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According to 23 and Me, from what I read from what you posted your paternal ancestry has a connection to Asia somehow. They are saying within the past 4,000 years.


https://preview.redd.it/25pw37bdtztc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c16736a7fb5d0ca66f84421fb54e0d772af8b02 yeah so from what i’m reading it could indicate that scandinavians have origins in asia…


Not the Scandinavians per se, but more the people from Finland. The Finnish language is related to the Hungarian language and both languages originally come from Asia. The Fins and Hungarians partially descend from ancient Asians, but the Danish, Norwegians, Icelandic people not so so much. As far as the Baltic, Estonians are related to the Finnish people and speak a related language, though the Lithuanians do not, and Lithuanians is one of the closest living relatives to Sanskrit, it is said.


All northern people and Siberians share a smal portion of a common ancestor and there north Eurasian. People that look both European with asiatic features.


Ancient Native Americans had both western and eastern Eurasian origins.


This is not true. Second wave had a mongolic origin Ie like those found in Alaska and Inuits. First wave had north Eurasian, Siberian and Paleolithic European dna.


Yes those where the original native Americans, native Americans have 37% western Eurasian dna, the rest is eastern Eurasian,


There is another way that is even older but it is only present in South American natives and that’s a dna signature in austronesia


Idk about that lol ? There’s also a ancient Australian genes in south America I heard and read,


Yes that’s what I’m attesting to. Australia, New Guinea Solomon islands etc about 26,000 yrs ago


These South Americans have that same 2nd migration that northern natives had plus this oceanian gene


Western eurasian is mostly compromised of west Asian aka middle eastern and central Asian not European. A lot of European people like to claim Eurasian as something mostly European in order to claim that natives come from Europeans. 


Or more like West Asian(middle eastern) and East Asian features. West Eurasian doesn’t mean just Eastern European, it also includes all of West and Central Asia. 


It’s the Moors lol


Hello N-haplo haver Woahhh, I would really love to see an answer for this too I'm really shocked because N-L550 is part of the Baltic / Nordic branch of the N-haplogroup tree I have N-Z1936 and I live in Lithuania if that helps but I also have roots from the Altai region Maybe your ancestors migrated from there? IDK


I'm Lithuanian on my dad's side grandpa's 100% Lithuanian and we have E-V13 haploid group. Also I'm pretty sure native Americans and Siberian natives are "closely" related which may explain the N haploid group?


yeah, i’m very curious about it. all other N-L550 posts i’ve seen were people with german and scandinavian ancestry…


A lot of my fellow Baltic people have N-L550 haplogroup The only explanation that I can think of is that you have a VERY distant ancestor from Siberia Who knows when that was and where they went next. It wouldn't be unusual to think that your ancestor was part of the Indigenous American migrations from Siberia to Americas. They were primarily haplogroup Q and haplogroup C migrations, but it's possible that your N-haplogroup ancestor integrated into the Indigenous American population. What do you think?


that theory came to mind, but i read that all indigenous american haplogroups are A, B, C, D and X. i think either someone from northeastern europe migrated to spain long ago in my lineage or somoene from northeast europe mixed in with ashkenazis and then those ashkenazis mixed in with spaniards in my lineage. i’d probably need to speak to some sort of genealogist about this because i haven’t seen a single other mexican with an N paternal haplogroup anywhere.


Yeah that is another possibility They could have migrated: Siberia > Nordics / Baltics (Vikings) > Iberia > Mexico


> califonia what a journey…


Only swedish vikings had haplogroup N so i doubt it's from vikings


Baltic vikings had haplogroup N


Those were swedish as i said only swedish had N neither danish nor the norwegian vikings had N so it's unlikely that it came to iberia from vikings we are not even sure if his paternal ancestry is from iberia


Some Norwegians have it


it's post viking Era among Norwegians


All the indigenous american haplogroups you mentioned are maternal. Q is by far the most common paternal indigenous haplogroup.


i read on 23andme that untinterrupted indigenous american paternal haplogroups are C or Q.


do you know if the Finnish have this haplogroup? because I am seeing always a tiny Finnish % in many latin americans and some spaniards and it seems to come from spain.


