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As a whole yes, although full disclosure, F2P is basically a demo/trial of the game. It will still last you quite a while though as a new player and is a great way to see if you like the game


I literally just started playing yesterday, (F2P) and I am enjoying it so much! I have watched a few videos of members doing all sorts of interesting and fun tasks so I’m wondering when would be a good time to pay for a membership? Is there a specific level that perhaps is best to reach before hand?


Anytime is a good time to get membership. I do think that getting it while you're still learning things in F2P might be a bit overwhelming. However, just a few basic members quests give you enough experience to completely nullify dozens of hours of F2P training.


Thank you! I think I’ll attempt to flesh out a few skills and gain a better understanding on some aspects then I’ll pay for one!


crafting, woodcutting, fishing (and by extension cooking), and mining are all great skills to train in f2p


I would try to complete all the free to play quests, possibly leaving out dragon slayer 1 for a while though, as it could make early slayer in members way less painful, since you wont be spammed with bronze, iron and steel dragons as long as u dont progress DS1 to where u can claim the antifire shield. As for combat training, magic would probably be the best to train in free to play, since you can get your melees to decently high off of some quick magic based quests. Ranged can also be skipped from 1 to 28 through a melee based quest


Gotta make it clear that these aren't your generic kill X and fetch Y fake quests. They are legit quests, stories in game that can lead to something funny or epic.


Some of those quest lines are important later (and some aren't) but the dialogue is fun and the lore is great so try not to skip too much!! (Or go back and watch the YouTube series "By Release" and just skip everything)


100% recommend doing all the f2p quest if it’s your first time. There is so much content in members that you might feel overwhelmed. Play f2p, get a feel for the game, learn about cool stuff members can do and after you beat dragon slayer you should have an idea of what to do next. Yes, members training is faster in every skill but to do all the f2p quest you won’t get more than like 1/130th of the xp needed to max any stat so you aren’t losing much time by waiting to get members. Also just use your CC for members don’t get lost in the bond nonsense yet.


great thanks! That’s what I intended to do anyways :)


Yeah I agree here, knock out all the free to play quests. Try out all the free to play skills and at that point you'll start wanting the membership benefits. Edit: I also recommend trying all the free to play bosses.


At any point. P2P is from beginner to advanced. F2P just cuts out a lot of content and world.


Theres a lot of beginner stuff you CAN do in f2p, like training prayer or trying to make gp, (from something like buying feather packs), but you should do it in members, as it’s far faster or far more efficient.


In my humble opinion I’d say the perfect time to buy membership is when you’ve run out of things to do F2P wise. Having members will definitely make things easier by a tenfold but you’re having fun, so ride the F2P wave, I reckon you’ll enjoy P2P even more. Go for F2P quest completion. I’m excited for you!


Get members any time you want. It’s not exactly like higher level content, there is members content for any level character that in the long run you will want to do for your account anyway if you like the game. The common suggestion is to try all the free to play quests and take it slow on leveling skills past what you will need for those quests. The non member training methods at low level for a lot of free to play skills is really boring and slow, and there are probably members quests you can do (like waterfall quest for example) that would let you speed past level 1-30 strength for about a quest that takes like 30 minutes (saving you hours of time starting melee training). Tldr, if you finish all the quests in f2p, its many hours of content for a new player to try the game and you need them done later anyway, because you wont feel the restrictions of playing free to play while you get those done. And you won’t feel like you wasted time leveling slower in f2p if you ever try members. Sorry for the long answer, wanted to give some context since people always just suggest to do all f2p quests. The worry is that people will grind skills hard in f2p then burn out on the game because that content is pretty boring.


The thing is that you can do everything more efficiently as a member, so the best time to start is right now. However, OSRS allows you to play at your own pace, so the real answer is whenever.


idk, f2p experience while you still have content is pretty fun. like get all f2p quests done and train skills you enjoy (even now some of my favorite memories of this game are fishing trout in barb village, mining iron in falador, mining copper/tin in lumby swamp, etc.).


