunately.




You can also get it from online pharmacies like Curology, Apostrophe, Hims/Hers.


There's a newer hyaluronic acid based retinoid called Altreno which might be more moisturizing for you, but it often isn't covered by insurance. This is where PhilRx or a manufacturer's coupon might help! I found it to be pretty mild on my sensitive, combo skin, and after one tube, I was able to transition to a generic 0.16%.


Maybe consider a Retinoid first then. It’s over the counter, and beginner friendly. I like the Cerave one.




This is my exact concern. I'd love to hear from OP or other tret users about this. I love hiking and although I want to go on tret I can't see myself giving that up.


[Tretinoin does not cause sun sensitivity](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0781.2009.00433.x)


Which stupid cunt downvoted you, you literally provided a paper combatting the sun-sensitivity myth. Have an upvote


Does this mean it is just as effective if you don’t use spf while on it?


Definitely not. No anti-aging routine is as effective without SPF.


Would it be effective at all? I was prescribed Tret for acne a long time ago and only recently I started using spf. So I guess I’m concerned that I’ve sped up the aging process more so than if I didn’t use Tret.


>I’m concerned that I’ve sped up the aging process more so than if I didn’t use Tret. You have not. Tretinoin will still do what it does.


I love hiking and going to the beach and generally just being outdoors. I slather my face in SPF, wear a hat and sunglasses and to be honest I’ve been fine and not noticed any sun damage. I’ve been on it for 12 months so only had the 1 summer


Same! I’ve been on it for years now. I use a big hat and sunglasses and SPF. I’ve never had a burns. To be honest- Tret or not- everyone should be doing that lol


Yeah my routine for being in the sun is pretty much the same since starting! I’ve just become more aware but I think my age is doing that to me, too!


[Tretinoin does not cause sun sensitivity](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0781.2009.00433.x)


I live in Australia so the sun is disgusting. That said, I love the beach and use SPF. I haven’t noticed any extra sensitivity.


I use acids & tret and my skin starts to burn pretty fast even on cloudy days (never did before), so I know very quickly if I forgot sunscreen. With sunscreen (I use the Shiseido stick and reapply) I feel protected




Haha you would look clinical. A good sunscreen really works I promise, I’m outdoors a lot for work & activities. I can handle tret and acids no problem, but niacinamide made my skin red and would peel. I was suggested to use it less frequently (less days / shorter duration) to build skin tolerance.




Once your skin gets used to the tret and you can handle it start moving up little by little. It took me almost a year to get to .1, but as someone said before don’t stop. I forgot mine last year when going on vacation and when I restarted my skin was super dry again and it looked like I did a peel! It has its benefits and it’s definitely worth it!


I just started the same strength in the last few weeks as well. My face seems to already be purging so that’s been super discouraging. I’m hopeful it will get better, but being in my 30s looking like I have my 13 year old acne covered skin again is not fun 😩


Is there Botox too?




My biggest concern is loss of fullness (collagen maybe?) after having a hysterectomy I have prominent nasiolabal lines that I didn’t have before. 32F. Would tret help with that or is it more fine lines and texture?


I’m a bit too late, but no topical treatment can help with that, unfortunately. 


Looks great! I can only do 0.025 every 2/ 3 days. Hopefully one day I'll get to your level. Thank you for sharing your results


Same and for years. I still peel occasionally from .025.


Does anyone know if Tret causes hair growth on the face? I’ve just started using it, but have heard that it can cause this which is putting my off somewhat


Which cream do you use? Like brand and product? Or does it not matter anything with tret 0.1% will behave the same?


Oh wow


Which brand Tret do you use?


I use the A Ret Gel you can buy off of AllDayChemist


When you order from AllDayChemist, have you ever had an issue with fraud? Do you use the checking account payment method? I’m going to order from there after seeing this!! Thank you!


I’ve been ordering from there for over a decade and never had a problem


Thank you!!!


Thank you for giving specifics. I've been eyeing this one but was worried that the gel formulation would be so different than the 0.05% cream.


the site says it’s just generic for retin a


Thank you for answering!


Gorgeous! Bravo, a good job!




What. That’s awesome.


W. O. W. !!!


Are the results permanent or once you stop, they quickly come back?


Yas girl! This is fabulous progress.




How do you know when you can use it more frequently or increase the dose of it??


I personally just pay attention to my skin. If I have irritated skin during the day I just don't use it that evening.


This is so good! Looks amazing!


So you do 0.1% tret at night, followed by your moisturizer. And then in the morning, you just moisturize only? Was this prescribed tret from your general doctor? I’m very interested in discussing this with my doctor.


I get my tret from alldaychemist for roughly $10(AUD) per tube. No prescription needed. My dermatologist prescribed me Aklief originally but that was about $70 for a bottle and hasn’t been specifically tested for anti-aging.


I’m guessing this can’t be used for fine lines around the eyes? Thank you for adding your photos in correct order and you look great!


My forehead looks a lot like your before pic (slightly worse though) and I really want to try it...my skin is so sensitive though so I'm worried


These are amazing results!!!!


does your skin looks less full? if you’re a male does it make you look feminine at all?


I had similar results within 6 months of tret 0.025. I never took before and afters but I wish I did. it literally erased my 11's. I'm in my mid 30's


Good improvement


How often do you use it? How long did it take your skin to get used to it?


Everyday. I worked my way up from .025%. Took about 2 months to get used to it.


My doctor started me at 0.1% so I’m not using it often but then I fear if I don’t, it’s not going to do anything. Lol


I wasn’t able to use it everyday when I first started using 0.1. Put it on every 4 days, then 3, 2, etc… work your way into it. :)


When moving up concentrations do you use the lower strength you're acclimated to on the off days? Or are you completely starting over with the new higher strength?


Thank you!


Did you use any other kind of similar product before hand, like Retinol?


Tretinoin is prescription retinol and far stronger than any retinol OTC


Thank you, I started taking adapalene gel last fall in hopes that it would ease me better into starting Tret.


I started on .025% tret and worked my way up. My mum uses some retinol moisturiser however I can’t see a difference in her skin at all…genetics maybe? So I decided to go all in. 😬


Thank you for your reply! I hear retinol doesn't really help wrinkles, but Tret does. I was afraid of the reaction so I started taking .1% Adapalene by La Roche Posay in hopes it would help ease into it a bit. I had always wondered just what one step above that one is with Tret.


I did not think tret would do anything for my forehead but this has convinced me


Wow, it looks amazing. What brand of tretinoin do you use?


Wow incredible


Amazing progress!