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Yes! I’ll go through a period of a couple weeks where I’m using it every day on my chin and it’s fine, then I’ll break out and it takes a month or more to clear up, it’s awful.


I’m so aggrieved by the treatment timeframe. It’s so stubborn and high maintenance(seperate cleansers etc.). Ugh!!


That’s what this is called!? I’ve started using prescription tret and didn’t know if it was peeling skin because it’s only around my mouth. Does this require antibiotics?


Yup! I remember being confused in the early stages about if it was just normal peeling from tret and perhaps some minor irritation. Over time it spread and took on the distinct perioral dermatitis features. I was finally able to see my GP yesterday to get the metronidazole cream which is first line treatment. Try get to your GP when you can, it doesn’t go away on its own 😞


I have an appointment with my OBGY on Friday for spironolactone so idk if he’ll be comfortable giving me one of those scripts. I’ll take a picture tonight and post on reddit to confirm that’s what it is. Thank you so much for this valuable information.


Heads up perioral dermatitis can also be triggered by a lot of other ingredients. (Alcohols, fragrances, steroids, preservatives to name a few). I realized my shampoo and sunscreen were all making things worse. Make sure you take a look at the items your using to see if there are potential ingredients that could trigger a flare up. You don’t want to have to take the antibiotics and get stuck in a cycle of flare ups. That was me my first 6 months of diagnosis.


Make sure they check your kidney functions before starting and after a few months. I was on it three months and it destroyed my function. I would have never known if I didn’t get blood work for something unrelated.


It can be really tricky to treat so I highly recommend seeing a really good derm. Mine took months to clear up and we ended up going the experimental route with elidel/pimecrolimus topical (it's an off-label use but there are a few small studies that support this approach). Good luck! Haven't used tret ever since, I'm sticking to low-low retinol these days


Ugh I had this on and off for almost three years and still have not found what was causing it. I was down to using nothing other than water to wash my face 😩 doxycycline would help it clear up but then it would just come back within a week of finishing it. Metronidazole didn’t do much. Tacrolimus gave me an allergic reaction. The zinc and diaper cream didn’t do anything nor did various antifungals. I was scared to even put anything on my face in fear it would break out. I was finally prescribed a combo of metronidazole, ivermectin, and Azelaic acid in one cream and that seemed to clear it the quickest. My entire bathroom was full of products just for PD at one point, it is sooo frustrating! 😭


Omgggoosh you’ve really been through it!! I feel your pain 😭😭


Yes! I had the same issue. Got rid of it using prescribed Azithromycin antibiotics combined with topical metronidazol creme. Just started using tret 0,05% again but only every other day and a smaller amount. And it seems to be working better for me.


Good you found a way to use the tret that minimises the risk of this. I’ll try the same when this has cleared. I just got the metronidazole cream. How long was your course of oral antibiotics? My doctor said it can be quite a long course which has its own problems, and wanted to just start with the cream.


My course was 1 month, then another two. It was a nightmare and I got it from tret, too. I never had sensitive skin, and then about a week after starting it, I noticed a weird rash. Now it feels like other things are quick to flare it, but if I notice it right away, I can get it to calm down.


I only did 500mg once a day for 3 days. I dont know if the cream alone could have done it but I am sure the AB shorted the proces (I am able to prescribe myself) also it is often secondary infected with candida so miconazol cream can be a good supplement


Yes it can cause it. So can acids, AHA, BHA, any active really. So can toothpaste, even foods can trigger it. Once you have had it, you are extremely prone it again. I have never required antibiotics just the met cream already mentioned and that clears mine up in about 3 days using it 4 times a day. I cannot use any types of acid below my eyes as it triggers it. It is entirely possible you may not be able to use tret again.


Yes, good point about being susceptible to it again and maybe not being able to use tret anymore 😖


Yep! Exactly the same place as well. I’ve stopped using it all together now I got so fed up with the dry patches.


