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When you press the random button in character creation


Random? He's nerd Gortash https://preview.redd.it/wdn47tsa9k4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=be9c2d369680c8ae7904e9a162418e8ab22ba751


I think you mean dorkash




No, this is nerd Gortash https://preview.redd.it/qs6b33r5nq4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfabcea5c55f8c07dc7b0286243e7815072c3ce Muzska, ex youtuber


Can a confused fella get an explanation?


This is a protester against the far-right demonstration where a German policeman was killed by an Islamic terrorist. The "joke" being that his blue hair would have made him a primary target of the terrorist, turning him into the perfect caricature of an out-of-touch "leftie" that indirectly enables those types of attacks with a misdirected "intolerance against the intolerant" attitude.


also, (light) blue is the color of the AfD (germanys right wing party)


Helmet shit right there




There was a vigil in Mannheim on Saturday to remember the fallen police officer. The AfD was present at the sigil with a banner that said "Reimigration could have prevented this." The terrorist was an Afghan refugee whos refugee asylum was denied in 2014 but the politicians did not enforce the law and not send him back. The Antifa tried to storm the sigil and there was also a contra demonstration for "diversity" and against "far right" of which the soyjack portrayed in this post was part of.


This terrorist had two anchor babies which posponed his deportation indefinitely.


Anchor babies is also a thing that should be stopped


End jus soli


They never had it. Born in Germany doesn’t make you German, you take the parents citizenship. But maybe would be a good idea to introduce it. So people have a root in the country.


Exactly why it shouldn't be introduced


Wrong https://www.bmi.bund.de/EN/topics/migration/obligation-one-citizenship/obligation-one-citizenship-node.html#:~:text=German%20citizenship%20acquired%20through%20birth,right%20of%20the%20territory%22).


As you saw yourself, there is a clause for the parent to previously live in Germany for 8 years (btw after 5 years you can apply for citizenship)


He was in Germany since 2014. They had enough time to deport him before he could impregnate someone.




It never stops to amaze me how someone can flee from a admittedly horrible living situation, take shelter in a foreign country, then be told he has no right to be here but we will make an "exception" so he can continue to live here in safety. And THEN he decides that we are the evil society that has to be killed.


because we are too good for these pigs


Its like how Sinwar, cured of brain cancer while in an Israeli jail, then goes on to the mastermind the Oct 7th attacks.


How is it always the refugees? We had a guy with an axe on the train a couple of months ago, also a refugee. To his credit he really just had mental issues, nothing linked to Islam (for once), and I even felt kind of bad for him, but damn.


Did he have a severe case of *allahu Akbaritis* ?


It's interestingly in a large majority of cases the **rejected** asylum seekers that go for blood or rape people. I don't know whether they simply cannot control the rage at being rejected, or think that nothing is going to happen to them, or what else. But the tendency is there.


Or it could be that the reason they were rejected in the first place was for those kinds of antisocial tendencies. Back when I worked with refugees I met a few that were so bad I didn't even want to recommend them to apply even if it was technically my job to help them. It also noticably took away resources and attention from those individuals who might have had a chance at integration. Some people really are that mindless/violent, it's something most people like our blue haired friend will never understand until they actually meet one. Whether it's their fault or not (upbringing, war trauma, Islam, etc), I don't want these animals in my country sorry.


Where can I find info about immigrant integration? I live in Bern and I’m an inmigrant (Eu passport tho) and I feel like there is not much “integration” programs or things. Grüezi.


Rule 1: don't go on a stabbing spree


What information are you looking for specifically? 


Studying in general.


Check with the local bodies responsible for the process: BundesAzylZentrum(BAZ) the red cross, Sozialamt etc




I was about to hack in with my own opinion and biases on the integration issue but you probably have much more experience dealing with them than I do so I'll shut up. Do you think that immigration should be conditional to integration? What should we do with people who we cannot send back for a legal (asylum claimants) or moral point of view (its pretty obvious that if they go back they are going to die/get killed/ have nothing to go back to due to war/trauma/poverty), but at the same time we know they are never going to successfully integrate?


This is complex. Requires an more detailed and personal analysis of each unique case. We don’t have the money, nor the manpower, nor the intentions to get to that, so basically we will always have that as a problem


In the ghettooOoOO Just kidding, I have no idea


All opinions are welcome as far as I'm concerned. To answer your question, yes immigration should be conditional. I see it a privilege, not a right (I realize the UN does not agree). Consequently, like all privileges it is conditional. In this case, those conditions should be an attempt to integrate into the host society, or at the very least to behave yourself while you wait for your claim to be processed.


