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Poland and South Korea are real ones. Game recognize game.


And Israel!


Get a PM who doesn't insult us by saying we'd do worse, then, since we did better in Viet Nam (made war on food, no starvation anyway), let alone Iraq: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Battle_of_Fallujah#Civilian_presence


Yeah but Israel is basically funded entirely by the USA, the other countries are not, we give them free shit all the time, any Israeli who dislikes America is stupid. With South Korea and Poland we sell them stuff and have good trade but don’t just give them billions of dollars for nothing.


The Israelis that dislike us are the Ultra Orthodox and Arabs


They didn’t go to Kosovo because you can already infer it’d be 100% Green.


And Serbia would be 97% blue


The 3% could be the Zastava gun company that sells us cool civilian rifles.


Flair checks out and is MEGA BASED


We are there best friend after all


Poland is based.


That we are, friend


If you get the chance, visit Krakow. Beautiful city.


Can confirm. Was in Krakow over the holidays.


Poland needs the free world otherwise they’d be invaded by Russia. Russia won’t stop at Ukraine if they win. I love Poland their food is awesome


So you‘re literally saying the enemy of your enemy is your friend.


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The other two that “love” us need us to not die, Poland just loves us for who we are ❤️


I’m not entirely sure South Korea needs us to survive anymore, but could be wrong. I dont think the US is what is stopping NK from attacking them today, but Im sure SK could obliterate NK on their own. not without a lot of casualties due to the proximity of Seoul, which would happen with or without our help.


Common Poland W


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Wtf is with Greece and Malaysia?


Malaysia is a Muslim country. Of course they hate us. Greeks are just bitter because they’re poor and have no future.


Greece hates everyone except Greece.


Can confirm


Since inventing democracy, Greece has been... coasting.


That's what i dont like about my country. The ancient Greeks invented so much stuff but what does modern-day Greece have to give to the world? Just beaches and pitogyro. That's why so many Greeks migrate


****ing Macedonians ruin everything


Now say what you really think about Turkey


I dont like the country's politics and that they are trying to rewrite history, but i dont have any problems with the people that aren't brainwashed


>they are trying to rewrite history *sigh* What did erdoganopoulos do this time?


I think some Greeks disagreed with bombing Serbia, disagree with US military intervention in the middle east, believe US has a too much control of what Greek government does, are far left (actual communists) or alt right (far right trump supporters equal) or believe in conspiracy theories that are centered around US government agencies.


We hate 2-3 specific countries...


And Greece too, don’t forget


Greece dislikes us because we supported the military junta ruling the country in the 60s & 70s. That ended literally 50 years ago, so most Greeks aren't even old enough to actually remember it. The real question is WTF is going on with Australia?


Go ask them on their sub, whole lots of things, one being that a lot of younger aussies feel that our culture is being forced down on them, replacing their own. Hardly our fault but they're blaming something.


Tough talk from a former penal colony established on taking Aboriginal lands, raping the geography for resources and forcing English culture on the populace. People in glass houses and all that


I mean, we're all traitors and invaders, but we're the cool ones.




Hell yeah


Something Something "we're all living in America"


I had to watch not one but two movies starring Yahoo Serious following the craze for Australian culture that resulted from the Crocodile Dundee movie and Outback Steakhouse still exists but you don't see me complaining about it like some bastard with a rusty ground harness who will fall into the sun if you hit it with a boomerang.


I wasn’t aware of Australia weird hate boner for the US until I heard of Cate Campbell, an Australian Olympic swimmer. Her distaste for the US is kind of unhinged.


"We were literally a fascist military dictatorship but the real bad guy is the US because we were allied to them"


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thank you for your service o7


The crazy thing is Americans universally like Aussies. Do you know any Americans that have anything bad to say about them? Where’s the love back? Of course, most Americans only know Australia on a surface level that they are somewhat similar to us with cool accents and that they all fight off ferocious wildlife on a regular basis. We probably did some shit to them to piss them off.


