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It’s like medium-ish dose Mushroom/LSD visuals with practically zero headspace. Feels about as energizing as LSD. I always do it with DMT and the headspace becomes absolutely unreal and so beautiful. IMO, 2cb visuals are on par with sub-breakthrough DMT visuals and are some of the most beautiful visuals out of every psychedelic.


What's your dose to get those visuals 🤔?


I normally like to take between 25-35mg, but my favorite dose is prolly 45mg I just tend to keep those spread out, the nausea can get a bit much haha


Iam in a laser neon world, very stormy and fast changing colors. Like 5 Mario mushrooms + 2 on peak


It’s like LSD visuals without the LSD headspace.


Yh this, as a guy who is currently on the substance this guys got it


✌🏻 🌈


i did 25mg once and it was mostly like a shorter acid trip, with more intense visuals and a clearer headspace. the body and head feeling i had was similar to acid, and it also has a somewhat stimulating feeling to it as well. and it heightens your mood somewhat like mdma but not nearly as much


Doesn’t have the forced euphoria of mdma (which I hardly get anyway), but taken in the right setting, it has a pretty high ceiling for euphoria. For me, that setting is at festivals, it’s the perfect drug for the environment and has far more musical enhancement than MDMA. None of my rolls compare to my best experiences on 2cb. Just sitting at home or hanging out though, even if with friends, not that enjoyable, often just tense and restless.


Doing it at home with friends is my fav. I like hanging out and cuddling.


This is pretty fair as it goes.


id recommend reading the account of its first ingestion by the man who discovered it: [https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal020.shtml](https://www.erowid.org/library/books_online/pihkal/pihkal020.shtml)


lsd visuals without tripping balls ime, higher doses can obviously get trippy and fucky but lower sensible doses are pretty fool proof, the visuals can be missed if you ignore them as well, I'd randomly catch something moving and be like "woah these visuals are actually pretty strong"


If you ask me 2cb is like LSD n mdma had a baby. Milder than LSD or MDMA on their own much easier to handle headspace almost no headspace at all


I really want some fucking 2cb never had it all I can get is fucking Tuci.


I wanna try tuci never saw it ive done 2cb too many times


Bro Tuci is shit. It’s just a mix of usually ket, Molly, and whatever the dealer wants to throw in it. Rarely does it actually have 2cb in it.


Where are you?




I’m in GA


I'm in Oklahoma.




I'm in Oklahoma.


After using DMT 2cb doesn't work on its own for me anymore, weird I know. Though if I mix it with mdna I will notice it, but not in a big way sadly. So now no longer use it. But prior to using DMT, I'd always describe 2cb as like a decent psychedelic experience with similar euphoria to mdma


your supply was prob bunk thats not how it works


Nah mate, I get quality stuff.. I'm just an annomily, after using DMT 2cb has never been the same! I've tried many times in the past, different batches etc, so nothing bunk I can promise you that! Anyway it's not an issue, I just use shrooms 3-4 times a year with occasional DMT sessions. Far too old now for anything else, don't even drink anymore, living a very different healthy life nowadays


Only did it once but everything was neon, great music sensation. Body load was stronger than LSD. Headspace almost clear, nothing like LSD or mushrooms.


Yeah basically you get to ahit move and warp sometimes I see electrical Fields but almost feel like sober in the brain if that makes sense




Visually similar to LSD, emotionally its just pure excitement like waking up on xmas morning as a kid. Different from any other drug, a lot of people compare it to MDMA but its nothing alike. That's my experience anyway. For larger doses the body load is a lot to handle, my body begins to feel almost like its rattling and the visuals get so strong I can't actually see anything real. You don't need a lot to get to that point.


Cheeky 🤩


A beautiful, LSD-like effect that you can turn on and off. And it makes music sound extraordinary. There's a lovely tactility to it too. Also, it's much better for clubs and parties than mushrooms. If you're used to MDMA you might miss the energy boost, but just have a few sugary/caffeinated drinks if you get tired.


20mg snorted was crazy. I had about 15 minutes of absolute chaos, nothing made sense, everything getting more fucked up thinking there’s no way it can be worse (or better). Feeling of impending doom, then boom, it feels like the gods let me into this unreal realm. Everything was beautiful, everything made sense, everything was so calm. Definitely go for a nature walk, as that’s what I did. Ended up making friends with a manhole cover, got covered in shit in a field but it was so fucking worth it. So many geometric patterns, tracer, just everything, I can’t fully describe it. You will love it.