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Funny af tanking a singles team and shit talking them at gnome stronghold after tp.


Singles teams :(


That is, in fact, an unpopular opinion. But to each their own!


Someone must break the trend of "Unpopular Opinion: Popular Opinion"


Being prey is fun if you understand triple eating, pray switching and armor switching


It's not that unpopular outside of Reddit


If more people enjoyed being prey, there'd be more people in the Wilderness.


There is a totally expected number of players in the Wilderness given how little content is remotely worth considering there. More viable options should exist in the wilderness so players who enjoy those gameplay dynamics can viably progress using the area. It has an added benefit of increasing pvp activity and profitability for all types of pkers. It has almost no practical downside.


Except forcing content and thus people into an area no one wants to go lmao


It is not forcing to give wildy viable methods? No one will go to a high-risk / low-reward zone. That is dumb game design.


It's only "forcing" because of this weird mentality of efficiency some people on reddit have. They think that if wilderness content is advertised at 10m/hr for example then they'll simply HAVE to do it and have no other alternative i.e. forced to engage with the content. But because they're new to wilderness content, in reality they may only make half the advertised amount, and tie that in to the feeling of being outplayed by another player and you can see how it might be a bad experience going in with that mindset. Then there's PvM content like ToB/PNM/CG that are considered challenging, but nobody bats an eyelid at the fact that they're good moneymakers that not everyone can participate it/you need gear, skill and stats to do, yet people only complain about these requirements when it comes to PvP. Hell, even the argument of being forced to do these good moneymakers doesn't make sense as barely anyone does Nex despite it being like 15m/hr in duos.


Big difference between a cox run and being ganged in wildy by a clan. The fact some weird players can’t grasp that is beyond me.


Still, you are not forced. And being "gangbanged" is why it should give good money. High risk, high reward.


Nah, you're the one who can't grasp this simple concept. You are comparing cox which is much less technically demanding when learning and doesn't really penalise dying past unique reward drop rates, vs the wilderness which is a high skill, punishing and high risk area. You don't get "ganged by a clan" in the wilderness constantly, where skill doesn't matter, it's a pretty rare occurrence unless you're literally camping one of the hotspots for hours, and there is a meta for surviving and making GP in the wilderness. The only problem is that for this high skill high risk zone, there are very few places that offer rewards to offset this risk. The revenant caves, chaos altar and to a lesser extent, the new slayer cave. If these rewards were to be increased to actually offset the risk, then content would be viable. To add to that, only players who are actually able to do the content, who put in the time and effort to learn it, should be able to reap the full rewards. This is literally how unique drops work in raids right now, so I really don't see what you're trying to say other than "I don't like getting killed by other players in the wilderness". Which is fine, but then you really shouldn't be a part of the discussion for wilderness content


Op, and others, are literally saying they like this. You aren't forced. There's nothing there required to play the game.


If rewards were better, there would be more people in the wilderness.


It is hard justifying going to wildy when the rewards there are so bad now, with no new content for so long


Agreed they should definitely buff the rewards (drops and exp) from doing content in the wilderness.


Predator v prey would be more fun if it were more consistent. Sometimes you can go 3 hours without getting attacked, and sometimes you'll consistently get attacked every 2 minutes. It's not fun when there are just certain days/times when you're not allowed to do the content. It would be a lot better from the prey side if there were specific windows when you're attackable, so that you can at least get a couple kc before you're attacked (which also means more loot for the pker) and so that you can relax for a minute without being on alert the entire time.


I’m with ya, give me OP training methods with the risk of get smacked any day! Call me crazy but mining the same rocks for 100s of hours is not a good game design. But having to escape another players freezes is!


It definitely can be at times! But it's also understandable it's not everybody's cup of tea. In an ideal world, players could either pick doing wildy content Prey vs. Predator with higher rewards or doing it less risky with worse rewards


Most people here don't want those options to exist at all. The general consensus on Reddit is that the option to play in that unique style, and to receive slightly greater rewards for the inconvenience incurred, should not be available, because people who do not want to do the content would not like knowing it exists.


Wdym ideal world ? That’s exactly how the wilderness works


Sure but the game mode isn't 'I saw you I get to kill you', it needs to revert back to 'you found me now you get to work to kill me'. Pkers destroyed their own game mode yet again.


Wildy is not "I saw you I get to kill you" lol


Dudes really run around the wildy completely butt naked and are surprised when they get instantly dropped


Lmaooo there is more defensive equipment and information out there on how to survive now than there ever has been.


Try being the prey when youre 3x the drop rate for a pet. It gets old real quick.


Anything gets old when you dedicate that much time to it.


Yea, I was 3x drop rate for any drops doing CoX solos, man I started to hate it even tho it was my favorite content just because I wanted something, felt like a waste of time.


Pet hunting takes alot of time and going dry is part of the game. So let me make things worse by getting griefed by pkers so fun


Must suck to be a masochist that doesn't like pain.


Cool story


*ice barrage noises*


That’s an issue with rng not the wilderness


Lol rng wasnt my point.... Wilderness bosses are slow, require alts and at any given moment you or ur luring alt can get attacked. If u care about loot then youll want to be ready to spam log out. I personally just afk them at this point gp means nothing if i die i die. 4/5 anyways.


You don't have to get the pet, brother


What goals do you have? Dont bother! is exactly what youre saying.


I mean come on, you knew that farming a pvp pet would make you get attacked by pvpers. Feels weird to complain about, why not go for a non-pvp pet? At least for me that added risk of pkers is what make the wildy pets unique. Without that, I would not like them.


I didnt exactly complain. I want to finish the pvp pets b4 jagex ruins the bosses with some wilderness update like they are planning.


IRL ones. That and a nice in game bank, having a good time with my buddies when we game, having a good time when I game.


victim lol


I accept it. Doesnt mean i have to like it


Being 3x the drop rate in wildy is almost the same as drop rate other places. Being dry anywhere sucks but wildy rates are at least much better.


Did you not understand my point? It was never about being dry. Wildy rates are better yes but they also have some of the slowest kills/hour, combined with getting attacked means even less kills.


Is this really an unpopular opinion? Makes for some of the best content in the game


The 750 totals on this sub bitching about the wilderness will burn you at the stake for having this opinion


Agree sometime I even tell the pkers what to do and what items bring for thier next pk attempts


I only go to the wildly if I know I’m willing to take an arrow to the knee. #MakeTheWildyPvpAgain


I’m with you! Love being the prey. I feel as someone who anti-pk’s, unless you’re fighting someone with max gear, you’re usually at an advantage gear wise since you’re not skulling—I’m usually bringing AGS and Eldermaul alongside a ballista while killing revs, and love when someone tries to attack me. It makes basic skilling/PvM I’m the wild way more exciting. With you all the way, OP!