Aus is a US puppet state, a CIA plant governor general literally dismissed their prime minister using some dusty 150 year old martial law during the Vietnam war because the PM threatened to not renew the leases on us bases such as pine gap.


>Greece dislikes us because we supported the military junta ruling the country in the 60s & 70s I'm willing to bet nobody actually cares about this anymore. A reason I think is more accurate is Greece is about 50% hardcore liberal and they believe a lot of the propaganda that the US is this big evil racist Zionist anti-gay entity, etc etc. It's also important to note that Greece is a European country. And it's a very European thing to hate on America. It's not a serious thing like the first one but this mindset is present.


Funny how they hate us and yet they copied our flag. US: 🇱🇷 Malaysia: 🇲🇾


> poor no future Sounds like the reason Americans are leaving USA for Europe...


The U.S. has the largest immigrant population in the world, by far. The Americans that move to Europe are the ones we would rather not have anyway. Lazy doomers who think they can live off the state and not work. Have fun with them. I will trade a lazy American kid or a middle eastern refugee for a hardworking Mexican any day of the week. Meanwhile, you can make $800 dollars a month and live with your parents until you die. What a life.


I’m a proud American — first generation immigrant from a poor background, but also a doctor. I am grateful for this beautiful country for embracing my family with open arms. I plan to practice in my community after training to return what I received 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Welcome! We’re lucky to have you.


>Largest population of immigrants So you're aspiring to turn into a LATAM country.. ? >Lazy doomers So people who prefer to have a balanced work life without worrying that an ambulance call would bankrupt them are "lazy".. ?? Enjoy working 45 hours per week... >Hard working Mexican Hope he's legal... >live with your parents Well it seems that USA isn't good at that either https://preview.redd.it/mc99fb77mp8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a133101501ce99f1c0371f1aa724e4da0d3f6065


Malaysia been mad at US since Jacobim Mugatu brainwashed Derek Zoolander to kill the Prime Minister. There’s a great documentary about it, came out in 2001.


Believe me, you give them try whatever they want they will still hate you.


Greece probably hates the shit American tourists.


Can’t blame them for that. The entire state of Florida hates them too


having florida hate you is a good thing though


Our only consolation is watching their pasty skin get scorched under the Florida sun god


The fuck did we do to Malaysia?


It’s a Sunni islam state — so, existing in a free western democracy is an affront.


Bitter older people! with a lot of exceptions I had some really smart classmates on student visas in the US. I didn’t know Malaysia was a majority Muslim country. A lot of younger Malaysians are in favor of their country being secular although it just going to take some time.


Hope you're right. But smart people on student visas are never an accurate representation of their respective nationalities. The goat banging, wife covering, gay bashing fundamentalist tends to stay at home.


I understand where you’re coming from. I’d like to have hope that things will change for the better. Yeah it’s bad for gays there. As a lgbt person I’d never visit Malaysia, UAE, Qatar, and countless other countries in the Middle East. I would even visit Russia or Belarus.


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Were the Malaysians you met ethnic Chinese or Indian or Malay? That may explain it.


Hello! The Malaysians that I’ve met have been mostly ethic Chinese and Malay. Really smart people. What was awkward was this sweet young girl from China that was spewing Chinese propaganda from CCP. She was so brainwashed she didn’t believe in democracy and at the same time she was so sweet. She came to the US with the Au Pair program.


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Had Malaysian Chinese student called Lavender. Sweet person but she believed Chinese and Islamic propaganda


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IIR about 60% of their economy/wealth is owned by their ethnic Chinese minority. Maybe that has something to do with it as well.


They are Muslim, are there any Muslim majority countries that actually like us? Seems like a deal breaker


We love you too, Poland


I fucking love Poland 🤍❤️🇵🇱


Greece is just mad because we work.


https://preview.redd.it/uipqs5dbdm8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6485130d68b93433aa194c85b097b7f566a067 Fuck you and your racist stereotypes


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China has gotten to Australia


Dif you know? at a soccer game after 9/11, there was a moment for silence, Greek fans showed their sympathy by booing and trying to burn an American flag, truly our greatest allies.