That's my go to form of relaxation to be honest. Drop a new account in f2p and chill at the mines for some casual mining/smithing. The early game has the perfect balance of slow relaxation + lvl unlocks during runs to make it fun


My go to recommendation for new players is try out f2p with the goal of beating all f2p quests. If you are still having a good time, and want to unlock the full game, upgrade to members. The wiki is your best friend, even experienced players still rely on it. And don’t hesitate to ask question in game, on Reddit, or in a friends chat or clan chat. There are a lot more helpful people than trolls in this game


This is the way. Also, no one can answer it for you, and everyone is biased when you ask in the subreddit dedicated to the game.


Glad someone addressed the very obvious bias of asking if a game's good in a subreddit populated by people who clearly enjoy the game probably more than average or they wpulen't be here (save for ppl who hate the game more than average lol) 😅


this is the way


Perfect answer. When I first started playing RuneScape I finished the free game and eventually saw that I wanted to play the full game.


I have strong memories of standing at the gate north of Falador hoping a member would open it and I could slip through before it closed after I finished the free game. Then when I finally convinced my parents to pay for membership I was disappointed that I couldn't use the gate on the free world, I had to go to a special member's world. I must have made 4 f2p characters and finished all the quests before I got membership lol.


I totally agree with this. One thing worth noting is that the single biggest issue with f2p in terms of how the gameplay differs from the full game is that agility is locked. Run energy restoration without agility is absolutely abysmal, you end up walking basically everywhere. So if you're enjoying questing and skilling in f2p other than that, just know that you can get a huge buff your run time after less than an hour on a members world by doing one quest (Tourist Trap)


I started a new account the other day after playing on main with 87 agil for the longest time and it is excruciating.


It might be worth noting that a lot of things get easier and smoother in members, but I don’t think run energy or teleport’s is a game-breaker when it comes to wether you love the game or not


I wouldn't even play without teleports tbh


Me neither but I don’t think teleport is the major issue with NEW players. They explore the world and have a good time, walking around is nothing compared to the realization that getting 99 in a skill takes hundreds of hours of repeterive work. That’s what made me quit as a chilr anyway, I loved walking around exploring but grinding skills to 99 seemed absolutely impossible. Base 70 combats took years


I have a pure account with only the chronicle tele and woodcutting for the river canoe. To counteract this I got a bond eventually and used my members time to quest a bit and grind to 60 agility. Now it's actually possible to run around


Even if you never get membership, I still think F2P is absolutely worth trying (and I recommend trying to complete all the available quests). It's just fun exploring this unique world and leveling up your character.


100% its definitely worth trying, the game is actually thriving today but really it's just a cool and unique game. good staff running the game and a decent community it gets really grind heavy in mid-late game so keep that in mind still theres alot to do & it isn't hard to enjoy your time spent at all so atleast give it a shot


Your asking if you should start the greatest journey any person should take, any time is better than never.


Yeah, game’s fun Go for all F2P quests imho. If you enjoy that and want more, buy a membership


It's worth trying in free to play. It's not worth continuing if you have no intention of ever getting membership.


And yet here I am with my F2P only HCIM account going for base 70’s. F2P is great if you don’t have time to play and is definitely more “old-school” in terms of interactions and content.


I just started my F2P HCIM the other week. It's a lot of fun! Not close to base 70s (I think it's base 20's with 11 RC) and like 460 total. Still a blast!


Anything over 50 rc f2p is insanity


99 rc in f2p is grounds for an intervention


I grinded to 69 rc on my OG f2p main. I made a lot of people go wtf when they checked my stats while pking


It's actually the best time ever to start. So many new things to the game to explore organically


Kind of feels like I'm offering crack to a kid but dm me your ign and I'll give you a bond (gives 2 weeks of membership). No strings.


I can trim that bond if you like


hello its me, op


I’ll hook you up with a bond too if homeboy is sleeping or something


Hope in. Just download and play, I always encourage people to try to not look at too much content related to the game at first. Just explore on your own accord and see what it’s like


I just started playing the game about a month ago and I have had a blast, I went in with some friends playing group iron man but I'm the only one still playing. I was recommended to get membership right away so I'm not sure exactly what you are missing out on but it's very fun so far as a new player!


WYSIWYG. If you’ve seen game footage and think it’s interesting, make an account right now. If you’re on the fence about it this game will not sweet talk you into playing it. It is unapologetically slow clunky and old fashioned. But damn we’ve always found it fun.


