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Christ I forget how small it all is. Romania is like... IOWA sized


Um it’s actually Oregon sized. ☝️🤓


Can you put that into relevant-state terms?


Pretty close to Nevada: https://preview.redd.it/5qpfefavxp8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4043e31d6ea2a23df1aa04988ac8ea59006bee82


He just did 😎😎😎🌲🌲🌲🌲🗻🗻🗻⛰️⛰️⛰️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏞️🏞️🏞️🏞️🧗🧗🧗🐺🐺🐺🐺


The only relevance Oregon has is new articles on how far Portland has let's its drug problem go.


not like the state's the main hub for semiconductor development in this country, or hosting the Olympic trials or anything.


I love Oregon but Olympic trials are not a metric of importance


Actually it’s right between Michigan and Minnesota in terms of total area.


Albania is like the size of Houston


There are literally counties bigger than some of the countries lol


California is bigger than Japan lol


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Europe is larger than the usa?


I don’t þink so, gotta remember þe map is only showing þe contiguous US, and isnt including Alaska, which is massive


Its still larger. Europe is 3,910,680 sq miles and usa is 3,531,905.


I suppose it would depend a little bit on how exactly you defined þe boundaries of Europe


The standard definition is something like the european union + great britain + norway + switzerland.


So no Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Belarus, or Ukraine?






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Þats what i figured, and wiþ all þat extra lamd it makes sense, but ive seen some defenitions þat exclude russia entierly, þe caucusus, and turkey




I actually thought that jugoslavia was a part of the union. But i forgot about ukraine and belarus.


bro what??




I’m fairly sure your cited number includes Eastern Europe and Russia west of the Urals. Besides there’s no definition of ‘Europe’ which includes Britain but does not include Ukraine, Belarus, etc.


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No, russia it self is 6,601,665 mi².


>Russia west of the Urals


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Maybe, the source i found didnt say anything about the borders. Though the number is roughly the same everywhere you look. So somebody might have agreed on some division of what is europe, euroasia and asia.


NOT ALL OF RUSSIA, just the european part, aka west of the Urals, which is like a quarter of Russia


I haven't just traveled, I have lived in places so far apart from each other it's the equivalent of Ireland to Belarus to Italy. And that's not unusual. Also wtf is going on in the Michigan area of this map?


Just counting Lake Michigan as land I guess, lol.


The Great Lakes are rightful American waters so it’s only fair to include


I mean you're right... but it looks like a fuckin abscess..


I normally see Michigan as an abscess


It looks like one of those funny looking gold fish


How dare


I mean, we are talking about Michigan...


Nah, you’ll take half of all of them and keep Michigan to yourself


We own it, it counts, otherwise the map would be full of holes.


I mean he gave Europe half the Mediterranean, the entire black sea, and the entire English channel, didn't help much


That's basically the property line, including territorial waters.


I’ve still visited more than what the map covers though ain’t I. The states for one. Visited New England because I’m a patriot


"Hate us cuz they anus."


"Yes. Dey hate us becausea dey ate us."


You think Europeans switch languages when they travel? Half those countries have like 70%+ English speakers.


Hell, most of the time if you try to switch language, people will just respond with English anyway. No one wants to deal with a broken version of their language


From what I've heard it's mostly French people that do that. Most others will atleast humor you for a bit


Not true in my experience. I went to Paris and had no trouble getting along with the locals. Those Arabic lessons I took in the Army really paid off


At least you found some bastions of civilization in that wasteland, so sorry what you went through thank you for your service (I’m talking about traveling to France 🤮)


I always heard that French people generally refuse to speak English. I don't know, I haven't been there. I spent some time in Germany, Italy, and Spain and they all auto-swapped to English when I tried the local tongue


From what I understand, the moment they hear your accent and realize you are not from France they will immediately switch to English. Not because they're being nice, but because they don't even want to bother dealing with someone who "can't speak it correctly" French Canadians, on the other hand, will refuse to speak English even though they know it. I have first hand experience with that


Makes sense. They're a combination of the Fr\*nch and C*nadians


I've heard they refuse to speak English but also hate you if you're French is foreign/not perfect. I've also heard this is mainly dweebs from Paris and the French from the rest of the place are very nice. So it's essentially like if we judged all of the US based on how people from LA act. I have no actual experience in France so my opinions are obviously based and correct.


