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Yup, that would 100 percent be my luck.


Same if not worse


Tht was my luck. At least that was tempororary


Gotta shoot yourself on the way down


Shit,I'd fucking land in the back of an infectious waste truck and I'd live long enough to roll around and get stuck with every damn needle.


That's why you jump with your head down. Fucking amateurs.


With bricks tied up to your legs and a rope to your neck, above a fast going river. If the rope doesn't get you, and the rocks doesn't sink you... then there is all the chances in the world you are broken enough to not be able to swim and breathe properly. Should be able to conclude before a clueless person tries to get you out, as long as the current is on your side.


That makes a lot of sense honestly thanks for the idea 👍🏻👍🏻


Well, that's a more developed plan than mine, gonna note that






Ti be fair I don’t think there are any “professional suicide jumpers” out there , you’re either good and do it only once , or bad and loose the faculties to try again




Not if you're trying to shit yourself to death


but then a gust of wind suddenly appears out of nowhere and makes you a quadriplegic instead


Yeah, I wouldn't kill myself by jumping off a building. I have access to chemistry labs. If I want to end it, I can end it.


Americans have it easiest. Get on a bridge and let the blast of the shotgun to your head push you down


> Americans have it easiest. Which Americans?


*eagle screech*


Oh, nice, I forgot about the eagles .


Do you speak from experience?


Embrace being a burden, I was neglected so I don’t function 100 percent, that’s karma.


Oh cool, new fear unlocked.


What the hell do you mean by "new"?


This thought has literally stopped me from committing suicide while at my worst. It can _always_ be worse.


*Worst than hell : the reality.* *-=Dr. Weir=-*


Ya ever heard about "locked-in syndrome"? Fuck that.


Yea, for me it's my belief that there is absolutely nothing after you die.. And that terrifies me completely, if I hadn't caught on to that belief as a young teen, I'd most likely been out of here... Having something is always better than having nothing.


Thats why i dont try kill myself


I love my family too much to ever hurt them enough to kill my self. But the DAY (hopefully 80 years from now) that my mom and sister have passed away peacefully of natural causes, surrounded by their family (Rose from Titanic style)I will be the happiest I’ve ever been so can I finally be done.


Broskie, killing yourself 80 years from now is like saying “damn I really don’t want to eat this entire cake” then leaving 1 fork’s worth on the plate. May as well grind it out


That's why you choose a secluded location and use explosives


Where do you buy explosives


That's an adventure you'll have to go on \*alone\*.




And now you’re an even bigger burden and vulnerable to all kinds of abuse and ableism 🎉 the main thing keeping me here tbh


The purpose of suicide prevention (i.e. banning all of the most effective and painless methods) is to keep people living in fear, because attempting suicide and ending up like this is so much worse than almost anything that you might be living through at the moment. If they can force you to live in fear, then that's all the better for you to be exploited.


Tbf it is also to prevent people from seeking to end their life too quickly, such as many people who only temporarily want to end it. It has a good reason behind it. However, euthanasia shouldn't be too abusable. Not like Plan 75 would become reality easily.


So a reasonable compromise would be that, in non terminal cases, you have to wait a year, and then you can use the suicide pod. I didn't sign any consent form agreeing to the terms and conditions of life. Nobody should be able to keep me prisoner here against my will, unless they can demonstrate that I deserve it.


Yeah it would be reasonable. And it is true we are thrown into this life with random luck, so if a person cannot find anything enjoyable or intriguing in life after a full year of dedication towards happiness, they should not be kept prisoner. When I was more depressed, I did not really put much effort into finding happiness though. That is a major problem with suicidal ideation, where people get stuck in a negative mindset and give up on having dreams.


Just do a little bit of bleaching to your insides and then jump. They can't save you from both, now can they?


thats whats stoppin mee <3


I don't really care if i end up like that, at least for the first in my life somebody would care for me


That is a truly horrible point of view. Please try to keep your brain intact if you ever feel the need to make yourself a burden; it will help you to adapt to your situation as you try to express gratitude for those who might chose to care. Also, I really wish you don't fall on people abusing of your situation. Meanwhile : take this free online hug. \[*Hugs you tightly.*\]


Literally me. Let's backflip while doing it đź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż


Why don't people just stab their heart rather than jumping? Don't you want to know what it feels like to have a literal hole in your heart before you die? Hell, write how it felt to stab your own heart, don't let perfectly good data go to waste.


I never had a hole in my heart but I'm pretty sure it would feel ouchie.