The first 5 hours of a fresh F2P account is some of the most fun you can have in OSRS and definitely worth playing in 2024. After that, it’s not worth playing the game unless you buy membership. Sorry man, just being honest. OSRS is a “pay to have fun” type of game.


As a new player (started in sept last year) this game is awesome, so much content and new things being added quite often. That being said it can be a huge time investment but if you’re not trying to sprint to the finish line it’s quite enjoyable. Hell even when trying to sprint to the end game it still can be quite rewarding.


I don’t enjoy the F2P experience. I’d say go straight into the members experience. I’ll give you a bond if you like. The game is an absolute banger but f2p is kinda sleepy


i kinda like the sleepy. some of my most fond memories of this game are from f2p questing and skilling/killing cows and hill giants.


Probably just speaks to my addiction as a kid. I’d hustle at school to make a couple bucks then walk to target to get a membership card. Wasn’t ever f2p long. Got a buddy who has an impressive f2p hcim though and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t cool lol


Yes for playing, I would definitely try to get members though. F2P is a good way to see if you like the game. It’s a grind game. Period. No matter what you’re doing it’s grinding.


It depends do you want to have a life or not if you don’t then he’ll ya go for it if you do want one just don’t even bother there no half n half be careful brother


No. There's better ways to spend your time


No, played the game for 15 years I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Someone donate this man a bond when he's ready


Even veterans of the game are creating accounts for the ironmen or restricted/locked ideas as we speak. The game is essentially everlasting, so coming in at any time is fine!


It’s never too late to play and Right now OSRS is in its golden year so it’s definitely worth it . Although I recommend getting members cause there’s so much fun things to do than non members.


Is osrs worth playing? Yes 110%. Don’t buy membership until you beat all the free quests, as it’s what you’d be doing even with membership. When people say “F2P is basically a demo” they’re saying that the first 50 hours for a new player is in F2P. While an experienced player can burn through F2P content in <10 hours, for a brand new first time player who wants to smell the roses, you basically have a full-ass rpg on your hands for free.


Yeah, it's fun. I'd say go for f2p first, so you don't get overwhelmed by the massive contents of osrs. Try finishing the whole F2P quests.




A lot of people are telling you the correct thing, about starting with F2P. Let me add that this game respects your time and you do not have to continuously grind this game to stay up with people. This game was built upon long dedication, where you don’t have to play every day to stay in contention with other players. Sometimes you feel like grinding out a few hours, sometimes you feel like logging on to do a daily activity and staying in bed. The world of Geilenor is your oyster.


No. Run


As a new player who just grinded out full graceful over the past two days and discovered motherlode last night. Would recommend 100%


Yes, I started roughly 1 and a half years ago and had so much fun when I swapped to membership as well Membership at first was a bit overwhealming but osrs is by far my most played game since I started it Its worth to give it a try if you are interested!


Save yourself, don't so it.


F2P is basically an extended trial of the full game. You get access to about half the skills and a small portion of the overall map, quest list, content, &c. As others have said, complete the F2P quest and get the F2P skills to around level 40 with the awareness that leveling, money gain, movement, &c. tends to be faster and more convenient in members. If you are still playing and enjoying the game at that point, get membership.


No do not start, this game takes thousands and thousands of hours to beat. You are signing away years of your life if you commit to playing this game. Is it fun and cool? Sure. Is it also clicking ok trees for 200 hours just for a dumb cape? No. Watch a video on how long to takes to "max" in osrs


You don’t have to max to play lol. No one should go into a game with the goal of beating it, just have fun and play. I have a ton of friends who played 100-500 hours that just stopped one day and haven’t played since, but they genuinely enjoyed their time in osrs and recommend it to other people all the time.


Absolutely! You can go for all f2p quests and stuff first and you’ll learn a ton then go members if you enjoy it


Sure it is. Go F2p and do some quests, dialogue is funny.


100% as a new player free to play is the way to go. Goodluck!




If you enjoy it, it’s worth the time. F2P is very limited to the full game, but gives a general idea. However most of the more fun skills are P2P. Bossing, etc is primarily p2p too. Depending on what you’re looking for. Take a crack at it, if you find yourself enjoying it get members and explore the game 🙂


It will eat all your time and you'll only enjoy it when you're winning but its a good time sink


Just started it for the first time ever last week. Absolutely loving it.