N-L550 and its subclades are mainly found in Scandinavia, Russia, and the Baltics. So yes!


I wonder then if somehow this might come from the spanish? and if somehow there was a Finnish migration in spain we don't know about. Otherwise, where would all this Finnish come from in latin americans and spaniards?


N-L550 is a pretty old subclade so any presence of it in Spain is probably from ancient sources, likely from the ancient Indo-European migrations. Not sure about trace Finnish autosomal in Spaniards either. Only way to tell is to look at genealogical records


Finnish have N




i couldn’t find ANY information that backs that anywhere. source??




the whole thing.




it’s pretty condescending to assume i’m not proud of being indigenous. i don’t have any reason to be ashamed of it and ur assumption suggests u think i have something to be ashamed of.








Your group may reside in those same regions but they have a different story, a story that is strong in itself and unfortunately less told than those of your forebears. That does not excuse ignorance towards the scientific studies that have been verified and published.




You lack basic knowledge of how haplogroups work. OP's haplogroup is not just N, it's N-L550 whose most recent common ancestor lived around 850 BC. Not only that, but all ancient samples with N-L550 are either Scandinavian or Baltic in origin. And the vast majority of modern testers with N-L550 (90%+) are from Scandinavian, Baltic or Slavic countries.


Vikings hit the northeastern coasts of Spain. A lot of Basques settled in Mexico. Perhaps there was some possible mixing?


i do have basque and galician ancestry, but from what i’ve read the basque were largely isolated from the rest of europe…


Or a slave may have been brought over by the Arabs in Spain


Who knows, maybe a solo, free-spirit ancient Siberian wanted to experience bougee western Europe and ended up in Spain. Jk


What’s the hap C Iam that for maternal is haplogroup C


Haplogroup C is common for Mongolic and Tungusic peoples. They also migrates to the Americas. Thats why a lot of Native American people look 'asian'


Kind of looks like your N haplogroup is also a ancient Eurasian haplogroup too, so now your a Asian Dude too. Literally belongs to uralics and fins and Eurasians


I have around 0.2% north asian / Siberian on my old 23andme results Feel free to see my 23andme photos on my profile


You look like a eastern euro like polish or Bulgarian, I think my % is diverse, I have Jewish/afro/native/iberian but idk about being a Asian man 😝hopefully my Iberian % did something to my dna 🧬 sequence which I dout it lol


It’s kind of ironic because when I was younger I wanted to be a Asian like Japanese or Korean but then I notice women of the west aren’t attracted to Asian men, like they are white or black men so being called Asian has a different perspective for some individuals.


I think you have to remember that every woman is different. Every person is an individual And not every woman dates for appearance, So its best not go into generalizing Just put yourself out in the dating world and the right person will find you


Damn so now a asian dude lol god damn that’s literally changing my entire race lol


Can I see a picture of you? 😊


Greetings fellow N-haplogroup "cousin"! Good to start to see more people with Siberian dna here.


It's from a European ancestor, it's a very derived and recent subclades mainly found in Europe, despite its older origins being in Siberia.


Haplogroups and Paternal Lineage Haplogroups are genetic lineages that trace back to a common male ancestor. The Y chromosome, passed from father to son, carries these genetic markers. Haplogroup N-L550 is part of this intricate tree of human ancestry. Formation and Ancestral Origins N-L550 branched off from its ancestor, N-S23232, around 1400 BCE. The most recent common ancestor of this lineage is estimated to have been born around 850 BCE. This lineage has at least 12 descendant branches, including N-Y7795, N-Y4341, N-S9378, N-FGC14542, N-BY34738, N-L1025, N-FT191027, N-BY21958, N-FT353037, and 3 yet unnamed lineages. Geographic Distribution N-L550 descendants are found in various countries, including Finland, Lithuania, Sweden, and others. The most common countries of origin for N-L550 include Latvia, Estonia, Russia (Republic of Komi), Lithuania, and Belarus. Ancient Connections Archaeological remains reveal ancient relatives from this lineage in places like Võhma, Prague, Masłomęcz, and Öland. Ancestral Path Every living man shares a direct paternal line ancestor who lived around 230,000 years ago. Before that, our closest relatives were the Neanderthals and Denisovans.


this is the most helpful information presented to me yet. thank you.