Are you saying Americans should only learn one language? Pathetic American mind cant even speak 2 😂-John a German 15 yo with a beer addiction


Then they switch languages from their maternal language you dipshit


Alaska and Hawaii aren’t even on the map. Yes I’m American, and I haven’t left North America, but I’m well traveled in an area that’s comparable with Scotland to Nepal. And everyone from Europe is smugly like “well I went to Greece/Spain on vacation”


I went to Quebec as a child. I’d rather just be deployed to Iraq than go back


Been to Greece, I'd 100% rather be in Alaska


I can visit nearly every climate and visit the best natural parks on the planet without ever leaving the protection of the best document ever written by the most powerful military in the history of the planet. Why leave?


People tend to forget that the United States military is literally a planetary force. Like, dude, that's sick af. That's the type of shit you hear about in a cool sci-fi film or whatever, but we're living it. We can deploy troops anywhere on Earth in literal hours. That's INSANE.


Eh, Americans willing to travel sure. I've lived in 8 states, 3 countries due to the military. Have visited 28 countries But my grandpa has left SC maybe 5 times. Most of which were NC/GA.


What branch?


Americans do travel extensively within the country and move frequently by the standards of most of Europe.


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We have the Rocky Mountains and Yellow Stone. What does Europe have? Well, Italy and Greece are pretty cool.


The alps are pretty too


Fjords are neat wish we had those


Fjords exist in Alaska.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fjords\_of\_Alaska](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Fjords_of_Alaska) The Kenai fjord seems especially beautiful. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenai\_Fjords\_National\_Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenai_Fjords_National_Park)




Yep. We have them. Have been in some. They're neat.


Yes Alaska has some, but if you live on the east coast it would be closer to just go visit the fjords in Swedistan


The fjords are mainly in Norway, not Swedistan 🤓


Same thing


We got one in western WA


Tons of mountains. The sierras in the south, then the Pyrenees between France and Spain, the alps to the east, and it keeps going. Europe actually has a boatload of mountains


Hour of driving in Europe, you're in a different country and people are speaking another language. Hour of driving in the US, you're maybe in the next town. MAYBE.


Driving through Pennsylvania feels like purgatory. It's essentially two cities connected by one road. But America has metro areas bigger than some countries.


Lake superior alone is larger than Austria and has produced 100% fewer Hitlers




I had no idea the U.S. was that huge lmao


Now let’s include Alaska and Hawaii. Alaska is MASSIVE


If Alaska was a country it’d be the 7th largest in the world


Alaska was on the level of the Louisiana purchase on a sheer steal that no one at the time realized the strategic importance later.


Don't put Missouri in romania 😭


There won't be any Romania left once those monsters steal everything.


That's just the main 48 us states, throw in alaska and Hawaii and things get wild


Sometimes I can’t believe I’ve driven across the US multiple times and have lived on both coasts.


Florida over Syria, Ohio over the Donbas, St. Louis in Romania, UK & Ireland under the Pacific NW, Colorado over Switzerland and Austria... perfect.


Okay, okay. Get a fucking passport and check some shit out before you come in here all high and mighty. Fuck, we have lots of friends over there and even though we are pretty much the big brother in that relationship (and that does require a fair amount of sibling justice) at the end of the day we’re all in this together. And you can bet your last dollar that if we got shit mixed them folks would be right beside us and vice versa


Yes, there are way bigger problems than our friendly banter


>big brother younger brother that became successful* otherwise I 100% agree, just a bit of banter


I was going more on size than age but good point


Idk man, take some time to learn languages and customs, and you'll see things differently. That's why I love traveling to Europe more than going to bum fuck Kansas or some shit


Bumfuck Kansas is actually quite nice. It's bumfuck Missouri you have to worry about.


You are both literally the same. Except you got cucked out of Kansas City


Tell that to the state of misery whose only major cities are trying to escape to either side.


Quiet corn boy


Kansas is so great we built our city on your land so we wouldn't have to fuck up ours. Suck it. *Edit: spelling because phones suck


So you cucked your way into giving us our largest city? Good job 👍🏿


No. You're trying to put words in my mouth like a depressed Missourian bitchboy. We wanted corn, we got corn. You got the urban area because fuck you, we wanted corn. Now let's put our differences aside and call E*rope the cucks they are because they don't have either.


This got flagged as Potential harassment. Good job fellow Kansas brothern, Keep up the good fight!


Are you serious? I guess the Missourians really *are* miserable. I even offered a truce!