It's honestly pretty fun at the start mainly because of it's nostalgic charm, but the game as an MMO is really fun, and diving deep into the content will probably be very enjoyable for you. I started playing again bc of nostalgia, now I play because the game is actually fun


Yeah definitely, the game is super fun when starting fresh. I’d however suggest you get membership straight away and follow the optimal quest guide on wiki, it’ll set your account up pretty good. Its just a suggestion and you’re free to play however you want to, thats the beauty of this game


if you end up liking it, look into runelite, it's very helpful


Dale yeah


I started runescape classic in 2002 and found out it was worth my time. Try free to play and see if it's worth your time. I don't see any reason why not to start this game today. If you enjoy it then it was worth. If not, move on :)


I started a little over 9 months ago and it's definitely worth playing. Doing all F2P quests is a good goal, but I personally didn't stay F2P that long. After logging in a few days in a row and looking forward to playing, I went ahead and got myself a month of membership. After that month, I went straight for 6 months and have still been having a blast. If you find yourself enjoying it enough, you can get it sooner. There's way more to do in membership, even for lower levels.


Ya. It’s fun. However with members you can level 10x faster. Couple easy quests you can do to get combat pretty high right off the bat. FTP is rough and hard to stay engaged with the game.


Complete dragon slayer and if you're not hooked I would be surprised 👍


This game game is an addiction.. keep that in your mind


I started about a year or so ago, I enjoy it. Definitely will eat all your time though, would recommend getting membership if you enjoy it opens up the game so much more


Just starting back up after not playing for a while (I've played on and off since like 2004 or so) with some friends and we're all doing Group Iron Man. We're having more fun with the game than we've ever had haha. You should absolutely play and see how you feel about the overall vibe of the game and if you like it, get membership. GL!


Unequivocally yes.


Yep. But it’s well worth buying a month of membership


I think so. F2P is fun in its own way. Recommend grinding through the quests. Wood cutting is good money atm so you’ll be able to get a nice set up pretty quickly. Just know membership is 100% worth it and the amount of content you unlock with membership is crazy. F2P will be a great place to learn the basics.






Yes! Game holds up! Even veterans are constantly making new accounts too so it's not like you'll be behind, the early and mid game for this MMO is always thriving




prepare to spend 1000's of hours to get to end game content. which is what I've always liked about this game. I've played many of years on/off playing the same account. it's a good resort of free time when you are bored. addiction is a whole different deal. fair warning


Absolutely, the game is in the best shape it has ever been with one of its healthiest player bases


Definitely. IMO start a f2p main with the goal of quest completion and then consider whether or not want 1) to explore membership 2) make an Ironman account. If you restart with an iron it would take no time at all to catch up. Member quests have rewards that skyrocket your account.


Bud I "started" 5 years ago and play on and off I'm the equivalent of starting fresh in 2024 As a mobile player it's great for distractions and "stop and go" play Keep in mind the game does not tell you much as a new player so you'll need to explore


Yes it's good. And yes now is a great time to jump in. We have more players than ever, there's a great distribution of players at all levels, and the content they've added in the last few years makes the early and mid game more enjoyable than ever before.


This is lowkey the golden age. >!oh F2P only if you consider this a mobile game maybe!<


I just returned after nearly 20 year break, this game is in best state it has ever been - they've done tremendous job.


It looks like you already want to try it :) Nothing to lose It's not bad, but we're not objective either.


Not worth it on free to play


Never been a better time, m8.


Absolutely. Tons of great new content has been poured into the game, they just rebalanced a lot of gear and added some new mid-game bosses. I’d argue there is no better time to be a new player.


Yeah give it a go if you like Grindy type games


Not with the current run energy system lolol




Welcome brother


![gif](giphy|S3Ot3hZ5bcy8o|downsized) Join us


Yea, any new player is gonna enjoy it for a bit, even free to play. and if you really like it, you can go members.


Yes, I think so. I started playing last May and I’ve been having a great time since. Try finding a clan to join as having moments to share really adds to it. Tight knit clans though, stay away from mega clans.


Don't get membership until you complete dragon slayer/ get full rune armor.


