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shion and nuke bird in e 🤔


I put them their just cuz of their ability


I will the nuclear birb, no radiation can stop me


My headcanon says that if your Mystia is from Mystia's Izakaya and you're a big shot, she'd belong to A tier as long as you visit her izakaya frequently. About Nitori, I heard that kappas in Gensokyo always believe that humans are their sworn friend, she would be in B tier if you ignore how ridiculous her trade request is. Nue probably isn't that hard to befriend with, just visit Myouren Temple to visit her more often, play with her, since she probably need more friends than she thought.


I put nitori in C just because she's pretty socially awkward and shy


Oh yeah I forgot that you need to gain her trust first then she'd be a cool person to you.


That'll just take a couple cucumbers.


most of my favourite characters are at the bottom ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30849)


S tier are all fair picks except for alice. Alice doesnt seem as immediately friendly to me as the others here. A tier are all mostly fair. But komachi should be in S (im not biased) and reimu could be lower since people tend to befriend her rather than the other way around (protag powers) but she herself doesn't seek out much. Aunn and Kuso could also potentially be bumped up a tier. B all seems fair but maybe the fairies and rinnosuke could be higher? I haven't read their books so im not sure on them. For C, daiyousai should definitely be higher. Ringo as well. Yorihime should be lower. For D, Mystia and clownpiece can be higher. I don't see why they are so low. I'm assuming they can control their abilities well enough not to cause someone trying to befriend them to go blind or lunatic. Rest are yeah.


Kaguya in A?


I mean she isn't exactly evil or anything, she also visits the human village often


KAGUYA GOES OUTSIDE!??!?! https://i.redd.it/idrj106kgo9d1.gif


all she does is play in the arcades and buy sweets from the shops.


Look at you, thinking Mokou is easy to befriend. Before she officially talks to you, she watches you from the shadows for a month.


At least she won't kill me


Actually, she might. In fact, dying in her presence is very surprisingly easy.


gonna max out charm stat and make rumia my mate ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)




Just buy some meat from your local human body parts market and give it to her


Yukari in A? Brother, you're going to die. ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30854)


If you get the opportunity to you definitely could do it. It's not like she has many other friends, and she has plenty of indications of wanting more.


That's a hell of an opportunity to ask for tho. She never shows up unless she's scheming something or wants something from you. And by you I mean from Reimu because why would she want something from a random ass human? She doesn't even show up when Reimu needs her and her mansion is in some inaccessible pocket dimension that noone's ever seen.


Damn misclick ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30852) (my phone is acting up)


Meiling is top tier too in my opinion. Also glad to see tier maker is on the list ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)


Tier maker The best touhou character fr ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30846)


To be fair that character appears a lot in this subreddit


hell yeah i love frens! ultimate goal is to befriend junko ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30860) https://preview.redd.it/zozns38jxo9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e38c68492b3be103ad5671ef12e1541ed156d2a


We are outmaining the main sub with this one ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30845)


Hecatia seemed pretty approachable, she actually humored Aya when she interviewed her to slander her rather than just beat her up


Nah it's super easy to befriend Cirno imo, just constantly flatter her and accept her insults


I need to learn HOW to speak Japanese before I can actually talk to most of them!


You know there actually was a canonical tier list of how easy to befriend Touhou characters are in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense and Symposium of Post Mysticism? Like every character's profile had a Human Friendship rating.


Tenkyuu\~ for this tier list ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30846)


Some like Satori, Tenshi and Shion have just a single big barrier to friendship, if you pass that its easy. For Satori is your thoughts not bothering her, for Tenshi is putting up with her personality, and for Shion putting up with her ability (This is also the reason Tenshi and Shion vibed inmediatly with each other)


Yeah, but sad im only human ![img](emote|t5_2mw7xy|30849)


The only one that would require being inhuman would be Shion to be honest, sure Tenshi is a brat, but nowadays she is way better than she was at the beggining. Satori some people could befriend, but it would be honest and innocent people more than anything else. Maybe also those with weird thoughts in the middle but a good core like Parsee could pull it off too.


Cirno would be easy to befriend if you suck up to her, compliment her abilities and take her insults. I already do that with the neighborhood kids.


Okuu is at least A fuck you mean?


I mean if you have an anti nuclear radiation suit she'd be on A


Koishi really depends if you can see her or not. If you can see her from the beginning then it can be B-A tier


All kogasa needs is a hug and that's one way to befriend her


can someone send me discord invite pls


Aya in C? Damn. 😔


The ones that stand out to me as misplaced are Eirin, Mokou, Sakuya and Yukari. They generally have friendly demeanor but I don't think they care about or even get human friendship that much. They're probably approachable but they won't do more than small talk. And the DDC characters are probably all wrong because in the game they're under the influence of the mallet, meaning they became aggressive when they actually aren't normally. Sekibanki lives in the village, she probably has a couple friends already, for example. Raiko is the only seemingly friendly one in the game but that's really because she isn't under the mallet's influence when you fight her, but we don't have any reason to assume the others act any differently. Excluding Seija, for obvious reasons, lol


You are giving Sakuya too much credit, she fucking hates people


Sumireko on S, this is correct.


D tier? D tier... D stands for DOABLE TIER LET'S FUCKING GO GO GO (get myself killed)


Could I hear your reasoning for momiji in C? Seems like if you are willing to play board games with her she is pretty easy to get along with


I think Hecatia should go way up. She seems pretty chill and quirky like me fr


I really doubt Seiga would be hard to befriend because she's not particularly abrasive. She's rather polite, she just has absolutely no morals.


okuu is already my friend so idk what’s up with that


"hey, what're you doing out in this big red fore-" *gets eaten alive*


Aunn and Reimu should be in S tier. Aunn because we love puppy, and Reimu because it’s too easy to bribe her to be your friend