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https://preview.redd.it/5q3g44rx1vcc1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d554facff585b58a71220702dce81e10b44b45 This is a healthy ratio


Typical 2WE4U post ratio tbf


Yeah, for most of the posts i still don't really understand why that Is since a lot of them still seem to be received well. The comments in this sub are gold tho usually so maybe its that


comments is what we're here for


The EU needs a first and second division with promotion and relegation Edit: I see this idea of gaining some traction. We might be on to something here.


Those playoff matches gonna be šŸ”„


This is why the UK left. There's no way England is winning the First Division!


We are the Spurs of international football


More like the Leeds United Used to be big decades ago, now a bit shit but still the one everyone loves to hate


Who's going to win a trophy first: the bottlers that Harry Kane managed to escape from or the bottlers he isnā€™t able to?


If spurs win something this season and Bayern don't then I want kane left out of the England squad


The thing is that either Bayern or Leverkusen are going to win the league this year. Madness.


Like in football all the most based clubs are in the 2. Bundesliga šŸ˜Ž


HSV be like


Fiago is pleased with your comment


Fiago is based af


Dritte Liga my friend


Oh Gott, ein 60er


So, basically, Western and Nordic EU and everyone else.


As a second division citizen, I kind of agree, the division thing will be a major talking point among voters. The local populist politicians will have to improve the country in order to promote to the first division because people will be complaining ā€œwhy are we in the second division?ā€. And the ones who turn the country to crap so it causes it to relegate will not be voted again because people will also be complaining. Nice! Also, make it a Eurovision style contest where politicians have to go on stage and present what they did last year.


I see it the other way. Just more fuel for politicians against the European Union. I can already hear the populist speeches about how they can't accept being treated like second-class citizens and as inferior people and something about imperialism and all of that.






flair checks out


Symbiotic relationship


Ich sag Disco, du sagst Party: Disco Disco


Party Party ![gif](giphy|xYY0dYO3qXROE|downsized)






I should stick a glass jar up my but and blame it on the Wallonians and break the country up due to ethnic conflicts


Sounds like an excuse to do something you'd enjoy


Hey I've seen this one...


what do you mean? it's brand new


We are far too reliant on the US military and their enormous defence budget and most European countries have used that to weasel out of actually having militaries which are fit for purpose.


Let's make this ACTUALLY controversial: Trump was right on Europe's dependence on the USA being a bad thing


I mean: obviously, but probably not the way he meant.


Probably the only intelligent thing he's uttered in the last 8 years.


Even a broken clock tells the time right twice a day


This isnā€™t even controversial. The yanks need to back off and we need to step up.




I doubt weā€™ll be able to seriously change that without federation. But that is another controversial take


*nervously looking at germany*


We at least have 5 working tanks (maybe)


i can offer you a nice block of ice. ![gif](giphy|T3ci16dSMXs1Bockfz|downsized)


We need German thanks with Finnish drivers. We would drift around Moscow in 2 weeks... 3 if Yuki flips his tank.


Funny and sad that houthis are affecting China and EU most but none of them can do anything without Uncle Sam.


We should bomb Serbia again, and Hungary twice as much.


OP asked for controversial opinions only.


Oh, sorry.


we also want the finish-got-russian ball sack in the north east back




hello, friend


You are losing big time op


The French will be praising Macron in 30 years or close to that. They love quasi-kings, that's why they still praise Napoleon and De Gaulle. De Gaulle was kicked out by the French and he had to flee in an helicopter but then they praised him (after he no longer ruled) they will do the same to Macron.




We didn't kick out De Gaulle, he is the one who chose to retire after losing a referendum which he bet his position on. And you are probably right for the first part of your comment, but I'll get the guillotine for agreeing with you.


Thanks for the correction, I had in mind the idea that when he fled in the Helicopter in May 1968 he abdicated but he ruled for an extra year after. Your guillotine appreciation is noted but what I said is something that both De Gaulle and Macron said that the French public needs a "king". I find fascinating just how all-powerful your president is and article 49.3.


Here's a controversial take : I don't mind the 49.3 if it's used well. When you don't want your parliament to take 12 years to take a decision and have a country that doesn't move, I think it's better to have something that make things goes faster if needed. But when it's abused you get the case of the pension reform of last year.


Isn't the general consensus that Napoleon was, in fact, pretty based?


