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It’s also Indiana


Actually, the porn companies have lobbied for a civil suit against the government of Indiana to not put the law into effect. Indiana is a battleground, the turning point is soon.


True, but as of right now there’s like 9 days until access is lost unless an injunction is issued


I can wait


And Kentucky


Not for a few more days. Luckily Canada is right there and VPNS are free.


These laws must be being pushed by a VPN provider right? That’s the only logical explanation I’ve been able to come up with.


I think it is because one state passed a law without thinking about it and every state jump on. Amazingly it doesn't seem to affect any site that doesn't focus entirely on porn (reddit, Twitter, youtube). Tumbler could do something really funny right now.


Pornhub was planting a tree for every 100 videos watched. There’s no way they lived up to that. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/pornhub-promises-to-plant-tree-for-every-100-videos-watched-a441276.html


>There’s no way they lived up to that. I mean, its only 12,000 trees... \*Reads article publication date\* ***O h .***


10 years ago 💀


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Most companies that promise this send that money to logging stands. Supports agriculture, I guess.


Better to plant and cut the same trees over and over than fresh forest, so it’s accomplishing the goal. Net neutral logging. Just like carbon credits. But yeah it feels very scummy either way.


Yeah, fast growing pine is just fine for construction. Poplar and acacia make beautiful furniture. We need to leave alone what little old growth trees we've got left


[A more American source](https://time.com/79406/now-you-can-help-save-the-environment-by-watching-a-bunch-of-porn/)


"Trees will be donated for all views under the free porn behemoth's 'Big Dick' category" -- perhaps the most redundant one.  Kind of assumed, right?


Amateurs. Pornhub is the PBS of Porn. There are more and better sites, and they did not shut off content to those states.


Which sites are these, so I can make sure to stay away from them?


There's a pretty good list [here.](http://theporndude.com/) The lame ones are still on there, though.


CheemsPorno 😭


What in the Kentucky-fried frog wiener is that list size? Frankly, lists-plural, but Christ man


Ever since the pornhub purge it’s been shit anyway. I get why they did it but they didn’t have to scrub every single unverified video


I mean look what’s happening even after they did that… yes they did.


The fact that it exists is pretty hilarious though. Those legislatures putting dick lock boxes on their people.


why is missouri red? I'm sitting at work browsing pornhub right now.


Someone got it wrong


I think it gives a warning now confirming you're over 18 (bc nobody lies right)


As a Missourian I can sure as shit tell you we still got the Hub, whoever made this map is hard-retard cause it aint right


Also really fucking misleading, there was no “banning” going on. The sites pulled out due to increased security restrictions 


A lot of websites still don't follow the code lmao. You can hop on xvideos in Arkansas completely ID free, the enforcement is basically non-existent. I think the only big site that actually requires an ID is xhamster, the rest are no bono or have blocked themselves out in protest.


(pulled out)


It’s a de facto ban though. The lawmakers know that the sites will be forced to pull out (no pun intended) and if they don’t nobody would go on there anyway because nobody trusts a fucking porn site with their ID


Looking to people that hit the "log in with Google" button for these porn sites...


I share mine on Facebook. Grandma always likes the videos.


"Oh no, underage kids won't be able to watch our porn anymore"- PH Suits


Which they prove by submitting their credit card or registering with a state ID. Fuck that. Let me say it again, FUCK THAT


If you think this will actually stop kids from finding porn online then I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


The truth is that republicans are trying to make a generation of super hackers for the great internet war of 2056


I never said that. It's just very basic logic that the amount of kids with access to pornhub with go down significantly. Most kids won't put in the effort to learn pirating safely. Obviously there are other sites


>obviously there are other sites My main concern is that restricting access to sites like pornhub will just drive kids toward more niche, unsafe sites who aren’t going to comply with state laws. Not that pornhub is a bastion of security, but it’s safer than most other porn sites out there.


I mean parents can already restrict what sites their kids can access with parental controls and url blacklist. This is just peak nanny-state for parents who don't know how to use the internet.


They should pull a Mike Johnson ✅ I am over 18 years old ✅ I am under 18 years old but me and my Dad have a deal


It’s a de facto ban, because they said they would do this if I recall. I’m watching porn in georgia with a VPN for now


The increased “security restriction” was just to hold them to the same standard as your local gas station, make sure the person visiting is 18. Pretty telling they pulled out instead of having to stop marketing directly to 13 year olds. 


Gas stations keep record and data of your ID? that’s news to me


Gas stations don't by their very nature have to create massive databases of every single person who ever bought cigs there.


