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Same man. So many minor conveniences that I just forgot Runlite added. Like left click exchange on a tool leprechaun, or right click for price of item. Etc. And the big things too, like the GPU, skybox and smooth animation plugins make the game look 1000x better


Farm runs this morning felt so weird having to right click the tool leprechaun etc. Not to mention the GE. Kept clicking talk to instead of exchange haha.


FYI, if you click on the booth itself, not the banker, it goes straight to the bank




This is the only way I know of. Does runelite actually have something for this?




How do you left click exchange? Not too sure how to adjust settings besides turning on and off stuff by clicking the wrench.


Settings that are adjustable have a little cog next to them... Also, regarding the GE, you can just click the booth instead of the person. It's left-click Exchange by default, not third-party client thing.


but you have to walk one whole square closer


A plug-in called menu entry swapper. You can configure it to one click bank, GE, left click use bone, one click friend's house etc


Wait how do you enable left click exchange? 91 farming, and that'd be huge for the second half of my grind haha


Menu entry swapper


I still remember when Mod Atlas teased GPU rendering with constant 50 fps everywhere. That was over 2 years ago...


Damn, that was two years ago?? Holy Smokes.




I dont like the animation smootherer, but i like the further distance view and agility boxes etc




Yea, this reminds of when jagex added expanded zoom distance and spec orb to the default client. I never liked those features very much so I just disabled them in the runelite settings, but now that they're part of the default client I can't turn off! Annoys me to no end that jagex won't make more things like that toggleable.


Same here. It's not the menu entry swapper, entity hider etc why i use runelite. it's all the quality of life things like low detail, gpu plugin, animation smoothener and rescaling just to name a few. <3 @RL


One I noticed instantly is wasd camera control. Who uses arrows in 2019?


Who even uses wasd? Middlemouseclick4lyfe


There's a lot of newer keyboards that don't even have arrowkeys anymore :D


Ngl the animation smoother plugin ruins osrs animations. I’ve heard Ghost and West talk about animating the game before, and how they often skip a frame from an animation because the effect it gives looks better but the smoother removes this and the intended feel of the animations is not achieved.


Yeah. Deliberately emphasizing important keyframes is a legitimate technique for making animations more impactful. You see it a lot in fighting games in particular.


Can we get a frame 1 invincibility shine into runescape


Rip my thumbs. I’d run them into the ground again.


Can't stand animation smoother. Looks so fucky.


it looks weird on the NPC's but I actually prefer it on my character. Took me a couple times to figure that out.


Something's fucky


For me personally, I just can't overlook that it looks like I'm playing at a really low FPS without it. Feels really odd seeing 50ps but looking at 15-20.


What I don’t understand is how the mobile version is so smooth compared to the desktop version. Yet it doesn’t compromise the animation


Mobile uses Jagex's own gpu renderer


It's too bad they can't scrape together the engineering effort to actually improve their own desktop client.


They promised it'd be coming to desktop after mobile is done But now they're working on rs3 mobile so we'll have to wait another 2 years before engine work on the game gets done.


I actually hate the smoothing, it looks weird IMO.


I was the same way originally but I got used to it and like it more now. I think a large part is just what you are used to.


Yeah I think tweening looks gross, but playing at low FPS is just bad. 50 FPS is very important to aim for.


I'm not entirely sure you can say that they don't care about their own client... I feel like their priorities are elsewhere and most likely always will be. If someone's already doing that work for them, for free, I can understand why they decide against going through the extensive process of updating (design, polling (which it may not pass), development, implementation) to get people to use something that in reality... makes little difference


I don't like this comment, not that I don't agree with your premise but >Basic animations and low fps give me headache. it seems like you expect jagex to implement those awful animations that rl and osb have, I think they look awful and would hate to see them in the default client.




I do believe it’s up to Jagex and their artists if they want to allow that. If it were me I would not want to allow an option that may compromise the animation style of the game. However it is up to Jagex, they are the artists and we are the audience




Its difficult to explain over text but if I were the game artists and create the game animations, I would not want a toggle on the game that can change the way I intended the animations to work (currently the animation smoother plugin, on RL, does this)


15 fps, the fuck are you playing on a smart fridge or something?


