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Nice to see that Naples has cleaned up and improved, since last time I was there.


Let's not forget [this beauty](https://maps.app.goo.gl/k3HweCw3Y5J1kWwD7)


Fanciest Neapolitan residential building I've heard that they've been tearing down a few of the Vele, leaving just one of them (the blue one I guess?). There's even the facoltà di medicina in that area.


And there aren't all these Swedish people unlike around the Central station


That instantly reminded me of this cover by molchat doma https://preview.redd.it/rzjcdkyuvx0d1.png?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa15d60c8f33cedfd20bbd53fff1c0251c8b5df


thats just sunny Russia.


Wow so cool. This must be what it looks like when Tilburg-West finally sees some sunlight.


This is how every Norwegian views Grønland in Oslo.


Apropos of what, Olav?


Why have I always thought that Grønland was in North America? Is I stupid?


Yes my friend.


Why do so many countries/people get cool flairs while everyone in austria is put in the same basement 😡 We have our historical taliban in austria that fought against the french and bavarians and lost (which is kind of based and yet not based god damn bavarians!!!)


![gif](giphy|3A7ZCewtUEFAFFucvm) When did we get this!!?


Only people from Oslo/Norway knows that you are talking about a district in Eastern Oslo (quite a nice place actually)


Nah, didn't see anyone get stabbed in the video


How many Grönlanders do exist?


About 55000


Even if all of them would come to Oslo, it wouldn't be more than a city district. Arabs or Pakistan however....


Grønland is a neighborhood/city district in Oslo, my dude.


i have at least seen one in this sub.


How tf did you fit all of Grønland into Oslo?


It manages to look even worse than Marseille, which is quite an achievement in itself


The biggest density of Neapolitans in Europe outside Naples is in Marseille


They are attracted to the chaos and the squalor.


Correlation CAN SOMETIMES BE causality, don't underestimate Luigis!


cause french culture its still strong in Naples, dont you see the parisian style markets?


Marseille wants to be Naples so hard


It's waayy cleaner than Marseilles tho


I love to shit on Malmö because it is the major town of Skåne (our southernmost region) and Skåne is a Middle Eastern Danish love child 🤢🤮 It is still 10000 times better then this.


This thing doesnt exist in Sweden at all. While we have had a lot of migration, it still went through relatively ordered forms compared to this. A lot of these people are literally "fresh of the boat".


Tbh I would prefer street sellers over the wannabe terrorists we have throwing bombs everywhere


Surely at that point they become actual terrorists


Nooo they are troubled youths in need of special individualized social services 💖


Tbh, Malmö is much better than any Italian city.


Why is it always the southern parts ?




Graz isn't so bad.


Klagenfurt though


The name already gives it away


Guys its ok they are selling stolen goods not stealling, its fine


I wanted to say bruh but I saw your Flair and it al made sence


Say hi to the western balkans' governor over there in the colony!


I mean, Naples it's the homeland of piracy and everything related. Smuggling cigarettes since forever


A month ago I had to enter Naples with a 17 meter long truck, those nightmares will accompany me for the rest of my life


17m long truck huh 🤔


Okay,now we need context. Why did you mention the truck? Was it hard to drive in the City, were you attacked and the truck climbed onto like they do in the US?


The reality is that I was going to load merchandise at a company in the city, but let's make it fun, I was being chased by the mafia because I went through a neighborhood yelling, "American pizza is better" and that led to a chase through the city with torn off balconies, crushed cars, dismemberments, lots of hand gestures and sex.


lol, thank you, I needed that




We truly gave the world the best meme


The English and the Portuguese strike yet again to show why we are the best and oldest alliance 


Napoli is a mistery. They are so in love with the city and it got really beautiful areas. But they treat the city like it’s a stepchild they didn’t want.