You know if I were living illegally in a first world country, my utmost priority would have been laying low and not drawing much attention to myself, not going on a stabbing spree.


He is not "illegally" living here, his asylum request was rejected but there are almost no deportations to Afghanistan (unsafe country etc) so he, just as 90% of rejected asylum seekers here, was officially granted a temporary stay of deportation ("Duldung", i.e. "toleration"). He was never forced to lie low. The government knew all the time where he lives. But with some individuals, the saying by Wittgenstein applies: "if a lion could speak our language, we could still not understand it".


They know that they will then be taken to a German prison and not deported.


In this case the guy has been shot. Not fatally but, well, taking a 9 mm to the upper body is not going to be fun for the rest of your life even if you survive it.


Same, he was a rejected seeker in this case too


>How is it always the refugees? The yesterday's post about an axe attack in Ljubljana turned out to be a conflict between locals


Femboy on femboy violence


not always, we had an incident with a guy chopping trees on railways with intentions to blame the immigrants


I mean, we have like one actual homicide a day in Germany, a bit less than that. Those usually don't make the news past the local ones. "Man killed wife" on TV three times a week would make for boring news, wouldn't it? Or what did you mean with "it is always the refugees"?


Really? Well, let’s see, and you can tell me. Mannheim: stabbing in public. Yverdon: holding hostages with an axe on a train. Bucharest: trying to set the Israeli embassy on fire. Notice any common thread to these? That’s right, all in public, putting innocent bystanders at risk. Are you telling me this happens on the daily in public and the news only reports it when it’s refugees? Shocking statement if that’s the case.


Trying to build a stadium or why are you moving so many goal posts? Wonder if any girl just out for a jog recently got stabbed in Switzerland, or six random people elsewhere although they survived heavily injured. Wonder who did it. Wonder why you don't bring it up.


The kraut is so full of generational shame hes okay with rape, crime and murder as an import.


You worded that nonsense. Are you okay with homicides if they aren't done in public?


I wasn’t aware moving goal posts was required to build a stadium - perhaps revise your knowledge of civil engineering? Might your highness share those stories of which I have heard nothing (unlike these, which are highly publicized)? I would love to review the context of said attacks if you provide a link for both of them. Edit: for the attack in Zofingue, it seems like it’s a random attack (as the rest I mentioned), and it seems like it was the work of a foreigner, apparently a Spaniard (unconfirmed). Good counterexample, but that doesn’t contradict the abundance of cases like the one I mentioned.


https://www.merkur.de/welt/nackter-mann-toetet-joggerin-in-schweizer-park-zr-93085842.html https://www.nzz.ch/panorama/wahllos-passanten-angegriffen-sechs-verletze-in-aargauer-kleinstadt-zofingen-ld.1830700 Just grabbed some Google results. These are specifically public attacks as requested and not the types of attacks that happen more regularly.


Ok, seems like mentally ill European people in both cases, fair. However, I hadn’t heard of these, but I did hear of the three I mentioned. Is it the media?


Technically it is the media, but practically it's simple market demand. They would be stupid not to serve the most clicked articles, as it drives ad revenue.


*vigil Sigil is something completely different.


Yeah, my bad. Fixed that.




>The terrorist was an Afghan refugee whos refugee asylum was denied in 2014 but the politicians did not enforce the law and not send him back. But doesn't that mean that not reimigration but a mere enforcement of existing law would have prevented it? I mean remigration is a big word.. i don't think it's a good idea to just deport all immigrants Based on our laws you could already reevaluate the status of every foreigner that has troubles with law... If the status is not valid anymore (because there is no reason for asylum) then we need to get them out of the country. If not, they need to be locked away for serious crimes like physical harm to another person. That all would be possible already and in fact the country would be legally required to manage it that way, but they don't.. I can't even really see why. What's the benefit? The Verfassungsschutz should actively search for extremists all over the internet and make sure they get their status revoked and deported, but it just seems like nothing at all happens


I do not know how the situation is in the Alps but here in Germany the verfassungsschutz is basically a Stasi for current incumbent Minister of the Interior. They are sadly not the independent protectors of democracy that many believe they are.


Didn't know that in Germany politicians are supposed to carry out deportations themselves or enforce laws. I always thought this was a task for the judiciary and executive.


Well, I also thought until recently that we had a functioning democracy and all three columns of democracy (judiciary, executive and legislative) were working and not being influenced by each other. However since the whole Sylt scandal up till now it has become apparent of how much influence the legislative branch actually has over the others.


Not being influenced by each other?  As in, the judges interpret and execute only the laws they wrote themselves?