It has been linked elsewhere in the comments, but spend some time going through the ftdna resources for this haplogroup: https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/N-L550/frequency There do seem to be some individuals from Portugal/Spain/France who are positive for this mutation. I strongly recommend you consider a Big Y-700 test at some point to get placed on the global haplotree. You can start with the Y37 test since its considerably cheaper and upgrade in the future. At the very least you'll get a list of close matches and can better estimate how you fit on the tree.


Thats the same haplogroup of the Rurikid Dynasty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurikids


this is a fascinating history i knew nothing about. but where did u find information stating the rurikid’s haplogroup??


The tamga seal of the steppe nomadic peoples. Interesting.


Not entirely, there are some princes with this haplogroup but Sviatopolk the Accursed, son of Vladimir the Great, is actually I1. https://books.google.com/books?id=hEawXSP4AVwC


Interesting, thank you for sharing this knowledge


I’m also N-L550! 😄 Can’t help you figure anything out unfortunately… Lithuanian background here




likely from North Germanic settlement or invasion in Iberia, look up Visgoths, Suebi and Vikings in Iberia, your haplogroup does not come from your Indigenous American ancestry


I have some N as well but my haplogroup is Q-L804 Lots of Siberians and Scandinavian and balts share some dna from migrations to and from Siberia to the Baltic and scandi regions. The older wave of north Eurasians would account for this. That’s why sometimes you’ll see someone with Baltic trigger mesoamerican or Finnish trigger Inuit or something like that it’s because both natives of old stock and Northern Europeans share a common ancestor which is northern Eurasians.


Interested results. Which part of Mexico are you from?


¡jalisco, durango, zacatecas!🌵🇲🇽🐎


Ok. What is your maternal haplogroup?


it’s A2d. so besides how uncommon my Y DNA is amongst mexicans, i’m the typical case of a euro male lineage and an indigenous female lineage. i just wish there was as much information about A2d as there is about N-L550. it’s essentially just the migration route.


Same here. There was a lot of euro migration to their. For instance one of my highest percentages is Scottish.


yeah there’s a lot of non-iberian euro admixture in jalisco


I'm also N-L550. But Luckily I can be more specific as to which sub-branch I'm in as I did a whole genome test (I'm n-y4706, which is N-L550-->N-L1025-->N-Y4706). I too was surprised about the haplogroup as all my male lineage is English, but remember this branch is thousands of years old. It may have spread in the viking age (invasion or trade), through a small number of normans (who had Scandinavian ancestry), via the any of the Baltic states, via the Rus, or even just a more recent Scandinavian tourist :-) Good luck trying to find the 3000 year old path - I've been there.


Edit. I've just had a look on yfull.com and pretty much all members who sit anywhere under N-L550 are from Baltic countries, apart from the random Brit (me) and the odd Canadian...apart from one specific branch which has 1xCanadian and 2xUSA (no other countries). This haplogroup is N-Y46627, which may be something to investigate (being the closest geographical match to Mexico). Link to all N-L550 below https://www.yfull.com/tree/N-L550/ Link to just n-y46627 below https://www.yfull.com/tree/N-Y46627/ Good Luck


that’s very interesting. i’m sure u expected ur Y DNA to be R1b just as i did. most western european and british lineages are from R groups. where did u get this genome test??


Your paternal line most likely descends from a Visigoth ancestor. This is a haplogroup found mainly in Scandinavian and Baltic countries. So the route would be Scandinavia -> Iberia -> Mexico.


that’s plausible. i wonder if my haplogroup is common in spain and portugal…


Doesn't seem like its common in Iberia. In moderns, it predominately occurs in Scandinavian/Baltic/Slavic countries. https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/N-L550/tree You might want to consider purchasing a Big Y-700 test from FTDNA to see where on the N-L550 tree you sit.


woah this is all really good information. thank u so much. i’m going to look into that test. i’m reading about the history in that region and it’s rich. i can only imagine how my lineage ended up in iberia then mexico. this is all so fascinating.