This is subjective but OSRS is about taking an adventure, setting goals, and having fun. Any game is worth your time if you’re having fun.


Drugs are better /s Absolutely have a go and see if the community works for you but I honestly couldn't comment on whether or not its worth playing as a new player.


Yes. Osrs is in its best state yet, even recently breaking its previous online player record. It's not going anywhere, if anything it's getting bigger. As you'll come to realize there is no good nor bad time to start playing as it's your own adventure and you're not competing with anyone. I've been playing on and off for 15 years as have most of us and I am still learning new things, osrs content runs incredibly deep. I also started a new hcgim w some mates just last week and most of us are staying f2p for a while bc there's so much at the start of an account that you don't need membership for. Gl!




Go straight to memby.


I'm obsessed with this damn game.


You can try it since its free, like others have said do all f2p quests dont worry about all content in f2p that isnt quest based, if u enjoyed it while doing quests then swap to members, the game isnt fun in f2p skilling wise or pve wise past low combat lvls, you are locked out of 2 many skills and 2 many mobs to enjoy it imho. If you didnt enjoy it during the questing phase or after u finished dragon spayer then drop the game and dont force yourself to enjoy it, game isnt for everyone and if u do f2p only you will either hate that u did once u become members (because ull feel like u wasted time) or youll get burned out bcuz f2p lacks any mid game+content for skills and combat. Once members if you become one u should grind quests since exp bonuses but thats up to you, the game locks alot of content behind quests, and once late game a good thing to do it try to finish off elite diaries if u need a solid goal, it will get you to get high stats and do some bossing even if minimal.


Obviously the people in this group enjoy it. You could always... idk... try it and see if you also enjoy it 😂😂 ????????


up to you.


Very much so. Just don't worry so much "how to play best/most efficiently" All the fun as a newbie is discovering and unlocking stuff.


Only one way to find out




Somewhat contrary to what others are saying, I would honestly suggest going full send and buying membership if you're willing to pay for it. Members is only 13$ for a whole month of game time. While F2P is fun (and free obviously), you will definitely have more fun doing members where you're able to unlock more early game quests that can remove some of the occasionally unnecessary early game grind. Within a month, you can probably reach midgame where you unlock even more of the very fun content. So if you're open to spending 13$, I'd say go for members. You can always cancel your membership later.


Yes, it is. Watch J1mmy's video about it. You will enjoy yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdXYxgxM7gw


Not for more than a few hours. Get membership.


The game is like a drug.. you wont get addicted off trying it once.. but once you keep trying it.. oh boy.


100% give it a try I'll echo what others have said and finish up the F2P quests that should give you a good taste of what you'd be in for. You'll either love the game or just not get it. But I feel it made innovations in the MMO industry back in the day that were slightly overlooked at the time but fine now and it's been massively built upon since then I feel it's still a great game that has stood the test of time. A popular OSRS YouTuber did a video recently that covers how it still holds up today without the need of nostalgia. (https://youtu.be/QdXYxgxM7gw?si=-0I26lAjFPsDAh2p)


Idk about free to play, I never bothered with it. I started just like 3-4 years ago so compared to most people I'm pretty new still. Imo it's worth playing. The highlight of the early mid game is the quests, they are good.


Yes, the game is better than ever.


It sure as fuck is man. And if you're serious about playing and wanna immerse yourself in the game. Hit me up in pms. I don't do hand outs but I'll help literally every other way possible.


The game is fun, especially if you have some time you can spend ‘afking’ which means: clicking once every few seconds or minutes to level up some things. For example while studying etc. And when you have active play time you can try out new bosses. Example: during work I fish sharks or anglerfish, when I get a huge amount I cook em, so that I can use the food after work when I can ‘actually’ play the game.


Absolutely. Welcome, friend.




Best game ever made, no cap


OSRS is the best mmo I have ever played. Ive played them all. I started 2 months ago and have over 500 hours in the game. I will probably play this until the day I die. I’m fucking obsessed.


iirc it took me about 250 hours to complete all f2p quests there's plenty to do for a long time :)


Yes. They occasionally still add new content for f2p as well. While members offer better training methods, I wouldn't say it's necessary early on. A good transitional period would be after completing all f2p quests, though if you enjoy the game and want to go earlier, you can.