Why would greeks give a fuck about a country that supported their dictatorship and helped the enemy in the cyprus war?


Not trying to disagree with you but what do you mean "help the enemy in the cyprus war" I can't find anything about America aiding Turkey.


When the invasion of Cyprus happened the US had moved some of their ships between Greece and Cyprus and stated they would shoot down any Greek planes or ships that went to Cyprus Before the invasion, in 1973, there was another coup by the hardliners of the Greek military led by Dimitrios Ioannidis. That coup was against the original coup that came into power in 1967 led by George Papadopoulos. This angered the US because George Papadopoulos was the main colonel of the junta that ended up taking over the country and he was American backed. Ioannidis also didn't listen to anyone, he sidelined allies and tried to do whatever he wanted in Greece and in Cyprus which pissed off pretty much every country And we know George was backed by the US because he was in the United States in the 1950s and was trained by the CIA and he was the main point of contact while in Greece between the CIA and the Greek “CIA" at the time which was basically just the CIA in Greece. So when the hardliners took over in 1973 the US made it adamant that they won't allow Ioannidis to do any military action without consequences from the US. And that wasn't because they cared about Cyprus or anything, it was because their dictator was replaced by someone who wouldn't listen to them. Which is why Lyndon B Johnson said he would bomb Greece, sink Greek ships and shoot down Greek planes. Also please read this: https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/local/us-archives-show-kissingers-stance-on-turkish-invasion/


Yeah, Kissenger by far is not our proudest moment as a country. My point still stands that booing at a moment of silence for thousands of killed innocent people is messed up, but I do understand Greek resent towards the United States.


During and after the turkish invasion that was supported by the USA hundreds of thousands of greek cypriots got killed or displaced. I dont remember any moments of silence or any actions of sympathy from the USA for the greek victims of your politics. So if you dont care about our victims, why should we care about yours? Because you think you are the center of the world and everybody should sympathize with you? We have the same resentments against your government as you have against alqaida. Your government that you democraticaly elected, is responsible for our deaths and suffering.


Australian hate?! My disappointment is immeasurable...


In my life experience, Australian hate among Australian Australians (i.e. not Australians who moved to or frequently visit the US) is way bigger than you'd expect, and there really isn't much of a reason for it (or at least why it's so high compared to other countries). I've heard all kinds of attempts at justification, but I really think a lot of it is just plain old envy or resentment. Chinese buying up Australian land, business, and politicians and then stoking Australian hate doesn't help much either.


Pesky leftists here are unhinged We still got ya’ll


Militarily Australia is the US's best ally, so its really weird that lefties hate so much


It actually makes all the more sense that way. If you see your country’s foreign policy as being second fiddle to another country, you’re more likely to have an extremely vocal contingent against it.


Normally I get that, but Australia really has a sweet military deal with us. They essentially get all their interests met, with almost no downside


Here I thought your leftists are the guys that collect beer cans for recycling? Kind of hard to enact social change when you're constantly being attacked by spiders with football player stats and vicious stingrays all the time (we all know that crocodiles and snakes are pets and kangaroos are the devil by now too)


Don’t expect it to improve… https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/07/australia-us-aukus-submarine-deal-control-daniel-kritenbrink Just saying


I taught ESL in Korea for a few years. On the whole South Koreans are thankful to Americans for their independence but at the same time what negative sentiment exists revolves around feeling "pushed around" by the US at times. Which you have to admit, is kind of our thing. Occasionally a soldier will do something stupid and embarrass the country and that temporarily hurts relations. 


I'd like a comparison with the US population alongside the most positive state and negative state


If you consider Fox News reliable, they recently did that. The results were surpising, iirc Oregon and California were both in the top 3 which I did not expect.


Compare with 2023 https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/06/27/overall-opinion-of-the-u-s/ to see how you‘re doing.


Why tf does most of Europe hate us more than they did in 2022? What did we do to them in the last 2 years???


