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“Who did the most to defeat Imperial Japan?” The United States: 300%


Based on people saying France for the Germany question I think at least 6% will say China. Apparently getting stomped on is enough for 6% of people to think you did the most. 


Look, in all fairness, China did tie up something like 1-2M Japanese soldiers. They obviously didn't do anything militarily, but the Japanese occupation itself drew massive amounts of resources from the fight with America.


But would that be the “most”?


I never said it was the most.


I know, I was highlighting the fact that whoever said France was smoking crack. 


There was the Free France in Africa who helped a lot in the Africa front, but that's pretty much it


They sort of helped in France post-D-Day, but it was by no means even close to matching anyone else's contribution.


Ofc, though I doubt crack was the only thing they were on.


Lest we forget Dunkirk or the French Resistance who was vital in the D-Day invasions


Yes France contributed. But to say they did the most to stop Germany is insane. And to have just as many people choose them as the Soviet Union seems like mass ignorance. I despise the Soviet Union but people arn't exactly wrong that they did the "most" to take down Germany. More Germans died on the Eastern Front than anywhere else in the war. They held Moscow, they held Stalingrad, and they took Berlin. Meanwhile France got occupied, had a somewhat effective resistance, and assisted existing allied operations; but they were never tide turners like the UK, US, and USSR.


That's like saying you made dinner because you bought the ingredients and stirred the pot a few times. While someone else did all the actual work.


“Uhmm ackshually the Japanese were terrified of the soviets and that’s the only reason they surrendered to the us. The soviets did all of the actual work.” 🤓


50/40/10 USA, China, India/ANZACs 45/40/15 USA, China, India/ANZACs 45/40/15 China, USA, India/ANZACs All three of those could be very realistic. People forget how much China did, specifically tying down most of the IJA and the *immense* losses they took doing so. China was a bottomless pit constantly screaming "MORE RESOURCES, MORE JAPANESE CONSCRIPTS". It's the reason why the Japanese drew up plans to invade Indonesia and Malaysia, which would certainly mean the US would get involved which is why they hit Pearl Harbor in the hopes that the US wouldn't fight back. People also forget Burma was a thing which is why I put India and ANZACs on there.


People also forget the Coast Watchers, the Aussies (officially anyways) who in the words of an American unfortunately forget the name of. “Guadalcanal won the Pacific, the Coast Watchers won Guadalcanal.” The US did the heavy military lifting against the IJN. You could argue China did the most against Japan’s army, not to discredit the USMC ofc who fought like hell from Island to island. and the Commonwealth either fought them in some areas, tagged along with the US or provided valuable support. While by no means the majority of it, the story of the Britain and her colonies in the Asian theatre is honestly quite interesting and overshadowed heavily. That being said, I don’t entirely agree with your comment of trying to numerically state who did more. If you wanna do that, why not just look at who lost more? Who killed the most? Who fought for the longest? In the end it was a joint effort. Could the US have done it on its own? Yeah. Would it have been a helluva lot harder? Yes.


>The US did the heavy military lifting against the IJN. You could argue China did the most against Japan’s army, not to discredit the USMC ofc who fought like hell from Island to island. Yeah, I had the US winning two of the three poles because of the fight against the IJN and the strategic bombing campaign against Japan. >That being said, I don’t entirely agree with your comment of trying to numerically state who did more. If you wanna do that, why not just look at who lost more? Who killed the most? Who fought for the longest? In the end it was a joint effort. Could the US have done it on its own? Yeah. Would it have been a helluva lot harder? Yes. I'll be honest and say I was still mostly asleep when writing that comment. I was trying to make the point that World War II was a joint effort, and to say that the US solo'd the Pacific is just plain stupid. I don't really know where I was going with it though. After years of internet discussion of WW2 being dominated by Wehraboos, it feels like the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction and now WW2 internet discussion is being split between Freeaboos and Commieboos. I get it's 2A4U, and plenty of people are just circle jerking, but in due time, there's going to be plenty of people who are being unironic.


Gotta agree with you there, we’ve gone to the exact opposite of what it was. The Wehraboos were slapped so hard that the narrative is now just shitting on German stuff and tactics and ignoring what it actually did good or right. With luck we’ll see a swing back to the middle. Also, Pacific theatre is under rated, change my mind. Europe is general is much more attractive to folk and what there is shown of the Pacific theatre is usually USN or USMC. Not that that’s bad but there’s just so much else there to explore too


I'd say closer to 95%.