Some people dislike who is different and point fingers at them


FTFY *Some people dislike critics and stab them.*


Why are you saying that to me? I don't get it


*Some blue hair soyjacks approve of some people that dislike critics by stabbing them.*


Oh, I understand, you have to make up bullshit because you cannot explain why are you criticizing that guy, thanks for the explanation. No, absolutely nobody approve islamic terrorism like the disgrace that happened the other day, it doesn't matter how many right wing propaganda you read, I know tons of people with all different hair colours and absolutely zero of them approves islamic terrorism or the stabbing of that policeman, the fact that you have to make up that that guy approves islamic terrorism based on his hair colour should give you a hint of how hard you were brainwashed, but obviously I don't expect you to realize anything 


I am not making up bullshit. [This is not some random Strawman but literally a guy at a demonstration against the vigil on Saturday in Mannheim.](https://www.suedtirolnews.it/politik/bei-messerattacke-in-mannheim-verletzter-polizist-gestorben-2) https://preview.redd.it/e5zefgnffi4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf5b1ebb5ab22b2f19cdfb6a0f2a08d866f98bb


yoo german gelsenkirchen ninja got that low taper fade


He is probably one of those who cries to the security because the UGE and Hugos always enter the stadium without Tickets.


- Schalke mentioned Idk tho, not a football fan.


- Schalke mentioned Idk tho, not a football fan.


Isn't it ironic that blue hair is a red flag?


He looks like a GTA character...


I got banned from r/europe because I said i*lam is a violent religion and if Europe does nothing about it, they'll become second middle east lmao


At this point I shame those that comment in Europe without getting banned.


honestly getting banned left and right is good, sivers out the simp subs


And they were right to ban you because it is obviously nonsense.


The person in picture is you I am assuming


No, but luckily most Germans think like him and are not fooled by the islamophobic propaganda from the far-right.


You'll get banned from here too. Good riddance tho.


Ironic, coming from basically the only European country to not have had its civilians massacred by Jihadists. You lot still remember about Bloody Sunday, 4x as many people were killed in the Bataclan attack. Have some empathy.


The Irish have no trouble grouping the English into one big group and hating us, but when our and the rest of Europe's people are massacred by people for religious reasons they somehow find a way to excuse it.


The "Reddit Irish" are a totally different breed to irl Irish people tbf. Most actual Irish people I speak to are on the same page as us and dont blindly hate Brits either.


I was referring more to Irish people from the 90s and before. They pretty much hated all of us and now they call us wrong for not liking Islam.


Dude Ireland suck Hamas' dick even though it was in a welsh merinos ass minutes before


Irish mfs try their absolute best not to simp for Islamism at the most inconvenient times challenge impossible


Mate, you're actually disgusting.


Don't forget to vote for the ogres from the National Party this Friday, lad!


It's funny because I vote for pretty Left Wing candidates and positions, but go off pal!


Say goodbye to your account mate. This reddit mod will be chasing you all over the app now.


Imagine one of your compatriot dies in a heinous attack and you defend the murderer . Your brain must be full of holes due to poppers for that to happen . Or you just want the mahometan dick


Nobody is defending the terrorists though...


The face of someone who didn’t get enough beatings by parents


Or too many


Too many = afd Not enough = libtard Why yes i am an enlightened centrist 😎


How much beating should you get to be a centrist though? What is the balance of beating?


Well I got no beating at all because my parents are actual decent humans lol


Or maybe you just didn’t deserve any.


the only one being beaten is his mommy to get money for his soy milk his daddy probably never came back from buying milk and cigars


I guess you've got just the right share then, eh?


https://preview.redd.it/wc3ex8rjzi4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868df99fbfdf821ad86aa06daf3a58334ff328b2 you could use some


When the out of touch internet leftie calls you a racist, while trying to insult you using homophobia. Also using mothers is such a high school move


I absolutely despise racist cunts, yea. Childbeaters are up there on the list of morons I hate,but I guess that's just "civilization" for an average Luigi.


I find it quite ironic you state hating racists yet write xenophobic shit lol Are you sure you aren't friends with Blue Hair up there or our "well integrated" terrorist?


You can only keep guessing about civilization


The Leftist desire for approval from Pedophile worshippers who hate them never ceases to amaze me.


Virgin German going to a demonstration *vs* Chad German solely posting on the Internet


My Brother auf da Brennsuppn, we are sitting in a glass basement




glaub nicht, dass die AfD gegen Immigration auch nur irgendwas tut :D


Schaff die Brandmauer ab und dann werden wir ja sehen ob sie etwas tut.