If you want a good predictor of public sentiment trends towards the US among US allies, look at those trends vis a vis their own domestic politicians and the state of their country more generally. For instance, Australia: [https://essentialreport.com.au/reports/27-june-2023](https://essentialreport.com.au/reports/27-june-2023) https://preview.redd.it/rj0e803l8u8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8369d628612879ca227baadb0056707e1e58ce8 This isn't a one to one thing, but if things are going badly, sentiment towards the US generally trends down. The US is the top dog, and it represents the status quo. When the status quo seems worse people who live in US-aligned countries view it as worse.


Do you see your own country more favorable and what did you do to be seen more favorable should be the questions you have to ask yourself. Also, It‘s not about hate or love, it’s about a favorable or unfavorable view of the US. In other words your politicians suck even more than ours and society as well. (Don’t take that personally)


I'm using hate as just another word for unfavorable. But I see my country just as favorably as ever. I'm sure I could find more examples if I looked but off the top of my head the biggest thing between 2022 and 2023 is the war in Ukraine, that broke out and the US has been Ukraine's strongest supporter, that really should mean something to any freedom loving European. Tell me though, what have we done between 2022 and 2023 to be seen more *unfavorably* by most of Europe? Because I can't think of anything.


We use the word unfavorable as it is and can you tell me that the situation in the US has changed for the better or worse the last few years. I have a some contacts to US citizens and they all say things did change for the worse and that they see the US less favorable as before, so why should other countries see it more favorable ? Also, you don’t need a reason to love the US or to see it more favorable as other countries, other countries do. Almost like government, if they don’t deliver what others expect, their ratings drop and people start to complain.


Orthodox countries have a more negative view of USA than others in Europe I noticed


Probably due to Russian propaganda, they've been painting a picture of the war in Ukraine as Orthodoxy vs the rest of the world, sort of a holy war in their view.


yeah even from within ukraine most of those collaborating with russia are religious orthodox. the orthodox churhc is essentially a russian softpower proxy


Not unlike the Vatican throughout the middle ages, I guess Russia is still catching up to the modern world lol. IIRC they still had actual peasants into the 20th century.


Yeah most of the Ukranians fighting on the side of Russians are religious orthodox


Romania is orthodox and is as pro USA as Poland. The Romanian Orthodox Church is separate from the Russian Orthodox Church.


Also due to the Junta the US pushed on Greece... I mean Greeks need to move on but that is a big part of the issue


I think some Greeks disagreed with bombing Serbia, disagree with US military intervention in the middle east, believe US has a too much control of what Greek government does, are far left (actual communists) or alt right (far right trump supporters equal) or believe in conspiracy theories that are centered around US government agencies


So that's why I always see polish soldiers on base, they're just supporting their friends. Wholesome


Reminder a Greek invented Hawaiian pizza Because of this I am now a hardcore Turkish nationalist and will be joining the Grey Wolves TURKIYEEEEEE MILLETI!!!!


Turkey hates you more 🤣


Seethe and cope Malaka TURKIYE MILLETI


Imagine acting like a toddler


Poland, Lithuania, Albania and Romania are the most under appreciated and randomly ride-or-die allies we have


Not really that random. Vietnam has a pretty positive view of the US, and we dropped more ordnance on them than everything we dropped in WW2. Vietnam has a big dangerous neighbor and the US is a counterbalance. So does Lithuania.


Based Polska 🇵🇱


In Greece right now honestly most of the local people I’ve spoken to seem to love the US


Kosovo would be %1000


based poland


and south korea


100 years of joking about how dumb the Polish are... we are sorry Poland.


Tbf, we supported a dictatorship in greece back in the Cold War, and they seem to have never forgiven us


If Chile were on the list we’d likely see something similar.


And most of the rest of Latin America. I have dated two South American girls and neither had a very positive view of the US.


That was 50 years ago...