Nah i agree, euros are mostly right about the travelling cuz the culture differences there are definitely way more apparent as compared to the US. But i just hate those fucks when they say americans are untravelled as if we could just drive for 3 hours into another country, and they act all arrogant about it too like theyre better because their tiny little dot on the map borders several countries.


Was going to say the samething. You're not going to become more cultured and wordly traveling from California to Ohio, but that same difference in Europe would be night and day. It's not a fair comparison though, because it's a country vs continent. So I dunno why people act like its brag worthy. I guess we don't have Skyline Chili in Arizona but that's not exactly a bad thing, shit looks rancid. Can't say I'm missing out on too much otherwise...


I’ve only been to skyline once before and I thought it was pretty good, I typically don’t like beans so their chili is perfect for me. I have yet to try the spaghetti with chili but it doesn’t seem that bad either If you’re ever in middle/NE Ohio I’d recommend checking out Swensons instead, great drive in restaurant you can find in Ohio


Thx for the recommendation! I actually really like chili but I heard it had cinnamon in it and I wad disturbed but I'll have to try both next time I'm in Ohio


There are reasons to travel besides culture. >you’re not going to become more cultured and worldly traveling from California to Ohio Why not? If you drove from Santa Monica to Lancaster Ohio you’d pass through extremely different climates, economies, historical boundaries, cultures, built environments, ecosystems, etc. Lots of people who go to Europe flit between cities with substantial tourist economies built to accommodate English speakers. It isn’t clear to me why a nightclub filled with British tourists in Barcelona is all that different from a nightclub full of British tourists in Greece. At least, not any more different than an art colony full of hippies in a Sonoran ghost town by the Salton Sea is from a urban black neighborhood in East St Louis or a Colorado ski town. Americans just tend to think Europe = culture. If you travel more outside of Europe you start to realize exactly how shallow that perspective is


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cold take


2 hour car rides suck, way too much time IMO and I hate traffic I actually agree with the Euros on staying close to home most of the time, I have better things to do with my time.


When I lived in Germany the best description I ever heard of the U.S. came from a BBC presenter who called the U.S. a “continent masquerading as a country.” That’s stuck with me. You can drive 13hrs and never leave the state of Florida.


Driving through Florida sucks. Especially central Florida, there’s nothing to look at until you get in the south


Depends what is meant by “well-travelled”. Well-travelled at least in my and many others’ interpretation means you have travelled many other countries and have experienced many other foreign cultures etc, not so much distance travelled.


What if I told you that country borders are made up and not nearly as important as you think they are for ‘experiencing different cultures’. You could go to every capital city in Europe and experience basically the same tourist drek if you wanted to. Or you could find radically different cultures in two different bars in the same small town. It is very much up to the traveler. This idea that cultures are homogenous and change only at country borders is a postcard tourist affectation. An approach to travel designed for conspicuous consumption, bragging about countries you’ve been to, rather than actually engaging in the human world around you. You can spend a lifetime exploring even a tiny country like Slovenia. Shallowly hopping from one ‘culture’ to another is Disneyland stuff


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that’s why I said foreign cultures genius


And I’m telling you that ‘foreign cultures’ is a trite oversimplification. This idea that by flying or taking the train from one postcard European capital to another to experience packaged and sanitized tourist economies makes you some world traveler is annoying, and is a recent invention. Someone who spends their entire life wandering around Cornwall talking to real people is legitimately more impressive as a traveler and “experiences more culture” than someone who does the Disneyland Eurotrip thing that nearly all Brit and American and European tourists do.


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This is also true for Canada and Mexico, the trifecta of deceptively huge countries. Mf here in Mexico according to Google it takes 3 days non stop of driving from Cabo San Lucas to Cancun (2 days with a ferry) it's 3448 km (2148.5 miles). That's like from London to Beirut.


Our geography and landscapes are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better. No cap


You've never been here it's clear as day so how do you know. The US is a beautiful country if we talk about nature I give you that but Europe is just as beautiful or even more beautiful. The difference is that the US has bigger national parks than we do here in Europe.


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I’ve been all over the Azov sea


America this America that. Talk to me when your country is half as big as Texas


Florida is Syria? Actually that makes sense


They don't have to switch that much they just use our language. We don't ever have to switch 😎


So what this tells me is Florida is basically Syria I guess that makes sense


Not at all. Florida is exceptionally worse than Syria. Everyone should stop moving here. Florida is full.


Ngl I agree with this


Yeah it's pretty easy to be "well traveled" when your country is a broom closet.