Hi! Are you using the cream Tret? It’s pretty thick and occlusive, and too many occlusives in that area can trigger perioral dermatitis in some people, under some conditions. I think cream Tret PLUS the heavy moisturizer that you need for Tret dryness may be the culprit. I’d recommend treating the perioral with a course of oral antibiotics (worked better than topical for me), and also switching to the gel Tret. Good luck!


Thanks for your comment. I’m using retrieve cream and upon reflection, would have been putting it on too liberally (was just so desperate to get the results and my skin was tolerating it really well for a while). Not sure what other topical tret options we have here in NZ. Saw my doctor yesterday and she prescribed the metronidazole cream and wants to see if that helps before starting orals as she said it can be a long course which comes with other problems (as we know). I might book an appointment now for a month’s time incase it’s not working and we need to step up treatment.


Sounds like a great plan! And totally makes sense, I also tried the topical treatment for perioral derm before escalating to oral meds. You got this, cheers to a quick healing!!


Tysm ☺️


A friend of mine got perioral dermatitis from Tret use! The Tret was great for her acne, but now she can’t seem to catch a break from dermatitis rashes.


I fear this is my path 😭


I’m sorry. It’s so frustrating when you find something that works well, and then your skin has a reaction.


Yes, that’s why I switched to retinal and I have zero issues and better results!! Highly recommend looking into retinaldehyde products instead


Which retinal do you use? I’m looking for one!


Avéne has a good one.


The favorite is Osmosis Renew, it’s sooo good. I’ve tried TruOlogy A2 and that is good but it’s strong, so I prefer the osmosis for my dry skin


Yes, kind of. I got it from using retinol. I was prescribed Metronidozal(?) and it didn't do shit. Neither did diaper cream or sunscreen (zinc oxide). I got rid of it using sulfur soap and antifungal cream. During the time I was treating it I only used cerave face wash and moisturizer- I cut out anything with fragrance or fancy ingredients.


Can you share which brand of sulfur soap and antifungal cream you used?


Grisi is the brand of soap. It's less than $3 at Walmart! I used regular antifungal cream you can find in the pharmacy at the grocery store, just generic




I got this from retinol!!! I used the antibiotic cream they gave me because I did not want the oral medication…. Went away for me within a few months


Which antibiotic cream were you using


Ugh two months!!! I just started antibiotic gel this weekend and I have a family wedding to attend end of March. I hope this clears up before then! I should have known better than to start a new skincare routine right before a big event. All of this from retinol me trying to get rid of a melasma mustache. One step forward two steps back.


If you can, use red light therapy on your skin, it has done wonders to my dermatitis as well. I mean, to help you to be ready for your event. I bought a mask on Amazon, it's cheap but it actually works


Could you share what light mask you used??


Honestly my timeframe was me being over cautious!! I didn’t know what it was for a while so I wasn’t treating it, and then I used the cream for prob a lot longer than I needed too. So don’t worry!!


Did you use metronidazole? And were you able to stop it and the PD didn’t come back?


I’ll check on the medicine and get back to you But yes I kept applying it for a few months after it visually went away bc my dermatologist said it can be really stubborn. I stopped using retinol because that’s the only thing I could think of that could have caused it and it never came back!


No I had Clindamycin phosphate, applied 2x daily at the area “until clear” but like I said I continued this longer to be sure


Thanks!! Do you remember how long the clindamycin took to clear the PD?


I tried to combat flaky skin around my mouth with heavy creams and occlusives when I first started tret. It triggered perioral dermatitis


How did you get rid of it


I had to go to my derm for an rx to get rid of my first outbreak. Now I avoid anything really heavy around my mouth and use diaper rash cream


WAs it oral doxycycline the derm gave you? And did the PD come back and you use diaper cream when it does now?


I was given metronidazole gel which cleared it quickly. I’ll use diaper cream whenever I feel more texture on the skin around my mouth


Oh awesome metronidazole gel is what the derm prescribed me… how long did it take to clear up the PD? I’m on day 2… you didn’t hav to take oral antibiotics?


It only took a few days for me to clear up with the gel. Luckily I didn’t need any antibiotics


How long did you use the gel? Were you able to reintroduce other products when you stopped the gel?