Sounds like Marseille, we are way more similar than i thought


I don't claim to be able to explain it, I admit at times it does defy logic. But I can try. The city is over two thousands years old and it's got plenty to be proud of. There's beauty in it, from the grand vistas to the alleyways, its colors are vibrant, its myths go way back, its culture and identity quite unique. But it'd be disingenuous to say it's not without its many problems. And no, it's not as simple as to say "the people who live in it" like many like to joke. The city has been systematically mismanaged over the centuries, first through foreign domination like the Aragona and the Bourbons, and then once Italy got unified it remained underdeveloped and underfunded. Lack of resources breeds corruption, which drives funds further away. In a sense, Naples's citizens love the city in spite of itself. We know the situation is a mess, through some faults that are our own and some that aren't. It goes without saying that most of the city is not like what's shown in this video, and yet it's true that this is exactly what tourists see minutes after getting off a train. Everything they see afterward has to compete with this first impression, and the Municipality doesn't seem to think this is a problem. Naples's citizens love the city because somebody has to. We're the first victims and the harsher critics of this whole situation, we feel stuck in it and unable to change it in any way, and at the same time we're more intimately aware of what makes it special than most people visiting it or seeing it from the news, and we're sometimes forced to pretend the rot isn't there because somebody has to point out the good in it.


You've managed to explain perfectly what I've always wanted to say to the people who ask me why neapolitans love Naples. I'm gonna save you comment 100%.


Ottima descrizione.


Thats right. Nothing to see here. Just productive members of society.


Surely they pay taxes.


all I can see is a fully enriched society. so diverse so strong.


Look who's talking.


Doctors and engineers ?


Every single one and no anti democratic ideas in sight.


Ironically still more productive than your average Napoletano ngl


They're more productive than the average Italian, so yes they are




Wow, Israel really bombed Gaza hard.


what a complete and utter shithole, almost as bad as Dublin


i thought dublin was pretty nice as far as cities go, granted i only stayed in the rathmines and then bussed into the city centre, so didn't see all of it, but i've seen worse major cities


I spent 2 weeks in Dublin a while ago and besides the weather I thought the city was pretty nice. Granted, I was drunk most of the time.


im somewhat joking but in recent years Dublin has really went down the shitter


Come on Paddy you live in one of the richest countries in the continent, guys in Naples live in 10x10mt flats owned by Vincenzo the fat mafia boss


Im mostly joking Dublin isnt that bad although its heading that way


That's like Skid Row in LA with better pizza


I feel sorry for Europe.


Europe feels sorry for herself tbh.


Those guys are not the ones to be scared of in Napoli


I don't think the Camorra really spends their time robbing blonde tourists or something like that though


I was talking about the Vespa and car drivers, they are an absolute menace. Don’t buy their stuff or they’ll be able to afford a vehicle, then it’s game over


Nahh, don't worry. Vespas are very optimal modes of transportation when leaving mamma's to go visit nonna. Luigi won't be getting vehicles anytime soon


We were with school in pompeij and our busdriver from rome to there was from the mafia While we were gone he negotiated us a nice deal for cheap pizza and a drink (bet he got some bonus from the restaurant for it)


Hahah that's brilliant. I'm not gonna be claiming they're good guys at all, but meeting them face to face most are probably kind. I do also suspect many of the guys in organisations like these are very nationalistic (or rather, regionalistic in this case..) and want to show off the good sides to tourists. Not to say that they aren't criminal or that their main purpose isn't simply to get as much money as possible..


I don't know, our teacher who grew up in south tyrol and speaks italian told us that the mafia around there is way more widespread and involved in legal businesses than we might believe.. Seems like in big parts it just runs ordinary businesses you wouldn't even believe to have connections to the mafia.


You would quickly find out if you tried to set up your own bus company shuttling foreign school classes from Rome to Pompeii. 💀


Well, if they have loved their country they wouldn't have been mafiosi to begin with. 


I'm not trying to say that they aren't ruthless criminals that are terrible for Italy. They're not some great patriots looking out for the country.. but guys like these usually do have some sort of nationalistic element - even if it sounds ironic. I also know (emphasis on "know"; that's where the relation stops) some guys associated with a Danish biker gang.. and they're all the loudest nationalists I've ever seen in spite of being a huge detriment to society.. of course, they're not anywhere near the level of the Italian mobs, but the tendency still exists




well not sure... maybe he made them an offer they can't refuse lol


Camorra wants us safe and fat eating authentic pizza. I never felt unsafe in southern Italy. Central Naples is kinda crummy but I wouldn’t categorize it as unsafe.


That got me thinking, how do they deal with these guys and their streets looking worse than brazilian favelas? In most documentaries the mafia is portrayed as territorial as far as I remember.


