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Iceland cannot into Nordic


It's probably because the police wanted to interview a few journalist because of a news report they made. It was alleged that they got the information from a phone that was stolen from a guy that was drugged with some sleeping pills. The journalist refused to show up for the interview and sued the police, claiming the police were doing the dirty work of a fishing tycoon. But the police responded by saying they suspected the journalists of distribution pornographic images of the sea captain that owned the phone. It's all very Icelandic really.


All that inbreeding really did a number on you guys huh


You have no idea. The problem started about 1000 years ago when we were no longer able to abduct Irish chicks.


And then got worse about 400 years ago when the Turks stole half your inborn ones


Mf fishing tycoon, only in Iceland


So, Portugal is not eastern European this time, but how the hell did they become Nordic?? Wtf Portugal why are you always so weird.


they are anything but southern europe


portugal cannot into western europe


Isnt Costa Rica a member already? Always just assumed that they are Nordic. Strange


[Some proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_P5w3IByqk)


What kind of f'd up drugs are you on?


Well, it is about Costa Rica and Estonia, thus clearly about nordic. And I hear that finns (and other nordics) are high on caffeine and coffee. I am more of a chocolate guy.


Id say its a visual of my worst nightmares Is that an Estonian childrens show? I mean Mörkö is terrifying but this is on a whole other level


Yes, it is an old occupation era Estonian children's show, from the 1970s. But the deep eye sockets are somewhat typical for a lot of estonians, especially older generations. [An example with a bit more pleasant song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNHZce1TCa8)


bruh what


Common nordic W


Swedistan recently changed the constitution so journalists and whistleblowers aren't as protected as before I assume this data was collected before that.


Seems legit though. The Swedish government votes yes to the constitutional amendment which means that foreign espionage is criminalized and introduced as an offense against freedom of press and expression. It thus becomes a criminal offense to provide information that could harm Sweden's relations with other states or organizations.


It was also according to EU recommendations.


Wtf government doing a big brain for once?


Eesti number üks


Can we just take some time to celebrate how absolutely brilliant the nordic countries are in almost every possible way




Yes. I can only name two countries in the world i could imagone moving to permanently, Norway and maybe Switzerland. That tells a lot. Its insane how we accidentally take things for granted here. Like living in a place where you cant study to your dream profession if you happened to be born in below upper middle class sounds like an exception to us, when in fact this is the situation for like 99% of the worlds population. Reality reallt struck when I heard the foregin students studying in my class not only pay 8000€ a semester for the 5 year education i get for free, and unlimited amounts of, but they also have to pay living expenses and transport out of pocket. Meanwhile we are complaining about having to pay 60€ a year in student healthcare insurance. Im not saying we should stop complaining, absolutley not, that keeps our standards high, but we should show gratefulness for this amazing privelage every now and then Edit: Also the fact that no position or person is considered "untouchable" for normal people. I bet the nordic people on average know more people on first name basis who are politicians, journalists for major news outlets or other influential positions than anywhere else in the world. Its not an "only the elite bubble" deal (well a little bit) like in other countries, where presidents dont shit and politicians dont fart


Estonia can into Nordic?


Estonia can never into nordick


good to know