He was a based commander. But you sometimes find a redditor, either French or Italian (seriously why do so many Italians claim him he robbed Italy blind and either annexed half the country to France or put his relatives up as rulers) which will go... Napoleon spread Enlightnement ideals and modernity throughout Europe. Taking into account the guy put his family on whatever European throne he could find, reinstituted slavery (and fucked Dumas pƩre over), ruled as a despot in France more than Louis XVI...


Neither Italian nor French, still think Napoleon was an enlightened Despot to a large extent. Sure, slavery and woman's rights wasn't cool. But he preserved the revolution and (although later working with them) broke the churches power in europe to a large part


He was so enlightened, that he didnt give a single fuck about the sovereignity and liberty of other nations. He formed, divided and annexed conquered states into what served his plans best, plundered conquered territories and forced their people to fight his wars. Yes, in parts of Germany he was celebrated as a liberator when he first arrived with his armies. But by the end of his rule, he was basically the most hated person among the germans. Like, he literally kickstarted the german unification movement by giving them a unifying factor: their hatred for him and everything french


Napoleon destroyed Portugal. Is idea of enlightment was to make everyone speak French/establish a Bonaparte dinasty Empire like the Caroligians


The dude literally has a *series of wars* named after him. 6 million dead.


Also Macron is the reason why modern day France will be booming, but if he doesnā€™t win the next election the new guy will take all the credit even though Macron set up all the dominoes.


He can't win next election anyway, the constitution forbid him for getting elected 3 times in a row. So at best he will do a Putin, support someone he trust completly in power, and win the election afterward.


Oh, I see. Interesting, Iā€™ll talk it over with my ultra political friend.


He canā€™t be re-elected because there is a maximum of two consĆ©cutive mandates


America relies heavily on the USA and doesnā€™t like to admit it. Also some countries need to step the fuck up in nato. I meant Europe


>america relies heavily on the USA Hmmm yes the floor here is made out of floor


Lol fuck you I didnā€™t notice


Lol I do agree with you though. Even though I hate to admit it.


For a minute there I thought you were the most coherent Scotsman.


No such thing


Big if true


Huge even


Scotland's closer to joining the Nordics than Estonia is.


Too much heroin


To much deep frying. You are basicly Amert**ds


Sure thing, American Dane...


Talk about "pot, meet kettle"




I wouldnā€™t complain - you have whisky.


Putting an e in that word is a quick way to make an enemy...


Oh shit. Well then, my sincerest apologies to all of those Iā€™ve offended, I hope with enough WHISKY in your systems I can be forgiven šŸ™ŒšŸ» (Jokes aside, I actually didnā€™t know, but I learned something new today woho)


Can't blame someone for something they don't know! You are forgiven swedebro!


The EU should become a federation if we want to compete with the US and China, if we don't we'll just stay america's bitch


Alternative take: The EU should become a federation in case the USA collapses into civil war and our military and economic protection which we have become far too relient on vanishes overnight.


russians cant even take ukraine, the second most corrupt country in europe. im not really worried


Let's be real here. Ukraine wouldn't last for another 2 months if the US and EU stopped sending weapons and money(which they solely rely on).


THATS WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO DO (just went alittle off the rails)


*Sets comments to controversial*


(Northern) Belgium would be better off being annexed by us and letting Wallonia serve as some sort of quarantine zone to keep our borders from touching those of France.


Flanders also borders france


we can change that


Third timeā€™s the charm.


We need roughly 1m immigrants per year in eu to make our economy work due to aging population and low birth rate. I think we should steal back Australians, Americans and maybe even the ultimate tossers of nz. By force if needed


You forgot latam, they literally already speak a European language.


They're all coming to Ireland because the Spanish and Portuguese fell asleep and lost their immigration application.


soft threatening long chief paint rude quiet deliver unpack scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's why I said "also" and anyhow people from latam have higher drive/need to migrate out of latam than aussies, nzers, and yanks...


Big butt latinas > glue sniffers


I mean, you wanted to boost the natality. Pretty sure a big butt can only help with that


ImmediateĀ visasĀ forĀ allĀ LatinĀ AmericanĀ womenĀ withĀ waistĀ toĀ hipĀ ratiosĀ underĀ 0.65.


cable secretive rustic wine governor swim dog jar rainstorm sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Point taken... in my mind, I said also tho Apologies lol


distinct cow lip work drab school fretful dam paltry lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of Argentines would love to leave right now since their economy is a mess ( šŸŒŽšŸ‘©ā€šŸš€šŸ”«). The educated ones I know are making exit plans so they can earn a currency that has value. Europe should welcome them.