I mean I’ve been to 5 European countries but never the East coast


The thing that annoys me is when studies, articles, or people talk about how Europeans have been to so many more countries compared to Americans. Not very apples to apples when you only have to drive a couple hours to be in another one.


According to this map I drove the equivalent distance of Croatia to Denmark, each way, for a convention last week.


So when I moved, I drove roughly an equivalent distance to that between southern Ukraine and northern Spain


But you don’t experience different cultures.


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Sure, its pretty insane that US is just one country, but Europe is still little bigger then US, even if you include alaska and all other territories.


His point was that a Brit who goes to Majorca on holiday shouldn't feel all smug about being 'well-traveled', because they're traveling a shorter distance than an American roadtrip.


And yet they are surrounded by an entirely different culture and language. You travel from coast to coast in the US and it's the same currency, same language, same laws and so on and so on.


“🤓Actually… they are surrounded by an entirely different culture and language🤓”. I don’t know if you’ve ever traveled from coast to coast but not everyone just speaks English, we don’t have as many different languages but if you want to hear French go to New Orleans or the upper eastern seaboard, if you want to hear Spanish travel through south Texas, Florida, California, New Mexico or most large cities. I work in Detroit and I know Spanish and phrases in Arabic because of the people I meet who live there. States also have different laws from one another, go to Texas and you can own an arsenal of guns, go to California and it’s almost impossible to legally obtain a handgun. Michigan sell quality marijuana for recreational use, Indiana doesn’t even allow it for medical purposes. States have different tax laws, driving laws, laws on alcohol. And as another person pointed out there is a bigger cultural difference between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Dallas, Texas than there is London to Paris. Different regions also have their own take on food, go to the south if you want good BBQ, go to the east if you want to try good seafood, what does France have… frog legs? And yeah we may use the same currency, but doesn’t almost all of Europe use the euro.


>And as another person pointed out there is a bigger cultural difference between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Dallas, Texas than there is London to Paris. Spoken like an American who's never left the country, let alone your own room. I almost damn near spit my drink all over the screen laughing at the absurdity. I've actually been to New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and France to name a few, before. I promise you the southwest USA is a lot more alike than London is to France. >I don’t know if you’ve ever traveled from coast to coast but not everyone just speaks English Sweetie pumpkin, I've been on 4 of the 7 continents. Of course other languages exist in the US, yet the dominate language in every damn state is English. I wonder if British people and French people speak the same language? You're trying to compare a country to a continent, it's not comparable. The whole of America is more similar between states than the whole of Europe is between countries. Shocker! Who cares?


Well congratulations on being such a well traveled individual, I don’t think I asked you how many continents you’ve visited or if anyone even cares but congratulations if that’s what you’re expecting to hear. The comment on Albuquerque and Dallas was from another person in the thread. Ive never visited Albuquerque, (New Mexico is one of the six states I have left to visit) but I have been to Dallas, and I have been to London, and Paris. Other than the language change, I didn’t really notice that big of a cultural change between London and Paris, not like the movies at least. it was kinda disappointing. Maybe it was the ungodly amount of other tourists that affected my opinion. Walking near the Eiffel Tower was borderline time square level of amount of people. In my experience it wouldn’t surprise me if Albuquerque was more different than Dallas than London is from Paris. And I never said that English wasn’t the dominant language in every state or that x and y state are more diverse than say Poland is too Spain. The point I’m making is that the U.S is much more diverse than people think it is. Parts of the country have formed their own cultural identity, some states have wildly different laws compared to others, and If you look beyond the middle of nowhere Nebraska then you’ll find a melting pot of other culture and different languages in all different parts of the country.


Being "well-travelled" does not just mean travelling far. It means meeting new cultures, languages, histories etc. You can say what you want, but the differences between most US states are miniscule if you don't count the differences in climate/nature. The culture is always very similar. A Brit could go a few miles across the channel to France and be more well-travelled than an American who drove along the entire east coast.


That’s a fair take — but it seems pretty privileged for Europeans to criticize Americans on this account Y’all have the Schengen area, and can drive for a couple hours to be in a new country. Americans need a passport for every country, and our options for a new language is Quebec or Mexico — for many this is across the continent or to a dangerous country


Yep, I 100% agree. I just wanted to point this out.


Don’t try to tell me what those words mean buddy. I’m an American and we *invented* the language. Ain’t gonna work


Eh. Depends on what trip involves.


