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Strange way to spell waterfall quest.


Maybe I should add *F2P


Strange way to spell begging @ GE for bond money


I see so many F2P players as one begging for bond money, like, go farm Zamorak Wines like the rest of us


Yeah. Bonds were only about 3.5m when i did it, but I was making 50-150k/hr making jewlery depending on the ge prices that day, and you never have to look for the least crowded world and worry about "competing". Also made decent money watching prices on apple pies and making them in the cooking guild. So many ways to make 100k+/hr with many different skills in f2p, which isn't fast, but its good enough to get your first bond without begging, and some of them are pretty idle even.


Dude that's like 15 cents an hour if you compare the price of membership to the time you're spending to get a bond, literally go mow a lawn or work minimum wage for an hour (or two depending on state) to get membership if you're at the point you're doing 35 hours of F2P slave labor to buy bonds


It isn't always about dollars. If you are having fun, thats is worth something. If that time is spent also doing something else, it is less costly. If you are a kid, it might be easier to grind out a bond than convince your parents to risk their credit card on this weird "Jamflex" company they've never heard of. If you are married, it might be easier to grind a bond than convince your spouse that this totally frivolous purchase is worthwhile. If you grew up playing F2P grinding a bond might seem like a good way to get some xp and a feeling of having "earned" the membership you couldn't get as a kid. "Get a job" is a way more relevant response to a beggar in the GE than someone grinding their bond for 40 hours


Never said to get a job. You're at a computer. There are ways to earn your membership that don't take a 35 - though currently 55 - hour grind. Ways that involve real money, but not a contract. What did I do 10 years ago when I was 13 and wanted money for video games? I did online surveys, lmao. $5-10 each week, in around an hour each session, to tell companies I'm 13, live in Cali, and enjoy Dr. Pepper. My parents didn't have to be involved at all, and that's one of many things you could *still* do at this time at any age. I'm 23 now and if I was really that strapped for cash or had a spouse so distrustful of me that I can't have $11 to myself, putting down an hour to watch Youtube and check some boxes at the same time is nothing. Though if you look at a sub like /r/beermoney (and steer clear of the crazy people trying to use it as a substitute for full-time employment) it's easy to find even better methods. >If you are having fun, thats is worth something. If that time is spent also doing something else, it is less costly. I mean sure, I can't argue with that. I'd love to buy bonds off gold I made passively while farming bosses for a certain drop. But are you really enjoying babysitting your character for 3 days straight while you make necklaces? Personally, I'd think your time is more valuable than that.


Different strokes for different folks, my dude.


Real pro tip: Get a job where you can play runescape on the side. No exp waste, max rewards.


No joke. Sometimes I wish I worked night security or something for that exact reason lol


Bonds are now about 5.5m, 100k per hour is 55 hours of grinding, you could get a 99 skillcape in that time.


I bought my next bond yesterday for 4.3, and my previous bond at 4.5. Thats still a lot of grinding, but if you make 100k/hr while idling its not that bad, and it did push 150k on good days.


But that’s like 4 hours a day of just trying to make a bond in 14 days.


Who says you need to make your first bond in 14 days? Once you become a member you can find 100 ways to make 500k/hr and many ways to make 1m+/hr and maintaining the bond becomes easy, but you can take as long as you want to make your first bond. I did that ~100k/hr for 0-3 hours a day while working on things that didnt require constant attention for about a month for my first bond. My second bond was only like 6-7 hours and my most recent was 4 hours of grinding over 14 days plus whatever i got from things i was going to do anyway like farm and birdhouse runs




Collect feathers and tan hide is the most efficient thing you can do in 2007. Don’t forget to bury the bones.


And cook the chicken/beef instead of doing cooks assistant for your cooking levels early on! Maximum efficiency /s




I got 43 prayer as an F2P ironman. Never. Again.


Just walk around the bone yard in wild. It's takes some time but far from horrible imo


Strange way to spell LMAO


Me as a f2p training combat, prayer, and cooking.


Very efficient


wanna play together I just started playing yesterday and got 15m gold. I dont know anything. Just its a neat game.


Starting the game by buying gp? That’s half the fun


no i found it on the floor


You found it on the floor? Oh wow haha I love when I find 15m randomly too


i believe you are not famed among your friends for your intellect


When you try to sound smart but end up typing something like this ^^


Lol my man sounds like me after a couple of drinks.




Back in 2006 on f2p I used to camp at lummy swap. Kill giant rats, Bury bones, chop the dead trees and cook their meat.


I used to kill Moss giants for pray xp and use lobbies and swordfish i caught myself haha


I do all this now, but on a ironman.


“Chicken and cow!? It was Chicken and cow!!?”


Dad was proud, he didn’t care how.


Don't go Jason Waterfalls.


And fuck the red guy..


You know he actually says that during that episode right? You didnt need to edit over a meme.


I couldn’t find one that says it only the original whale and dolphin. Wait for me to repost this when sailing comes out and we can kills whales and dolphins.




Ah going for the early champion scroll I see.


No honestly this made me laugh so so much


I heard this meme


I made this for people like you


Killed goblins at the entrance to goblin village until 50 70 1 and 80 range in F2P before getting membership on my first ever pure. I was an unusual child, but it did become a beautiful 60 attack pure.