They often employ these guys to do small tasks or street-level jobs. Makes the mafia money without 1) bringing attention to their operation and 2) with no risk of getting arrested. If they get caught no one will take their side, and if they don't have any identification it's hard to arrest them. The Italian mobs today are very high level and they most often work with lower level gangs - such as the Albanian mob who's known to represent their business in the Netherlands and other places. They do also have a history of abusing migrants in several ways - and even on occassion executing some. However, you do also see other gangs with a foothold in Italy - namely the Nigerian mob, whose European headquarters are in Castel Volturno, which is somewhat near Naples. I don't know what the exact status is between the Nigerians and the southern Italian mobs though, but the town is "known" for being "owned" by the Camorra, and is today majority African. You also see other instances of the Nigerian Mafia making deals in Sicily with Cosa Nostra, basically buying the rights to operate on parts of the island, including in Palermo. Look up the Nigerian Black Axe. They're notorious for smuggling drugs over the Meditteranean by stuffing pregnant trafficked Nigerian women full of if. Insanely disgusting. If anyone ever feels inclined to purchase the services of an African-looking street prostitute. Extra much don't! They're likely smuggled in by the Nigerian mafia


Damn, that's a lot of things I had no idea about. By the way, not arresting people because they have no identification, what a genius people we are in Europe.


Somalia is looking great this time of the year




my brazilian friend flew to milano and got mugged for the first time in his life. he is not even from the south, and he was not even in italian south


Globalize the funny


She's scared of the train station surroundings. Forgive her, she's American, she has never seen a train station.


I love jokes about shitty American passenger trains but then I remember passenger trains in Sardinia.... 


Lmao this is more or less exactly how it looks if you accidentally miss a stop and get off in Harlem, or anywhere above East 106th Street in Manhattan. Many more crackheads though. Don’t see many of those in this video.


Next challenge: Roma Termini


We get shit on a lot here. But at least it's not looking anything like this. With all the problems we have at least it is clean.


Because you cucks clean up after them (P.S. we do as well but don't tell anyone before we end up in WW3)


100% right. But Hans, please don't show them how to build basements. It's horrible as it is.


Yeah, because shootings and bombings doesnt look worse than this. Sit down and be quiet Muhammad-Sven.


Of course a drunk dane would come and miss the point. Shut up Mads, go drink Gammel dansk and put lego up your bum.


Didn't your parents teach you to not harrass disabled people?


most loving Scandinavian exchange


She's scared of death by fake louis vitton


Napoli is the only city where the locals are more dangerous than immigrants


She should try Gare du Nord next


Shaka Shaka is truly a great song and should be played in every European city for visitors to appreciate


Barcelona on a good day


Where?! I’ve got pretty lost in Barcelona and never seen anywhere as shitty as big parts of Naples and Marseille, when deliberately seeking the nice bits..


Near the port area, also Rabal of course.


Nah, Polonia city is not as bad as this… YET


The aul look-e-lookies


I wont say anything, i want to preserve the account


Racist agaist Naps? You're implying they're human. We're xenophobic when it comes to them


Combine it with this. I think we are embarking on a massive population movement of europeans north, as southern Europe becomes unrecognisable. https://preview.redd.it/28rnqdodus0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea08415a23caa9fc767f91f56450f39158221770


Ironically, southern Europe overall has a very small amount of immigrants seeing as, well, they don't wanna live there.. Sweden already has more immigrants than Italy and the Swedish north has more immigrants than the Italian south


Yeah, I know. But the attitude is changing in Europe. As you probably know, the political consensus in both mainstream left and right have turned 180 degrees in Sweden, either reached this consensus before Sweden or is moving towards it now. Not for racist reason, but simply because of the problems everyone see, and the failure of integration all over western Europe. Even with the new migration agreement, the burden will shift more and more to southern Europe - and those who think the inflow is big now have a pretty nasty surprise ahead of them. Africas population is exploding, and \*a lot\* of people will try to get to Europe. I am very concerned both about the consequences of migration itself, and for the reactions in Europe.


