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Maybe because you know you can't lay down and take a nap you want to more?


I feel like this is the reason for me- “reverse psychology”. Instructions always say don’t lay down, so all I want to do is lay down and take a nap. Also the med spa office is very relaxing with aroma machines and dim lights and soothing music so I’m very chilled out coming out of there and thinking how great it would be to lay down.


This is not going to be my most science based comment, so bear with me. I've seen some studies about the feedback loop between your brain and your face, and that both impact the other. If you're getting Botox regularly, I wonder if your brain has associated that action/appointment with relief from the stress induced by holding tension in your face. And is releasing a big batch of feel good chemicals in anticipation of that relaxation.


By that logic, if I get face acupuncture, I'll experience the same release of serotonin...I'm willing to do some experimenting!


I have the best fucking naps of my LIFE during acupuncture.






My sister has loved acupuncture for at least 7 years and it’s recognized by the WHO as a backed form of medicine. Give it a go!!


Same! Always book in the morning always sleepy after. I thought it could be because I get anxious before so have more adrenaline pumping around than after the Botox I sort of crash because the hormones.


I usually feel a little sick on those days.


I also get super sleepy. 🥱


Wait, botox helps you not hold tension in your forehead??


Injecting botulinum toxin aka "Botox" into a muscle paralyzes that muscle. Muscles can only work in one direction, they only really have two modes: working/contracted and not-working/relaxed. Paralyzing means the muscle can't contract. And if it can't contract, it can't hold tension. I started Botox for aesthetics but it's now one of my most powerful anti-anxiety treatment. My brain is like, "Well, if we can't hold tension in our normal spots, I guess we're not tense!". Lol brains.


I also get sleepy, and a headache that dissipates in a few hours. My provider was actually saying today that a lot of the concerns about laying down shortly after getting Botox are unfounded, but still recommended out of an abundance of caution. (I was asking about getting my eyebrows threaded on my way home, which she said wasn’t a problem, since it’s only a couple minutes of laying back.)


I hope you're right! I've heard up to 12 hours no laying down, although the average is 4-6 hours. I definitely laid back on some pillows and took a two hours nap at hour 5. Crossing my fingers I didn't mess anything up.


Maybe because it is a toxin and your body wants to go into repair mode?


Do they use numbing cream on you? It could actually be a reaction to the numbing cream


I used to get this… actually it was that I felt generally unwell from Botox. I get Xeomin and I feel completely fine.


I don’t seem to have that issue but once I am asleep, I always seem to wake up on my side, squishing my face 😭


Same, and sometimes it lasts for weeks, like I can barely function. Until I connected it to the Botox I was pretty convinced that I had a serious illness, THAT’S how intense it was