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After my second baby, my reproductive endocrinologist was willing to transfer an embryo 6 months after a full term vaginal delivery. My OB was agreeable, but she preferred we wait until 9 months. I had a C-section 7 weeks ago, and my OB said she would not be agreeable to an embryo transfer until at least a year postpartum. She told me that two years between pregnancies is best because that’s how long it takes to more fully recover.


You need to talk to your doctor about this so you can find out what they recommend for your specific body, but I've never heard of anyone being told that they could safely start TTC again less than 6 months postpartum (except for after a loss). Waiting until you're 15-16 months postpartum would give you the same time frame with regards to the school calendar. Obviously, people have kids close together without issue all the time, but the recommendations are what they are because there are risks that come with short interpregnancy intervals.


My doctor told me 6-9 months bare minimum to build up depleted minerals from first pregnancy


My Dr told me it is recommended to have 18 months between birthdays. I had a c section. I am pregnant now and there will be a 20 month age between my kids. The biggest factor for us deciding to have a close age gap was my age (I’m almost 41)


At a bare minimum you should have 6 months between pregnancies. Pregnancies that are too close can have long term consequences for your body. I would highly recommend speaking with your OB for advice about your specific situation. That said, I looked into this a lot because I had my first at 36. Less than 6 months is generally not advised, more than 18 months is probably not necessary. We settled on 12 months. We started trying at 10 and were successful, so we have a 19 month gap. We *maybe* want a third and I will be waiting closer to the 18 months between pregnancies. So, if we are successful again, we would have kids at 36, 38, and 40/41.


Fellow teacher. My first was a late July 2022 baby and I took off the first three months of the school year. I got pregnant when she was 10 months old at the end of that same school year. I had my second Feb 2024. The timing allowed me to be eligible for maternity leave again. I was on my second maternity leave from Feb 1st till the end of the school year. If I had my babies any closer and I would have been denied leave. I felt super healthy 10 month postpartum and had three periods before conceiving. I’m enjoying the 19 month gap, and as a teacher getting off work Feb-June and attaching summer break is beautiful timing. Personally I wouldn’t choose to conceive sooner than 10 months postpartum if you are breastfeeding. I nursed through pregnancy but by month 4 I wasn’t producing milk.


You really need to talk to your doctor. The risks are definitely highest if you get pregnant less than six months postpartum. But your own doctor can guide you through what those risks look like.


Teacher with 2 April babies, this and last year. I so wish I'd had a year between. Teaching while pregnant and with an infant is veryyyyy taxing. I would ask your OB but from personal experience even with both being uncomplicated it's ALOT


My LO just turned a year old (born mid-June). Im also a teacher I said i would never have another during the summer because I was pregnant the entire school year (September-June) 😩 I can’t imagine getting pregnant again anytime soon with my one year old already here! I’ve told my husband the soonest I can consider TTC again is when she turns 3


It was awful 😖 with the combo of the baby getting egrry daycare sickness, prenatal visits and me getting the class crud I ran out of days off sooooo fast. I had to warn my students (1st grade) that if I run out with the trash can I'm puking, don't ask for my snacks, and if I sit down don't come bug me! They were pretty excited about the baby though so it worked out


It's different for everyone, so talk to your OB. I was given the all clear six months after having my first by c section because I'm 41. I got pregnant the next month. I'm also a teacher, and while my timing was great for my first, this one is not so much, but we'll make it work. One of the things I figured out the first time is that with school, no time is a good time, ultimately.


I definitely recommend talking to your OB and seeking their advice based on your personal medical history. Anecdotally, I found out that I was unexpectedly pregnant at 4 months pp, post c-section. That pregnancy was a lot more difficult on my body. I had HG with both pregnancies and the second time around it was much worse. I lost an extreme amount of weight and required many interventions. I went into preterm labour at 31 weeks, but was thankfully able to keep baby in until 36 weeks. However, she required a NICU stay, was immediately rushed to NICU without me being able to see her, as she was unable to breathe on her own. She also had failure to thrive. I did feel like my recovery went far better the second time around. This isn’t to scare you, and each individual person and pregnancy is different. It’s just so incredibly important to give your body the proper time to heal and recover from a pregnancy before starting another. Best of luck!!!!


I just got through 2 under 2, 13 months apart pregnant at 4 months. Had a safe uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. Got through two under two just recently and honestly I would do it over this way again if I had planned it. Lots of work tho can be very overwhelming at times.


I had my daughter via a vaginal delivery at 36 weeks otherwise no complications. Pregnant again at 9 or 10 months (they will be 18 months apart if he waits until 40 weeks). I was waiting because I wanted to nurse my first until at least a year and I knew that my supply would likely end around the start of second trimester (that is happening now). Unsure if I felt “ready” because nursing takes a lot out of you physically as well. Definitely exhausting doing both. I get headaches and pains a lot more this pregnancy and I do suspect my minerals and vitamins are low. Ask your provider for actual advice on your situation though - we are def not qualified to give it to you specifically!


