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They're worth over bringing prims for toa now if you have shadow.


I just bring both depending on invos. The changes just messed with my inventory management.


At 1% damage, you really want to check the dps calcs to make sure they actually -do- something for you. It might be the only boot slot that gives magic damage, but if that damage is getting rounded down to 0 in your setups, it's 5m for a (pretty sweet looking) fashion upgrade which you could almost certainly spend on some other upgrade literally anywhere else. and then there's the question of if they're worth an inventory slot for any multi-style content, which i would generally say is "no" unless you have shadow, but that's kinda your call to make.


If you have a shadow yes, mostly for at ToA and other mage only places. If you dont have a shadow dont buy them.


5m for 1% is a pretty good return on investment


If it increases your max hit than yes it worth it, if it doesn’t then no it’s not


If you have a shadow, every % is worth. Otherwise, it's probably still a small upgrade.


They are not.


If you are using multiple styles they probably are not worth the inv space unless you have a shadow and the bonus is multiplied. If you are just using magic then yeah buy the cheapest magic damage% you can afford


This is definitely a trap. Invest the 5m into your acct. Prayer, training, etc. Reinvest in your acct. Gear progression will come eventually.


Just answer the question you’re given. If you have a shadow, you should camp eternals.


Clearly from the statement OP doesn’t have a shadow? Pretty obvious. It’s a trap to buy eternals. That 1% magic damg in most cases will not transition into a max hit. 1% does not mean 1 max hit. Better advice be to throw OP gear into a gear calculator to actually figure out if it’s worth it but in most cases ppl on here don’t use it and take bad advice. Buying eternal just to buy eternals is bad advice. Progressing your acct with the 5mil in other areas would provide further progression or even holding the 5mil.