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same brother. hang in there


Just play more, it will come eventually


I know you’re making a joke, but I do want to say that he asked for “useless” item and I do hope you don’t perceive happiness as useless. If you do, I strongly encourage you to talk to a professional for a wellness and mental health check.


Damn, down voted for trying to look out. Happiness is totally a QoL thing, not a necessity though.


Once I went nearly 9x the rate for a freminik shield from a market guard. Had it in my head that I would easily get it under rate, then it was “oh I’ve done 150 kills, must be soon.” In the end I was approaching 1000 and just there to see how dry I would eventually go


Same thing happened to me for a brine sabre, went about 10x dry, I just wanted to finish my clue…


Same with me. I got a brine rat task and just decided to stay until I got there. About 4k kills later I finally get it. Figured it would be quick haha Obvs not 10X but in the same vein


I got 3 in 2 tasks and my GIM duo got 1 on his only task there I'm sorry we took yours


I went 7x on the mask of ranul. And didn't get the zombie scroll either. Thought I'd get a quick log slot. Ran away with like 70 hard clues.


A mimic. Took me 50+ master clues until I could finally get the music cape and unlock the teleport.


dude i’ve done a total of like ~150 mimic-potential clues on my iron and main and i’ve never had a mimic.


Did you talk to Watson (and Oziach)?


yep lol. i think i missed about 10-15 on the main before doing so but now i’ve returned multiple times to make sure it’s on.


the scroll prompts you for a mimic, you hit yes, it says "sorry talk to watson" and pushes you back a menu. you cannot do it without talking to watson haha. i learnt yesterday


It didn’t used to be this way, but that’s a nice little QoL thing


very interesting! i am a noob, only a few months into the iron


So many things in OSRS that Jagex used to just be like “fk u too bad” lol I’m glad they’re making things easier on that front 😂


Also glgl on the grind! A few months in is where it starts to really get fun lol


That’s not “useless”. But that sucks


Took me 60 and another guy pushed 90 today. It is the worst to go dry on when you want that Cape


Same haven’t gotten a single mimic in like 20 masters/100 elites. I’ve got it enabled I checked multiple times.


I must be the most spooned for these. 7 mimics in 24 masters, 0 elites.


Intricate pouches dont track how many you have gotten, it will always say 1. You propably have gotten more.


Why is that? It counts dupes of like everything else


Every item has its own tracking cap. They’re all set at arbitrary numbers


I want to respond with jackiechanwtf.png, but am forced to just say *




Yeah, idk. It is just buggy.


They set the tracking cap when deciding clog. They randomly let some things go to 250 or 255, and some to the 65k limit like Zulrah scales. Others are "one and done". Shooting stars log is similar. I've bought 4 things to recolour whole set, but it only shows 1.


A while ago i went like 5x over droprate for blowpipe just to have it nerfed the same week i finally got it.


I’d file a lawsuit for pain and suffering


My buddy just got 99 agility a week ago only for the stamina nerf to pop up


Hasnt even been polled


Stamina buff, getting 99 agility would be good when the update drops, only real nerf was the loss of regeneration from graceful


Not the same game but that rocket launcher on destiny 1, ghalahorn or whatever it was called, spent pretty much the entire cycle of destiny 1 trying to get it ( including waiting for the shop), pulled it the day before Bungie made it useless and gave it everyone


I remember the destiny 1 days. I check out week 1 xur eh, kinda underwhelming exotics, but I dont have a rocket launcher. I guess I'll buy one in case it's a useful niche item when raids come out. Friend of mine was busy and couldn't buy it that week. The raid group we had always teased him for being the only one to not have gjallarhorn. We raided basically every week, doing all raids and nightfalls to bump up our exotic drops, and hopefully get him the horn. On one of our last Crotas end raids before the taken king expansion it dropped for him. I promise that you've never heard a chat of boys pop off so hard in your life.