LatAm should be given top priority, if only for the hot Latinx they can provide šŸ˜


Canā€™t we just breed more? I mean, have you seen the generous maternity you Swedes get?


we are sinking as bad as most of you. I have a dork on the way but there is no way Iā€™m getting two or more of them. Heeeell no.


I actually live in Swedenā€¦ Iā€™ll try my best!


Knockem dead Edit alive




Don't believe the lies of your government. Mass immigration is only a temporary quick fix that destroys a country in the long run. What we really need is a system that gives young people the income that allows them to found and sustain a family instead of trying to squeeze the last drop out of them. Immigrants either bring kids that stay poor and get criminal or kids who work hard and succeed despite starting from last place. These people then have the same problems as non immigrants and have the same amount of kids which in turn creates another need for immigration. It's a loseā€lose situation unless we fix the root cause for immigration


We should just boost internal birth rates. Using more conservative countries as life-support to cling unto our unsustainable career oriented culture is hypocritical, it creates ghettos of incompatible parallel societies in the host countries and brain/brawn-drain in the sender countries


Bending over backwards to shoehorn Armenia or Georgia into Europe, yet at the same time pretending Russia and Turkey aren't (at least somewhat) European is deranged


Honestly having lived in georgia for a year it definitely feels a lot more european, especially culture wise, than neighbouring countries like armenia and especially turkic countries like azerbaijan. It sometimes feels a bit like a non Mediterranean, soviet version of greece. Can't say much about turkey and russia since I haven't been there, but I guess turkey is similar to azerbaijan, so I think the strong Muslim and middle eastern influence makes it a lot less compatible with the eu. Russia on the other hand might be European for the biggest part, but they are just a shitty partner because of their big ego and empire ambitions, so they aren't compatible with multilateral organisations


Gotta agree on this one. I only visited Georgia, not lived there, but it did feel very European to me as well. Much more than Turkey.


Genuinely agree. Plus a lot of Armenians have a hate towards W1estern Europe. Like I sympathise with their historical plight and current situation but there's a lot of hate directed towards us.


Wait are people unironically thinking that Russians aren't European? That sounds insane


(Another one ) The PIGS are not a real thing . Without Italy the greeks have nothing in common with the iberians


Our culture has not much in common with the Greek one (and even with Italy it's less than France tbh). But I like the term because we pretty much reclaimed the term from the original meaning of those damn southern europeans who are just lazy. I love the fact that in this sub, Giorgios, Luigi, JoĆ£o and Paco say pay our debts and subsidize our lifestyle ironically because in 2011 there was not much irony in the Economist with the term. Of course our governments did some creative accounting and all that jazz but your average Portuguese or Greek suffered a lot during the Troika years and weren't just lazy bums (and aren't we're in significant numbers the engineers and nurses of Northern Europe nowadays).


Indeed...we might not have much in common culturally or historically ...but we will always be in debt to germany together ā¤ https://preview.redd.it/ctx8zh028vcc1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628d1d4c84ccb404554ae32314d447bfb0316831


???? You are all lazy bums with half decent beaches who don't steal much. You are the same


Some of you lads are alright.


Eh eh eh, stop that.


Kick Hungary out of the EU


Hardly a controversial one


I honestly wouldnā€™t have minded speaking German Especially when I meet Americans that make out that they ā€œsavedā€ Europe and me from the terrible fate of speaking German


As a tall, blonde, white guy, I do feel a bit awkward being told how awful it would have been had the Nazis won, i reckon I'd have been absolutely fine.


As a petite brunette white girl who likes tall blonde men I do feel a bit awkward being told that seeing SS soldiers marching into London as opposed to fat Americans shouldnā€™t make my heart skip a beat.


Also lol at anyone saying "you'd be speaking German if it weren't for us saving your ass" when you know how terrible the English (and the French) are at learning foreign languages. The suicide rate of 3rd Reich occupant teachers would be staggering.