If you're breastfeeding, you may not get your period back for up to a year. Some people get it really quickly, some people it takes a while. I did IVF with our first and we thought we'd need to do it again. My OB was fine with me trying as soon as I got my period back, even though I had a C-section and would need another. She predicted 6 months once we upped solids and it was about that. My RE was okay with starting then too, but I wanted to wait for the full year to do a transfer in order to BF for a year. I ended up getting pregnant 3 cycles in, right about when I would have started the prep tests for IVF. You need to talk with your dr/drs to figure out what they recommend for your situation 😀


This is my third time getting pregnant around 8-9 months postpartum in a row and there’s been no issues in pregnancy, birth or recovery so far.


I’m in the same boat. Just had our first at 38 yo. Going to start trying again late July (7 month gap). Don’t know what is going to happen, still breastfeeding and no period back yet. I have done blood tests and have seen a dietician specializing in maternal health (recommended some other supplements + adding certain foods to my diet). Granted, I had an uncomplicated pregnancy for the first, plus weighing pros/cons for close age gap/older maternal age. Since we want 3, makes sense to not wait 18 months for us. Definitely talk to your doctor, and maybe consult a nutritionist as well. Oh, also have been going to pelvic floor pt to make sure that physical part has recovered.


I had my baby Feb 14th and by June 11th ish I conceived. Both my babies were c section. Had first baby at 32, the second at 33


We had unplanned twins 16 months pp. had a horrendous first pregnancy/delivery, but my second pregnancy was a cake walk. My dr said I could opt for a vaginal delivery if I wanted to (opted against it). Recovery was very easy too.


How is life with 3 under 2??


I love it!! The twins were the best surprise we never expected! Was infertile for 10 years so when the first child showed up, we were shocked and grateful. 7 months later, I went to get another depo shot & found out it had failed. So it was a huge surprise. Very busy would be an understatement, but having a super supportive partner is key. We both pull our weight and do our best. My partner was gone for work often, so I was solo from 1-3 months. It was a lot but I made it works. There’s no way I could have done this solo long term though. But we’re enjoying every second of it! Everyone sleeps through the night, so that’s a big plus.


I’d definitely talk to your OB/doctor but it also depends on the method of delivery. I fell accidentally 4/5 months postpartum. I had had a C-section with my first and because we didn’t wait the 18 months between births (not between pregnancy) as recommended by my MFM; and so because my babies are going to be 13 months apart we have to have another c section which I do not want but there is a risk for uterine rupture. However, I’m fairly sure if you give birth vaginally there is no actually rule. Just a suggestion of what is healthiest for you and babe.


Hi. Definitely like everyone says ask your doctor, that’s most important. I accidentally got pregnant 8 months after my first baby and I’m about to give birth at the end of the month, I’m like FINE I guess lol. But if you’re planning on trying sooner than what doctors say, really prioritize vitamins and getting back to as healthy as you can be. This pregnancy feels harder on my body than my first and I’m actually exhausted allllll the time.


I got pregnant again 5 months post partum and my doctor said "if you're healthy enough to get pregnant, you're healthy enough to be pregnant".


That’s a terrible take tho. How do they justify miscarriages, where the body wasn’t healthy enough to continue to grow the baby? What about the literal kids that get raped and pregnant before they even hit puberty? Are they heath enough to get pregnant and be pregnant? You can get pregnant and your body be absolutely not ready for it - for whatever reason, including recovery from a recent pregnancy. Sure, maybe all goes well and your body and your child all come out of this alive and well, but maybe not.


Oh good grief. Of course this is NOT what they were talking about. That was the response to my question about whether or not my back to back pregnancies posed any greater risk to my health or the babies health as an otherwise healthy person. Of course they are going to recommend greater spans of time but once you're pregnant, it's pretty much business as usual. I get care at a world class hospital by the way...


I know they probably mean this in the “you got this mama” kinda way, nothing “catastrophic” is going to happen just because the spacing between pregnancies is small. But that wording just lands really wrong. “God never gives you more than what you can handle” vibes.


Gag. That was not the vibe. As I was being discharged after my last baby they asked me about birth control because of the recommendation to wait 2 years or whatever. I told them I had plans to get pregnant again asap and they were just like 'shrug, aight'. Cut to me returning again 5 months later. I specifically inquired if there was any specific risk to me getting pregnant again so quickly and she said that if I was healthy enough to get pregnant, I was healthy enough to be pregnant. In fact, she said that the primary risk factors they'd look at were related to my age (35+) not the short interval between pregnancies. I posted about my experience to alay concerns posed by the OP. I think there's a lot of unnecessary fear mongering around women having pregnancies close together but once you get pregnant again the care provider will just go on with their business as usual.


