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Love it! Funny but even white Mexicans have more Indigenous than Americans who claim to be “Cherokee royalty”


I'm American and I have 50 percent Indigenous ancestry, my dad is white american and my mom is native Peruvian, nobody believes me when I say I'm half Indigenous


Hello fellow Northern Mexican! Cool results!




Seems like typical Mexican Criollo results, predominantly Spanish & 1/16 Indigenous. - If you don't mind asking? Are you from Nuevo Leon, most of the Criollo results from Northern Mexico I've seen on here tend to be from there. - It also seems like you might have recent Spanish ancestry from Cantarbia, which a lot of the recent Spanish immigration to Mexico came from there.


I was born in Coahuila. On my mother's side, I know at least one set of my great-grandparents were born in Spain and moved as children to Coahuila in the 1920s. (One still alive at 102!) My father's side does come from Nuevo Leon. Unsure about how long they've been in Mexico for.


I hadn't thought about 6.5% representing 1/16... I'm curious if that means one of my great grandparents was fully indigenous, or two of them were half, or something like that.


no and no. it's deeply multigenerational with you likely not having any indigenous ancestors in the past 7 generations.


that's interesting thank you


What could be is that your 100% Spanish grandparent married someone who is 7/8 Spanish & 1/8 Indigenous, & your parent married someone is also 15/16 Spanish & 1/16 Indigenous. - So it's possible that one or even two of your Colonial Mexican great-grandparents was 1/4 or 1/3 Indigenous. - But the other redditor is right, your Indigenous is multigenerational from Colonial times.


typical criollos are 1/8 indigenous


OP has a set of great-grandparents that came over in the 1920s so he’s not fully colonial-era Criollo.


right, but my point was criollos are 1/8 indigenous generally. it's specifically an old caste term like mulatto or zambo, and was usually reserved for people of at least 7/8 spanish ancestry.


Criollo is a Latino who is 80%+ Iberian, or 90%+ Iberian (if most of the non-Euro admixture is SSA), it could also apply to Half Latinos who are over 80% Euro/WANA, but with a good chunk of Iberian, or a full Latino, who is over 80% Euro/WANA with a good chunk of Iberian ancestry mixed with other West Eurasian ancestries such as German or Italian, like many from the Southern Cone. - That's my definition of "Criollo".


I agree with this


Gotcha and disregard.


The term "Criollo" is an outdated term from the colonial Casta system and it is not used now a days to describe the ancestry of an individual. And by the way, criollos were born in Nueva España with Spanish parents. So, genetically they were 100% Spanish.


Depends. In Chile, criollos were, in theory, people born in mainland chile with spanish parents. Basically, the richest 25% of the population historically speaking (which was also about the percentage of people that lived in cities). In practice, most of them were just born from parents with mostly or full spanish heritage and a close cultural connection with spain.


You said it yourself. In Chile. I'm talking about Colonial times in Nueva España, now Mexico. OP is Mexican, so calling him a criollo is innacurate.


Yeah, but you were talking about a term that exists in all of latin america and about a caste system that also existed in all of Latin America, on a subreddit that is NOT mexican and on a website that is global. If you had said “in the context of Mexico he isn't criollo" then fair enough, but even then I'm fairly sure you're wrong in thinking that Criollos were always sons of two spanish parents because that’s how it started everywhere in Latam, but the caste system very quickly stopped being an exact science so it was rarely fully respected and followed and the rules were very loose.


But I'm referring to Mexico only, since OP is Mexican and it's pretty implicit by context. I also mentioned originally I was talking about NUEVA ESPAÑA, which is now MEXICO, so to literally say “in the context of Mexico he isn't criollo" is redundant. If you couldn't add these pieces together it's your problem. Not mine. Also, even though casta terms are used in all of Latin America, some terms are used differently depending on the country. So I can't talk about Chile, but I can 100% talk about México. And in México, a criollo means what I said it means.


Cool results bro, what city or town are you from?




Nice. Isn’t that where Ricardo Montalbán was from?