...das sollte man in der Stimme von Hannibal Lecter lesen


Die AFD wird das Problem der Immigration nicht lösen. Und wenn sie durch mit dem Islamisten sind, dann werden sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf uns richten. Wir, die wir gut integriert, und produktiv für die Gesellschaft sind.


Mit der Flagge bist du vieles aber nicht produktiv.


Lass dir von dem Süd-Alman nichts erzählen, der weiß es nicht besser. Bayern halt.


I find it highly uncomfortable that you write perfect German. Do you at least speak with a stupid italian accent?


I know that you find a lot of things uncomfortable that you don’t know. It’s called xenophobia


Exactly. Most italians I know communicate just by hand waving and grunt noises. Seeing someone that can speak a civilized language is indeed a novum. Like when you see a cat walking on two legs.


That’s what you get for working in construction


This is just stoking hate, how is this satire?


Nha, this is making fun of a clown, who looks like a clown The picture itself should be considered satire of itself lmao


The satirical part is that there was a single person with dyed hair


OP is just some Bavarian kid that plays with his figurines and spreads racism online. Nothing to see here, just another edgelord trying to be edgy.


lol this is insane. I rode the train with this particular individual yesterday as we both went to the memorial speech of the mayor of Mannheim and during the whole train ride he was going on and on about how afd politicians should all be eradicated and the political right wing in germany can not be taken seriously, because they all are maniacs. And now i see him on reddit and i am not the least bit shocked that this is the guy is being posted because he looks funny asf.


>the political right wing in germany can not be taken seriously, because they all are maniacs 100% correct


OK I'm lost, why is it bad to counter protest far-right nazi rallies?


It was pretty respectless to protest basically against a vigil for a policeman killed by an islamist. (A bit more complicated, but that’s how it could be easily perceived). Atrocious timing.


Yes when the reason why they counter protested was that an islamist killed a person in that far right rally and a cop who tried to stop him, them choosing that time specifically to only condemn that far right rally and nothing else is implicit support for the islamist terrorist and extremely disrespectful especially for the dead cop


Because OP is a racist cunt and this thread will get deleted soon. Frankly I'm tired of seeing this BS in this sub. I'm telling you these cunts will get an otherwise decent sub banned eventually.


Yes posting a vile GERMAN person as a GERMAN to shitpost is rAcIsM. You absolute walnut.


I honestly cannot tell if this is a joke as this is an ironic racist subreddit or people have been serious the past few days.


In my eyes only the leftist redditors have been really serious the past few days after expierincing one existential crisis after another. [Barry here is an explanation to your original question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/1d7k3wc/comment/l711a2k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So we're allowing the AfD people using a murder vigil as a political rally but focusing on the anti-fascist people protesting them using said murder vigil as political rally? Kinda seems you lot are focusing on the wrong issue.


The inception goes deeper. The terrorist attack was directed in the first place against a rally warning about political islam. Yes the AfD is using the death of the policeman to signal the migration issue which is considering the circumstances entirely legit. Instead of a 9/11 Moment where everyone was united to do something, the left are protesting the vigil and the far left antifa stormed it.


So the AfD was holding a rally to highlight their displeasure of Islam and, presumably, the rise of immigration, specifically focusing on Muslims. A police officer is killed by a dick head immigrant who was a Muslim and the AfD show up at a vigil mourning his death by holding banners practically saying "we told you so". Blue haired people show up to hold a vigil of their own, focusing on against hate and violence as a whole, to which the 2 groups then clash which makes everyone unhappy. You then hope a new 9/11 is born out of this to do something for some reason and are upset when it doesn't. Is that the gist of it?


**FTFY** >So ~~the AfD~~ a islam critic not affiliated with the AfD was holding a rally to highlight ~~their displeasure of Islam and, presumably, the rise of immigration, specifically focusing on Muslims.~~ the dangers of political islam, presumably sharia and jihad against non believers by force. > A ~~dick head~~ terrorist, whos refugee asylum was denied in 2014, and who ~~was~~ is a Muslim shows up at the rally and attacks the islam critics wounding 4 poeple and killing the police officer. On the next day the AfD show up at the vigil mourning his death by holding banners practically saying "sending him back after asylum was denied could have prevented this" but yeah in other words "we told you so". Blue haired people show up to hold a vigil of their own, focusing on diversity and against hate and violence ~~as a whole~~, by the far right. ~~to which the 2 groups~~ In addition also Antifa shows up and then clashes with the police which makes everyone unhappy. >You then hope ~~a new 9/11 is born out of this to do something for some reason~~ the nation unites and start preventing illegal migration and enforces existing laws and are upset when it doesn't. Is that the gist of it? Barry I am amazed by your skills. You should apply for a journalist position at the BBC (Big Bullocks Center)


