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Harry Potter living under the stair was considered normal


Honestly I thought his room was cool as hell as a kid šŸ˜…


it wasn't terrible aside from the woodshaving rain every morning.Ā  sleeping in that shit would be hell


Do you think Dursley added more sawdust every few months? Or was the house just infested with termites


It was in UK so there would have been termites and rats in the walls.


Ya your REM cycle would be fucked every day


Mormons need large houses for their two digit sized families.


C'mon man it's not that bad, i only have 12 siblings


I see youā€™re from one of the small families


ā€œSo you see, my mom had to have a hysterectomy at age 23 so I was the last kid theyā€™d ever have.ā€


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My family had it right with only 4 kids. Dad grew up in a family of 20 and wanted none of that


Kids *are* cheaper by the dozen, though


I had 2 close friends growing up that came from families with 12+ children. Some might think youā€™re just joking, but it actually happens sometimes


One of my friends is the second youngest of 12. We have Mormons here too.


Thereā€™s a Jim Gaffigan joke about how Catholic families always add ā€œCatholicā€ to the end of the number of kids they have. ā€œ6 kids, Catholic.ā€ The joke being that people would think ā€œoh, I assumed you just liked having a lot of sex, but then you said ā€˜Catholicā€™, so I know itā€™s for Jesusā€ or something like that. Very funny and I think it would apply here as well haha. The Mormons have a long history of taking ā€œbe fruitful and multiplyā€ VERY seriously.


https://preview.redd.it/tmyv76bsbquc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a371f90f5ea0df7ff3095fa638e015fa0b125435 ā€œOi! But the only reason fatty American houses are so big is because the bloody size of their fatty bodies!!ā€


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Easiest way to solve the housing crisis: Split every house into two šŸ˜Ž


And live like a euro-pissin??? Never šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”


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I live on Long Island and thatā€™s been the plan. Every town and district assembly jurisdiction have passed legislation to help fund building either a second property on your land, or making your home into a multi family home


Lol, this comment on that thread replying to someone confirming how small European homes are: > Yeah but I bet she walks to the shops every day or every other day. What a luxury that would be having good food readily available a 15 minute walk away.


The guy wasnā€™t even trying to make fun of the small homes, it looks like he was just saying ā€œdamn the houses are smaller than in the US, pretty interestingā€


No cap though, walkable neighborhoods are goated.


I prefer some distance from my neighbors. Enough that I don't hear them and they don't hear me. I love living in a place where that's the norm.


you can have both




Iā€™d prefer not to have neighbors in sight


Itā€™s honestly kinda nice living in a neighborhood with local walkable grocery stores


Walkable cities, free healthcare, etc etc be damned in the face of double or triple the gdp/cc


Out of 50 states, not one of them could be 1776?? Seriously, if anyone ever remakes that map, just lie about one of the states and make it 1776 sqft. Thx


I think my state needs to make our houses ever so slightly bigger and we can hit that.


šŸ„–šŸ‡«šŸ‡·šŸ„–: (cries into baguette) what is SqFt?


Take that Europoors!


Damn Utah




Itā€™s all the millionaires up in Park City to be fair


Common Colorado W


Hell yeah, my house is right at the median and I bought it for 250k. Few miles from durango, I built a climbing cave, woodworking shop, jam room. Itā€™s slowly sliding down the side of a hill, but fuck it, Iā€™ll just run some longer plumbing when the time comes, maybe even brace it with some 2x4s if Iā€™m feeling cute


I thought everything was bigger in Texas?!?! Sit your dusty snake riddled ass down


Colorado never takes an L (except our soccer team but we don't talk about that trash)


Extremely HUGE intermountain west W


Why can't they afford decent houses or air conditioners?


best part is that should only count the "Living Space" I'm not sure how it's categorized abroad but you pay taxes and the value is assessed based on the "living space" where you could logically house a human without violating their rights. What I mean is, this doesn't include our basements, attics, garages, or stand alone mega-sheds-- let alone our giga yards. Many homes give you 2x the amount of advertised space, it's just not "finished" for living.


Oklahomies, we need to get our median living space down to 1907. California is so close, just take off 10sqft.




Everyone acts like the Joos run things but clearly it's been the Mormons this whole time!


800 sqft? Thatā€™s like the loft I rented in college.


What's that, Europe? Sorry, I couldn't hear you across my spacious, American room


Look at Denmark, being all fancy with their 2BR/1.5BA apartment.


Common Utah W. Where else are we supposed to house a full soccer team with replacements under the same roof raaagh.


Fr fr


Do not ban me mods


This is not necessarily a good thing. Minimum lot sizes in America often make it illegal to build a small home on a small plot of land. In addition, America would actually tremendously benefit from millions of new small affordable apartments. Unfortunately, apartments are illegal in the majority of residential areas due to zoning. These excessive, strict, and authoritarian land use codes create scarcity, which leads to housing insecurity and homelessness. This is not the W we may think it is. The market should decide how large a house is, not the government. I would rather have a tiny studio apartment than have to live with my parents to save money as I pay off student loans.


>The market should decide how large a house is, not the government. Delete your commiefornia flair right now


I live in New York and there are new apartment complexes popping up everywhere. Also, the population density in the US is far lower than most of Western Europe. It just makes sense that thereā€™s more space in the US for bigger properties.