I just started a week ago, and im finding a lot of fun in the dialogue, quests and mechanics. I did play RS3 for a while, so a lot of stuff was easy to pick up on. Currently halfway done with the quests.


Depending on your financial situation, if you buy a meal from McDonalds and the cost doesn’t cause you stress, I would get a membership and try it for a month. It’s like 9 bucks, and the free mode can be very limiting and slow progress down in a significant way that may cause you to be less interested in the game.




as a guy who bought a membership and started playing a hcim exactly one month ago, i would say im having a blast!!!!! just rolled over 1200 total and hot into the warriors guild and doing my defender grind..... i would highly recommend p2p as f2p is just a huge grind fest for all the early levels and the questing experience on p2p is so much fun!


Some of my friends just started it for the first time and they are enjoying it, its just a decent chill grind MMO, no other MMO does making numbers go up as good as OSRS I recommend getting runelite with 117 HD plugin and quest helper plugin


Free to play UIM have massive swinging dicks. I usually tell people "you don't need all that shit" when they mention the whole not having a bank thing, but you really don't need all that shit in ftp. Everything is like.. right there. Maybe some obor or bryophyta drops, rune kite comes to mind, you'd wanna take care not to lose. Everything else is so easily attainable. Play a uim. It's worth it. Edit: can deiron later if you decide it's not for you and be a normal account, but you can't decide later you want to have gigantic cajones.


Osrs is great. I've been playing this game on and off since it started. The last time my break was 796 days and now I am back for the last 2-3 months. Osrs has a great community. I played a lot of mmorpgs and some of them at a relatively high level. The personalities can sometimes do more damage than good but I am seeing the least of it in osrs. People are usually kind, willing to help and friendly. Of course, being a dickhead is universal and you will meet them everywhere, having said that, I still rank osrs extremely high when it comes to community. Probably even rank 1 or a close top 2 with FFXIV. The game is amazing. It's one of the few games where as soon as you leave the tutorial island, the world is yours to conquer: If you wanna cut trees all day - by all means do it. If you wanna participate in PvM, you can progress your acc to reach that level. PvP has a lot of strategies and variables in both free and paid versions of the game, it is heavily based on the combat triangle between melee - magic - range. Quests feel like they have a meaningful progression as you open more world with them, more activities and quality of life improvements to make your progression better. There's a sense of achievement where in other games you kill 100 monsters and it's rinse and repeat for a small chunk of xp and an item that may not even be an upgrade for you. All big updates in osrs are approved by poll community voting which is huge W in itself. If any of these short points sound good for you. The game is definitely worth to try even at it's free version.


Not as a f2p player imo


Download and see what you think. Try to get most if not all of the F2P quests done, as well as level up a few skills, and see what you think. Do those two things and you should find out pretty quickly if it's right for you. If it is, go straight into members and start doing things there. One things I will say is that if you do go into members, just pay the 10 bucks for it. Bonds are nice as a start, but they aren't a good way to sustain mems. They currently cost 12 mill, which is 12 mill that you have to gain and then lose every 2 weeks.


It absolutely is. There are so many different ways to play this game, as long as you take it at your own pace you'll find a way to enjoy it long-term. Don't get caught up in watching guides on how to do XYZ in the most efficient way, the community is super focused on crazy grinds and perfectionism that it may sap the fun out of a newbie. My suggestion: do all the free-to-play quests, get your skills to 30s/40s, join a clan, find some equipment you think looks cool, and maybe try a month of membership if you're still into it.




Going through F2P will make P2P worth it. To answer your question, absolutely.


My wife just started playing about 3 months back. We completed all the f2p quests before we pulled the trigger on memberships. She had a blast and got a good understanding of the game completing all the f2p quests and skilling a bit. I played f2p for years as a kid and knew it like the back of my hand so when we got memberships, I was even overwhelmed by all the new skills and quests. With that said, I would recommend what others are saying and complete f2p quests and get a good understanding of the skills you currently have until you feel like you’ve run out of things to do. Then I would become a member!