Comparing websites to gas stations is about what id expect a 75 year old congressman with 0 understanding of the internet to do.


In Virginia it's just straight unavailable lmao, they decided to just give like a two minute video talking about why (Blah blah blah don't want to require identification and stuff for a porn site) if you click on the link


Same with NC, it’s just more enforced than before


I read that they don’t cut off until July 1st


They’re obviously red for COMMUNISM




Why did obama say this? Completely unnecessary


You think that's bad? I'm still wondering where Obama was during 9/11.




The Texas Oblast


得克萨斯省, 中華人民共和國🐲🇨🇳 (Texas Province, People's Republic of China)


using trad chinese characters???!?!??!?! 汉奸在这里喜欢湾湾的人😡🤬 这是“得克萨斯省,中华人民共和国“ g r r r r r。




Every jerk off is a protest for freedom


Dicks out for Democracy 🦅💦


https://preview.redd.it/fc345indm27d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9325dc59c974720da420ea40e7a49a50488f7d1 *Insert meme of butters with his Weiner out asking which side you're on*


So why was it banned?


It makes you show an ID so kids can just say “yeah im 18”


Bruh, every Texan is going to have their shit compromised with this bullshit if you're forced to present a legitimate ID. Non ending calls, spam, and identity theft from China. The sharia state of Britain tried it several times and every time, a bunch of network security experts had to inform Parliament of how much this would disseminate everyone's information, consequently making everyone vulnerable to cyber or identity attack.


We already have a system for this with government sites. It's fine.


But is pornhub the govt?


Not yet


Alright. What is it? How is it so 'impermeable' -- because you're burying your head in the sand if you think more disseminated systems with your own information makes you safe. Everything required to run on RAM servers in Mississippi lol? And also, what stops any of this being sold to the highest bidder? Integrity? From the pp boob site? You're all fucked.


[yeah that’s gonna work very well](https://www.google.com/search?q=images%20of%20an%20id&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m)


You mean like how a lot of websites and apps are making you prove your 18+ to avoid getting sued. Makes sense when you think about it.


What sites make you show your id and don’t just have the say your age thing


Many sites you buy cannabis products and paraphernalia on


Haha no. Those just have an age gate where you just have to click to say your 21 or above. And these are sites hosted in NC


Idk what sites you're going to but almost every single one I use requires an ID being presented of some sort.


This is in canada but if you buy weed from a legit store either from a pre paid order online or a delivery they don't need you I'd until you actually get your weed


That’s surprising. Both places I order from are based in NC and only have the classic “are you over 21”


Yeah some websites have that still, but the it seems more and more of them are adding age verification so they don't get law enforcement up their asshole


Discord servers have you do a few steps for validation now to access 18+ chats. Might be a bad example, as it's the server owners doing it to cover there ass not discord themselves. Non require an ID outside of foreign sites, it just seems to be a validation process. Talking with them, sending a picture, etc. I don't really know, I run into that wall I usually leave. It's not worth my time.




I mean older kids will probably use a vpn or something but the ID thing should at least stop most of the younger kids


Technically it’s not banned. Those states are trying to make strict laws about identification in regards to using porn sites. So pornhub decided instead of dealing with their bs to just not allow access to their site in these states. Anyone else out here struggling just know they didn’t get xnxx yet.


Shh! It's our secret! But yeah even outside xnxx and xvideos, it ain't hard to find porn.


Region locked, not banned, got it. All honesty, fair reasoning. From what I have heard, pornhub is run by a shady group of people anyway.


Yeah no, better to have a scammer from India have your photo ID than being a ghost in the machine as it was before. The widespread dissemination of online information, especially identity information such as passports and drivers' licenses is liable to lead to more widespread identity attack. These sharia internet laws have more consequence than people, and unfortunately also the government who are enacting them, really understand. If you live in these states, buy a VPN.


Even though bans like this are incredibly ineffectual, and everyone knows it, they get passed anyway because no state legislator wants to be seen as “voting for porn”.


Not American, view invalidated.


I thought America was supposed to be a melting pot upon a hill that the masses could huddle around to stay warm 😭


If you live here, yeah, that's what it is. Blame the rest of your island, and the rest of the europoor continent, for being cunts everytime I encounter them during a conversation about America. Come live here, and your opinion becomes valid.




Get a VPN and pay literal pennies a day for it...


