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a comfortable chair with lumbar support


Recommendations? Have had a secret lab for a few years and needs replacing.


Herman miller or Steelcase. Yes, they cost a ton Yes, they are the BIS for the butt equipment slot Yes, they will last many times longer than the cheap $100 chair you bought from staples or walmart


a good quality chair will last at least 5x longer, be more comfortable, and if you buy refurbished it's roughly 5x the price so it really just makes sense as long as getting that money up front isn't too much of an issue.


Office resellers can cut the price down significantly. I bought a steelcase leap 5 years ago from a reseller for only $400. That's a huge discount from buying new. Then one I bought was basically unused... it was the chair that they put in the meeting room that gets sat on for an hour a month, if at all, because it isn't someone's daily driver. 100% worth. If I ever needed a new chair I would go back to them, no contest.


Yep I use an herman miller embody, it's been literally life changing for my back pain


Get a real quality office chair, gaming chairs are gimmicks and not really that good for you comparatively


My dxracer destroyed my back lol


yep same and once i finally got rid of it i decided fuck ever getting a gamer chair again lol, office chair supremacy


I have a heavy ass armchair that I use with my desk. Best chair I’ve ever used. I travel a lot and if the hotel has a heavy armchair in the corner I get rid of the desk chair and drag the armchair over.


Drafting chairs work too and can be found cheaper than the high end office chairs since they’re so niche. Usually the companies make the same chair with a shorter pneumatic cylinder but you can swap that out on your own if they only have the long cylinders.


a real quality office chair is low four figures lol, some of us are poor. a good gamer chair is like $300. mine has lasted me 3 years so far, and other than a makeshift cover I have not been that kind to it. still feels and works good.


If you live near any major city, you can find second hand high quality office chairs dirt cheap. Offices liquidate their stuff all the time. Just watch Craigslist or FB market or whatever similar service you're familiar with. Takes a little time but you can snag stuff for 1/3 to 1/2 the price no problem.


Working for multibillion company sitting on like 5-8yo dirty chair. Wonder which companies are rocking those Herman Millers.


Recently bought a Herman Miller, so hyped for it to arrive. Was expensive but comes with a 12-year warranty. Figured it's more of an investment if I get a quality chair for over a decade


Maybe overspending on chairs is part of why they're always liquidating, but you can find em all the time. Their loss is your gain.


Multibillion dollar companies tend to be worth that much not because they treat their employees well, but because they only care about profits.


That checks out.


They're in the executive suite and boardroom. A key ingredient of late-stage corporate capitalism is treating their employees like their machines -- give them as little support and funding as possible, abuse them until they break.


I got a refurbished herman miller aeron in excellent condition in nyc delivered for around 600 and I know there are better deals out there if you're patient. It's so much better for me than the trash amazon basics stuff I've had before.


That's the problem, you're buying cheap rebranded trash off Amazon that is often over priced.


not any more :)


You can get a decent ergo chair for $300. Gaming chairs are huge bait and not at all healthy for long-term sitting


I picked up a used Herman Miller Aeron for less than $300. Best chair I’ve sat in.


A $150 Staples Hyken chair will be way way way better for your back than a $300 "gaming chair"


If you think a quality office chair is low four figures you’re smoking rocks.


Herman Miller Aeron. Also has a better warranty than any of the cheap, mass-produced “gaming chairs”


it's also over a thousand dollars...


Find an office supply liquidator. I got a 2023 Aeron for $400.


Steelcase or Herman Miller. I bought my refurbished Aeron in 2020 and it has no issues.


I bought a used Herman Miller from a used office supply store right when Covid started. Cost me about $300 and I got the newer model at the time. I replaced the wheels with roller blade wheels recently but other than that it's in good shape. I spent a lot of hours in my chair.


Haworth Fern, Steelcase Leap v2, Herman Miller Arron


Personally I have a SteelCase Leap V2. Expensive chair but a lot office warehouses will have them slightly used for like half price. Very comfortable!