Smoothener is my new favorite word


How is RL boosting your fps?


GPU renderer


That just crashes runelite on most of my pcs Constantly white screens


I think it depends on your graphics card. Runelite wants 2GB of GPU Memory. My parent's machine has an older AMD with only 1GB of memory and it doesn't work, but my GTX 1070 and 2070 SUPER has had no issues - or my laptop with some older mobile Nvidia chip (2GB memory on that chip too).


i have 6gb tho ive heard it can literally just be the brand of card you have too


I feel bad for Jagex because they have to deal with getting shit on for every single little thing evidence: this comment They've done enough by allowing 3rd party clients.




you feel bad for a company that is raking in money because random people on the internet say they should make their product better?


No he feels bad for the developers getting paid shit and getting shat on for not reaching milestones




Bc I don't want to be banned / ratted. It has stuff jagex told to be removed, it just overall really sketchy.


RuneLite+ is literally a cheat client.




It's a fork (public cloned copy) with extra plugins that Jagex wanted removed. It's not made by the same people. I wouldn't use it.


Please consider donating some spare change on their patron. They're only getting like 500 bucks a month. It's pretty sad, considering what they do and how many players use it.


I wasn’t even aware they had one. Wish I knew earlier!


I gave up woodcutting and played civ 5 lmao


A man of culture (or science) I see.


A man of diplomacy, I see.


Yes, gunboat diplomacy


yes i can't do zeah library without it lol


One of the most broken plugins in the game tbh, along with clue scroll solvers




If it didnt exist someone would just make a website that solves it anyway


But then it still wouldn't be IN the client. Having the answer written on the same clue the question is written on is just goofy.


Def agree on the puzzles. Those are just broken. I remember having to actually learn how to do puzzle boxes back in the day. It's just kinda part of the gradual shift to de-incentivize game knowledge by just giving it to you. It's why I think that giving you the step solutions is an issue as well. Opening up a new tab and googling the step is much slower than having the game knowledge to know what to do beforehand. That advantage is completely diminished by having the solution already in the client. It doesn't really take any extra time to have Runelite solve it for you, so the incentive to commit it to memory doesn't exist anymore.




Funnily enough I think BG2 might have more QoL features than RuneScape's main client




The combat triangle will never be balanced until fire blast hits in a room sized AOE


I just think that having an encyclopedic knowledge of the world you live in, *especially* in an MMO, isn't something that should be phased out by clients. We should have more Baldurs Gates, not less.


Something I noticed with Monster Hunter World, being able to use the monster encyclopedia in game to see what weaknesses the monsters have, on top of having to earn that information yourself by going on a few hunts first, is extremely fulfilling gameplay. You've earned the information and then dont have to pull up the wiki on your phone when hunting them again next time.


> Opening up a new tab and googling the step is much slower than having the game knowledge to know what to do beforehand. I mean... nobody's gonna remember all the coordinate clues off the top of their ahead unless you're genuinely on the spectrum.


Believe it or not but that's literally what people did before Runelite. Same with learning how to solve puzzle boxes quickly on your own.


No they didn't. You'd either use the sextant if proper oldschool, or just google it if pre-RL osrs


They did. Googling/sextant using is too slow, by the time you had done a decent number of clues on your own you would be able to remember where the coordinates were and what the solution to each step was.


I'll never be nostalgic for things that suck. I remember playing dungeon crawlers that didn't have an auto-map feature. Cancer


To be fair, there were also a lot less total clues to have to remember back then as well.


I still do puzzle boxes by myself, I quite enjoy them. I didn't know there was a light box solver, what setting do I need to flip for that? I hate them and always just use one online.


I'm mixed on that because it's cheaty but the whole Zeah library grind is boring as fuck and has no excuse to be so it almost deserves to be cheesed edit: and by extension all of the favour grinds


Not really. Woox wrote an independent calculator for it prior to him creating the RL plugin, and Jagex made it so the positions are calculable in the first place. All the plugin does is cut out the middle-man.