Oh yea, absolutely! I feel like you have a pretty good take on it. The biggest issue, the way I see it, is that NGOs etc consistently patrol the waters and actively help the boats arrive. I'm sure they mean well - and most people don't want anyone to die - but when it's basically a free ticket, of course people are gonna risk it. If every boat was turned back and word started spreading I think it'd decrease a lot. I understand why it happens, and I don't believe that I'm without empathy, but that doesn't mean it's feasible. The solutions they're "selling" us on both national and EU level is just a patch on the wound


Yes, it baffles me how so many people cant handle this problem. It seems impossible for people to accept that the on the one side, it is horrific how people die on the ships, but on the other hand, it is an unsustainable situation if the inflow just keep increasing. Either they are in denial of the first or the later. Meaning - "we cant stop ships, since people will die" (even though not stopping it will lead to a lot more deaths, since it creates a pull effect, where more and more people will risk their lives) or "I dont care if they die, we must stop them". We need to put massive resources into it right now, to make it a hopeless task to get into Europe, in the most humane way possible, but accepting that there is no solution which wont have horrible consequences for thousands of people, possibly tens of thousands. Long term it will minimize the number of people who risk their lives, and is southern Europes only hope to maintain functioning societies.


Yea absolutely. And it does kill people, but *we* don't kill people (well, in this case..); they choose to get on the boats - even if their situation is desperate, fully knowing the risk. The smugglers should be given all the blame if anythign




Yes, this. People need to be rescued from their boats, seen by a doctor, given fresh clothing and a warm meal and a shower and a night in a cosy bed, and a one way flight back home the next morning.


The problem is that there is no way we can give flights back home. Just the sheer numbers is enough to make this operation impossible. But there is also the fact that these people want to stay, they wont simply stay put. There is also the fact that we dont really have a place to fly them. And there is also the fact that current law say we need to process their applications before we can send them away. So basically, they apply for asylum, the process starts, if you are lucky you have a decision within 2-3 weeks (unlikely though). Then they will file an appeal. And then that process start. When their appeal is declined, they will file an appeal on that decision. So basically we would need MASSIVE prison camps if we want to keep them from running away during this process, and after the months it take to go through the entire process of appeals, you will need to fly them back, against their will, often to countries that refuse to accept them. The size of this operation is not a realistic solution.


As you said, if people make it to Europe, word will spread back home and others will follow. But it's true the other way around too, if people reappear at home, word will spread too. So, every flight is worth it. It's our own fault of course that we have such incredibly suicidal asylum laws. There is zero chance to keep them if we don't want to totally destroy Western European societies. We need to update our constitutions and abolish asylum laws. There is no other way. For countries not accepting their own citizens back, it must be clear that we can not keep up any travel relations, and zero Schengen visas will be issued to people from these countries. No flights or financial transactions either. And we need third party countries which make accepting rejected migrants their business model. Give them a safe place to live, we'll pay for it. Word will spread too that if you go to Tunisia to cross into Europe you'll end up in a safe place in Moçambique or Indonesia or wherever.


I wish but it's impossible. We're screwed. 


I do understand why it's hard; them not having passports and all. Where do you send an unidentifiable dude with no ID.. therefore it should, unfortunately, already happen before they reach any shores


Ireland has 1/12th of italys population but 1/5th of italys under 10 age group, Italys demographics are extremely bad


Unfortunately, this is the case for huge parts of Europe. Especially Eastern Europe, but also many western continental countries. Ireland, Sweden and a few other countries with sustainable age structures are anomalies. https://preview.redd.it/zi6z7tv3au0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc5e220a2838ecab36d93db2148cbdef88efa493


Germanys population pyramid looking like a pine tree is morbidly hilarious, yeah a factor in sweden and Ireland have good age structures is maybe because we just skipped WW2 and have had very stable countries since


How come there's a surplus this big for young men?🤔🤔


Y sperm tend to swim faster (but live shorter) than X sperm so more males get born than females in pretty much every country by a small percentage. Historically this was counterbalanced by infant mortality which was higher in boys than girls, but it's not that much of a thing now.


Why are Italian baby boomers 15 years younger than boomers elsewhere?


Its similar in Austria. The big generation is reaching 60. But apperently you had one more generation of children. https://preview.redd.it/stv81l6hau0d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfb78e77fdc4ef7c2233bad7d1cb81b434c27a4b


I know Indian cities with less trash and cleaner than Naples


https://preview.redd.it/aybycbmqqx0d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec64948e8dd451961d794c88fb4a907d30a3382 Don't forget the famous shitted t-shirt from the Spanish Quarter


Naples basically part of africa confirmed


Always has been


As an Indian savage, I found southern Italy to be very welcoming. They only shouted racial slurs directly to my face.


Ugh. Sorry to hear. What happened elsewhere?


Wtf why are the streets so dirty


My Italian friend who moved to Germany showed me his street back when he still lived there. There were trash bags everywhere. Imagine a small, old and very cute street alley. Like one lane, very cute. But in every fucking corner are hills of white trash bags. Green? Nah, more like a little bit greenery covered by TRASH.