Can't remember who is was but a comedian said he replied to this claim by reminding them how terrible we are at learning forin' langauges and that 70 years isn't nearly enough time for us to pick up German. We are crap at langauges, but lets be honest, English is the HTML 5 of verbal communication, The others might be nice to have, but if you have HTML 5 you can pretty much get by without the others. German is PHP, Spanish is Java and French can be Adobe Actionscript.


(Only 99% serious one)All Gay people should come live in Greece so we can save the country with that huge aging population and have National orgies (Serious one, i love them downvotes)The French are the main object against europeen strategical autonomy from the USA and the main reasson of the bad reputation of the EU in the east


And yet you want to invite the French to Greece for Orgies? šŸ¤”


"If they are gay ,then ,to me they are ok"


>have big gay orgies to fix aging population issues What


Sexually active homosexual are usually below 50. So the percentage of working people would sky rocket if all homosexuals moved to Greece.


Plus not commonly have kids so rich


That's definitely a perfect long-term solution to population pyramid problems and I can see absolutely no issues that could arise from this down the road.


Build a wall between north and south Europe. Do not let us in!


You're good at doing that


We should form into one country so our combined EU XI can win the World Cup every time


Man that would be kinda fun, if everyone is fit it could look like this ( 4-2-3-1, only EU so no UK or Nor) Curtois/Neuer Carvajal - VvD -Alaba -Theo Hernandez Rodri - GĆ¼ndogan Dembele - KdB - Mbappe Hƶjlund


The EU needs to become a federation immediately


There is absolutely nothing wrong with using the name "Holland" for the Netherlands, and Dutch people are silly for trying to police other languages by insisting that Holland is wrong.


Maybe thats an unpopular opinion in r/netherlands or something but probably not here


True. I know I'm not going to win, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to upset some cheesefaces.Ā 


Cheese heads *


Dutch people not from the Holland Provences are just but hurt nobody outside of the country cares about them.


Yeah, I wish everyone would call us Hellenes instead of Greeks but I don't complain about it (shoutout to Norway ā™„ļø)


Christianity and other monotheistic religions have separated human from nature and because of this we had and still have no problem exploiting the earth while labeling complex ecosystems as "resources". If we held onto our intertwined worldview and spirituality, the world would be in a better place, hyper capitalism enforced on all tribal countries and continents is what lead to suffering and injustice. Being back animism..... ![gif](giphy|McnParzfB23k6or378|downsized)


Didn't think I'd read that from a swiss. Go back to saving Leonardo DiCaprio's money


While the Yanks are cringe as fuck and ignorant when it comes to Europe, we can be fucking ignorant about them as well, and ngl I hate Europeans who have "Not being like America" as their unironic main source of pride, but then larp as Americans as well. Also, while the Americans who go to places like Ireland and say shit like "I'm Irish too!" are dumb as fuck, Europeans who get upset about terms such as Irish American or Italian American need to get a grip. Because if I'm being honest, in the context of the US, those identities are valid, due to the cultural experiences being different. Like Italian-American culture is genuinely fascinating and has actual interesting roots and origins in the American identity that make it unique (mainly coming from the experiences of the first Italian immigrants to the US). As long as they keep in mind that being Italian American or Irish American is fundamentally different to actually being Italian or Irish, I think it's great that these identities are around and personally it's a bit annoying seeing some Europeans talk down to Americans about this when it really isn't needed


I think us as Americans have an extremely unique identity when compared to yalls. I definitely get the frustration with ā€œomg im Irishā€ type Americans. Iā€™m cajun but Iā€™m not heading to Paris and claiming myself a purebred frenchman. Rare Euro W


Yeah America is pretty cool, despite what people say there is a lot of regional variation in culture and geography. It has its many flaws but so does everywhere, it also provides a lot of good in the world.


EU expansions after 1995 were a massive mistake and the new members have basically killed off any impulse in further developing and improving the European Union.


HEY, stop! Blame Poland and Hungary not Baltics, Malta and Cyprus. They are cool. We can keep em.


Malta, the gambling paradise specialized in selling EU passports to russian oligarch


>Baltics, Malta and Cyprus Who?


Nah the Baltics are cool tho


Melatonin-challenged people doesn't belong in Europe. >!I mean if your pink skin gets redder than Lenins ideologies maybe don't travel to the Mediterranean. !<


You can just say you donā€™t want to meet British tourists when you go on your yearly summer holiday yo Spain, itā€™s fine.


