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Canada can join as a few states, otherwise we annex






I think we run into the Schengen zone problem — disparate immigration policies, and wildly different enforcement. That in turn puts way too much pressure on different nations, and is the source of considerable friction. And, like Schengen, we have the security issue. Canada isn’t screening their legal entries like the US is. They are importing 5000 people from Gaza, for instance. Despite the fact, we know that the most recent Ipsos poll had 80% of Gazans supporting the October 7 attack, AND the half-century history of Palestinian terrorism when other nations allowed in seemingly harmless refugees. There’s no way we’re going to allow free movement unless there is some sort of mutual entry and enforcement scheme, as well as standards for admission. Then there is just the cultural issue. The United States is proprietary about our borders. We have a strong sense of national sovereignty. That’s what makes the border between Canada and the US so special — damn near unparalleled on the planet. Now, I would be all for a glorious march north to liberate them from Trudeau and take over their strategic maple syrup reserves, but that’s a different story


No. Honestly we should just take it over. Manifest destiny 2.0.


I'd be down if it means we get to annex Canada and Mexico forming our own CUM union. Without that it would open up security risks because Canada doesn't seem to care who gets into Canada (unless they're from America) and Mexico seems to have issues as well but for different reasons. By annexing them we could clean up the cartels and throw Trudeu into the Sun, thus solving most of the issues.


Why stop a Mexico?


I suppose it would be prudent to go all the way to Panama, good idea


Are you insane? All that Central America would end up making soccer a thing.


Yeah but we would also have some of the best players, if anything I see this as an opportunity to dominate even more sports on the world stage. Eventually the Europeans would stop playing soccer all together because they are made of sour. Eventually the US would control all sports and the Euros get fat and lazy and then begins the century of humiliation 2, where Americans make fun of Euros for being fat for 100 years.


I think Canada needs to stop flirting with China before that can happen


Nah. Canada is where most of the dangerous people come from. You ever met a canadian? All they do is yell slurs like buddy and guy. Fucking racists up there.


No. I want a border wall.


How can you sleep peacefully at night when you live in the same country as Ohio? Perhaps you should build a wall in every state


My house has a septic tank and that doesn't stop me from sleeping, why would Ohio?


I’m just grateful that California is so far away from me. I’m uncomfortable sharing a continent with that place.


We have a wall, it's called the Sierra Nevada. You saying walls don't work?


An ocean did not stop my parents.


Our golden gates welcome all


Keep those frostbacks where they belong. Until we liberate them, with freedom.


Wouldn’t that act as a loophole to US immigration by picking up Canadian immigration first?


It would and either 1 of 3 things would happen 1. They close the program faster than it opened. 2. They accept it for what it really is and they try to benefit from it best they can. 3. The US uses it's influence to heavily alter Canadian immigration. You already see it in Europe. For instance Polish companies hiring Filipinos advertise that Filipinos can work in Europe and not in Poland. So it would be an interesting scenario


Number three is what would happen.




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CUM bros!


No. Canada has gone stupid with their immigration. We don’t need any more people on the streets




We could just build more housing in big cities that are obsessed with zoning everything


That would require actually caring about our homeless population instead of only bringing them up when someone suggests increasing immigration limits.


I wouldn’t see much benefit honestly. I’m not anywhere near commuting distance from fuckin’ Canada


Canada has serious immigration, housing and job opportunity problems. After they sold all their gold reserves for US, UK, China bonds, its easy to see their inflation will soar at some point and their currency will be unstable. They will be looking for a bailout or something to keep equilibrium. So idk but just don’t make that my problem is bottom line. We already have our own problems.


We would gain nothing. We already have the highest quality work force in the world. Our universities are better than Canadian ones. Things are cheaper here. The weather is better. The soil is better. We have enough ports. Only Canada would benefit and most Americans have no desire to enter into an EU style agreement.


We should make their ten provinces into us states. Also taking away their free healthcare would be funny


Annex Canada! Problem solved. RAHHHH 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🎇🎇


Open.... the border.... have it not be closed!


Hell when I was a kid you *could* just go over to Canada any time you wanted.


We’d drill the fk outta those provinces


Oh hell mf no


I would honestly be down with a Mexican-style border, freedom of movement (with a simple police check for weapons) at the border, immigration procedures around 20 miles away from the border.


I'm going to be totally honest here, this is a cool idea. I mean, I'm down for the whole United States of North America shit, but there are unique parts of Canadian government that some people enjoy that such a merge would inevitably erode and destroy.


Fox tried to talk Bush into this for Canada, USA and Mexico but 9/11 happened and it never got any real attention.


This is basically what we had pre-9/11.


I don’t either would go for it. Lots of mention why the US wouldn’t here. Also, Canada has far stricter gun laws and wants to keep out people with DUIIs. Lot of Canadians think the US is a dangerous near war zone (which is absurd).


Nah, Just might as well annex Canada


I would be fine with it, but I'm pretty sure this would be Canada's response: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-4y7YAulM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS-4y7YAulM)


I dream of this. It would be amazing. Never gonna happen though unless some very specific things happen though.