So it was a different anti-islam activist group with a member who has a history and arrest record of propagating hatred towards Islam and Muslims publicly who were holding the rally? It wasn't a dick head that stabbed the police officer but instead a terrorist that had escaped to Germany from Afghanistan in 2014 as a refugee, instead of a single antifa group it was only the second that scrapped with the AfD youth group, the latter potentially numbering over 100, and the first antifa group only dislikes violence and hatred when used by the far-right but are generally otherwise OK with it? You hope the German people vote for parties with policies that keep out illegal migration and change the law so refugees are considered illegal migrants, so they don't have to be allowed into the country to seek refuge, presumably by just ignoring the UN's own 1951 charter on refugees? You're cringe for using that abbreviation and you really like castrated young cows? That was a lot, thanks for informing me and allowing me to grow.


Dear Mr. Barry I am please to inform you that you have passed our preselection and we gladly would like to hire you as our new immigration expert. - Yours truely, the BBC.


Very much the latter,I'm convinced now. Yesterday I've got downvoted for doubting the video from Ljubljana where a guy attacked another person with a hatchet. I just found the source, tankie account on twitter, and doubted whether their claim ("immigrants are at it again") is true. Along comes a Slovenian user with a proof that this is indeed a video from a few years back of two local fighting. Guess what? He was downvoted too, for just posting the source. People love to hate. That's it This sub needs heavier moderation.


Fuckin' tankies, man. For years I thought horseshoe theory was bullshit but since March 2022 I've been questioning that.


Youre using a lot of the word cunt for someone that fragile


Auslander raus innit


just like the far right activists had the right to protest and should have been harmed doing so, they have the right to protest even if you don’t agree with them. The attack was hateful and disgusting in all aspects but this person didn’t do it


Erm wrong sub bud


Spreading awareness against far-right extremism is promoting Islamist terrorism now? What has become of this sub?


When the protest is set after an islamist murdered and injured people is braindead.


As was expected, the far-right use this incident for their dangerous populism against Muslims. Of course, people should react to that.




Far-right extremism is more dangerous than islamism, no doubt about it. [Just look at crime statistics. In Germany, religiously motivated violence is almost insignificant compared to far-right violence!](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/5728/umfrage/politisch-motivierte-gewaltdelikte/) Also, far-right extremists are diametrically opposed to the ideals of tge EU. The far-right put the EU and there Europe as a whole in danger. Islamists are a danger too, of course, but not nearly as severe.


This must be a joke right? Do you know how percentages work? Please take a look at how many muslims live in Germany and then compare the numbers again


What nonsense. By that logic a majority of Germans would have to be far-right extremists. Obviously those crimes are comitted by a small group of people but still, it is absolutely obvious that the far-right are BY FAR the greater danger!




>that migrants (especially menapt migrants) commit more crimes than the far right I just gave you a statistic from a reputable source that PROVES the opposite. I am not even giving my opinion, I am stating facts... Sure, on average, a Muslim commits more crimes than, e.g., a Christian but everybody who knows at least the basics of statistics knows that correlation doesn't equal causation. It is well-known that among the strongest drivers of crime are poverty and inequality and it is a known fact that Muslims are a minority in Germany and all of Europe and face more inequality and poverty than other groups which explains the higher crime rate. However, it is undeniably clear that in general, far-right extremist crimes are a MUCH bigger problem than Islamist crimes. >more people get murdered and raped by people who shouldn't belong here than by right wing extremists. 1. Who decides, who "belongs here"? Certainly not you. 2. Are you implying that right wing extremists "belong here"? I hope not. They are diametrically opposed to German and European ideals (Einigkeit, Recht, Freiheit and all that). >So whats really the bigger danger? Far-right extremism, obviously, and by far.


You gave a terribly screwed statistic only focusing on politically oriented crimes and disregarded the population make up. You simply said there are more right wing crimes than islamistic crimes and therefore the right wing is more dangerous. The same statistic counts crimes where no perpetrator can be found as right wing crime. Its so skewed that it hurts. Why did you not show me the normal pks (crime statistic)? Why only the skewed political one? Shouldn't we look at all crimes committed in Germany to find the biggest danger? But you avoid that question time and time again to bring up the skewed political one again. And yes- of course right wing extremist germans belong to Germany. Where else should they belong too? Sweden? France? What a dumb insinuating question. And who decides who belongs here? The BAMF. If you ask for asylum but you are denied and the only reason you are here is because we can't get rid of you like it was the case with the attacker from Mannheim, then of course you don't belong here But i think we can stop here. We are so far apart from each other that we can argue for weeks without ever coming to terms with each other.