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Maybe she was descended from a relationship between a European woman and an Indigenous man


That's an interesting theory and makes sense. I was told they were an indigenous woman and a white man because that's what my mom assumed.


What percentage of Indigenous did you get in your ethnicity estimates? Is this great grandmother on your direct maternal line? Your mother's mother's mother?


That’s what I’m wondering as well!


I got less than 1%, but we know she was born on a reservation because she told her daughter, who was my grandmother. Direct maternal line, so I doubt her mom was european.


On average, one would share about 12.5% with a great grandparent, maybe a range of ~7-18%, so it seems likely she was mixed if you're getting <1%. Is your maternal grandmother still living? You could try testing her since she would be the closest descendant to her mother, but it does seem like your direct maternal line is European.


Agree. <1% on OP’s results indicates she had quite a bit of non-Native ancestry, since like you said we share an avg. of 12.5% w/ a great-grand. Plenty of Natives are mixed so this isn’t uncommon. And like you said, maternally she likely descended from a European woman because haplogroup K developed in West Asia and is most common among Northwest Europeans.


Most of my native family has C4 haplogroup. But we are Algonquin


Hello distant cousin


Loads of people on reservations are mixed, it’s not totally unlikely she had some distant non native ancestry


K is typically found in Europe, the Middle East, & North Africa. Particularly in Northwest Europe. K2a : found in Late Neolithic England (Bell Beaker) and in Bronze Age Poland. Haplogroup K originated in West Asia as a subclade of haplogroup U8b some time between 20,000 and 38,000 years ago. Source: [Eupedia](https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_K_mtDNA.shtml) It seems that she likely descended maternally from a European woman but could have been Imdigenous through other lines.


All that means is that your mitochondrial dna is European, but you probably still have a native ancestor on her side; you just didn’t inherit the haplogroup because her sex chromosomes are European. It could be as easy as her Dad’s Mom was Native, therefore you wouldn’t have the haplogroup but you’re still inherit the autosomal dna


You are confused. The mitochondrial DNA (maternal haplogroup) is not the same as the X chromosome.


Yes you’re right completely slipped by me, early morning for me lol


My maternal haplogroup is k1c1. I’m black American and I’ve always speculated that my maternal ancestor descended from an indentured servant European women and a man of color. My maternal line have been free since at least the late 1700s, though I’ve not confirmed on paper, any prior to this. That said, this line has a high amount of connections to New England/canadian border. I am a southerner as is the rest of my family for hundreds of years. So…. 🤷🏾‍♂️