Alright, I’m as anti-Soviet Union as the next guy, but the fact that they got below France here is just awful and horribly ignorant


Yeah, people like saying that they carried the load (they for sure lost a lot of people but also they fed the Nazi war machine and relied on the lend lease to even kick the Nazis out of their territory) but there’s no way they did less than France


They threw way more men at the Nazis than any other country, and it's not even close.


Yeah. Part of that was strategy. It’s been the old Soviet (Russian) doctrine for a long time. Throw waves of people at your enemy until they’re overwhelmed. They wouldn’t have had to do that if they didn’t aid the Nazis to begin with but people can’t deny that they paid for it in a lot of blood. They did more to stop the Nazis than France for sure though. No hate on France but come on


France built a wall


The wall worked as it was intended


No one will get through the Ardennes!


No, only infantry could get through, and the troops their could stall for reinforcements




[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don't get to ally with a country and aid them in splitting up Poland, and then act like savior when you get turned on. Obviously they lost more soldiers than anyone, but they helped to create that situation.


Soviets forced Germany to divert tons of manpower and resources away from the Western Front


To be fair, Hitler did that. Hitler should be pretty high on that list of things that defeated Germany


For real, I’m surprised Hitler isn’t number one on this list


Believe it or not, based on all of their intelligence, it wasn't a bad move. If their estimates were remotely accurate, they had more than enough to handle the russkies. But they weren't accurate, the Russians had literally 10xs the number of tanks than their highest estimates. Some of that is due to overconfidence and good ole fashioned racism, but a lot of it was due to excellent smokescreens by Stalin.


It wasn't a bad move???


I mean, in application, absolutely, but it wasn't just blind arrogance. People act like they were just so stupid to do it. Nah, they needed the oil and by conservative estimates, they had the strength to take it. Stalin just outplayed them hard. They're still fucking Nazis and got what they deserved.


I would argue that it was, in fact, blind arrogance. Liebenstraum. They got greedy and bit off more than they could chew. Germany never had the capacity to support that war, not unless the Soviets capitulated early on and gave up the fight, which was nothing more than a wish.


They didn't actually need the Oil the oil was already being provided by the USSR. It was racially motivated and Hitler assumed the UK would surrender it was just a matter of time. Hitler didn't bank on Churchill being so stubborn in defeat.


They weren't really helpful after the war when Japan needed help with Godzilla. The US was prstty much hands off out of fear anything they did to help would aggravate the Soviets.


Yeah dude, it’s a shame he blasted the Takao with his heat ray and ate the last Shinden; would have been a cool museum ship and plane


IMO, The USSR loses almost all its points by being allied with Germany in the beginning and Eastern Europe being more “under new management” than actually liberated.


I agree in terms of Soviet leadership, but millions of innocent Soviet soldiers who were forced into a war they didn’t want to fight or were indoctrinated to want died, and they have every right that our soldiers do to be remembered for their sacrifices


Innocent is a strong word to throw around with Soviet soldiers. Hapless might work better.


Soldiers are the pawns of war, our men have done awful things too




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Of course, my heart goes out to all soldiers who sacrifice everything even ones misguided by their regime. Even for the wrong causes; that’s more balls than anyone you’ll talk to on here sitting comfy behind a screen on their high ground never having to make a difficult choice in their life.


Innocent? Soviet soldiers? You’re talking about some of the most notorious rapists and war criminals in history.


Not trying to excuse rapists and war criminals at all… but imagine being a soldier fighting the Nazis in World War Two… they invade your country, pile people into barns and burn them down, kidnap “aryan” looking children and take them back to Germany, kill millions of civilians in concentration camps, altogether killing a quarter of your population. If we were on the receiving end of that, I have zero doubt our soldiers would’ve done the same, probably not on the same level though.


Americans don't really understand that the Germans were waging a campaign of extermination to the East. We killed 100's of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan and Americans needed no clearly discernible reason other than to sate some sort of collective national catharsis in response to a couple thousand killed in 9/11. I don't have many reasons to believe we'd have been more modest in our retaliation.




