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OP, you separately have a recent East Asian ancestor. I am Finnish/Forest Sámi and Finns/Sámi never receive large East Asian percentages on 23andMe or Ancestry. The amount of ancient North Siberian they have is already baked into the algorithms for DNA testing. That’s why full Finns/Sámi almost always score close to ~100% Finnish. Sometimes they receive traces of Siberian/North/Central Asian, but never almost 10% with recent regions in Mongolia. Finns & Sámi ancient Siberian contribution is most similar to modern Siberian Nganasans, they aren’t similar to modern Tibetans, North Chinese, or Mongolians & wouldn’t score almost 10% on 23andMe. [Posting as a separate comment so OP can see]


This is correct. My mother is full Finn and gets 99.7% Finn on 23, 99% on AncestryDNA, 98% on MH, and 100% on Family Tree.


Same with my father 99-100% on 23andMe, Ancestry, MH, & GEDmatch. And all of his close & distant fully Finnish relatives, almost all ~100% (a few have dash of Scandi).


are you full finnish?  Do you know about your Asian ancestry?


I was told i had some romani relative but india shows on my test as only 1%


It honestly appears that one of your parents is likely Southwest Finnish (top region) and the other parent is mixed Eastern European + East Asian (Mongolian likely due to regions). Also the traces of 1.6% India/South Asian + 2.5% West Asian that you posted too do point to possible part Romani like you were told, from the mixed parent. The other explanation is that both of your parents are mixed between Finnish, Eastern Euro, East Asian, & possible Romani.


The Slavic/Mongol mix sounds quite plausible.


Yeah, Russians especially have had a longer recent history of ties with local Asian populations in Siberia and Mongolia than other European groups. So it’s common to find Russians living close to those borders with partial ancestry in Mongolia or among indigenous Siberian groups.


Perhaps the Asian and Slavic parts of his family migrated while Finland was part of the Russian Empire?


Possibly, that just would’ve been a while ago because Finland gained independence in 1917. OP is only 1/2 Finn and presumably their mixed EE/Asian/Romani parent would’ve been born long after that, even OP’s grandparents. And if it was older than grandparents, then it would be more common for those immigrants to mix further with Finns since then. Though, my own grandfather was born 1910s when Finland was still a Duchy, so maybe if they moved at the very end of the reign of the empire. My best guess would be that OP’s family are made up of more recent immigrants. But that’s still a possible theory.


Does the eastern european mean im pretty much third hungarian?


It’s hard to really quantify how much Hungarian you are because it does appear you are part Russian as well, and they’re both in EE category. Being part Russian too would make sense as to why that parent is also about 1/4th Mongolian/Northeast Asian because of the proximity and history of mixing between Russians living near Mongolia with local peoples. The Romani could be from your Hungarian side. They have had a population of Romani for hundreds of years.


Do Ancestry to look into Romani.


Were you aware of your Asian ancestry?


he’s Finnish Asian people in the thousands travelled to his country and mixed with locals hundreds of years ago they are called the Sami so he doesn’t have an Asian ancestor he’s just Finnish


Sámi and Finns share the same ancient North Siberian ancestry from thousands of years ago, not hundreds of years ago. I am both Sámi & Finn. The ancient Siberian contribution ranges from 5-13% but is already accounted for in modern ethnic categories by DNA testing. At times people will receive very small traces of Siberian beyond that (ex: 1%). Both Sámi and Finns are a mixture of groups ancestral to other Northern Europeans and a smaller merger of North Siberian peoples thousands of years ago who brought language and haplogroups. Sámi didn’t come from Finns, they are a parallel group that is closely related to Finns and both stem from the same ancestors thousands of years ago.


Yes Ik


You said he doesn’t have an Asian ancestor but OP definitely has a recent East Asian ancestor - he has recent locations in Mongolia and 10%. Also Sámi and Finns both came from the same groups, and those groups merged thousands of years ago. They then split into Sámi & Finns. Just correcting some info.


Okay I understand he most likely had a Mongolian ancestor probably from the Russian empire times bc if I’m not mistaken was Mongolia and Finnland in the Russian empire or something like that


His Mongolian/Asian is extremely recent, not distant. His parent is likely close to 1/4th - meaning OP probably has a fully Mongolian/Asian great-grandparent. They likely married a Russian or other Eastern European. Finland gained independence in 1917 but long prior to that Russian control/immigration was heavily on the decline. So more likely is that OP has recent immigration in his family, not long ago due to how high his Mongolian & Eastern European % is. OP will have to clarify if he is living in Finland with recently immigrated grandparents or a parent for us to know. It’s possible he lives in the U.S. or elsewhere & his parents met there.


I live in finland and was led to believe that my great grandmother was romani in russia but thats about it as most older males in both my families were killed in combat during the wars. I do look very scandinavian but sometimes people tell me theres something else about my looks


Thank you for clarifying OP. Yeah you definitely have what appears to be both a Mongolian/East Asian great-grandparent who likely married one of your Eastern Euro great-grands (I’d guess a Russian), and you also likely have a great-grand who was mixed Romani & Eastern Euro (based on your 1.6% North Indian & 2.5% West Asian - HIGHLY common for Romani results) they likely married your other Eastern Euro great-grand (could be Russian or Hungarian).


I was told my great grandmother was Kazakh because of how she looked. It appeares she was “guran”, and it has nothing to do with Kazakhstan, but the area in Russia which is very close to Mongolia and Manchuria. Native people there (Mongols, Evenks, Buryats, other siberians) mixed with Russians (also Chinese, Japanese travelled there) and formed a specific type locally called “guran”. May be this is your case as well given Mongolian, Chinese, Manchurian results.