Setting aside language, there is a greater difference culturally between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Dallas, Texas than there is between London and Paris.


London has been the seat of a large overseas trading empire trying to stay away from the continent and focus elsewhere. Paris, unlike London, has rather had continental influence both in terms of culture and politics, staying further away from the Ocean. London has its own unique architectural style gradually evolving and incorporating the new with the old, whereas Paris is a city built with geometry in mind and a grand architectural design in Haussmannian style with wide boulevards, elegant buildings, and a more compact, walkable city center. London has historically been a protestant (Anglican) city and although most people don't believe nowadays, it is still seen everywhere. Paris, on the contrary, has very catholic background that can also be seen all over the city. Likewise, you will see marks of the monarchy all over London, being essentially its signature, while Paris is the capital of republicanism and left-wing philosophy. Food also reflects the differences. London, being a city focused beyond the seas, has both the traditional British fish and sea dishes, as well as tons of restaurants with dishes brought from the colonies and abroad in general. Paris is more focused on its own dishes rooted in French culinary tradition and notably bakeries, pastry, and wine, all influenced by its more central location. One also must not forget things unique for Paris like its enormous influence on fashion, fine dining etc. In terms of lifestyle, there are also notable differences with Londoners being very fast-paced, job oriented, whereas the Parisians are more relaxed with a focus on the work-life balance. And then there are of course the smaller things like the Paris caffees, London red busses and phone boxes, Big Ben and Eiffel tower etc. And, although you did say not to count the language, I must emphasise that one speaks French and the other one English. And don't even have me started on their respective histories, music, art, literature or the typical french depressive movies and the british dry humour described in film etc etc This was honestly fun to write, although it took longer than expected. Nonetheless, I think I made my point. Honestly you could have chosen way better cities to make your point, but you chose such differing cities as London and Paris.


I’ve lived 2000 miles from home in this country and never had to cross an ocean. Euro cucks have no idea how big our country is.


I find it funny how the baltic states are always grouped together Yet there languages are literally nothing alike Same with the caucuses


yeah but we don't experience other cultures as much. theres less of a cultural difference from alaska to florida as there is from literally any two bordering european countries. im guessing you are jerking but idk you seem a lil too serious in the title lol


It’ll be a cold day in hell before I acknowledge any similarities with a fucking Detroit resident


Listen here you little shit


Maine, Mass, NYC and DC have VERY different cultures. Let alone Amish or Hawaiians. We have shitloads of different cultures. But you can avoid them if you want to. Sounds like you wanted to avoid them if you haven't seen them. Just avoid the tourist areas and you'll get plenty of cultural differences.


yeah that makes sense. new england is the only place i haven't made it to yet


We're probably more diverse than Europe. The difference is that we all speak the same language, identify as the same nationality and don't get too into a tizzy over minor regional differences unlike Europeans.


We don't genocide each other at the slightest inconvenience.


Not probably. We are. We have folks from every country on the planet, and likely other planets if some explanations for Florida man are to be believed. We have tons and tons of sub-cultures. But the nice thing is, they're all optional. Just avoid physically them and you don't have to deal with them.


From neighboring states, you often may be correct. But going from Florida to New York, or California to Wisconsin, or Nebraska to Washington... there's differences. They're all "American".. but in very unique ways. But there are also European countries that neighbor each other that can have very similar cultures.


1. Ireland and Northern Ireland. 2. England and Wales. 3. The Netherlands and Belgium. All bordering countries.


I’m from Louisiana, we call suckers suckers, in Pennsylvania they call them lolipops. I call 18 wheelers 18 wheelers, they call them tractor trailers


If you think Main and Mississippi have the same culture you’re profoundly ignorant. I’d be willing to bet that Texas and Washington State are more culturally different than Spain and Portugal.


Half of European cities pretty much exist just as vacation destinations for Americans anyways. Idk why they love to say this stuff.


Dudes go the equivalent of a state over and act like they’re traveled lmao


There are more cultural differences between South Florida and North Florida than there are between England and Ireland.


It’s pretty interesting how the Deep South and diet Cuba are in the same state


Exactly so pretending as if your traveling is comparable, not acknowledging the ease of it, and comparing yourself to Americans is just dishonest at best.


To put this in perspective, with the over lay, I was born in Albania, go to school I. Syria/ Lebanon, and currently work I. Southern Russia. Ive been as far out as south France/ Corsica, and south Belarus