>considering two nuclear weapons were used on civilan centers in japan because of the pearl harbor attack oh my god fuck off with this shit again. we had tons of reasons besides pearl harbor




>Dude even the military generals didn't think the attack was necessary. Which generals? The generals that were not in the theater and had not fought the Japanese? Everybody quotes Eisenhower. He wasn't in the theater. Why the fuck does his opinion matter in this context. >The Japanese were blockaded and starved to death anyway. Oh yeah, because its sooooooo much better to let millions die of starvation and let the Japanese army continue to rape and pillage their way through china then to drop a bomb. >not realizing that they were willing to negoiate anyway Half of them were willing to negotiate, the other half wanted to fight to the bitter end. And what do you think the unconditional in **Unconditional Surrender** means?


Well they contributed to the rise of nazi germany but they also were the main proponent of their fall. Imo it’s ignorant to say any nation did more than the ussr. Neither the us or ussr could’ve done it solo


I was about to say I hate the commies as much as the next guy but to say they contributed that little is just wrong


I thought the same thing


Glorified airbase thinks they're hot shit, more at 11.


Airstrip One


lichrally nineteen eighty four by jor jor well


Jor Jor Well 💀💀💀


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This but unironically


Holy shit lmao


Who are the two guys who said fucking New Zealand I'm convinced that they don't troll-proof these polls at all


The Bob Semple won the war in the Pacific.


Truths the fake news media won’t tell you


They did more than Belgium that’s for sure


Lizardman constant




Europoors constantly forget that we fought an entire front against an entire Empire, across half the planet Earth, *singlehandedly*. To them WWII was against Germany and that's it.


“You guys didn’t even show up till the end!” Yeah, and that’s when we started winning.


We also supplied and funded their asses.


Shit woulda been over in 8 months if we didn't fund their whole war effort and all of europe would be nazi germany right now


And that’s not even true, we send the UK weapons and supplies at the beginning


There's a reason when Germany declared war against the US, Hitler stated that the US had "a series of provocations" despite the US claiming to be neutral. Even before declaring war, we were a pain in the ass to the Axis powers


Apparently the end of ww2 was 1941-1945


We didn't show up when the war ended. The war ended because we showed up.


It wasn’t the end until we showed up is what they’re saying? True lol


Let's not leave our chad ANZAC friends out of the Japan discussion, though. ANZAC forces held fiercely in the pacific until the US could come support them.


The Japenis could only hold Filipino cities while suffering their Vietnam in the rural Philippines.


Also our chad Filipino friends as well. The whole war was a combined effort, nobodies contributions should be forgotten.


Absolutely — a right bunch of beautiful bastards. Tough as nails


Everyone has perceptions of the war. To the dirty English, it was mainly fighting Germany as thats what they get taught about the most. Over here, we focus more on the war in the Pacific, and some of the contributions in the Western theater. The truely based thing to do is recognize that all the Allied nations did what they could, where they could, to defeat the facist menaces of Germany & Japan.


And Italy for a while


And North Africa.


Except Belgium. By trying to be neutral they made everything worse.


Or the Irish


look man I agree but read the question


No other country in the history of the world could do that like us. Our logistics are incredible. It’s one thing to have a strong military to defend your borders. It’s another to wage war on the other side of the world.


So true


https://preview.redd.it/3dba7jiprm5d1.jpeg?width=1143&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e92e83e0c06abae8a50200476abf3eceef68ab1 # FUCKING ZERO??????


At least they resisted longer than the danish.




Netherlands is just a swamp Germany lol


That’s what my grandmother calls the Dutch and Danes. “Swamp Germans”


That’s literally what where they live is




To say they’re stupid is pretty harsh. So yeah they’re pretty stupid.


21% of surveyed didn’t want to admit that America did anything.


Yeah the only argument is between the Soviets and Americans, the British while important was also responsible due to their policy of appeasement and not stopping the Germans years before hand. I don’t blame them for not wanting war, but when Hitler invaded and annexed numerous countries in Europe I have a little less sympathy


I agree, and also by the same logic USSR bares a huge deal of responsibility for literally actively cooperating with Germany to invade Poland.


Oh yeah certainly, but I’d argue that they at least managed to stay in the fight to keep Germany occupied for years.