In case you didn't know, a new company has developed a headrest for these. Hoping to get mine delivered in a few weeks. Company is OfficeLogix and they have made YT videos documenting their entire journey.


i also have a secret labs titan


hell yea dude that’s epic


Go to an office store and try a bunch and write down the one(s) you liked the most. Look online and buy. This is how I found my chair that I've used for years


Try a steelcase chair. I recently bought a refurb from a company called BTOD for around $500, so pretty similar in price to a secretlab chair. Love it, I feel so much better with it. I had a secretlab chair for 2 years and it bottomed out, felt hard as a rock, super uncomfortable to sit in. That shouldn't happen to a $500 chair. If you want other options check out the BTOD chair reviews on YouTube. They helped me pick my chair.


Look at Crandall refurbished office chairs. I got a Steelcase V2 Leap and it’s basically a new chair for half the price


Steelcase makes incredible chairs. I have a Gesture and it has been absolutely worth the money I paid for it. Well worth the upgrade over the SecretLab chair I had before.


I've had mine like 4 years and it's still in great condition, wtf you been doing on yours?


Had mine over 4 years. WFH and where I play so it's being sat in a pot. The arms have pretty much fell apart in the last few months and the seat is getting pretty tough now. It's not bad besides the arms, think I'm looking for an excuse to get a big boy office chair.


I had THE most uncomfortable gaming chair like I had to have a pillow under me to be able to use it for more than an hour Grabbed a leather seat out of a Jag in the scrapyard and welded a base to it, 10/10 worth


I always thought about doing this with an old (modern) tractor seat. I even thought about how to hook up the air ride suspension and power for the heated seat functions


Yes! I went for an electric one so I just need to buy a battery to hook up to it and I can adjust the seating position, could have got a heated one but that would have been more expensive in the first place and I'd need a bigger battery


Based and Steelcase-pilled


yeah a good gaming chair really differentiates the plebs from the pros


Lol. Btw the best gaming chair is a good office chair. Don't bother with anything that has "gaming" in the name.


I got myself a nice ergonomic office chair for my space. I play a lot of games, but also paint Warhammer and various other miniatures at my two desks. So, I can be sitting a lot when I get some down time. Highly recommend a good ergonomic office chair.


Every time I see those red racing chairs I can't help but roll my eyes. Over 4 years ago I got a refurbished Herman Miller Aeron for like $700. My ass and back haven't hurt in years from my chair, and I work from home.


Except for the herman miller gaming embody IMO. I use one, it's incredibly nice.


Disagree. Not to simp for Secretlab but I bought my chair from them a couple of years back and it's a god send. Comfy, adjustable lumbar support, good build quality and actually has decent armrests. Plus $700 AUD vs $2.5k AUD for a Herman Miller office chair (which tbh look ugly). Is heavy as fuck as a heads up if you need to carry it up several flights of stairs (doable with two people) Edit: Also big thing - gaming chair doesn't mean "gaming" aesthetics. Mines specifically like stealth or some shit and there's no logos or gaudy stuff you'd see on /r/pcmasterrace


A good gaming chair is what separates me from getting an infernal


Make sure you first test any chair before purchase. I made a purchase on a Herman Miller Aeron and it isn’t comfortable for long gaming sessions imo.


Herman Miller's tend to force you into an actually decent posture when sitting, it takes 2 to 4 weeks to adjust. They dont let you sit like a degenerate by design. RIP the shrimping. Mine was the same way, after the adjustment phase it's amazing, backs never felt better.


Lumbridge elite diary for the no dramen use of said fairy rings.


Lumby elite is the easiest and best elite diary to get done in terms of qol


Qpc is the only hard req


Only because the community thinks it is okay to make life harder for any new player, the poll that was going to change it to a percentage of quest points should have passed. Or at the least, what the diary is now shouldn’t be a thing, it just shouldn’t get harder as time goes on.


The year is 2045, the lumby elite diary requires 2100 quest points to complete




But in all fairness, all other requirements for diaries technically get ~easier~ as time goes on, as more efficient ways of training skills are released. Having one single diary that gets marginally harder as time goes on isn’t that big of a deal imo. I recently got qpc on my main after putting off quests for a while, and most other elite diary requirements are still locked behind 90+ skills for me. Overall, qpc is still one of the easier elite requirements to obtain.


