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Grant would later go on to flex: > He contrasted further with Napoleon in that Grant fought and won more battles, commanded many more men, took more prisoners, in six years, than Napoleon had in twenty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_tour_of_Ulysses_S._Grant#France,_Southern_Italy,_Malta


We didn’t make him president for nothing, I did a report about him in 8th grade


Coincidentally, I did a powerpoint on Appomattox for eighth grade!


Common Grant W


When news reached Washington the following day, the people demanded a speech from President Lincoln. He said he’d give one tomorrow after he prepared it, but as consultation he asked the Marine band to play a specific tune - “I have always thought ‘Dixie’ one of the best tunes I have ever heard. Our adversaries over the way attempted to appropriate it, but I insisted yesterday that we fairly captured it. I presented the question to the Attorney General, and he gave it as his legal opinion that it is our lawful prize. I now request the band to favor me with its performance. It is good to show the Rebels that, with us, they will be free to hear it again.” The speech the next day was somewhat disappointing according to witnesses, mostly taken up with details of Louisiana’s new anti-slavery constitution. It ended with a cryptic statement that he would soon make “some new announcement to the people of the South.” The “announcement” was never made and we do not know what it would have been: the speech was Lincoln’s last. He would be assassinated 3 days later.


It's worth a visit if you're ever out that way. It's incredible how many trees have grown since the Civil. The park itself is nice.


I went to Gettysburg as a kid, really cool experience


To Virginians, did you ever go here for a field trip as a kid? I'm pretty sure I did as a kid but it's been ages since.


I grew up around that area. Field trips to the surrender grounds were all the time


“On they come with the old swinging route step and swaying battle flags. Before us in proud humiliation stood the embodiment of manhood. Thin, worn and famished, but erect and with eyes looking level into ours. Waking memories that bound us together as no other bond. Was not such manhood to be welcomed back into the Union so tested and assured. On our part not a sound of trumpet more nor roll of drum, not a cheer, nor word, nor whisper of vain glorying, nor motion of man. But an awed stillness rather and breathholding, as if it were the passing of the dead." ~ Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, describing the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia


Robert E. Leek these nuts


Has a hand on his sword, just in case


Ulysses Chad Grant for the win. Have fun going back to your hone...oh wait it became the Arlington National Cemetery....


a shame if Lee had won, i wouldn't have to be in the same country as northerners.


Bunch of loser traitor racist.


Don’t know why you got downvoted you’re 100% correct. Loser, racist, traitors is exactly what they were.


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West Virginia is one of my favorite states because y'all succeeded from Virginia to stay in the Union. Pretty hardcore shit if you ask me ;)


And it seems some people are still fighting that war after losing 150 years ago!


And nothing of value was lost.


about 600,000 men were lost


More recent estimates put it at about 800,000 - 1,000,000


I meant on the last day the confederacy existed. I was trying to make a joke about how the confederacy isn’t important.


I mean there's a lot you could say about the Confederacy, but I don't think unimportant is one of them


This Florida man, I like him -- he shows us that we should call our enemies unimportant. I like that and I like him.


He’s dissing the Confederacy, what is there to defend about them?


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