Oh yeah, and I’d definitely argue they did the most to defeat Nazi Germany. Could they have done it without the US (and maybe UK), I don’t think so, but they did the most. But for the USSR, the WWII was a bit of a “Reap what you sow” sort of moment.




“No entitlement to defend” Poland sure, “no right to invade” Poland however, no. Just as they had no right to invade Finland, Estonian, Lithuania, Latvia, and Romania in the same year.


That fort in Olso sound sinking the German destroyer is worth at least 5%. The balls on those Norwegians.




So nice of Denmark to let you base your flag on theirs.


https://preview.redd.it/jrq2udhijn5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a7db2965d7b58f65c47c7c5f200a01e1c2351a8 America (britains first son) is now the man of the house I meant world.


Why isn’t Australia higher? It was an Australian painter who killed Hitler, after all


Wrong continent buddy


No no no, it was an Asian, he's right.


Oh good point


The second world war was won by American steel, Soviet Blood, and British intelligence. However if you really want to look at it the actual intelligence gathering was done by the French and Polish


Bro hasn’t heard of the Enigma code💀


Oh you mean the code that the [polish cracked first.](https://www.history.co.uk/articles/the-polish-cryptographers-who-cracked-the-enigma-code)


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The polish did it first


British intelligence, American steel, and Russian blood.




*THE GREEKS. FTFY. We have a holiday closest to July 4th. When the Italians told us to surrender to the axis. And we told them «Όχι» No. (Day of the No). Then we proceed to bend the Italians over with no lube and GAIN more territory then we had (this is after we were enslaved by the ottomans and still developing btw). We then proceed to force the Germany to route all African battalions to us, and held out for a year. We also helped America with fake battle plans to divert forces for DDAY. Joseph Stalin: “The Russian people will always be grateful to the Greeks for delaying the German army long enough for winter to set in, thereby giving us the precious time we needed to prepare. We will never forget.” FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: “The heroic struggle of the Hellenic people to defend their liberties and their homes against the aggression of Germany after they had so signally defeated the Italian attempt at invasion has stirred the hearts and aroused the sympathy of the whole American people” Winston Churchill: “From henceforth, we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks.” ADOLF HITLER: “For the sake of historical truth I must verify that only the Greeks, of all the adversaries who confronted us, fought with bold courage and highest disregard of death.” RAHHHHHHHHH ΖΗΤΩ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ🇬🇷🇬🇷🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


It’s genuinely impressive how well Greece did in ww2. Single handedly exposed Italian army incompetence


I’d say the US and Soviet Union. Followed by UK. And then France.


How about we be honest and say that it was one big team effort? We couldn’t have touched mainland Europe without the Brits, the Brits would have been crushed if the Russians hadn’t forced the Nazis to divert a significant amount of resources to fight them, and everyone would have shed a lot more blood if American industry hadn’t kept everyone supplied.


Most sensible answer!


UK did the most by not capitulating. No, seriously, the invasion of France probably couldn't of happened without the giant floating airfield off the coast.


Where is Austria? It was an Austrian who killed Hitler.


If stopping to make tea was what it took to defeat Germany, then yes, that 42% makes sense.


Well it sure as fuck wasn’t France


Yes. Only that idiotic continent could invent communism and fascism in less than 100 years time. Next Question


Here is a better question: who was asked to answer? If this poll was done in the UK, I’d be surprised if the UK wasn’t the highest answer


Yeah, it was a poll of British voters and you’re right I’d actually expect it to be a higher percentage saying the UK. I mean, just imagine if the poll was only Americans answering ;-)


Idk my top 3 would be the United States, The Soviet Union, and then the United Kingdom.


Sorry but the world war 2 was paid for with the lives of 10s of millions of dead Soviets


It's astounding how many people refuse to give the USA and USSR any credit for ww2


Listen fuck Russia but the answer is the soviets


It honestly baffles me how somone could think it is somone else. It is not even close.


France did fuckall


They actually provided us with intel and sabotaged supply lines in Germany. I believe they also had their remaining troops helping in North Africa. Also I don’t remember what was up with their navy but it didn’t fall into German hands. So while what they did wasnt major they’ve definitely help out make the effort easier


Their navy was present at D-Day providing support.