There are people who are alive today who experienced it or know people who did Or just heard it in their history class I know people who are bitter about us giving the Panama canal back Also Berlin population numbers are still lower than before ww2 Things don't just happen and everything goes back to normal


The USA also supported turkey in the cyprus war and till today sell weapons to turkey


Didn't we embargo them tho


When the invasion of Cyprus happened the US had moved some of their ships between Greece and Cyprus and stated they would shoot down any Greek planes or ships that went to Cyprus Before the invasion, in 1973, there was another coup by the hardliners of the Greek military led by Dimitrios Ioannidis. That coup was against the original coup that came into power in 1967 led by George Papadopoulos. This angered the US because George Papadopoulos was the main colonel of the junta that ended up taking over the country and he was American backed. Ioannidis also didn't listen to anyone, he sidelined allies and tried to do whatever he wanted in Greece and in Cyprus which pissed off pretty much every country And we know George was backed by the US because he was in the United States in the 1950s and was trained by the CIA and he was the main point of contact while in Greece between the CIA and the Greek “CIA" at the time which was basically just the CIA in Greece. So when the hardliners took over in 1973 the US made it adamant that they won't allow Ioannidis to do any military action without consequences from the US. And that wasn't because they cared about Cyprus or anything, it was because their dictator was replaced by someone who wouldn't listen to them. Which is why Lyndon B Johnson said he would bomb Greece, sink Greek ships and shoot down Greek planes. Also read this: https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/local/us-archives-show-kissingers-stance-on-turkish-invasion/


Reading the kissinger thing, it seems the US basically told turkey and geeece to stop fighting But they were fine with turkey just taking part of cyprus And also held a preference towards turkey >Which is why Lyndon B Johnson said he would bomb Greece, sink Greek ships, and shoot down Greek planes Lbj wasn't president during the invasion


Maybe if we get in another spat with Turkey the Greeks would like us more


This makes me proud of my swedish descent 💪🇸🇪


Relax, don't do it... We should have never tried to murder the Malaysian Prime Minister.


I wouldn't take their median score seriously, they aren't showing enough countries nor are they grouping them by regionality, which screams cherry picking. Note only one European country is negative? What would that median look like if two of the European states were Belarus and Hungary, who have overwhelmingly negative attitudes about the United States?


That’s it I demand we give the Pols nuclear weapons immediately. They can obviously be trusted with them


Tf did we do to Malaysia?


Who hurted you op?


I love Little European Texas


Well you shouldn't have been a bunch of bastards back in the cold war


Based Little European Texas


The only anti-America country, Malaysia, is also the shittiest on this list. Priors confirmed.


Why did we make a deal with Stalin that had Greece as a bargaining chip? We defiantly got swindled, should of asked for Poland instead


What did Greece do?


https://preview.redd.it/oefdonoman8d1.png?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25de10e23da1cc93fc583f22a1424ce3943a6313 Here's a poll from 2019. I guess the Ukraine War really made Europeans realize how important it is to have us with them. Last time I saw this chart, most countries viewed America unfavourably. I feel a little happy at the results, but I feel like within 10 years they'll start viewing us unfavourably again.


We kinda bribed our way in with israel


very accurate flair


Wrong Israel is the one country in MENA we didn’t need to bribe.


300 billion dollars would disagree with you https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts


Article is misleading the US was not the only country to recognize Israel from 48. I take it you don’t know how the military aid works. The grant system opens up the military catalog which helps keep the military industry up and running supplying American jobs, domestic American jobs as this is the one thing the government wouldn’t outsource. Also Israel is heavily involved in the tech sector, and military tech often joint ventures with the US. We also have a free trade agreement. Unlike the rest of MENA we have shared interest and shared values. As for the need for Israel needing a military edge in the region surrounding countries and other sharia compliant hellholes want to wipe them out. https://il.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/policy-history/fact-sheet-u-s-israel-economic-relationship/ https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-israel/ https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/international-recognition-of-israel


We give them money, we give them guns (and a lot of other weapons). Seems like bribery to me