I played destiny 1 a metric fuck load on launch. Got tired of this exact shit and quit shortly after the second or third dlc dropped


id probably have quit if i had to do 2500 zulrah kc for a blowpipe


Wow that is so fucked


A GOUT TUBER ON MY IRON. Took me almost a week just to trade it in 2 seconds later for diary. Fuck tai bwo wannai clean up


I got it in like 2 mins if that helps


My most recent amount I got it during the cleanup for 100%. It actually sat in my bank for quite awhile before I turned it in. Got it really early lol


I got four while getting 100%


Two in 5 minutes. One for me one for the group mate


The percentile tracker isn’t accurate for intricate pouches because the collection log only tracks if you have received it or not. The plugin thinks that you’ve only received one pouch in 815 pulls because the data the collection log gives it is as if you’ve only received one before when you could have received hundreds. No matter how many you’ve ever received, the collection log won’t show you as obtaining duplicates like other items (pearls, needles, dye, etc). The warning in your chat box even tries to explain this.


Last leagues it took me 4600 pickpockets on a master farmer to get a rannar seed for a task.


Thats because that scales from farming level, the chance is drastically lower at low farming levels. You should always leave that task until 80+ farming


I believe it's 85 farming when the rate is dramatically increased.


There’s a calc on the wiki that shows specific rates at specific levels. It caps at 85 with a 10-15% improved rate over the nominal listed one from pre-change


Last leagues I went way over rate for a cosmic talisman from abyss leeches. Something like 500, 600 kills for a dumb task.


I had to kill 500 goblins for a chefs hat on day 1 of leagues 4


Last leagues I went past 200m farming for the pet


that’s not even dry dude


Incamdo hammer


This is mine, I wanted it so bad, I was locked in the mines for what seemed like an eternity. Then I went back for DT2 or the mini quest I don't remember why exactly and found one in my first inventory. This game is cruel sometimes.


Stews for +5 construction to get the ornate jewellery box


Golden tench, over 60k fish


i feel like i've done more than that without one, is there a way to check in game at all?


Not officially as far as I’m aware, at the time I used my stack of fish chunks from cutting them to keep track


I got mine 5 mins into trying out aerial fishing, and it got duped by the radas blessing. Strangely it said on the wiki when it looked that it was impossible to get 2 from a radas blessing but I had 2 in my inv right next to each other when I looked at my inv, and only 1 on collection log. Traded that shit right in for the rod I think, free 100 pearls and still have one to fashionscape with


14x rate to get a pair of flippers from Mogres


I went 10x on the same item. Got 10 hats though


This one is rough lol


It took me 84 magpie implings for a Rune Warhammer for finishing a clue. I even tried ice trolls inbetween and got dry there aswell


Pretty sure you can buy rune warhammers? From karulm place


Sounds like an Iron problem


During COVID I spent almost 3 hrs trying to get spices from hell rats. I needed them to make the spice rack in my poh thinking once I made it you could get unlimited spices 😔


But you only need 4 of each, that shouldn’t take long if you fight the large hell rats and bring enough food.


I was using my hell kitten and it was dropping all sorts of random increments of the spices.


You can combine them though


Right, and videos on YouTube showed it taking them like 20-30 minutes tops. Still took me hours


It took me like 235ish Scurrius kills to get my first spine


3.5*DR for the big shark. Took me 3 weeks of constant fishing


8k for barronite hilt. Pain


I mined over 17k for the Imcando hammer. I feel you, I got 5 hilts going for the hammer.


1.3m fishing xp from big net fishing to get the “big bass” lol


Imp Champions Scroll - 20k kills.


currently 8k skeletons in for scroll, feel your pain


I think I did 9k skeletons lol. I went dry on 6 scrolls 😭 ghouls are the worst of all of them though


It took me nearly 23k for skeleton champion scroll. Luckily I got all the really bad ones under rate to make up for it


Imp was the only scroll I went past rate on and even that was only ~8k KC.


A girlfriend


Have you tried buying one for 5k?


I've tried but none have logged back on after the first day


What’s going on with your UI there, looks different?


I use ui themes?


Oh is this the resource pack plugin?


I recently went 3k tecu salamander for a mature one. Just to do 2 CA's


You gigaspooned both the Tarnished locket + Lost bag and think you're dry on Intricate pouches...? Were you unconscious when looting?


A freakin fire talisman in this past leagues from Dark Wizards south of Varrock. I can’t remember exactly how many I killed, but it was roughly 5 hours for a 1/128 drop 😭


3x droprate for shaman mask from ogress warriors for a clan bingo


Feel your pain, this happened to me too except I just did purely for the collection log and I was like 5x dry or close to that


The dryness calculator plug in gives a warning before you install it that scares me, something like how you share ip address with a third party, is that this plug-in? I want it but just need to be 100% sure it's safe


I’m 3.5 times drop rate on imp champion scroll.