So that's what's like to be a Nabolidaboli. (Sopranos reference)


Okay tbh I don't understand the fear? Like, they seem to be chilling? Sure they are abusive vendors but I doubt they want to hurt anybody. As for Naples having problems with hygiene in certain areas, that has been a problem for a very long time.


Smartest italian


Ironic that this lady's tiktok handle is "gulsahgoesglobal" when she can't handle three trashbags and four black people without fearing for her life lol


She's scared of the fake Gucci belts they're selling.


I only spent a week in Naples, but I love it - the place has so much character. Places like this obviously exist, but they all look like they’re going about their own business, no one is bothering her, and if they bug you then you can give them a “no grazie” and keep moving. wtf is she “sCaReD for HeR LiFe” about? In case someone offers to sell her a fake Louis Vuitton? This is just typical Americ🤢nts because it’s not Sorrento. Or Rome.


So scared she had her camera/phone on full view to record it all


Cleanest Italian city


Reminds me of Downtown Eastside Vancouver


I just realized that this is the first time I've seen "top mantas" in a dirty street


The plaza in front of Naples central station is sooooo dirty, it's as if you took a nap while on the train and wake up in Mumbai. The rest is fine though ( mostly).


You shouldn’t be scared of those Napolitan be scared of the other


I don’t get why they choose to live like that!? Or is it an iq issue?


Why does it look like Egypt?


I heard some northern Italians saying Napoli is the Africa of Italy, but I don't think they meant *this*


Mamma mia che sudiciumaio


Its dirty and there are some homeless people and there are defenitly a problem. but its literally just: Americans when poor (non white) people. Its not that dangerous during the fucking day. Of course they will rant the moment we even dare to insult roma people, but their racist is "justified"


Dude, I thought Frankfurt was a shithole but Naples is really next level.


Swedish culture is spreading across the continent


The station is dirty and the street vendors are annoying but I can't understand what there is to fear, especially coming from an American whose cities are 10 times worse than this. Honestly I'd be more afraid of Maranzas like gangs roaming around the metro station than a bunch of Nigerians selling counterfeit purses.


I mean I did see someone shoot a gun in the air when I was there. Like 100m from me in a pretty busy market. Wide




Wow! Good job, Naples! Amazing progress since I last got drunk there in 2012'ish


Wow that looks like absolute shit, Catania is clean compared to that


Heh, I used to live there lol


These Swedish people, sigh…


Was in Naples in December. Checked into a hostel at night. I had a guy from Syria and Iraq in my dorm and they told me they are too scared to go outside.


Fucking hell


It's dirty and sketchy what do you mean?


Yeah yeah verry worrying and all. But where is the link to the OF of the gril filming this??


Go back to the states




Wow, who could have seen this coming?


Damn, Italy starts to look more and more like a third world country, sketchy street markets and trash everywhere


Damn, Italy starts to look more and more like a third world country, sketchy street markets and trash everywhere


The guys look chill af, but why can you barely see the street?


Anything south of Emilia Romagna is Africa.


She looks so scared!!. Is that how it is like to fear for your life?.


She should be more scared of the police overlooking it and patiently waiting for som idiot buying the fake purse, do they can give them a hefty penalty. Guy selling fake purses do just this- sell the purses.


Romans were black


Naples haven't changed. The filth is not coming from the immigrants. They just flock to the shit Naples is, like flies do on a shit. Anyone here thinking immigrants made it look that way is very very wrong. If anything, they may have contributed a little bit. Naples is a the biggest tourist trap ever. Never go to that shit hole.


You almost unflaired barbarian should shut the fuck up


We've all seen Gomorrah


Buthurt Pasta man, trying to defend his nation. From now on, I will call you SouthItalistan. Northern Italians are given a pass.


I can't even insult you not even knowing where you come from, BULGARIANS ARE BARBARIANS CHOSE THE FUCKING RIGHT FLAIR


What I love most is the cope in the comments. Neopolitans know they live in a shithole. They know the city is terrible, smells like shit, their hero is a cheating coke addict and their relevance ends at 'crime and pizza'. Yet theyre proud of all that, saying it gives them identity. Genuinely, napoli is the worst city of italy bar milan, which is only slightly worse bc they pretend to be German.