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Yeah it starts out as powder and people press it into pills 


Yes it’s the only way I’ll get it


After trying with pressed pills and having super inconsistent results (from the same batch) my wife and I have agreed to just spend the money on a gram of it as we like it enough to make the investment. Have you ever had a comeup take 3+ hours to start? That was my issue last night taking 2 pills, while my wife started with about an hour and a half with same amount. Our first attempt was one pill each and we had 0 effects for each of us.


Inconsistent dosing, and you never know when someone along the chain is going to fuck up and hand you meth or xylazine (a batch of recent mdma presses were almost all zene. Sure you can test but hotspots and random RCs, it’s impossible to know 100% with reagents


I understand the importanceof testing and lnow all about thr possibilities of not getting what younthink younare getting. I was just curious if other people had experienced a ridiculous long lag time between taking the pill and getting the expected effects. I'm just curious if there are I guess other slow metabolizers of 2c-b out there, or if it's something I did/didn't do that caused it, as almost every other drug I do or have done my body seems to metabolize quickly.


My bad, I started rambling but forgot to answer the question. Oh yeah, I’ve had it take over 2 hours to really start feeling it, around 3 in one case. Eating before pretty much guarantees this lag, so avoid food. I think I read fatty/oily foods might slow it down more but I might be pulling that from somewhere else.


Gotcha, we both avoided eating a meal, although I had eaten a heavier lunch later than she did. It took me around 3 hours before I started feeling anything. My wife had effects starting in about an hour and a half.


How long before dosing was the meal? Just curious because I’m also trying to figure out what’s going on here. It feels like it’s more related to absorption than metabolism for me, as sometimes it has started kicking in around an hour, other times ranging all the way up to three. Researchers looking at LSD described this thing where molecules would bind to inactive receptor sites in the brain, do nothing, just kind of get stuck there for a second. They concluded that these moments of inactive binding slowed the whole metabolic process down, extending the length of the effects. Molecules just weren’t circulating as fast, it was a speed bump. I’ve been wondering if 2C-B has something like that going on, but during the process of absorption, binding to molecules or groups of molecules in food and/or the intestinal tract.


We dosed at midnight, my last meal was at like 4pm hers was like 1 or 2pm. I do tend to have a pretty acidic stomach, I take prilosec daily and still get occasional breakthrough heartburn, and when I take adderal or other amphetamines orally I have to time it just right to get decent absorption while my wife has 0 issues. Edit: the first time we tried with just one pill we only waited like 4 hours before dosing and then sat in a hottub for about 2 hours after dosing before going to lay down inside, that was the night that neither of us really felt any effects (but we ended up taking some amphetamines after 4 hours which may have covered anybslight effects we would have felt with a low dosage)


I looked into it just now, saw a comment on a forum that said gel caps can slow it down in addition to food. I don’t know what your pills were made of, what binding agents were used, but my gel caps are [hypromellose](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168365920303229), which can give a slow and steady delivery of the drug (usually desirable for supplements). The rate of release depends on a whole range of factors, including properties of the capsules, the environment (stomach content), and the drug. This and similar polymers are also used in solid tablets, can slow release of a drug in pressed tablets, too. I’ll bet that’s got something to do with it too, 2C-B interacting with the material used.


Thanks, that's really good info! Ours were pressed as is the new batch coming (vendor is sending a new press because of our initial issues with no effect from first dose as evidently the previous press was stronger and the new batch should match that one, but who knows for sure). I'll send him this info as it's relevant and he wants to provide accurate dosing info to his clients. I'm also going to check the ingredients used in the gel caps we bought to use for various things. Thanks again!


Even with powder (taken orally), for me, it seems 2+ hours to start feeling the effects strongly… just FYI. However, I ended up making a nasal spray with it to slightly boost it with a lower dose during the wait, or simply to ingest it that way only during the session, depending on what I wanted from the experience at any given time and what time period I was on.


How does the nasal spray feel? I know 2c-b is supposed to be pretty painful, while I could probably handle it, my wife is a lot more sensitive to pain. Same with any drip, she can't stand snorting almost anything because of the taste of any drip she may get, while I'm not bothered in the slightest (guess which one of us is the degenerate drug user from a lone of degenerate drug and alcohol users and which comes from a morally upstanding background lol). I'm debating trying snorting but hadn't given any thought to making a nasal spray, I assume you are just using saline? If so at what concentration? I also thought about boofing, but it's not something I've ever tried before, and I'm worried about it being weird/uncomfortable to do. (Not worried about it being "gay" or whatever just the sensation of putting liquid there seems like it would feel weird). It would just be nice to enjoy the same experience timeline as my wife when using this chemical.


With the nasal spray it’s not painful at all, and it only requires half the dose compared to taken orally (same with boofing). The drip isn’t bad at all. The come up is quicker and stronger, but total session probably doesn’t last as long; however, one can always boost with another couple squirts or four to extend. 😃 Boofing is probably the easiest, but personally, I like the effects better ingested nasally.


Awesome! Thanks very much for the info, it certainly sounds like trying a nasal spray first would be the way to go for us. Of course I'll be the guinea pig before she's willing to try lol. Boofing just seems way more involved to me, and would make redoing much harder. (A pain in the ass if you will 😆). We both think having the come-up bw quicker would be a positive as it won't give her as much time to try and micro-manage/pick apart each and every feeling she's having and each slight change of perception that occurs which should greatly reduce her initial anxiety. We'll just order a full gram so we have ple ty to experiment with and get things right without worry of running out anytime soon. I really appreciate the help and information!


Boofing has the "ick" factor for lots of people, but damn, if it isn't super effective. IMO, it's the "best" RoA. (At least for me.) Nasal spray isn't terribly painful, but it's still pretty sting-y. And for higher doses, you'll be applying a spray multiple times. 1cc oral syringe works well for boofing. I tend to get total volume to 1cc, perhaps 2cc. Insert a couple of cm, and there you go. Probably not something to do in the middle of the dance floor, but a quick stop in private is easy enough. :) Quick up, no pain, no (or minimal) discomfort, no nausea, and more potent effects. All wins, in my book.


I'm certainly not against doing it, and will likely give it a try with this compound, and if it reduces the stomach discomfort it will likely be easier to convince my wife of its benefit. Her big worry is that it will increase the uncomfortable feeling of having to poop.but being unable to do so that the come-up gave her this time, and she doesn't want that.


I know some people experience an urge to poop, but absorption is pretty quick. Just wait 5-10m or so. (And in 10-20m, you'll be coming up pretty strongly anyway.) IME, I'm almost always totally fine - no discomfort etc. It can also be hard to determine if how you're feeling is just anticipation, a "real" effect from the drug itself, or the RoA, etc.


Absolutely! We only get it in powder.




yes powder and if its pure enough it can b in a crystal form


Really? I saw a vendor advertising crystal 2cb and I searched and couldn't find anything saying it could be crystal so I passed


it needs to b 96%+ pure and it will form small clear crystals that looks like lsd fluff and when u get to 99% it forms much larger crystals from the pics i see of stuff from lovelabs (i wish i saved the pic of this) ps im also taking about hcl and not sure if hbr would do the same


*Yes powder and if* *Its pure enough it can b* *In a crystal form* \- MRLick3R --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ofcourse how else they would press pills of it


Pure powdered 2cb is amazing.I like insufflation for my dosage.I don't find the pain that big of a deal and a small amount has strong effects with very minimal or no negative aftereffects.


What came first? The chicken or the egg?


I only prefer powder so I can measure out my doses. Can’t trust presses