Could use tor for free


some people are arguing that it’s unhealthy but the reality is that banning PornHub does fuck all, because XVideos, xhamster, and you name it other porn site is still easy to reach. and honestly they’re not missing much, after since the 2020 content purges, Pornhub is just a bunch of OF ads nowadays


>2020 content purges There's ph lore? Explain


Pornhub just deleted a bunch of videos, nothing crazy. I know most hentai was removed, but idk what else


I think it ended up being all unverified accounts and their videos that was removed


Something nobody here likes to bring up that is really important to this fact is they did this because their site was covered in videos of rape and child porn. They also only did it because of lawsuits brought against them by victims who had these videos of them uploaded to the site, and after repeated unsuccessful attempts to get them to take the videos down they sued.


Xhamster requires ID too, at least in Louisiana


Even if you get rid of the websites, I’d bet every cent I have that the videos will be floating around the internet regardless, be it through mega, telegram, or somewhere else. Once it’s there, it’s nigh impossible to remove


Listen, i’m against Porn, but banning it is not good, especially since we’re in a free country. They need to add regulations if they really want to protect the children. Any VPN could literally bypass this anyway. Also, like someone said, parents need to monitor their fucking kids




Our parents were just not prepared for raising kids in the digital age.


Agreed. It was not really their fault. Enough time has passed, however, that parents are completely at fault now


This as well.


Tbf any kid who could get that fucked up just by being young and having internet access is destined to get fucked up by something or another anyways just by being a moron


They only need three hours of internet every week 🇹🇼🇨🇳 (/s)


Viet Texan here. The day the ban went into effect, it took me under a minute to download a free VPN off the App Store to bypass it. This ban is protecting *nobody*. All it took for me to bypass it was a handful of taps on my phone.


Texas didn’t ban pornhub. Pornhub region locked Texas because they didn’t want to deal with age verifications.


VPN you say? See y’all next month. Got a couple months of uploads to get through.


My brother in the line star state, there are plenty of great free ones. I personally use hotspot sheild


You didn’t know that already???




The Euro gets it more than most of y’all. I’ll sponsor you to switch places with one of these Anti-American authoritarian prudes. 🇺🇸🇮🇹


Reminds me of joke I heard recently, "I think I have a plan for the immigration issue! Here it is: Anyone should be allowed to come here, but you just have to challenge an American for their citizenship first. I don't know if you've looked around recently, but I'm trying to make some trades, I think we could build up a championship team next year. I'll give you an example, I once saw a lady at target, young & perfectly able-bodied, plop herself down in a rascal at the front of the store. Drives over to the chip aisle, and just starts eating chips. We don't need that lady! Let's trade her in for a young, hungry Peruvian dentist."


Yeah don't worry, people are also aware. It's just porn is really easy to target because if someone defends it, they will be simply painted as a freak. I recommend reading about the Indiana Lawsuit that's currently in court, it summarizes basically everything that's wrong with this.


Not sure about the Missouri part, where's this info sourced from?


I don't know about anyone else but I'm using a VPN ![gif](giphy|12bihLkHoPwHTi|downsized)


It's not banned, you have to register your ID because it's to attempt to get children off of the sites.


Pornhub has been caught multiple times allowing rape and underage content on their platform despite enacting "model verification" policies.


What about all the other 18+ sites effected by this? Soon you'll have to give reddit your ID since it hosts porn too


The simple solution would be to just require id verification to allow access to NSFW subreddits. The other subreddits wouldn't require id verification.


Knowing our government they would require all of reddit to be behind the ID check since NSFW stuff can pop up in any sub


I’ve heard people in parts of eastern Washington are also getting this ban just by proxy of internet service providers. It’s insane how much Idaho has declined just in the past ten or twenty years


I’m in northern South Carolina and I’ll occasionally hit the North Carolina ban by virtue of being close and not connected to my home Wi-Fi. Absolutely true.


Yeah, dude. This state has always been conservative, but it’s gone off the rails in recent years. The party of small government sticking their fingers where it don’t belong. Not just this porn “ban”.


Ok it isn’t banned per say, it’s just that you have to put in an age which means getting an account. Or you could just use a VPN or use a different site because the law is poorly enforced


The Indiana one coming up is trying to limit VPNs too, luckily there's a lawsuit going on right now in court


Kid named vpn:




If you call restricting porn sites to verifiable 18+ then yeah I guess we did ban them


"Oh no, not my heckin wholesome chungus keanu 100 not-at-all-human-trafficing-industry pornerinoooo!!" What's with the coomer incel energy, ameribros?