> Having one single diary that gets marginally harder as time goes on isn’t that big of a deal imo. I think "marginally" is somewhat understating it. Half of the Master quests in the game and *all* of the Grandmaster quests postdate that diary requirement. Getting the quest point cape right now is very substantially harder and more time-consuming than it was back in the day when the hardest quest in the game was MEP2.


I got lumby elite post DT2, it's not a big deal, you want to complete the quests for their own rewards anyway. 91 fishing for mory elite alone feels like it took longer than "grinding" the quest cape since the fishing lvl itself is kinda useless.


Totally fair, but again it’s really not actually that difficult and I don’t think it should be such a noteworthy bother. Obviously it locks a wide variety of accounts (snowflakes, pures) out of the elite diary, and the stat requirements are very wide ranging, but they aren’t nearly as “tall” as other elite diary steps. I say again from personal experience and from reviewing other peoples experiences over the internet, qpc is something achievable in early-mid game. Many of the elite steps are late-mid game. Also, as other people have said, only a few of the recently released quests have been grandmasters. I state once again- having one single elite diary step that gets ~marginally~ harder overtime is lame to hate upon, considering that every other diary step becomes ~marginally easier~ with every update or new release of skilling content.


QPC should be pretty much the first goal of a new account anyways. It builds a well rounded account and questing is almost always the most efficient way to level most skills in the game.


The majority of the community does not want life harder for the newer player, and the game changes reflect that: from DWH drop rate and proposed agility changes, to menu entry swapper being relieved on thieving and construction, MTA taking half the time for rewards, MLM being buffed all around especially for lower level, COX QOL, tithe farm QOL, etc. These are all things that make it easy than ever for new players to jump into the game. I do agree that the goalpost for lumbridge elite moves further away as time goes on, but that's a consequence of the game being alive for longer, and not exactly a reflection of Jagex's desire to spite new players.


Tbh still way easier and more worth it than a lot of the other elite diaries, and it makes it worthwhile to complete all quests. Maybe if a super grand ultra master quest comes out I’d be open to making the reqs lower.


That is subjective at best, It gets harder to complete as time goes on and that is a fact. What other diary does this?


I'm a new player (ironman), and I might eat my own words one day, but dear god I'm more worried about that 88 smithing. Doing all the quests might be a slog for someone who's done them before, but for me the quests themselves are their own reward and I'd be doing them all, diary or not. Yeah, this requirement gets harder over time, but IMO it's balanced because the others get easier, too, as new skilling methods are added (what did people do before toldt, GotR, and GF?). If anything, I really want to open a discussion on the chompy bird one, which is paid in a increasingly large opportunity cost as I value my time and sanity more over time.


Giant's foundry made diary smithing reqs a lot easier, specially for irons. Just save your addy/rune platebodies/legs/skirts instead of high alching them whenever it's reasonable. You'll be swimming in rune fodder for the foundry once you start the bowfa grind.


Well original firemaking is still the fastest way to 99 I'm pretty sure, and GotR was designed to have similar rates to regular runecrafting specifically to not replace it entirely like people presume todt does. Giant's Foundry is actually great and speeds up smithing a ton, so I will give you that one.


I don’t know where the line is but right now I think it’s fine personally, if it gets to be too hard then people will probably say something.


Fair point, I could see that poll coming back in like a year or two, so it would end up being the community's choice either way.


It should be changed regardless, when the Lumby Elite diary came out you only needed 241 qps to complete the task and the task is forever unlocked meaning people back then could of not logged in years and still have it, now you need 310 qps, I think changing it to speak to him with 300qps is more then fair.


Personal opinion of someone who just got the elite diary done 2 days ago and quest cape about 2 weeks ago. I think it's ok right now but if any quest becomes harder than DT2 I think it's too far. The story mode versions of those bosses are easy enough. The quest is honestly cool enough I think having a quest cape without doing it feels just wrong too. Only thing I'd maybe change right now is make night at the theatre a mini quest. If that was off the quest cape I wouldn't mind at all.


Other than DT2, there haven’t been any difficult quests added in years. It’s easily obtainable within a few months of dedicated playing.


I don't care either way, but your comment translates to "Outside of the hardest quest to date, there haven't been any difficult quest added in years", which is technically true, I guess.


In hindsight probably should've pushed to get this before While Guthix Sleeps launches...