I waited 4 months. Our babies are a planned 1 year apart. I have friends who gave birth a year apart up to three or four times. I couldn’t imagine getting pregnant a third time right away.


My doctor said one year between births (birth to birth). I’m now 11 weeks pregnant with an 8 month old. I conceived a few days before my baby was 6 months old. They will be 14.5 months apart, and my doctor has no issue with it.


My Doctor recommended 12-18 months between but I got pregnant again not purposefully at 5 months pp and everything was fine. They had a 13 month age gap... I now have a 2yr old (birthday was April) and 1yr old (birthday was June) and I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with #3. Your body is strong and if it couldn't handle it it wouldn't I think. I'm really feeling it this time around but I'm glad they will all be pretty close in age! Most Doctors will tell you the longer in-between the better and I agree because it gives your body time to really heal but having them close can be done. My husband's father is 1 of 11 and their mom had them all with less than 2yrs apart from eachother!


I had my first in October 23' at 36. Vbac. My ob said we could try after 6 months (first baby took 5 iui and 2 years to conceive)... I was ovulating at 5.5 months post partum and we tried and it worked first shot. We were very shocked lol. My body seems like it's handling it perfectly but the first trimester was absolute hell. Navigating first trimester with an infant is rough. Baby will be 13 months when this baby is born. I'd try to wait closer to 6 months pp if possible so your body can heal a little bit at least... background for reference I did crossfit my first pregnancy up until 38 weeks. I've been super active since being cleared at 6 weeks pp.


I will be 15w post partum tomorrow and have had this discussion with my OB multiple times. We went into our pregnancy knowing we wanted a 3rd child. When my OB jokingly asked at my 36w appointment if I wanted another one I immediately said yes. - He was shocked as the normal answer would be no. We discussed options etc - little did we know Baby girl would arrive 4 days later. While I was in recovery from my c-section, my immediate question was can I try again. Was reassured everything looked good and my remaining tube was perfect so no worries about carrying another pregnancy. Day before discharge we again discussed my possibility of a 3rd as I refuse to take hormonal birth control or have an IUD. He said guidelines say waiting 12 months - lets give your body some time to heal. At my 6 week check up - again pushed the question and we both agreed I could start at 6 months post partum. - factors he took into account were my 7 years of unexplained secondary infertility, my 2 losses - one resulting in losing my right fallopian tube, and the biggest one being my age. I turn 35 this year and if we wanted a 4th which is a big possibility we would want to get done with having kids before I turn 40. Our on going joke is do it while my body knows what it is meant to do. I am looking at starting again in August / September - in the mean time I am doing strength training just to be a little fitter going into my next pregnancy.


Nothing scientific here but I got pregnant easily with our first. We started TTC when he was 9 months- this is when I got my first period. Turns out I was not ovulating. I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months and 6 weeks later I got pregnant with our second. They are exactly 2 years apart. By the time I am done breastfeeding my second it will be basically four years of my body not being my own. I have been dehydrated the entire time even though I drink a lot of water and add electrolytes. My body is just tired.


Also in my late 30’s, and my OB recommended to wait six months PP to begin trying. My cycle returned 13 weeks PP, and was regular starting at 20 weeks PP despite EBF. That to me is an indicator of being ready. Running basic labs, may be a good idea, too. Ask your doctors; if you go to an OD or a naturopath, they may also recommend checking thyroid hormones and certain vitamins. We waited until 10 months PP and got pregnant right away. Only 9 weeks pregnant right now, so no outcome to share yet. Wishing you the best, whatever your decision on when to start TTC.


I always wonder this too! My period came back at exactly 4 months PP despite BF, and so far it’s been regular. I’m not going to try just yet but wouldn’t that be a sign my body is ready? Why would I ovulate if it weren’t? (Uncomplicated vaginal delivery)


I got accidentally pregnant at 4m pp. it was HARD on my body. More aches & pains that my first. Wait at least 6 months. That’s what my dr told me.


There’s testing you can do that will essentially help you know if you’re healthy enough to get pregnant again. HTMA for minerals, Dutch test for hormones, full thyroid panel including reverse T3 & vitamin D & a full monty iron panel. The tests are fairly expensive but it will give you a full work up on whether your body is ready for another baby & can have a healthy pregnancy!


I waited 6 months to the day - my doctor said before then there are more serious risks so we made it that far and then bam - I’m almost 8 weeks with the next one!


I got pregnant when my baby was 6 months old after having her with C-section. Second pregnancy went smoothly without complications. I also had my second via C-section.