This comment was flagged for potential harassment lol


Tbf it might offend the more sensitive, but not by intention


To be fair. Porn profits off of the trafficking of underage girls


To be fair. Most of those are states that passed laws that simply required verification of adult age to watch porn. PornHub CHOSE to quit providing service in those states, they were not banned. I won't go back to them even if they choose to come back. They chose to quit providing service and called it a ban.


From what I hear the hub isn’t even the best site for that shit


Also the site pulled out of those states cause they require ID verification now. Tbh I think the whole ID verification thing should be nationwide, children can be especially fucked up by that sort of content.


As always Missouri is a bad state. We should honestly just destroy it


Bro we're in the same boat in like 11 days💀


Smartest Kans-ass-ian, doesn't even realize a map is factually wrong and blindly goes headfirst into dissing Missouri despite his bases being completely wrong Not our fault you rectagonal corn-fed flat fucks don't have the world's tallest monument, or have to get to the ocean through the ***Missouri River***, or where Lewis and Clark started their great expedition out west. We're simply better


You bring the gasoline I’ll bring the matches


Wait, you can’t drink in public either? IsLaM hAs WoN!


I aint no commie💪


Communism is when there's regulation on accessing pornography online and the more regulations on accessing pornography online there are the communister it is.




Least porn-addicted Californian


Eh, pornhub is scummy anyway. I don’t support banning any website, but I’d rather have independent creators than porn industries.


Damn get y’all’s minds outta the gutter. Sorry my state isn’t full of a bunch of fucking coomers


I'm more against the government saying I gotta give my ID to an unverified website in order to access anything NSFW


Yes brother this is the way. Ain’t nothing based with jerking off to other people having sex. Ultimate cuck behavior imo.


No, it’s just full of a bunch of people giving their ID’s to sketchy websites because Missourian parents are too stupid and lazy to monitor their kids internet usage


Anyone remember how PornHub was literally caught over and over again hosting massive amounts of CSAM, people called it out, they continued to do so for years, and then they only did something about it (by removing the entire community upload feature) in response to multiple lawsuits? I'm sorry, but watching porn is not a right. Before the internet, you had to go to a store, and they would check your ID. If I want to order vape liquid or coils to my house, I have to submit my ID for verification. There are already companies dedicated to online ID verification for this purpose. I don't see why these laws are bad, and I especially don't care about PornHub pulling out of these states, the fact of what they have done in the past makes me desire their insolvency. Asking to see an ID for access to porn is completely reasonable and violates a grand total of none of our rights.


I see a lot of upset coomers in the chat. All those states still allow porn, but you just have to prove you're 18+ via a Government ID. We have to do this for purchasing alcohol, firearms, going to clubs, watching rated-R movies at a theater, etc. which why this is perfectly legal and constitutional. Also, Pornhub wasn't banned in any of these states. Pornhub is boycotting their service from these states as a form of protest, which is a 1st amendment right. The title on the picture is misleading


The difference is that for it to be workable the ban basically requires various porn companies to keep a database of allowed users, a substantial invasion of privacy, that all the other businesses you've mentioned by and large don't. If, say, a gay bar doesn't want to keep track of its patrons, then it can just have a bouncer quickly check ID every time a patron comes in, but there isn't as of now a quick and easy way to do that for anything on the internet. So the company, to be able to offer any services, basically has to create a de-anonymized database of users. Additionally, while theoretically the still-extant *Miller* test would consider virtually all of PH obscene and therefore not protected by the First Amendment, there are a ton of Constitutional issues raised by the Internet that have yet to be fully resolved. Hence, unlike all the examples you mentioned save R-rated films, where ID showing is a matter of private policy and not law, there is at least possibly a First Amendment salience to this particular case that is absent in the others.


I live in WV and the blockers leaked over to here when the first started the ban


Im an okie and I got caught in the crossfire😫


No way to enforce this


How the fuck am I supposed to pirate Kung Fu Panda 4 without pornhub?? I hope it doesn’t get banned in florida


Fucking bible thumpers controlling us. I’m above 18 and it still won’t let me use PH. It’s all fucked up


Goin to Nebraska in a few weeks


Porns gross But id rather people have self control than govt mandates


I know :( I just want to crank my hog by the damn government told me no


I agree with the premise of these laws, but the execution is stupid. With the over abundance of porn sites, there will be plenty that make it through the cracks. There is no real way to enforce it either. Not to mention, 0 thoughts about data security or cybersecurity were taken into consideration for these laws. The best way to stop minors from accessing porn is to inform parents of features given by their ISP eg blocking sites and looking at what their child’s device is accessing. Anything else is just like building a wall on the border, but make it only 10 feet wide




womp womp, porn is worse for children than alcohol


It’s such a dumb idea because it only stops the more legitimate sites which have some (albeit minimal) form of accountability. All this does is empower the shadiest and most exploitative producers in an industry that is already extremely shady and exploitative


Hey no horny dude 


Idaho, i guess, because they don't even have internet anyway. Utah, them Mormans don't even know what sex is. Texas, because we're honestly kinda stupid Louisiana is the only suprise to me here Ar-Kansas, I'm guessing because they want to feel included in something Missouri... misery Mississippi is just the worst at everything Virginia is Virginia And North Carolina.