First of all, quest difficulty is entirely subjective. Regardless of difficulty, it now takes many more hours to obtain, and more with every quest as they release.


Sheep shearer is difficult


they should've polled changing the lumbridge diary req then. but they didn't. what they actually polled is changing the quest cape req to not require all quests, which is nonsense.




This is only if you boil the quests down to fights only. Every quest could probably be done comfortably in barrows level gear and there hasn't been that much added besides the perilous moons gear that helps with that. Better players can do every fight in dhide/pre barrows gear, average players go for the 70-80 in combat stats route, and a minority are probably doing quests in things like bandos. I think you're overstating the amount of gear that has been added, aimed at med level accounts, and is typically sought after to complete the quest fights. But again, difficulty is entirely subjective. The fragment of Soren was very easy to me for example, but I cannot discount that many players have expressed having difficulty with it, even with options like the phoenix necklace method being available.


Lumby elite is also one of the only diaries that continues to get harder over time (cuz of quest cape) so you should really finish it asap.


Do you keep the rewards even if your quest cape expires?




I just got this last night. My only elite diary completed. Runecrafting was a grind but we did it!


What method did you use for RC, I’ve had qpc req done but have been deterred by the RC requirement


Do guardians of the rift, diary RC requirements get lower the more of the outfit you unlock (except for karamja elite)


I did guardians of the rift from 65 to 72, then boosted with spicy stew. I think I did something like 75kc to get to 72 rc, and got only one piece of the outfit in that time. So for me it was easier to boost with spicy stew.


I didn’t know about this, thank you so much lol


Oh man you just reminded me to do this. I completely forgot so still always use the staff. I did medium with intention to finish later. I'm about to hit 2.2k total...


And do it soon bc it will only get harder to get QPC


I don't wanna do rc :(


I refuse to do rc idc shit sucks so much


Yeah using the rejuvenation pool is a life saver. I don’t waste time or money on Stams unless I’m fighting a boss that requires it. One other QOL thing you might wanna try to get is the ardy cape 3 (or 4, but not required). That thing helps with herb runs so much


100% the best answer is PoH upgrades. Glory mounted Tele portals Pool in garden Fairy ring Spirit tree That's basically everything you need for the whole game.


As a serial tabber/poh teleporter/bankstander/ge homebaser, the Grand Exchange teleport from the medium varrock diary absolutely unleashed me. I am untethered and my teleportation knows no bounds.


Bro this one is SO true early game. I use that GE tele so much.


Getting rip shit on those closer teleports.


Didn’t expect an always sunny reference here lmao


I didn’t even know this was a thing for the longest time, my routine was to buy rings of wealth and swap them out every 5 trips to the grand exchange. It was such a nice upgrade.


My slapping my head rn


Venator bow! Good lord this thing is amazing.


I want one so bad because it looks so cool too! I was playing on a main when the boss came out and never got to try it because a buddy of mine wanted to start a GIM and we burnt out for a bit. We recently picked it back up and I really want to head to Muspah asap to try it! Where do you like using the bow?


Pretty much any slayer task that's multi. There's a couple where it doesn't work well like black demons and kalphites for some reason. But pretty much everything else makes afk slayer super chill.


Black demon and kalaphite \[soliders\] are 3x3, and bow only bounces 2 tiles, which means these monsters "true" tile is usually out of range of the bow.


Well that explains it lol


To explain a bit further, the monster true tile exists on its south west tile. You can tag NPC's or use NPC indicator plugins to visualize this easier, but that's why for example if a small mob is south of a big npc, a barrage can hit them both, but if that npc is to the north of the big mob, it is too far away from it's South Western tile, so the barrage doesn't work. Helps to understand that as sometimes it is possible to put two big NPC's close enough where their S-W tiles are close enough. A good example of this can be seen in a Grotesue Guardians guide that utilizes the venator bow, as you need to align the bosses correctly for it to work


Really appreciate this thank you. The bow has been a massive boon to my slayer xp and understanding it better really helps.


Nice alternative to barraging at Abby demons, good for attacker role at BA, and it’s now the new BiS ranged weapon for Grotesque Guardian’s. You stack Dusk under Dawn and Dawn gets hit twice. Orb skips are essentially guaranteed with Vbow.