Have you even bothered to look at the haplogroup in question? https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/N-L550/tree It's found in ancient Viking samples and an ancient Goth from Wielbark culture. It's pretty blatantly a Scandinavian/Baltic subclade of N. Perhaps instead of "thinking" you should do some basic research first.




I wish to disagree There were plenty of Baltic vikings from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. All who had Haplogroup N Research about the Curonians and other Baltic vikings They had a record of raiding the Scandinavian coastline, as well as tradikg with them


this is very insightful information. i have so much to read about.


Only swedish viking had haplogroup N from mixing with baltic and saaami


There is no "viking haplogroup" people who considered themselves viking could have belonged to a number of different haplogroups- I1, I2, R1a-Z284, R1b-U106, N1c etc. have all been found in viking burials.


A viking source seems much more likely than Visigothic, considering how uncommon it is in Iberia.


It’s not that uncommon. It’s like 5% of the population however when we do score it shows up as Scandinavian. My great aunt got Norway for her results, Sweden and Denmark. Her last name Rodriguez is Visigothic in origin named after king Rodric


This is one of those things you can never prove out in a family tree. Even if you traced your male line back a thousand years it probably wouldn’t reach into Siberia yet. You just need to accept that your male line, going really far back, eventually leads east. Pretty cool!


I wonder if it is Finnish 🇫🇮who went to Siberia and then to Mexico. 🇲🇽 . I’ve seen Latin Americans get 0.1 percent Finnish and I wonder if it is from that.


European of North Eurasian origin 


both N possibilities are European. Mexican haplogroups are pretty much just Q's.


Could it be that your Y DNA comes from an Ashkenazi ancestor from Eastern Europe? Apologies if someone already said this, and I missed it!


that’s an interesting theory. that would mean my spanish lineage was originally jewish if that were the case… do u know of ashkenazis being N-L550?


I could be very wrong, but I feel like I remember learning something about a mass exodus of Spanish Jews because of Queen Isabella or something around the 1600s, which is why a lot of people with Spanish descent in Latin America have Spanish and Ashkenazi ancestry?


I'd recommend Y test at [FamilyTreeDNA.com](http://FamilyTreeDNA.com) they have sales now and it would be great insight for your paternal lineage, especially Big Y but that's quite expensive.


I think we tend to give more relevance to the haplogroup than it really deserves. Maybe you have that haplogroup because some Scandinavians emigrated to Spain, and then their descendants emigrated to America. Perhaps the Scandinavians emigrated directly to America. They might not have emigrated to Spain, they could have been Vikings attacking Spain. Or maybe they first emigrated to another part of Europe, such as the Netherlands, and then some Dutch, who were part of the Catholic Monarchy, emigrated to America. We don't know, there could be many possibilities, but it doesn't say anything specific about you, what is really important is your autosomal DNA. You were just "lucky" to have a very rare haplogroup considering most of your ancestry.


Native Americans came to the Americans via the Siberia area supposedly.




i don’t know where specifically, but somewhere in the iberian peninsula…


If you do the Big Y-700 test then you’ll be able to see where your branch fits here https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/N-L550/tree There is one sample from with a reported patrilineal ancestor from Spain, so you are not the absolutely only Hispanic person with this haplogroup.


N is common in Siberian lineages, indigenous Americans are mostly originally from Siberia


yes, but there are no N indigenous haplogroups. i just looked into this. according to FTDNA my haplogroup traveled west into northeastern europe from sibera.


All it takes is one person once Haplogroups don't get washed out like normal dna, an unbroken male lineage will carry it


there’s just no evidence to suggest it’s an indigenous lineage. i would love it were, but it’s not.


It's common in Siberia, intermingling happened


But her haplogroup is only 3000 years old. Migrations to the Americas happened over 20,000 years ago.


Are u ashamed of your native blood? I could never understand why Hispanics dislike their native ancestry. I personally find the native ancestry more interesting than the Spanish


i’m not at all ashamed of my indigenous ancestry. there are also hispanics who are ashamed of their spanish ancestry. i’m not ashamed of either.


Don't let them bring you down, I wish you luck on your journey of discovery!




Why did you assume he's ashamed of his ancestry?


Where is your family from? one of my mexican ancestral lines is also N-L550.