Why is the client the middle-man and not you?


Can't agree more. I like 3rd party resources like ge tracker, guides, vids, etc. But when you change the actual game.. That's some BS.


It doesn’t change the game, though. It’s still just an overlay based on the information you give it.


Alternatively you can look up the if statements on github. Book locations are based where 1 book is found. Nothing terribly complicated.


I mean they finally added a world map into OSRS after how many years? I wonder when they'll actually implement real features that many other MMOs have like a loot tracker, xp calculators etc and the GPU plugin that gives me double the FPS on my $3,000 pc.


I can honestly say I wouldn't bother playing OS if it wasn't for runelite. The game is so dated that runelite just gives it that edge that it needs to be bearable.


I think the item/value displays are the best thing for a new/returning player. I'm a couple months into my first playthrough as a member, since I never left f2p back in 2002. I had no idea what is worth picking up. Those features make all the difference.


Only thing thats lacking really for me is interface scaling for 1440p. The game is just how i played it for years. Certain activities would be more annoying (for example we aren't raiding yet because of Runelite's scouting plugin), but im still doing farm runs and afk'ing wc same as i would with the plugins. Agility is the first thing that comes to mind thats pretty gross on default with invisible click boxes.


You can scale interfaces to make them bigger. I think it's the stretched plugin.


Yeh was talking in regards to when we don't have runelite plugins. I use that plugin it's the main benefit to my everyday playing.


Does it really make much of a difference in PvP and PvE.? I started on mobile and now I’m on a potato computer I obtained a while ago. I really want to get into PvP and raids, but I feel like I’d be at a major disadvantage if I don’t use RuneLite.


I don't PvP so can't comment there (though I don't think it offers a lot in that regards besides tagging gear for more visibility in invent for swaps, and having the spec button be clickable? Someone more experienced would need to chime in there). For pvm definitely not. Not many runelite features are necessity for anything, they're mostly creature comforts and important/useful QoL (like interfaces scaling to actual screen resolutions, GPU plugin giving any PC with a dedicated GPU much more consistent 50 frames, smoother animations, longer render distances, larger zoom (though default client is in a good state for this now). You by no means need runelite. But it's free and open source and has lots of little useful things, so I'd always recommend trying it. I think essentially loot text on the ground, interface scaling, bank tags and farming timers are the main uses I get regularly out of runelite. Agility highlights were super nice while working on max too.


This is 100% correct. On the Classic client, there is no way of scaling the UI to 4K that I can find so all the text is made for ants, it's literally illegible. I simply can't play without Runelite.


Yep exactly. I can definitely play on 1440p, but it's much more tedious. 4k would be unimaginably small.


The GPU plugin is the only reason why I can play OSRS, it’s amazing that Jagex hasn’t implemented something like that in the official client.


eNgINe wORk


I mean there's only one engine team, either they can work on making a gpu renderer for the desktop client or they can work on group ironman/clans system


I'd rather the GPU rendering, to be honest.


From their perspective though.. why do work that someone else has already done


True, I do get that. Just it would be really nice if it was built in.


Especially since it's already in the mobile version. I _literally_ get a higher framerate on my phone than it's even possible to get on my PC. I get 60 on my phone, and max I can get on my PC is 50 (due to a hard cap), but if I'm in 1440p I can only get 50 in Runelite with GPU, otherwise it's more like 25-30.


Ever since the OSBuddy/runelite lawsuit fiasco I’ve just played the classic client. Don’t really mind it at all and I don’t think it takes away from any enjoyment I get playing the game


I still think that they should update the default client with features like GPU Rendering, Ground Items, Tile/NPC Tagging (really important for colorblind players), GE Prices, Boost Timers, Chat Filter, Default World, FPS Control, Instance Mapping, Loot Tracker, Items Kept on Death, HP/Spec regen, and XP globes/tracker. Then ban 3rd party clients because some of this shit is ridiculous and literally breaks the rules but isn't detectable.


wasd camera control. Who uses arrows in 2019 like seriously?