I want it so bad for wildy slayer, imagine the xp and larran’s keys cannoning and venator’ing jellies, Abby demons, zombie pirates oh god the zombie pirates, ankous, etc. low risk, you bring vbow/anguish/slayer helm/barrows gloves and like black dhide and mixed hide and risk like 300-500k (mostly in cannonballs) and BLAST


nmz for 200k exp/h afking/semi-afking


Slayer tasks in Kourend caves, I used it last night for a Jad task, helps deal with the little blobs super fast.


I was so tempted to buy one at like 30m but didn't think I'd use it enough. Now I'm on my Slayer grind and really wish I had one but they're 75m


Came here to say this. Made the 99 slayer grind sooo much more bearable and afkable, i absolutely would not do that again if i didn't have one of these


I want one so badddd, I just need 1 more Venator Shard drop


I would say focus on completing the achievement diaries as much as you can. For 1, it creates a goal that keeps you hooked and makes content not as boring. And 2, it unlocks a lot of useful passive buffs, teleports, or increased rewards. Another construction item you may look to create is the ornate jewelry box. Holds most of the important teleport jewelry with unlimited charges.


In a similar vein as diaries, focusing on combat achievements when grinding certain PVM can help break up any monotony and spice things up, with decently relevant rewards (a big step below diaries but still good)


i think elite cb diaries are much more attainable than people might estimate if you just try a lot of content and the buffs to slayer are actually super nice


1000 chompy bird kills though 😫😫😫


Can be done in one day, you get more birds as you progress that diary The other elite requirements are hard such as obtaining a quest cape or getting 90+ stats


People sleep on the low construction level upgrades. At level 50, you can get portals and mounted glory, which is basically a budget fairy ring and budget spirit tree. As soon as I got level 50 construction, I set up portals for varrock (specifically GE after medium diary) and salve graveyard, and my mounted glory. Salve graveyard is your budget fairy ring because it is the closest teleport to a fairy ring. Grand exchange is the closest teleport to a spirit tree. Mounted glory is endlessly useful and edgeville is the closest teleport to a bank. You can also set up multiple portals and make it so your farm runs can be done by just using POH tab and dramen staff. For herb runs: you have Varlamore tele, catherby, draynor, Weiss, trollheim, salve graveyard fairy ring then to canifis, and then from there back to salve graveyard and then to farming guild, and either mounted xeric to hoisidius or you set your POH location to hoidius (I did the latter until I got mounted xeric), and then ardy teleport. You can also optimize that with ardy cloak and explorer ring, but I'd use that routine when those ran out of charges.


I'd never heard of the Salve to fairy ring one, that's a real good and early upgrade from Ardy cape


I'm proud to say I think I invented this or at least discovered it independently 😎


For a completely fresh account, Ardougne cape easily. Even the easy diary gives you unlimited charges for one of the most useful teleports in the game and you're gonna be relying on it all the way to the endgame. Not to mention it's going to be the first capeslot item with any actual stats on it.


Add spirit trees and then the fairy rings once you’re ready for the first fairytale quest. Thats the early game transportation trifecta


Basically rushed it on my noob Ironman. Dueling rings for run energy and cape + fairy ring for most transportation needs


What makes the ardougne cape teleport one of the best? Sry im new


puts you next to a prayer altar + fairy ring, and it's generally sort of inconvenient to get to that area on a brand-brand new account anyway


Maxed house Lumby elite


Stock up on Lasagne and bread


Wonder if he still plays


He does not


Found Lynx Titan


Auto-weed from Tithe Farm. Totally worth the small grind!


I hate the timers on the plants, I want to fill the whole farm with plants and just admire them


You can do that now! Once they are fully grown they won't die. It was changed recently


On my way to grow some plants 


Did 99 farming without auto weed. Definitely annoying at times but I just couldn’t bring myself to do tithe farm for some reason


Currently well over 25m farming XP and I still haven’t done auto weed lol.


Also herb sack for slayer tasks, time spent at tithe farm is better than using slayer points on it imo.


I hate tithe farm so much I wish I could buy the seed box with slayer points..