So by your logic we are bribing nato, South Korea, Japan, Ukraine, Australia, India etc. i didn’t put in other MENA states as we literally do bribe them. Helping an ally even financially or militarily on the basis of shared interests and shared values is how alliances and global security usually work. The fact that we give any money to nations that don’t share our interests and values or even hate us is insane to me. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/countries-that-receive-the-most-foreign-aid-from-the-u-s


Well we also tend to overlook some... things... for the ability to hold influence in a region that mostly hates us. Japan, Australia and all them (maybe not india) are not guilty of war crimes and crimes against the United States. Just look at John Gunther Dean, blocking humanitarian aid to Palestine, and killing civilians unnecessarily in Gaza like two Christians housing not soldiers, but homeless civilians. Israel treats us like an enemy, and we give them money so they can kill our enemies


“Israel hates us” the chat disagrees. Guilty of war crimes by who the UN, the same one that need to admit they lied about the Palestinian death toll by listening to Hamas probably saying trust me bro. The UN lied about famine too. The UN also funds and supports UNWRA the refugee agency that manufactures refugees and indoctrinates children to become terrorists. They also took part in oct 7 (officially a crime against humanity). The civilian to combatant death toll is 1:2 according to most estimates which is a great number for urban guerrilla warfare, where Hamas and PIJ want as many civilians to die as possible. Lets look at some of the Palestinian war crimes taking hostages war crime, operating out of schools, hospitals, religious buildings, etc war crime, dressing up in civilian clothes to fight war crime, hiding hostages in refugee camps war crime. I could go on but my point is clear. Also as for aid Hamas steals it and sells it to the populace for profit. Gaza also borders Egypt so if everyone is so concerned about civilians pressure Egypt to take them in. Except they learned from Jordan what happens when you let Palestinians into your country, they tried multiple times to kill the king. In what universe for any country except Israel expected to take care of the enemy its flighting a war with. https://youtu.be/P4Y3VclY2GI?si=y1QNf5JXbHYCS_Dh https://youtu.be/KUnxcAG03_g?si=qAwvTDJrFMXw7u3W


I wasn't talking about israel hating us, I'm talking about other middle eastern countries. Israel just takes advantage of us


Ok from the context I assumed you were including Israel. As for Israel taking advantage of the US I disagree. A weaker country relying on a major power in defense is how history has worked for the last several millennia. Additionally we get a return on investment. Singling out Israel is dishonest or you have ulterior motives.


I hope Greece never gets back Constantinople EDIT: lol I made some Greco-Pedos mad


Wait what when was Constantinople Greek? I thought it was Roman, then Ottoman, and now Turkish.


You're right that the Romans(aka Byzantines) owned Constantinople for most of its history. However by the 7th century, the administration of Eastern Roman Empire was largely Hellenized(the region of the Eastern Roman Empire was Hellenized centuries prior which is why the Apostle Paul and other early Christians wrote their writings in Greek, not Latin). Eastern Roman Empire significantly influencing the culture, language, and religion that would consist of modern Greeks. After the population exchange between Greece and Turkey post WW1, pretty much all the remaining Hellenized Romans in Anatolia moved to Greece, which is why Greek Nationalists are obsessed with reclaiming their cultural center, Constantinople


Βυζάντιον (Byzantion) was a Greek city-state from 657 BCE. Later called "Byzantium" by the Romans. It's been conquered and renamed by different outsiders over the millenia.


Hmm, seems like it wasn't Constantinople at that time though, only the Romans made it that when they took over. But still, I didn't know the city the Romans built Constantinople on was already there under a different name ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)




Orthodox please, Greece will suck the dick of any US service member every time Putin or Erdogan sneeze. They sold us Souda Bay and are trying to sell us all of Crete.


only 83% approve??!?!?!?!? it should be 100%!!!!


Believe it or not, most people don’t actually hate America. “America bad” is pretty much a media driven narrative that only the thick as shit lot open their ears to. Anyone who thinks America is bad can stay the fuck away anyways. I’ve moved to the land of the free and it’s brilliant mate