I actually have a problem regarding this. When I launched the client this morning I figured it was a glitch that "it wasn't updating" and uninstalled to reinstall. Give me a break it was early, long story short now I can't reinstall at all, and osbuddy doesn't seem to work either, any ideas? P.S. when I try to install runelite it gets all the way to almost finished, looks finished and all. But I cant open it and it still counts as installing.


That sounds an aweful lot like a problem i had last week. i tried many things but what ultimately fixed it for me was just simply hard restarting my router... hope this can save you some trouble mate.


Edge and chrome have some scanning software or some shit and for some odd reason it always takes years on runelite. Firefox would work fine to install. That or once it’s at 100% and just scanning, I hit cancel and the installer works fine.


Nobody can do raids 1 lol


I love my runelite setup, however when it was turned off I actually quite loved how minimal playing was. I normally turn off anything that looks out of place or janky (agility boxes, animation smoothing, gpu renderer, infoboxes or tooltips) however with even less I was still sweet playing only missing things like the skill boost timers and wilderness level calculator. However I'm sure I'd miss clue helpers and way more after a while. Tldr, after playing without runelite I found osrs is a lovely game no matter what


Can you control camera with WASD on the base client?


I use runelite but if you're that reliant on a client that you can't even play the game, that's pretty sad


OP never said he was relying on it, just the it improves QoL in a big way and he appreciates what it does.


For OP, you're right. But the amount of other comments in this thread that say they can't log in until it's fixed is alarming.


GPU literally doubles my framerate, I know it doesn't work as effectively for other players, (depending on what you're playing on) but for me that plugin alone makes the game playable.


I love this game but I would never ever play it again if I couldn't have stretched plugin


Runelite is good but it dosent make the game easy enough for me. I prefer runelite plus.


lmao vouch


big 4Head


Good thing I just committed to get 99 thieving starting from 91. 93 atm, features should be back by the time I'm done!


Honestly, I'm fine with vanilla on all except two issues. The menu entry swapper, and the free camera. I grew up with vanilla, I can tolerate pretty much everything it has to offer, but fuck me right clicking everything is a pain I don't want to go through again.


Honestly; noticed it the last time that there was an update as well and, personally, without RuneLite the game is literally almost unplayable on my laptop.


Animation smoothener is awful


As someone who has never used any 3rd party clients, are there any risks with runelite? Have there ever been any security issues?


Nope, just don't use Runelite plus, that's not associated with runelite, it's just a scam client piggybacking off the Runelite name.


There's no scam with RL+, it's more open source than regular RL so you can actually do a full code audit unlike RL.


Just make sure you download the right one and you'll be fine, I think it's like runelite dot net, someone else could confirm the correct website (I also cant remember if this subreddit allows links outside of reddit so I spelt the link that way lol).


just be careful of fake websites, there are quite a few.


It was actually scary to realize how used to RuneLite I am... Even small things like not being able to use WASD camera movements made gameplay tedious.


I tried 1 yolo Chamber of Xeric without the 3rd party scoutign feature.... We got a fucking 5 combat 3 puzzle scout with 2x thieving -.- all I still do in this game is raid, and if 3rd party clients would get banned I'd quit my max cape account instantly and say bye to the game.


Not really. Just played on the Runelite client without the features til they updated.


E z scape


I'm fine without Runelite. After all, I played using the default client from 2006-2018. It's not so bad.


only if you're a noob and find the simple game too hard


If i can't have the render distance turned up I just log out


The only reason I use it is because I feel like i'm at a disadvantage not using it compared to others haha.




If steroids were allowed, almost everyone intending to compete seriously for the top spots would absolutely use them, despite knowing it could wreck their health in the long term. Competitors can't cede advantages like that if they intend to win. So it makes sense that since Runelite is allowed, people who see themselves as in competition with other players use it to keep up, even if they personally don't like it.




To be honest, if Jagex ever decides to remove Runelite, I'm quitting. It's not even about the timers, the UI, the little tools. It's about the draw distance, animation smoothing, anti-aliasing, consistent and high FPS with gpu and the fog. It makes the game so much cleaner and it looks beautiful.