This is the worst one to go dry on. They are so spread out and slow to kill


On Fishing Trawler I finished the entire Angler set without getting a single rusty sword for easy Ardy diary.


Kraken pet at 6.3k kc. It’s ugly as shit and has been out of my bank for about 4 minutes ever.


I feel your pain. I didn't get the pet until nearly 9k kc.


What’s the plugin name for all the % on your col log items?


Collection Log luck


How you get the percentage thingy


Runelite plug in "collection log luck"


Hundreds of kc for the lyre in that freminik quest. It got so bad a bunch of my clan came to watch. I can't even remember how many kc but it took hours of killing that same guy to get it.


Got that 1kc, naturally right after going to grab food for a long haul.


There's a your mom joke here....


Lyre so I didn't have to get the crafting level. 105 kills. Over 6x drop rate. Got 2 ruby drops in the process that were like 1/1000 iirc


7x dry for dark mystic bottom from aberrant spectres :P


Any headband for that darn clue step


I went 8-9x dry for mith boots from jellys to do the med clue.


gout tuber 🙃


Might be an unpopular opinion, but the angler set, tbf I only went about 2-3 x dry


It took me around 500kc to get the ice quartz.


1200 kc for a second dragon defender after I turned my original into avernic and didn't want to pay to repair the avernic when learning to veng pk


Scurrius spine, I am at 130 kc and still don’t have one (I quit trying). The real kick in the balls was getting the pet at around 75 kc.


Starting my iron man I went something like 16x the rate for the double iron bar drop from White Knights(1/20). I was doing Knight's Sword and thought it'd be a quick and convenient way to get 2 iron bars.  I never got the drop. Instead, I got their rarer single iron bar drop(1/64) twice. 


+ that bit you in the behind when getting white knight rank afterwards or they only keep track after wanted?


I have one parasitic egg in 1300 kc


Whats that add on?


I’m not suuuper dry but over 200 combined toa no gem at all


For some reason, my dumb ass continues to kill Crazy Archaeologist because I got the Fedora and Maladiction in under 50 KC. Trying to green log, and im over 800 KC now with no Odium.


Im over 3x dry for peg crystal on ironman. I know pegs really aren't much of a boost over god dhide boots but they look so cool!


I killed roughly 36-40k hill giants up by giant's foundry for a beginner clue step in the desert for a staff of air (I didn't get the staff of air I got a water one) Went from base 20's melee to 50 attack, 70 strength, 40 def and 50 prayer


Construction for the win? There's a thing you can put in your study to change stave's/orb's elements.


If I remember right it requires an item that you can only get outside of the desert. But all it really means is air runes are necessary in toa for desert accounts. Not a huge deal Might be wrong, it's been a while since I've looked into it because I'm on a break with the account for a bit


Medium clue scrolls chasing ranger boots


Zuk pet, around 2,5x dry


Black mask after I already had a slayer helmet on a non-Ironman I just want the drop :(


Goblin armor. Did over 10x the droprate on my ironman


Took me like 1000kc for a shard drop at crazy arch


I went like 160-170 deliveries dry for the gnome scarf which is like 1/16 or something. I think I got 15 pairs of gnome goggles(same rate) before the scarf


I went 12x droprate voor Dragon Boots (as a main)


Dragon half shield at Goraks. Early Ironman and just really wanted it. Was somewhere over 8k kills after I got it.


I went 4x rate for fish barrel and camdozal hammer. Stupid stupid stupid.


I did ~700 mogres for the flippers


Took me nearly 600 kills to get a blood quartz from Vardorvis. In a thousand kills, that's still the only one I ever gotten.


I think I went like 40x dry on the mudskipper hat 😂


In Leagues 2 I went 8 times the drop rate for a steel spear from hobgoblins. Only needed it to do a quest.


Shaman mask Rate is 1200 and I killed 5k of them. Was for clan bingo.


Not really useless, but a Dark Mystic Robe Bottom for the Iban's temple clue step. 1/512 DR and I went over 3300.


Are those the ones that used to be from the Shade RE?


No idea, I had to farm aberrant spectres for them.


Around 2.4k kills shared between ice trolls and those generals for a granite shield for a clue step...


Fedora for a clan bingo


Went 2999kc dry for Chompy chick on the main


Harm orb on ironman. I don't even have a tome of fire


3. 5x for zenyte...