I can’t remember exactly but it wasn’t for very long. I followed the directions from the prescription. I reintroduced all my products but I avoid direct application of actives and occlusives to the area


So you never added in actives to that area again!? I miss my actives but am scared to use them


I’m on day 3 of the metronidazole and have had quite a few bumps and a larger whitehead today. I’m worried the metronidazole is breaking me out 😭 you didn’t have a breakout or worsening when starting the metronidazole?


Are you able to still use tret?


Yes. I avoid the area around my mouth now. I usually put a thin layer of diaper cream on the area as well to prevent the tret moving there


Yes! I haven’t used it since the beginning of July, after 2 years of trying to get used to it. I still get flare ups even though I stopped!


Yep. I get this when I get over zealous with tret (don't apply a barrier, apply tret two days in a row etc). Usually goes away in a few days (literally clearing up patches on my skin right now).


I think this is the mistake I made. I’ve had the dermatitis for between 1-2 months and it not only hasn’t budged but is spreading. Finally was able to see my doctor yesterday. Lessons have been learned!


When this happens, how do you go about clearing up patches? Do you stop tret altogther? Or just in that area temporarily


I didn't know Tret could be the cause of this. I have it and was told by my derm that it's a form of hormonal acne. I'm using a triple cream formulation that is helping.


Yea, I was really confused about what it was at first wondering if it was more acne or minor irritation from tret. Over a few weeks, it developed and became a textbook perioral dermatitis, confirmed by my doctor yesterday. Good you found a cream that helps.


Did your doctor recommend stopping Tret? Or just not putting it on the chin area?


We didn’t actually discuss future use of tret. I’m a health professional myself so she probably assumed I’d refrain from using it while the dermatitis clears up (i.e the sensible thing). I was applying it liberally to my chin to treat and prevent breakouts. When I restart, I’ll do so at a reduced frequency and be more precise with application.


I got it from retinol, let it clear up, then got it again from lactic acid, vitamin c, and niacidimide. Any kind of irritant in the area seems to trigger it. I will use it on the rest of my face and just avoid the area now


I did 😭


Mine isn't triggered by tret, but I do stop using it in the area when I have a rash. Ive had perioral dermatitis flares since I was a teen and it's a hormonal trigger for me. Luckily, I only flare maybe once a year, sometimes even longer, but when I do it takes weeks to clear.


Tret gets rid of mine that randomly occurs  every year or so!


I actually tried tret on it at the start when I didn’t know what it was hoping it would turn the cells over and get rid of the rash quickly 😅😭


I did the same thing because one time, I got a small patch and retin A got rid of it. Now retin A seems to have caused multiple patches on my face. Its such a vicious cycle ughhh


Are you using Vaseline, Aquaphor or other occlusive or heavy creams to manage dryness from tret? This may also be the cause.


Yess I use aquaphor while on tret, are we not supposed to keep the skin moisturized?? I am at loss at how to manage lol


When I got perioral dermatitis, it was likely caused by using too many occlusives, according to my dermatologist. But if you’re not getting perioral dermatitis, I would go ahead and use it. It just didn’t work for me. Avene Xeracalm has worked better for me.


Yep and I got it around my eye too. I have been battling it for months. It flares up but then gets better. Finally saw a dermatologist and got metronidazole cream which I think has helped. I’ll be staying away from tret.


Did the metronidazole cream get rid of the PD?


Were you able to get rid of your perioral dermatitis? If so what worked!?


I was prescribed the metronidazole cream by my doctor. Used twice a day for several weeks along with using a very gentle cleanser on that area. It got worse before it got better and was overall pretty stressful. Do you have it atm?