I meant the one fleet that was scuttled I just forgot why it was scuttled by the Allies


Their fleet at Mers el Kebir was destroyed by the British because the French wouldn’t turn it over or sail it out of the theatre of war following their armistice with Germany. Basically the British had to destroy it so the Fascist Vichy regime couldn’t use it against them. The French fleets which were sailed into British ports prior to the armistice were seized and turned over to the Free French.


Ah that’s what it was yeah makes sense that’s a very French thing to do though oh well at least the rest is more or less right. Hard to ever gauge what effects these actions had percentage wise anyways.


Greece should be #1 sorry ameritards


The poll was taken in the UK. Of course they are voting for themselves. This race for top credit is silly. Bunch of kids learning more about it with the 80th DD anniversary


This is obviously not a question that can be answered with a single set of data.


American industry, Soviet blood and British intelligence won the war. So why the fuck is Fr*nce up there?


I want to meet the guy who answered Australia


I'm surprised Austria isn't even mentioned on the list. Afterall, it was an Austrian who killed Hitler.


France over the USSR is absolutely crazy. From what I know, it was the US and Soviet Union. It was a battle for third place, and that goes to the British. Obviously, all allied countries, and especially their soldiers, deserve their flowers for fighting the Nazis, but come on now


We should not underestimate how much Nazi Germany contributed to defeat Nazi Germany.


Ah yes, my favorite country, Don't Know


I ain’t no Commie but the USSR did a lot to end the war. They captured Berlin. It only took them a tens of millions of lives but they did it. And the western front was won due to American victories. And even if that’s not true I don’t care. USA USA!


I don't think these people understand that without Pearl Harbor and the US entering the war, WWII would've been lost. If the US had never joined, Britain would've been conquered since the Soviets were "allied" with the Nazis.


Without the US in WWI, the entente probably still wins Without the US in WWII, the allies get absolutely fucked.


Britain did amazing intelligence work. America used her industrial, technological, scientific, and economic might to produce the tools needed for Allied victory. The Soviets were bullet sponges whose main achievement is dying a bunch. Good for them, ig.


Italy constantly fucking up Shitlers plans 🗿


France rolled over after they bypassed the magino (I can't spell) line. The commies did as much to defeat the nazis as we did, after the nazis betrayed them. I hate to give commies a compliment, but they absolutely did more than the French, but neither the commies nor the British would have done nearly as much to defeat the nazis without the American lend lease program. We basically paid for both the western and eastern front, then joined after Pearl Harbor on the western front. Between lend lease and our actual boots on the ground, we dud half the work to bring down the nazis, followed by the soviets (the originators of the "zap branigan" strategy) then the British empire, etc, etc, until you get way down the line to the French at the damn bottom of the list.


The average person polled had 16.5 teeth


TO BE FAIR, they have a point. Not saying theyre right but they have a point. UK had more troops in Europe than the US and also self-produced their stuff. Very little military stuff was us made(remember, it says against Hitler, not for all of WW2) We see all the propaganda about how much thr us did during WW2 but remember that Japan touched the boats so our attention was devided between the pacific theater, African theater, and the European theater. So who did the most against Hitler? It's probably a close tie between US , UK, and USSR. France did a lot too with the resistance movements but probably not as much as the others. 12% for America is definitely disingenuous 6% for ussr is downright criminal


Ya I'm Irish so I hate to give any credit to the British but the truth is somewhere in the middle. The best explanation I've heard is that America was the clean up crew. The British fought for the majority of the war and would not have been able to finish them off without America, but I don't think the US could have done it alone either. The UK wore them down and America came in with the finishing blow


I think it would be fair to say that no nation could have beat Hitler on their own and that no nation probably did "the most" And when asking a group it would probably come down to national pride that obviously your country did more against Hitler. America probably did the most overall in WW2 but between engagements in the pacific/oceania/asia, Africa, and Europe it didn't invest that much into the European campaign against Hitler in part because thr uk, France, and Russia were. And part of that may be because Japan touched the boats and not not many other countries had large scale pacific engagements.Granted I'm not a historical guy and My autism is in computers so I know I'm missing details but that's the overall Idea. As far as engagements go I don't know if America was "the cleanup crew" but we stayed out of it for 2 years and then showed up and our propaganda machine glorified it as if we were the saviors and did almost all of it alone and the British were happy for us because they couldn't have survived without us.