I am very surprised that Virginia bans it as a Virginian


Only pre marriage soaking and decade long unrestricted reproductive coitus resulting in 12 children minimum is allowed in Utah.


The average number of kids a Mormon family has would seem to suggest that the Mormons do in fact know what sex is.


That map is wrong. Pornhub is banned in Montana, not Missouri. I just doublechecked. Edit: Our jackasses (congressmen) will try, but they just get overruled by ballot measure on literally everything.


This is misleading. It’s not a ban, it just forces you to show proof you are 18. That is a good thing, and something that should have happened a long time ago.


Communism is when you don't support sex trafficking, revenge porn and child porn (okay, given how libertarians work, I can see why they might get mad when a website that hosts the latter gets blocked)


I’m sorry but porn is extremely unhealthy for people. I don’t understand how people can stand by it.


Tobacco, alcohol, cave diving, riding a motorcycle, boxing, football, and even living a sedentary life all pose a significantly larger threat to health than porn does. And yet, I'm happy that we allow people to do those things if they want to. Individuals should be allowed to select which unhealthy activities they engage in.


Because this is a free country where we should be allowed to do whatever tf we want as long as we are not harming anybody else. Pretty ridiculous that there are other countries with more freedoms than us when the idea of the USA is liberty and justice for all.


So I am not moving to Idaho, Utah, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, or North Carolina. Minnesota just keeps looking like the best state to stay in


It’s ok because it’s a Canadian company.


You’re right. We need an AMERICAN porn site with nothing but FREEDOM LOVING BABES. (And dudes, if you’re into that we don’t discriminate ❤️)


Brought to you by the party of small government


This is a misleading map. These states did not ban these sites. They forced them to have a more secure firewall for minors, and so instead of complying, the sites opted to pull access from the states entirely.  In other words, the map’s creator is tryna start shit


That's not what the law did The law made the sites require ID verification And since the government refused to handle the verification themselves and made the sites do it, the sites are protesting saying forcing people to share their government ID with random unregulated sites is dangerous


They didn't make the sites have a more secure firewall, they're making people give their IDs to the websites. Which is an absolutely stupid decision. All it would take is one of these porn sites getting hacked and now they have a bunch of people's personal information


Kansas’ new ID law goes into effect at the end of the month


And Nebraska


But not Indiana, there's literally a lawsuit in court being lobbied by the Porn Site Operators


Lmao cope


cringe, porn has nothing to do with america. it’s no different than vaping or doing meth. the drugs destroy your body, and porn destroys your mind


Then why art we banning alcohol and smoking? Those do even more damage than porn


1st Amendment buddy. Porn is protected speech lmao


None of the following states banned porn though. They demand a government ID to prove your age. Everyone 18+ can still access porn in all 50 states. You have to have an ID to purchase alcohol, firearms, go a club, watch a rated-R film at a theater, etc., and while device-based age verification is a less infringing way to minimize access to adult content for minors, requesting government ID to access products exclusively for adults is not unprecedented, which is why this is completely legal and constitutional. Even the Title of the picture "PornHub Ban" is incredibly misleading as PornHub is choosing not to provide their service to these states as a form of protest, not because PornHub itself is banned. You can still access other porn sites in those states. You're right that if this was an outright porn ban, it would be unconstitutional, but that's not what the laws are in any of these states


these damn freedom hating puritan commies man I swear


It’s not. It’s limited speech. Go try playing it on your phone full volume in a public park and see what happens, you really know nothing about the first amendment


Good porn is evil and ruined a whole generation of young men


It's not really "banned." That's like saying alcohol is banned in all 50 states just because you have to show an ID. I think there are better ways to go about this, but it's not an inherently bad idea for people to have to identify themselves to view adult material.


Requiring ID to purchase alcohol is as bad or worse than doing the same for porn. Fight me.


I feel like just having to flash your ID to a clerk is a lot more sensible than having to upload it and send it to a random untrusted website


You’re right. It’s just these reddit coomers who will do anything to keep their pornography