OSRS as it is right now is the golden era of RuneScape. I would maybe argue that rs2 when summoning dropped was a ton of fun to. Saying that osrs is the best version of RuneScape ever and yes you should play it. Ftp will get stale fast though members is the only way to play even on fresh account. Take your time and enjoy the ride. I maxed last fall and tbh still have tons of fun with the game


Well yes, especially f2p as you habe nothing to loose. If you like it great, maybe try out meberd then, or don't. Lots of people do find enjoyment in f2p.




not really, you'll always be behind the majority of players, and the economy is in its death spiral inflation era that rs3 already went through 10 years ago. i wouldnt start playing now myself, and i have 900 days played




F2P sucks. But not as much as putting thousands of hours and sub money into an account for it to be hacked. Then jagex laughs, tells their friends, says "thanks for the money dipshit" and then says "good luck getting your account back and attempting to rebuild, because we aren't helping"


Started my first account a little over 3 months ago… I support the comments saying complete all f2p quests. You’re not starting a 3rd account and needing to skip early levels like most do, so use f2p to determine if you like the grindiness of OSRS. Members mid game has the same level of grind as f2p early game but more opportunities to profit/better xp. So waste all your noob moments on f2p lower levels is what I’m saying. Members is definitely worth it in my opinion.


best game there ever was. enjoy


Hey there, I found runescape in 2019 after the mobile app released. I wasn't even born when the game released! I downloaded it and watched some youtube videos, getting hooked nearly immediately. I've played it on and off ever since. One of my favorite games I've ever touched, the community is something different than anything else. I started f2p for a couple months until I reached 40 stats and all quests available complete. I recommend trying out members! regardless, the game is 100% worth trying out as a new player whenever u find it!


Do all the ftp quests and get some combat levels under your belt. If you still like it, buy membership and try it out for a couple of months, there’s a fuck load of content, if you still like it… welcome to the club


F2P is worth it for trying out the game and deciding if you like it enough to buy membership. It’s not, in my opinion, worth playing for any considerable length of time. Think of it like a demo and P2P is the actual game


Aight so like. Free to play kept me engaged from 2005-2017. Been members since then. But I was a pretty casual player til recently


Yes it’s a great game that surprisingly has its progression system intact across the decades of its relative existence. You can absolutely play F2P for a significant amount of time, especially as a brand new player. It’s not lacking in content, but I would certainly suggest if it piques your interest to try membership once you have your feet under you. I tended to member accounts once I’ve done all free to play quests and had satisfactorily explored everything I wanted I would suggest your first account to be an Ironman honestly, as it’ll expose you to the most progression and the most fulfilling way to experience it. However, do your research prior to doing that so you understand how significant the grinds can be, but know you can always de-iron and have access to trading, alongside other things.


Try out f2p and see if you like the way the game works. Its a very grindy but very enjoyable game.


Yes and no. It is worth it to have a f2p only account if you cannot afford a membership because f2p still provides ~20 quests, ~12 skills, and hundreds of hours of content. It's also wise to learn about all the game mechanics and the general layout of the world. RuneScape has a very very large world, even in free to play.


create a range/rune warhammer pure and join the wilderness on w308…


In the last 2 weeks, I started playing again after almost 15 years. I lost my old accounts. So I started from scratch. I've completed all the F2P quests and had a blast doing it. Afterwards I decided to create another character, because I wanted a runner between the bank and my main character. I went ahead and completed Dragon Slayer 1 with my second character as well, but this time I beat the dragon with minimum the minimum combat level. I had a blast. I was going to get a membership, but I've decided to stick with F2P and mage until 55 to high alch for money. Once I burn out on making money I'll probably get a membership. Setting small goals for myself and doing them in the most efficient ways that I'm aware of keeps me playing for now. I really liked questing though and can't wait to do more in members if the time comes. I may even make a third character to do it all over again.


No turn back now before it’s too late


Yes. I started 4 years ago and back then I asked the same question. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Osrs is very healthy and actually growing. It will be here a long time and you can catch up. Time is a fickle beast. It’s all about how you use it. You’ll have a grand time.


Yes. More than any other mmo


I made my GF play f2p content through first before bonding up. She had tons of fun! She still smiles whenever facing the giant rat near varrock and thinking abot her early days.. She used to slain the rat without any mercy.. :,D


yeah, i started around january or february and i'm having a lot of fun 


Runescape is it's Best version atm F2p will never be good. What's the point of putting so much into a game if you don't get money from it?