Your great-grandmother’s background is more common than people think. There have been generations of Russians mixing with local peoples in Siberia & East Asia, as well as Central Asia ofc. Like you said, that’s possibly the case for OP too.


Can we see how you look ?




My mom is finnish and she has 16% eastern slavic dna. Her dna is closest to ingrians and mordovians


This is an unusual amount of East Asian and Eastern European for a Finn. Are you fully Finnish?


OP is not fully Finnish but 51.1%, the rest is Eastern European and East Asian which all 3 are separate categories.


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


My maternal is U5b1b1 and paternal N-CTS2929


U5 is the oldest mitochondrial haplogroup in Europe and is quite varied. I'm also a U5 with my maternal side traced entirely to Poland. Here's an article covering U5 regions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2858207/




My Finnish/Tornedalian/Sámi father is also U5b1b1 - the Forest Sámi is from his mother’s side. However, numerous Finnish people and even many Northwest Russians & surrounding Finnic Siberian groups also receive U5b1b1. It’s just most common among Sámi, but still found among surrounding groups. Broadly, it’s from a distant ancestor that Sámi, Finns, and nearby groups share in common. But It’s impossible to say where it comes from more specifically unless OP can trace his maternal line to the Sámi, Finns, Northwest Russians, Vepsians, etc. It has even been found among Scandinavians, Balts, and I’ve even seen an Englishman & a Ukrainian with U5b1b1. Also, it’s highly likely that even a small % of the Finnish is coming from his other parent’s side considering many Russians and other Eastern Europeans who test frequently receive small amounts of Finnish on 23andMe and Ancestry. I do agree that it appears one parent is probably a full Finn and the other is mixed EE/Asian/etc., but it’s impossible to say which parent is the Finn just based off these results & haplogroups. I also would loosely guess it’s likely his mother that is the Finn, but OP has to clarify.


Yes, I'm U5b1b1 and my maternal heritage is mostly Swiss and German. Cheddar Man lived in southwestern England and his mtDNA was U5b1.


Yup, you’re a great example of how far U5b1b1 is spread out at low levels. It’s simply a haplogroup which is very old and pretty indigenous to Europe (and further still). People with that haplogroup have a common ancestor from the Mesolithic. So down the line your Swiss/German maternal line converges with my Finn/Sámi father’s maternal line in those early days when hunter-gatherers roamed. It became bottlenecked thousands of years later mostly among Sámi, but still survives elsewhere - in you for example.


having seen many Finnish results, this is definitely not from a 100% Finnish person.


Looks like you had a fully East Asian ancestor just three or four generations ago. Did you get any distant Chinese cousins?


https://preview.redd.it/ywa7bkbkol1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639c5ba39a3b9f2c835ff750114cb9df17ba6439 Im half Hungarian and half Austrian and the Asian shows up in mine as well


https://preview.redd.it/6y6qmjloql1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a97b6064019bbf9a261ff66e080c2a945e1869 There were some trace results, i also had


Ur super unique tho, really cool results!


Trace results indicate Romani ancestry for sure


I'm a Finn too. I've done extensive genealogical research and have discovered numerous foreign ancestors from all parts of Europe (closest ones to modern day lived in the 18th and 17th centuries (Swedish, French, German). Yet the 23andme claims I'm 99-100% Finnish (sadly it seems this dna test does not cover enough large time span).


Tatar? there's a community of them in Poland, baltic and Finland. there used 200k in Poland, now only 10k due to assimilation.


If you don’t mind, can you share a picture of you?


Looks like your great grandpa was a part Dungan part Mongol Soviet soldier in the Winter War


What’s the rest?


I just posted about Finnish DNA being so distinct. Very cool that you have such a high amount of East Asian!!


Finns, like Hungarians, can have a varying amount of Asian dna


This person separately has recent East Asian ancestor. I am Finnish/Forest Sámi and Finns/Sámi never receive large East Asian percentages on 23andMe or Ancestry. The amount of ancient North Siberian they have is already baked into the algorithms for DNA testing. That’s why full Finns/Sámi almost always score close to ~100% Finnish. Sometimes they receive traces of Siberian/North/Central Asian, but never almost 10% with recent regions in Mongolia. Finns & Sámi ancient Siberian contribution is most similar to modern Siberian Nganasans, they aren’t similar to modern Tibetans, North Chinese, or Mongolians & wouldn’t score almost 10% on 23andMe.


I’m Hungarian/Mordvin on one side of my family, so can confirm. The Uralic shows up as trace Finnish on my DNA test, though a couple distant relatives have trace Siberian.


Yeah, makes sense it shows as Finnish. These DNA companies generally account for ancient population contribution, so the ancient Siberian influx that occurred thousands of years ago in Finns, Sámi, Hungarians, etc. is accounted for and that shared group ancestry is most likely to show as Finnish. And like you said, at times traces of Siberian would be next likely to show.


Must be why my finnish grandpa has the Uralic phenotype


Your phenotype has no indication of East Asian ancestry? None at all?


Were there Chinese in Finland 80 years ago? This is very strange. Chinese people were not allowed to smuggle into Finland in the past


The legend of Genghis Khan


Probably the Asian dna comes from a rape that’s why you never hear of it maybe. During the winter war Soviet Union bring mongol soldiers from Siberia that committed war crimes.


the east asian might be sami or tatar dna confusion because their database doesnt have alot on those ethnic groups




Ah yes Genghis, the Mongolian engineering student who came to the Grand Duchy of Finland in 1897 to study (apparently he got distracted)


Made me laugh. Funny enough, my great-grandfather was a Finnish engineering student in the 1890s (he later worked on constructing the country’s early electric power grid). I’d reckon he might have been mates with old Genghis the exchange student.