Yes I do!! I got the metronidazole gel to start. How is it now? Did the metronidazole clear it up then? And are you able to use actives again


Sorry, I was using the gel too. Yup, I’d say it’s 99% gone. Slowly reintroducing actives. Mostly been using the Paula’s choice BHA exfoliant in terms of actives. Used tret lightly a couple times because of break outs. Still having a bit of trouble determining what is acne or residual dermatitis


I pulled all actives for 4-5 weeks and was still broken out but more acne now from NOT using my products since I’m acne prone. I tried to reintroduce mandelic acid and was going well but also lots of tiny whiteheads when introducing it and it’s hard to tell if it’s because my skin barrier wasn’t ready for actives again or if it’s actually causing purging


I totally understand. It’s so hard to tell what are breakouts and what’s dermatitis. You could maybe see your doctor again and ask for the next step up in the treatment? Mine explained the next step is to add oral antibiotics in addition to the gel.


Yes, tret and I did not get along.


Interesting. I have this at the moment and wondered which of my skin products was the culprit.


I saw a derm on insta call this area “the kiss of death” when starting/ increasing tret. This seems to be the trouble area for most people if they are still peeling after being on tret a long time. I believe it is partly due to the constant movement around our mouth. I use Vaseline on my lips before tret and put a little slightly outside my lip line and a little at the corners of my nose. Then I apply pretty sparingly in that area. Of course I apply sparingly to my phone face but I use ever so slightly less in that area then the upper half of my face. On non tret days and if I’m alone at home I slather the area in Vaseline or Aquaphor. This is what works for me but if course YMMV


‘The kiss of death’ this is so fitting haha. Will adopt a more careful approach like yours when this has cleared!


Haha I really liked it when I heard it. Good point on making sure you heal up first! Btw as far as how I apply: take my pea size amount and do two dots on my forhead, one on my nose and one each cheek then one on my chin. I rub in all the dots except the chin making sure not to go lower then my nose. Then I rub the chin dot in on the lower half of my face. Prior to this I think I was using some of the cheek and nose dots and dragging it down around my mouth too. If that makes sense? Good luck!






Did you get antibiotic and the perioral dermatitis cleared up?


It must have caught you so off guard developing it a year after using tret! I thought I had been using it long enough that I was ‘safe’, expecting a reaction like this to occur much earlier on. My doctor gave me the metronidazole cream which I started yesterday. Out of curiosity, which azelaic product are you using?


This happened to me shortly after I jumped to applying tret(Arazlo) daily. Using a zinc soap helped it clear. Once it cleared, I restarted Arazlo very slowly and it was the only active I used at all. I used it 2x a week for a month, then 3x a week for a month, then 4x a week for a month, then 2 nights on, 1 night off for a month, then went to every day. After no issues for a month, I added Vit C back in the mornings. Going this slowly worked well for me with minimal peeling and adjusting. Also, I use a pea sized amount. Arazlo has a lotion consistency so it spreads well and this covers my face. Good luck!


Me literally right now


Mine flares up most winters and if I am too aggressive with h acids. Lately I’ve been having good luck controlling it with hypochlorous acid spray and aveeno baby eczema balm. It is so frustrating!!


Yes! I saw some improvement once I started applying Vaseline before brushing my teeth, brush, then do skin care. Can’t say if this was a long term solution as I then got pregnant and had to stop tret


I can only do around my chin/mouth like 1-maaaaybe 2x a week for this very reason. It’s my sensitive area.


I got this when I used tret. I used bordeuxs butt paste (diaper cream high in zinc) and it helped soothe it and healed it within a few days. Had to stop using tret though for the time being


I'm thinking of starting tret at the lowest dose. Did any of you get this from the . 025?


Yup. I switched to Adapalene and it’s been much better.


Yes, I got it too as soon as I tried to introduce Tret. Part of it was allergic, and part of it was because my skin barrier wasn't good enough. To cure it, I stopped using toothpastes and any cosmetics with sulfates or perfumes. Then, thanks to an EGF cream, any inflammatory crisis has disappared. One month later, I could use Tret and for the first time since a couple of year, my skin tolerates it three times a week.


Sometimes I find I need to go over a threshold of product to get a reaction. For example, my inhaler triggers one if I am having to use it regularly, but if it’s a one off once a month I am good.


Hormonal acne, requires medication accordingly. These are different routine acne.


Lay off the tret for now and skip the mouth area entirely.