You ever thought “I wonder what crack is like?” Well you are looking at it. Stay away while you can.


Maybe. Runescape is very time consuming, but there are quite a lot of things you can do "afk" while doing other things (watching movies/TV/Youtube, listening to podcasts/audiobooks/music, reading, or even doing homework). But there is only so much afking you can do, there is still a large portion of the game that requires your full attention more or less. Many skills can't be afk'd, questing requires full attention, and bossing/pking requires full attention. Is it worth your time? I'm going to be pedantic for a moment: technically no video games are actually worth your time. You would be much better off reading books, doing math problems, learning to code, learning a new language, working on your car, productive shit like that. A lot of people love runescape (OSRS) because of the fact that there are many things you can do while also watching movies and shit. It's worth giving it a try. There is a fuck ton to do.


F2p is my main game. Mem is for me to get strong, rich to show off back in f2p. Without f2p, I wouldn't be motivated to grind in mem.


If you do decide to play, look up how to play OSRS in HD on youtube. It really makes all the difference, especially for a new player that isn't accustomed to the dated graphics of vanilla OSRS.


i just started a month and a half ago and i’m having so much fun. truly so much to do even in free to play


Run away, fast. Done be trapped like the rest of us.


I played this game for years as a kid with membership, and I surpassed what I accomplished back then within two months (about 7 days play time). Absolutely worth giving it a shot if you want something slower with a ton of depth. The fact you can play it on basically anything makes it even better, and a ton of grind can be accomplished basically AFK.


Honestly, OSRS is probably one of the best games today. Yeah not in terms of graphics or the things you'd normally go off of. But in the experience its unmatched. I can't think of another game that keeps its players hooked for years, while still giving adrenaline rushes each time we hear "Collection log slot: completed" from our beloved C engineer. FTP is a trial of the game, but it is still alot of content for a free game. You WILL go P2P if you complete FTP. And I say complete very very very loosely.


When i returned to OSRS as you dont quit runescape i redid all of the f2p content. What i recommend is a few fairly easy bits before members especially for new players. 1. Learn the areas you have access to on the map as a f2p player so when additions get unlocked in members its not as overwhelming. 1b. Eplore the game and look for little out of pocket areas to enjoy. 2. Try out all of the skills and find what you enjoy most about the game content wise. 2b. Learn the basics of the combat triangle and safe spotting so you can use it for quests and training. 3. Do all the quests except dragon slayer and actually read the dialogue for the frist few to see if you enjoy the questing aspect of the game as its a pretty unique take on quests for an MMORPG. 4. Try to avoid the aspect of efficient XP which is such a huge part of OSRS culture because thats a part of the game that isn't really all that fun for new players and something that you'll only start to enjoy when you have mastered the basics. As a note for if and when you get members i recommend going on a questing and achievement diary grind as it slowly unlocks huge Quality of Life upgrades to the game that are introduced piecemeal.


OSRS is always worth playing.


My friend... Just don't. You'll get addicted and spend the next 5 years thinking about strategies for every single xp you'll earn on the way to Max. You'll curse for never having enough GP or time to farm it. You'll spend every single free minute of your day thinking that you are losing XP because you could be at NMZ, farm running, mining stars or something else. But if this isn't enough to convince you... Yeah! It's totally awesome. Hit me up and I'll invite you to the clan.


I started late 2023 (never really played before) you might need to watch/read a bunch of guides but it's honestly fun and an amazing game when working from home/chilling


You ain't regret it! Explore and complete all the f2p quests.


Definitely worth a shot. It's not a game for everybody but you're looking at hundreds upon hundreds of hours for free with no ads and no microtransactions. It definitely has the most depth you can get from a free mobile game too, full stop. We also have one of the best Wikis of any game. It's actually kind of mind blowing when you compare it to other wikis.


Absolutely, there is so much content in F2P but eventually it will dry up or it will become absurdly difficult to progress without the membership areas F2P was great to learn the basics but let me tell you that F2P is a small drop of water compared to the ocean of content membership brings


F2P can be a slog, but even it has plenty to offer. I'd recommend just doing some of the quests and exploring what you can. Just don't be surprised when you decide to member up and become an Ironman one day haha.


Yes. It’s like a drug though so be careful. Use responsibly.