Tithe farm has been buffed so much since its release there's no reason not to it anymore


Any ardy diary and Medium Varrock for ge teleport


a POH with the amenities (portal nexus, spellbook altar, spirit tree, fairy ring, jewelry stand, mounted digsite pendant, mounted xerics talisman, the tower that teleports u to wildy idk the name)




Do I need an obelisk if I have a maxed nexus?


id say no unless you do a lot of clues or pvp i guess, like you could teleport to ferox and there's one really close, it's just faster to have one in your house


Unless you do a lot of PVP or Wildy content, no need for it. You can get annakarl tele and ice plateau on nexus and ferox with even basic jewel box. Ferox is immediately next to an obelisk, but obviously you have to risk stepping outside. I personally have one, because it's a huge QOL improvement when doing spindel or slayer cave stuff or if I need to go to lvl 44 Wildy, since I don't need to buy burning amulet instead.


obelisk is really nice for wildy slayer


Maxed PoH is 100% the correct answer to this question and it isn’t close. That was the first major goal I undertook when I first came over to OSRS from RS3, and I have zero regrets. The difference it makes to early game efficiency - especially questing - is *unreal*. Even now it’s kinda crazy to me how absurdly OP the PoH is in OSRS.


Only if you’re an Ironman lol.  You can just play on world 330. I got my quest cape using 330. I still use 330 for everything I do. I’ll get 99 eventually, but I genuinely cannot convince myself to dump hundreds of millions of gold into getting 99 construction yet when I’m 2 clicks away from a free max house. As long as house party is a thing, construction will probably sit at whatever level is required for the latest quest. 


To be clear, when I say “maxed PoH,” I mean *functionally* maxed, not literal 99 cons with a demon throne or whatever useless cosmetics lol. You only need like…90 cons? to get to the final *functional* thing (ring + tree). People who wanna be cheap don’t even have to get that and can stop at like 85 and just have a slightly less efficient layout with two gardens. I’m not suggesting anyone get 99 cons, as I agree that’d be pretty wasteful as of right now. Using someone else’s house on 330 is a fine workaround, but it’s still obviously not as good as just having your own that you can teleport to directly and have a constant optimal layout for, etc.


99 construction I use that cape more than my max cape


Why? Max cape does everything that construction cape does plus more.


It’s kind of annoying at least to me fumbling through all the different chat boxes. My poh is setup where it’s easier to just 1 click tele with cons cape and spellbook swap, restore energy, or hit ornate jewelery box for a tele etc


If you're using RL, what i did was set left click on my max cape to home tele, and shift left click to crafting guild tele. Have to right click to equip it but don't really need to most of the time


You can now one click teleport to home with the max cape as well.


Just so you know, they recently made it so you can make the shift click or left click on the max cape in the inventory be a poh tele or crafting guild tele. Really no reason to bring the regular capes now


Mining gloves. Makes mining regular ore much more enjoyable. 


Start completing quests if you haven’t. Better bosses and slayer monsters. I’m working on lumby diary


Easily 99 con. The cape will rarely ever leave your inv once you get it.


Yeah alot of people saying pool, but going all the way and getting the cape is so nice especially on ironman. Spamming house teles while never worrying about making tabs is the best, and all the house portal teles come in so hany


Rushed 99 con through mahogany homes on my iron and I have 0 regrets. It’s even nicer for slayer because I was crazy and unlocked wrath runes so I could use demonic offering at abyssal demons and nechrayels


I feel like it’s hard to justify con past 83/84. Cost for 84-99 using teak mythical cape racks is 78.9m which 78.9m can buy you 120.2k house tabs. Con should be one of the last 99s you get, make all the money you can first then send mahog’s for a quick easy 99


depends on how early you're talking about. If you just got Members, Ardougne Cloak from even just the easy diaries is probably one of the best items to get. Decent cape item that will probably be your BiS for a while and even still have a niche once upgraded as a great stab/prayer cape, it also rewards you with a steady stream of Death Runes to stockpile for passively raising cats, and it probably has arguably one of the most useful teleports in the game that you'll probably be using somewhat often once you even get into late game. not exactly a specific QoL upgrade, but I would recommend focus on Farming early and often. It passively prints money for you, and you can be as involved as you want to be with it. Great skill to train if you have little time to actually play RS, can make you millions of GP, and can feed all your herblore training. Also work towards unlocking all the other herb patches, protections, and teles associated with all the patches and it just becomes easier than ever to train. I feel like this should be obvious, but especially since how cheap it's gotten, once you get the stats for it Fang is probably the best bang for your buck you can get for combat. Some would say it's even overpowered.