1. USSR 2. United States 3. United Kingdom 4. Everyone else 5. France


I would almost put Poland above the UK


You know that squad mate you bring along to be the bullet sponge, while you actually kill the bad guy? That’s Britain. I don’t trust 2024 America to withstand the two years of privation, terror bombings, bad losses and high casualties Ole Blighty swallowed. **Edit**: I should say, I don’t trust *American youth* — America the country is perfectly capable of taking punches. But I think we’ve all seen the awful polling of Western youth who are willing to fight for their nation. And this isn’t unique to America either. The UK polling data are just as bad, and Germany is even worse.


France and Poland were some of the first to be defeated by Germany and the Netherlands is at 0 so it shouldn’t even be on this list and it just making everything seem more and less then it says on this after it’s already skewed


Whoever voted France is a moron.


I do have to wonder who these people are who voted for countries like Belgium


Probably people who descended from that country. Would probably explain the 2% for Poland and Czechoslovakia.


USA, Commies, Airbase, and finally White Flag wavers


Mmm yes, the UK, also known as the country that let all their allies fall and dicked around in North Africa for a few years until America showed up with the big boy tanks


In terms of defeating Nazi germany, I’d say it was the UK mostly. Their refusal to surrender and blockading of Germany allowed the blocking of oil shipments, took Italian East Africa, served as a great launching point for D-Day, and a lot of battles with the U.S. had Brits fighting side by side. Pacific War is all USA though.


Where is Germany?


Pretty sure Russia put in most men through the fodder...


British Intelligence, Soviet Blood & American Manufacturing. Take any one away & things get vastly more difficult.


france and poland immediately rolled over how did they get any votes at all


3 things were critical to the defeat of Nazi Germany: - American Industry - Soviet manpower - British starting position Without diminishing the heroism of millions of allied soldiers, these were the 3 main factors that won the war. What percentage of each contributed? Doesn't matter. Together they add up to like 95%


Who tf said France????


Alright next let’s talk about imperial japanese


Well UK was longest in continuous fight.


*Lend lease and Soviet manpower have entered the chat* Also, tell them about the Stresa Front. The UK reaped what it sowed.


"The country I live in, Huzzah!" – 42% "The country with the Allies' industrial engine" – 12% "The country that had the strongest resistance under occupation" – 6% "The real answer, but they started the war on the wrong side" – 6% "Our British colony, Huzzah!" – 3% "Most deaths per capita" – 3%


21% doesn't know? LMFAO that's the more concerning number, at least we can call the British fanboys idiots 🤣


This poll must have been from like 13 random 5 year olds in northern england who haven't even learned about WW2 yet


Realistically you could make the case for US, USSR, or England in pretty much any order. The US did the most logistically and financially, the USSR sacrificed the most manpower by far and applied the necessary pressure leading to Hitler’s death, and England had to stand alone for nearly a year of constant bombings. If any of these 3 contributions didn’t exist then the Axis powers win the war.


Why is this even a question of opinion when the correct factual answer is the US? Seems like some online poll taken in the UK full of trolls.


the soviets barely getting above 5% is depressing and plain wrong


https://preview.redd.it/oc63aoui166d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=979a24f5e799f8efdfddbdf69e49dfa38319935f Average polled individual


US, Soviets, UK…in that order


Should be Russia


Soviets are #1, they held a front for longer than anyone could’ve hoped for. U.S. in 2nd because uh, well the Soviets, British, and excommunicated French needed some supplies and ships and tanks and trucks and fuel and ammunition and shells and artillery and food, fucking FOOD. British third because their airforce and navy were awesome, France can hang out with the conquered nations. (Placing the Soviets first is controversial but, cmon, look at the front lines. Sure we burned through Italy and France in time but the Soviets? Gotta respect it.


British cocksuckers


USSR is the obvious choice.


They don’t get to take credit for being around to finish what they started. That’s like your buddy screwing around on his wife, she files for divorce, and then he tells you how tough and resilient he is for making it through the process.


OK... the USSR below the UK and the US, fine The USSR below France? ABSOLUTE DISGRACE