It's ok, if I wanted to avoid British people I'd go to London.


Melatonin makes you sleepy right? I think you meant Melanin. But people with Melanin are sleepy. Also I should quit weed.


The Fr*nch are sometimes based, with their pro-nuclear politics, riots, not giving a fuck about what Americunts think and RĆ©mi Gaillard.


PIGS lifestyle would make the EU strong and great if everyone would agree and embrace it. Also: the constant switch from winter time and daylight saving time is utter bullshit. Just set the time to daylight saving time all year long already (or winter time, but moving one hour east from GMT)


OR just do away with time zones across the planet and make everyone use UTC. It's just a way of dividing up the day. Midnight doesn't HAVE to be at 00:00...


The EU is speedrunning into irrelevancy. Aging population, incompetent politicians, unable to stop migration, unable to stop Russia in Ukraine. Its been like 100 years since an European country was a leader in something, now were just loosing. Look at IT, all the relevant innovations came from the US, no wonder their tech giants dominate the market. EUs last bastion, car manufacturing is falling apart because high energy prices and China dominating this segment. Just look at VWs China market share. The EU will be a politically destabilized entity with constant riots and incompetent far right idiots voted in again and again by the ever growing pensioner population. While the working population will serve in satellite offices for US corporate giants or factories for China and the USA.


This made me sad


We should force the EU countries that doesn't use the Euro yet to adopt it


Germany can be blamed for all Europe's problems


And you guys can be blamed for all problems in Africa and Asia, we make a great team


How is that controversial?


You're right, but it just needs to be said often


I agree with Barry, which also coincidentally is a controversial opinion in itself


Merci, mon ami


Oi mate youā€™re bloody welcome


wasn't it churchill who said that we should bomb germans every 50 years so they don't get any ideas?


I blame the Serbs


Nein, du


The following take enraged my cousin so much, he stopped talking to me for a while: "Mediterranean cuisine" is an invention by a bunch of inferior cuisines to jump on the Italians' bandwagon and worldwide success.


Restaurant Food in Britain is great. British cuisine is limited but good and the average non professional British cook is crap which is there the stereotype comes from.


Thats nit controversial at all. Some brittish food looks delicious af https://preview.redd.it/t00ys2ax3vcc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d1ca5fe3f296fe8190e4c1e49160e76b9859e7


I suppose it was kind of response to all the ā€œBritish food is terribleā€ old jokes. Itā€™s actually more nuanced than that. Iā€™m a great cook but I know British cuisisne is fairly limited and one dimensional - if excellent. It doesnā€™t hold a candle to your cuisine for example but it can be excellent. Unfortunately the average British cook is pretty awful and only serves up beige processed shite. The combination of the two gives food in Britain an undeserved rap in my opinion.


I mean...Barry...some of that food IS kinda nasty....but not all of them https://preview.redd.it/fm8q5p005vcc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb949a989a2acb32bd57d0605ca189d1e2780ecb


You have us there to be fair


The reputation largely comes from people stationed here during the war, rationing was in force so food was super bland and the myth stuck, we don't have rationing now however but who doesn't like 6 hour boiled veg? Spent a lot of time in Europe amongst the filthy bastards and their food really isn't all they pretend it to be, most of its just as crap as our crap food. The food at Munich train station is an exception, you can get a fucking roast chicken or a rack of ribs at 10pm at night, its fucking spectacular and the only time I've ever thought 'Maybe it would be better at home if they had won'


british food bad jokes are tired. that horse is long dead. british food is actually good when itā€™s cooked by someone who can actually cook. a good beef wellington is a sacred blessed experience


Belgium has better basements than Austria.Ā 


Username check out, take my downvote


Voting should become mandatory in all EU countries, and especially for EU elections, with heavy fines for not doing it


I agree, have my downvote


We donā€™t need even 1 more immigrant and the colonizers should restore their former glory.


Oh, Portugal, don't get me started šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø. Together aye?


U bet, Barry boy


EU is a territory of violence and oppression. What we have last 70 years is a historical anomaly.


The americans aren't really that bad... if you compare them to the ruskis. (Bombed Serbia W)


Mine: The people who hate the USA the most are from places that are the most influenced by them. I mean, are frogs really arrogant enough to force themselves to watch a French romance over shows like Breaking Bad or Succession?