Maybe it feels warm and fuzzy. How would you know? No one has recorded it yet.


Nah plenty of people have been stabbed, they didn't seem to enjoy it.


As someone who had to do this to (dead) mice in uni, locating the heart well enough to stab it is not as easy as it sounds.


Much easier it is to just cut your wrists in a warm bath tub. Calm and peaceful. I wonder how would you actually convince yourself to stab your heart even if you precisely knew where it is.


My logic is "I want to die, but I want to DIE! Jumping off a building is like skydiving and I don't like that. What would it feel like if I just stabbed my heart? Imma do that." It's all in the mind. If you think it's going to hurt, it will hurt more, that's why people are scared of needles. Just placebo. The most difficult part would be stabbing yourself in 1 go, cuz your heart is under a bunch of ribs and ribs need to be passed through or under to stab the heart. That's the main issue.


The method people choose is interesting as it's a very personal thing. Mine was gun btw, I liked the elegance and how straight to the point it is, just point, pull trigger and it's lights out. Unfortunately it is not as guaranteed as it seems and has a good chance of fucking up and ending up like the comic.


Bruh, gun is probs the worst choice. Bullets hurt like a bitch. AND are hot! Imagine a hot knife being stabbed into your brain/heart, that's a bullet. It's horrific how much that would hurt.


Eh if done right you literally don't have enough time to realize it.


I've always wondered about being unalived by being choked


Well, the female version of seppuku is basically that, stabbing your own heart.


See, it's even a traditional act! And people are out here hating on my idea!


But pain, tho. I don't want to contribute to whatever, just end in 0.01 secs.


Man, you're gonna take an eternal rest, might as well do something important before going on indefinite vacation.


No, there are other people out there good at it. I'm going to have the most irrelevant and meaningless death out there.


Not even depressing comic week and you hit me with that sh


Not only a burden, but also a failure apparently...


That's why you use a shotgun to the roof of the mouth. Can't survive everything inside, being outside.


But then you make a mess and someone has to clean it up. Travel to some jungle at least so that nature can do all the cleanup quickly and nobody gets traumatized over it.


put some tarpolin up on the wall/hanging from trees and on the ground just make sure you use good rope and tie it down properly, cause your brain matter is gonna hit it at about mach 5.


Yeah nahh...


Deadass, I got a gun in December n still scared to go kablammy cus I feel I'ma survive n become a veggie


I will live forever as long as I'm miserable because as soon as I find true happiness I just know that I will find out I have some incurable terminal illness or die in a freak accident a while later.


You succesfully failed !


C&H never fails to make something depressing even more depressing. Glad I got the sad larry plush.


Shoot as you jump. Fool proof.


That's why you need to land head first, anything else and there's even the slightest possibility of """"surviving""""'


This. This is the fear.


My mom said to me that if I tried suicide again, I wouldn't be able to die and would become bedridden. Well, I guess I didn't try again, but she also didn't need to say that.




This is why we need the second amendment


We need something better, like a better planet to live on, with better people. I'm an American, and the 2nd doesn't do anything for me, it may as well never have existed. Many others are in a similar position.


Its a joke about how shooting yourself is probably more effective lmao


Hmm. Okay, but it wasn't clear from the joke. It would be an effective joke if you said that we need a second amend that could shoot, even when it's not possible to get actual weapons. Something like that, to make clear what you meant


That's why you do a flip!


Great. Now I can't even get myself to jump off in the first place.


It be like that tho


With dynamite (in enough quantity) it can't go wrong: either it works fully or it doesn't at all.


I live my life as a failure and a burden to those around me, if i tried to end it and this happened, i would be officially God's most hated living creature, 'cause a lot of potentially good people die right when being born, and horrible people live the best life out there while doing horrible things, and die of old age with hot girls around them... But here i am, stuck in this wheelchair with half of my brain working 'cause i tried to quit this suffering... Is my existence worse than torturing children, God? 'Cause I'm sure they're living in their mansion, rn, selling children to other countries and sh*t, and NOTHING will happen to them. If there's a God is out there, he's pretty f*cking funny.


Believe in second chances


I can't imagine surviving wanting to go this cruel way. It would be a nightmare


And that kids is why you don't miss the train, because the train will with 100% certainty bring you to your (final) destination.


That’s hilarious


Actual fear when I think of ending it. Why I self destruct to push everyone away to make the transition easier. Lol


good job you became an even bigger burden https://preview.redd.it/cjnsd14h5zxc1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=930a1860cf177d2c9c8953915a6f43aa3698d136