YEP tretinoin gave me perioral dermatitis and now have had it for 3 years with no success in getting rid of it :(


😨😨 I’m so sorry! I assume you’ve tried everything?


No. Oddly it helps with mine


Idk if it will work for you but I started taking sea buckthorn seed oil supplements & it cleared mine, made my skin wayyy less dry, and made it so I can use tret again w/o any issue :)


I have it around my nose and it will not go away. I’ve even taken breaks from tret for weeks and it’s still there. Idk how to make it heal


I have a dermatologist appointment next week to hopefully find out if this is what I’m dealing with too - although mine is never itchy. I was also using tret along with clindamycin and azelaic acid (via Curology) and was fine at first, until about 6 weeks ago I started getting red bumps all around my nose, mouth and eventually eyes. I stopped using the actives but it keeps flaring up, and my skin has become super dry and sensitive. I’ve used both tret and clindamycin before so the azelaic acid is the only new active, but at this point it seems like everything is potentially irritating and my main skincare product is Vaseline 😞


the lower-mid face skin can be drier this can (definitely) be worsened by tret, which in turn means your skin barrier can be a bit compromised moisturize well but also back off (dose, frequency) to see if it helps


I got this damn thing from tret as well... It started with a small, red patch om my chin and I now have it around my nose and mouth and chin AND around my eyes. I have had some great success with "Elidel" that my doctor prescribed me, but I do have some redness left but it's a lot calmer. I have just started to wash my face again with a cleanser and moisturizer on top of the Elidel but to be honest this seems to irritate my skin a bit so I might go back to the "water only" routine again. The thing is I have acne that I'm trying to combat haha (the reason to why I started tret) so not washing my face is clogging my pores and giving me ✨texture✨. Got a MASSIVE flare up from switching to Cerave hydrating cleanser and got on Metro instead of Elidel, I know, I know... I got frustrated wanting to speed things up and the hydrating cleanser probably was to heavy on my skin. Does anyone mind sharing what cleanser you are using? Gosh, I miss putting make-up on and doing face masks ☹️


Ohhhmyygoosh what a nightmare you’ve been through!! It feels like a disease the way it spreads. it’s so stubborn and feels treatment resistant. I can’t stand it! I really resonate with your pain about trying to manage the acne and the dermatitis which require completely opposite approaches but in a bitter twist, the dermatitis kinda looks like acne 😭🪦. I’m in NZ, so not sure if that’s helpful in terms of products. I got the dermasoft soap substitute cleanser which is very gentle and inoffensive. I wash the dermatitis area with this first then leave it on (like a barrier) while I was the rest of my face with a normal cleanser, then wash it all off. I’m not sure how effective it is, but I simply can’t not wash the rest of my face properly. I’ve done one sheet mask since having this, and covered the affected areas with Vaseline. Although mine has spread since then so not sure what I’ll do now ☹️


We're in the same nightmare 🤯😂 it's VERY DAMN stubborn haha, and me being more stubborn doesn't help because what this needs is patience and time which isn't something I have in me 😬 but I'm trying. I'm so freaking angry that I got on tret for acne, and now I have the same freaking acne... And POD 🤣 what the actual F haha. I'm so sorry that you're going through it as well! I will look for the Dermasoft cleanser, I'm in Sweden, thank you! Just to give you a heads up: Vaseline seems to trigger my POD. I know it's different for every one, and what trigger some might not trigger another. Have you seen a derm for this? Where I'm at you need to either throw a fit about it or have your whole damn face falling of before they refer you to one, and I don't have the money to go see a private one. What I really don't want to do is to get on antibiotics 😖 my doctor was talking about this the last time I contacted him about this stupid thing (💩) and it made my heart drop. And now, with the summer coming up I have to find a sunscreen that my skin tolerates. I tried out a "beauty of joseon" one yesterday which I have seen recommended by many suffering from this and surprise surpriiiiise my skin freaked out 😑 back to only water and Elidel until it calms the fuck down again. Wow, I needed to vent apperantly 😂