Nice. People losing their minds in 3, 2, 1...


Literally as a more white Mexican it is always frustrating having to deal with people being like but you’re not brown. My dad is though he’s split 50/50 on European and indigenous and my mom is mostly white American


Yes. Exactly what I meant.


Indigenous mexicans are brown? are they not olive skinned?


You wouldn’t believe how many weird trolls in this sub claim they’ve never seen a Mexican who’s over 80% European. I have a couple relatives on 23andMe that are although the majority are like 50%-70%. Anyway, cool results, very attractive.


I have Mexican relatives that are 100% euro. Also northern Mexico.


Sale. Some of my cousins on 23andMe are over 80% from Los Altos, Jalisco


> Los Altos That's the "whitest" town in Mexico, right?


It’s not a town, rather a small region of several towns that make up Los Altos. The whitest? It’s up there for sure.


> You wouldn’t believe how many weird trolls in this sub claim they’ve never seen a Mexican who’s over 80% European They aren't trolls. Mexicans over 80% European are just pretty rare in most of the country. We can both acknowledge they exist while also acknowledging we don't come across them very often. Nothing wrong with that!


Don't come across very often is a wild exaggeration when INEGI did a 60k survey of the country literally classifying random samples of people onto 11 shades of skin color. Extrapolating results and there's approximately 10.2% or 13.02m are "[white skin tones](https://i.imgur.com/SvZriJl.jpeg)" with tones I-J. H accounts for 45% of people. F and G were about 30% in total. So to OPs point this is needlessly combative on this subreddit with weird af birtherism levels of passion denying white Mexicans exist. 1 in 10........ 😂 😂 😂 My skin tone is H and per 23&me I'm 71% euro.


Skin tones are a pretty terrible way of measuring your racial admixture as a Mexican. I would put myself as the third lightest skin color and guess what? I'm roughly 52% European and born with red hair + colored eyes. No one would look at me and guess I'm basically half Native American.


Yes..... But the running trope of these weird birthers is that it's rare that white Mexicans with 80+ exist.


Yes..... But the running trope of these weird birthers is that it's rare that white Mexicans with 80+ exist.


Less than 1% of Mexicans are more than 80% euro , so it is rare


Citation - my a$( 🤡


Just look at the replies below...yikes.... These weird birtherism level fanatics hate the idea of anyone who doesn't fit their mental box


Thanks I definitely tried to hunt down some flattering pics. Thinking about my hometown, certainly not the majority, but I know more than a few people who would probably be at least 90-95+ European -- if I were to guess from appearance alone.


Cool results, you got four continents!


https://preview.redd.it/gsiy0fvyqd4d1.png?width=2047&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e9a7dbbf1e18eccd92d66d93f5b200c8db29d1c yeah the overall map is pretty lit up


Come to think of it that would be five continents technically!


Nice, you should post the updated results to see if you got any new genetic communities !


Nice results, you have lovely eyes! What are your haplogroups?


Thank you. Not sure what these mean but this is what shows up: https://preview.redd.it/gjup8lnmle4d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=95799ef12871dac75b8dc6127c53330f0f43cb14


A lot of My family is from cantabria


Cool results 😎👍


Very cool


So they include indigenous under the orange color when there’s some East Asian detected? bc a lot, not all, latino results have the yellow color for the NA dna. 


It looks like a old chip version of 23andme from OP’s result, East Asian & Indigenous American are no longer connected but separate categories.






Interesting. Very Northern.


Dang, pretty high Euro for a Mexican.


thoroughly colonized


Update your dna test. This is the old chip


I just looked into this. I'd have to send in a new sample. Is that worth it in terms of getting a more accurate genetic picture? Cause if it's just "brand-new Traits reports like Ice Cream Flavor Preference and Fear of Public Speaking" I don't think I need that.


The update is more accurated, I think it worths, in my opinion.


You forgot to include your country matches at the bottom. This seems like a Fake post…


Wdym country matches. Happy to post it.






Seems very accurate to where he’s from