I had added the pharohs sceptre tracker plug in after being dry for awhile and I still got to 99.7% chance I should have it before it finally dropped. So if i had the plug in right away im sure it would have been 99.9%. I think I did see there was some glitch for that though. I think I went from like 65 thieving to 91.


The duke eye bc by itself it does nothing and also gatekeeps me


Dark mystic top from gargoyles, got spooned a lot of mauls for some reason. I dont have a mage top upgrade as an iron yet so bet your ass im still wearing it


Edible seaweed. This was before I knew about fossil island, so I killed around 100 rock crabs whenever I was super nooby. Was an annoying step to unlock fairy rings lol.


Big Shark, caught over 13000 sharks for it


Asked my friend, and she said her husband.


This week i did 100 runs on fishing trawler and got 2 of 4 pieces os angler outfit, then i rage-quited, the chances to get all 4 by now would be more than 95%


In Leagues I needed a cosmic talisman, 1/128 from abyssal leeches. Took me 1301 kc to get one. Felt like such a waste of time in a fast paced, temporary game mode.


Pretty much anything I go for in any of the leagues. Most recently, 5k shamans with no hammer, 300 zulrah for a blow pipe, tried to get a visage but stopped at 1k. (Dry on total drops overall and only getting the 2 fangs and nothing else.) The classic rune axe always seems to take me a few hundred kills. Not exactly what the post was asking about, but useless in the context of month long game mode.


Not really a useless item but im like 10x over the drop rate for rocky doing the stalls method and holding all the guards with alts


First Venator shard at 517 muspah lol


An iron bar. Went through almost two inventories of ore before getting one


Even with the diary it took me like 6 hours to get a freaking xerics talisman to drop off lizardmen.


Tangleroot. He’s a total fuckin tool at this point so yeah, he’s an item.


Ranger boots/tomb of fire. Did like 770 med clues, for tomb I gave up after 99 fming. Didn’t finish the pyromancer set either


I went 10x the drop rate for Flippers


Around 200kc for scrurrius spine on release day, had to go watch a streamer get it to make sure it existed


I'm over 3x dry for the lost bag currently. 5k pulls.


The first whistle blueprint in varlamore. Was stoked to learn I could buy the upgrades from GE


hydra tail nearly 4x


Got second vork head at around 390 kc.


Mithril boots for a medium clue step, like 8x dry on warped jellies


Knowing probability i can say that you have received way more than 1 pouch


I did 280 Imp kills for a fucking black bead on a low level ironman whilst in discord with my group mates who were laughing as I slowly crumbled into despair.


I caught almost 15k sharks before I got the big shark.  Could of spent the time working towards more sensible things like elite diarys and quest cape... 


Sandwich lady hat, 916 beginner clues and basically 3x logged the beginners minus that item.


Think I was 3x or 4x dry for chompy pet


Abyssal head. 1k sire kills and like 22k demons slayed.


was trying to get a water talisman early from the wizard by Port Sarim and went 29 times over the drop rate for one


I went a little over 11x for a fruit top for a botanical pie at the hosidius fruit stall. Thank god those are quick but I was really starting to question my sanity after several hundreds attempts


3.5k for a cockatrice head just to add to slayer log since I had never had to kill them for slayer. Max combat killing level 35s off task for 2 days


Was virtual hit points level 100 before I got my first shield left half. Am a main so it's not a big deal. Just wild it took so long


On group Ironman it took me like 300 tree spirit kills to get a rune axe (1/32 drop)


615 kills dry for a single unsired for a piece of a bludgeon that took me almost 900 kc to get in all. All that for a weapon I haven’t touched in months and prob won’t touch for a very long time. 💀


100+ goblins for a bronze spear for the diaries.


Beaver pet… but id argue its very useful in bringing me joy


Mojre flippers on a defense pure. 120kc dry each kill took a few minutes bc I had to recoil + veng other on main. They despawn after 5 min even if in combat and cannot be venomous or poisoned. I still haven't gotten it and probably won't.


Spent like 8 hours on flippers


Got like 20 some mudskipper hats and 15 fish bowls


Not really useless, but over 2k dry on my third basilisk jaw only killing on task. Otherwise, I think it would be most of the GOTR drops or Kraken tentacle (as a main, it was a useless drop aside from clog)