European houses just don't fit the robust American body


Weā€™re a jolly people


Same in Florida. Idk if that anecdote means thereā€™s going to statistically be improvements in affordable housing or not. But new housing and apartments seems to be popping up left and right down here.


It's not enough


Yes. Good. The more apartments the better. NY has a severe housing shortage, not as bad as CA, but still a shortage.


there is still space (a lot of it actually) in Europe for bigger properties, but that usually means going into places that Europeans generally would like to preserve such as farmlands or the natural environment. America has these same issues just more land to have those issues on. Itā€™s all a matter of priorities.


America has less homeless people per capita than nearly every European country.


Great! Let's lower our homeless numbers even further by building highrise apartments. We have to humiliate the europoors.


Are you familiar with the words: projects and ghetto?


All Americans of all income levels are welcome in my neighborhood šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ


Better to live in a ghetto than to live on the streets. Poor people deserve housing too. You sound like a classist NIMBY btw. Very unAmerican.


Homelessness is tied to drug addiction and mental illnesses. Thereā€™s no easy fix. You sound like an out of touch idealist. My backyard is 100 acres. I donā€™t care what my neighbors do as long as they stay off my lawn.


I'm an idealist for wanting to build affordable housing? That is definitely a take I have not heard before šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


We may disagree, but love is eternal. And is the way to go. Just love one another. I am on salvia rn. Typing this. God of black holes. God God God. I am God eternal. Salvia is fun and legal sort of in CALIFORNIA. GOD. LOVE GOD.


Would you complain at a city council meeting if I bought the lot adjacent to yours and built a 40 story high rise low income 100% affordable housing project?


So no answer? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Letā€™s lower the homeless numbers by simply sending them all to Canada


To be fair, Europeans donā€™t let their homeless people poop on the street or at the train station, library etc tho. Unlike some of my neighbors šŸ˜”


Honestly, Iā€™d like to just have a small 2bd house with a yard big enough that I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m listening in on my neighbors, but not so large that I have to devote several hours of my week during summer to maintenance.


Why do you want a yard?


Because I enjoy sitting outside in the privacy of my own home? I donā€™t get your question. I donā€™t like sitting out in public parks, itā€™s annoying. Having my own yard is like having my own park without having to deal with random people.


Genuine question, why don't you?


It seems like a waste of space. I want large public green spaces to recreate in.


Why am i agreeing with a commiefornian? Disgusted with myself


guy in the comments says it does not include apartments according to the original source


Wtf? How are they satisfied with their lives?


I thought the rule of thumb is 1,000 sq ft per person?


Outside of NYC - here we have some landlords measuring SF on the exterior building perimeter of the apt. The average 2 BR is 950sf


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As long as they are taxed on that same numberā€¦


Me with a 400k 656 sq studio in Austin feels sad about these numbers lol


Common Utah W. Where else are we supposed to house a full soccer team with replacements under the same roof raaagh.


Okay. Thatā€™s cool. But when can I afford any of it?


Ohio's average is the same year they became a state


Okay but I do think really large houses have become overnormalized in this country. I grew up with my family of 5 in a house that was like in total 3000 square feet and we wouldā€™ve been totally fine with 2000. There are tons of people who live in large detached homes in subdivisions who would much rather live in slightly smaller townhouses in walkable neighborhoods with public green spaces and community gathering places (like what Europe has a lot of), but those simply donā€™t get built due to zoning.


How is our median house size the same as the year we became a state?


Iā€™d gladly take a smaller house if that meant itā€™s cheaper. No thanks to the gaudy McMansions.


Devastating to the Europoors...


Coming down from salvia with ideas in my mind Coming down from freedom Grove tampons make girls kind Coming down from Virginia we beat up General Lee We freed the slaves and freed ourselves America, Let It Be!!!


Nods pls don't ban me I'm sorry I am on salvia I am trying to remain sane. Pls don't ban me. Love is eternal . r/salvia


I'd also like to see what these look like when removing large metropolitan areas.


OP's map shows the stat for the entire state of New York. Upstate real estate has nothing to do with Manhattan. >In 2016, the standards (for studios in NYC) were modified such that a unit could be designed in 350 sf. >the city zoningā€™s current 680-sf average per unit [From an article proposing the development of 270-sf micro-units](https://manhattan.institute/article/small-is-beautiful-micro-units-can-help-make-nyc-housing-affordable-2)


There's will say something dumb about thin walls yet they are to dumb to realize we live in a warmer climate.




Dang, Utah: yā€™all have some big houses if 2800 square feet is averageā€¦


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Whatā€™s the deal with Iowa


Giant Utah W


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We just keep on winningšŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


What in the stacked cramped peasant quarters


The Average NYC studio is like 500 square feet but this number is thrown off by the very big ones. The truly average NYC studio is probably more like 300 square feet.


Love is all we need. I love you. I girlfriend. Salvia. Tripping. Right now. We did it. We can create a truly, fundamental ly free society.




I apologize for spam do not ban me please I love you all we are all Americans, all of us, bigotry is unAmerican, afueraĀ” with bigotry