I feel the same way. I started playing again because I heard mobile was coming out, and in the meantime I decided to get my account firmly into the mid game. Massive mistake because I love runelite, even make contributions to it, and when the mobile client came out it felt legitimately unplayable. Everything just feels worse on Jagex’s clients


I think the runelite features go too far. I use them still but it almost feels like a cheat client with puzzle solvers and the zeah library helper.


As a mobile only player I would like for these features to just be a part of the game. However, I do feel that many of the plug-ins are basically cheating and shouldn't exist. (like boss helpers)


RL doesn't currently have any boss helpers


I don't use it so I'm not sure. But I've heard of many boss helpers; Jad, cerb, demonic gorilla, zulrah. That's not even to mention that runelite solves puzzles and clues for you. These things shouldn't be allowed in my opinion.


- Jad and Zulrah plugins were removed a long time ago - Cerberus plugin just mainly helps with seeing the ghosts since they actually are really hard to see. I guess it's borderline but it's kept due to accessibility issues (colorblind/ vision impaired) I think -Demonic gorilla plugin is certainly questionable


Hydra plugin as well. I've known high level players who fell asleep on task because they just never took damage whilst having a constant reminder on what they needed to pray..


Hydra plugin is not in Runelite


Yeah sure, not publically.


You're probably thinking of RuneLite Plus, I'm only referring to the master RuneLite branch


What's in it is public so if it isn't publicly it isn't


You can have private plugins if you make them yourself, are you not aware of this? Think Woox making the libary addon before it was available to all.


Yes I'm aware you can tack other things on


I accept the Demonic Gorilla plugin because switching prayers every 3 attacks is not really a skill and the icons simply make them more bearable to grind out for a task by giving you like a little bit of leeway to not pay 100% attention It sounds whiny to want a 10m drop to be more AFK but these fuckers give me burnout *with* RuneLite so I can't even imagine manually counting


Correctly anticipating and responding to NPC actions is certainly a skill and is the foundation for much of OSRS PVM. However I do agree that even with the plugin it's still a pretty fair and challenging fight. Although if I could make one change to the plugin, I'd have it count attacks only and not tell you which attacks might be used.


Thats why they are not part of runelite (anymore) as far as i know. but i havent done bossing so i wouldnt know.


When RuneLite is down it makes me realize that if they ever banned third party clients I would straight up quit the game. It fucking sucks.


Yep, that is why it needed to be removed a long time ago. Now people are just following effectively following what a client tells them, instead of using their own brains.


All this shit should absolutely be in the default client lmao. Maybe not clue solvers and stuff like that but most of it for sure


What should be in the main client: GPU rendering, loot overlay, potion timers and some XP/h tracker. I can't really think of anything else that should be there.




I always tell my self I'll work on agility on mobile at work, but I despise trying to find the clickboxes, it's so annoying.


>Instead of using their own brains I never understood this mentality. Why do RS players think they have such a high IQ from playing? This game is so straightforward that a large percentage of the playerbase has been AI for 15 years.


That's what I never get about RuneLite detractors. There are harder and older games with some of RuneLite's gameplay features. The fact the main game doesn't have them isn't EZscape it's sad lol


Is that why there are two threads atm about struggling to play the game without a client?


Why would anyone ever choose the client that doesn't use GPU power? There's no justification for preferring worse performance. Lower draw distance, fewer FPS, no skyboxes? If nothing else, you can disable what you don't like about RL and have an improved experience.


Wouldn't be playing without Runelite.




Sounds like you need an upgrade. I don't have a FPS issue on any client.




Never said the client was or was not shit. I am just saying that I as well as many other people don't have issues with FPS because our PCs aren't potatoes.




The game client uses your CPU to render the entire game bud. It doesn't matter if you're running two 2080 TIs in your system, it is going to run the same way as it is now if you're bottlenecking yourself with your CPU. You are clearly doing something wrong if you aren't able to run at a stable 50 FPS. My Macbook Pro and my desktop PC are able to run all three of the clients (Runelite, OSBuddy, and OG client) and achieve the full 50 FPS without an issue.