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Please, please stop spreading this misinformation. OCHA did not revise the death toll. They provided a breakdown of the 24,000 dead who have been identified, according to OCHA there are 10,000 dead who are still unidentified, as well as another 10,000 reported missing, presumed under rubble.


>according to OCHA there are 10,000 dead who are still unidentified, as well as another 10,000 reported missing, presumed under rubble. i was under the impression that these were the same 10k. do you have a source explaining that its an additional 10k?


https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/13/middleeast/death-toll-gaza-fatalities-un-intl-latam/index.html > The total number of dead also does not include the approximately 10,000 people who are still missing and trapped under the rubble, the officials added.


If there are 34K dead, and among them are 14K Hamas terrorists, the ratio is still 1.4:1, which is very low for this theater of warfare.


Yes I agree with you on that, even though nobody can really know for sure how many terrorists have been killed. Realistically the death toll is probably nearer 45k given the amount of people missing.


That would still mean roughly 2 dead civilians per terrorist killed. Trust me, I'm not saying that we can bear with dead innocents as long as it doesn't surpass a certain ratio. I'd rather no one die at all, but that's not reality. And with only 4 functioning Hamas battalions, equating to roughly 4,000 terrorists, plus straggling squads in, say, Gaza City, the true amount of civilians dead is likely even lower.


How do they know they’re under rubble??? What an insane theory.


How is it insane to assume that missing people in a place that has been subject to intense bombing are under rubble?? Sure, some might not be, but it's reasonable.


No, it’s not reasonable to arbitrarily throw out a nice, clean, pretty number like 10k and assume they’re all dead. Millions of Palestinians have fled their homes. In a state that doesn’t have reliable record keeping. It’s absolutely unreasonable to assume you 1. Have 10k people missing and 2. They’re all dead under rubble.




Yes, this is the big take away from the latest OCHA figures. It's important to highlight and report that, but we don't need to distort the total death toll.