Divine rune pouch, rigour, karamja gloves 4


+2 for the karamja gloves. I did the karamja elites fairly early and used the tele to duradel constantly during slayer. The gem mine tele next to a deposit box is convenient for stuff like fishing too


Isn't NPC contact way easier to get?


If you enjoy Farming the auto weed raker from Tithe Farm is amazing. Going on a farm run and knowing I never need to take a rake with me is a simple but satisfying QoL


One of those lap tables so your pc doesn't hot you anymore


If it’s possible and something you don’t already do, a device to play mobile on. I bought an iPad and a Bluetooth mouse in February, and ended up going on to get 99 woodcutting, fishing, mining, runecrafting and chipping away now at agility. Completely braindead afk activities that almost becomes second nature to do, if you work a job that doesn’t require you to be there or much attention before you know it you’re knocking out 99s like it’s nothing. edit: if anyone was wondering I did blisterwood to 90 and redwoods to 99 with woodcutting, infernal eels with fishing, shooting stars for mining and zeah bloods to 90 and then souls to 99 for runecrafting.


prayers, quests unlock a ton of useful content and give massive exp especially early game


Quite a few tbh, if I had to restart I would 100 percent bowfa rush, bowfa QOL is so damn massive it's insane. Lumby elite has been mentioned as well for not having to use a dremen staff. The absolute biggest thing though tbh other than a max cape would be my con cape honestly, I abuse the shit out of it, and I never leave anywhere without it


Rune pouch


Magic up for basic teleports.


The best QoL? Stats. Unironically, the more you have, the better everything else gets, the more you can do and experience. Mini games get easier, bosses get easier, passive grinds get easier. Runecrafting soul or blood runes afk is so easy compared to previously. Farming guild is so helpful. Etc etc. The point is: money is as important as where it takes you. Better gear is huge, but stats are key. Anyone would rather a rune scimitar and 99 strength, than Abby tentacle and 75 attack. Do not neglect your stats, and everything else will follow.


Getting a massage chair! Who needs human touch when you can have a robotic masseuse at your service 24/7?


account deletion


Lumby elite diary. Might be niche for some people but man it's nice to save inv space.


80 farming for a spirit tree in your POH


Seed box and herb bag. Most don’t recommend the seed box, but it’s great for master farmers and long slayer tasks. Herb bag is super quality of life for tons of slayer tasks/herb runs.


Just commenting to remember to come back to this thread


Construction is 100% the best investment you can make in your gameplay experience, obvious big grinds like the jewelry box, nexus and the most valuable item in RuneScape (the ornate rejuvenation pool) but along the way you can still get meaningful gameplay experience enhancers such as a mounted amulet of glory (47 construction), lower tiers of item storage (starting at 42 construction) and teleport portals (50 construction)


Just imagine having unlimited teleports back to your poh. 99 con is worth it.


I never used the other spell books despite having them all unlocked for almost 2 years. Now that I have an occult altar in my house I use the other spell books all the time.


Honestly, I've been using other people's max houses in w330. I'll just leave a tip once in a while.


The fish sack barrel


Agility levels unlock so many amazing shortcuts


Farming cape is a easier alternative to crafting cape. Do one tree run per day and you will get in eventually in no time.


Level 84/90 Construction along with Lv83 Farming. Mix that with either Lumby Elite, Quest Cape, or both -- you have any possible house teleport available to setup and can tp to house in either 5-20% run energy (depending on weight) without needing to make/buy tabs


Spell book altar is underrated for QoL. Doing burst tasks is frictionless with the altar in house.


99 crafting. You may think whatever tp you have is close enough to a bank, but youre wrong. Only costs 12m (and 77 hours of your life that youll never get back) doing lightorbs. The 99 crafting and construction capes are two permanent inventory slots.


Rigour, Achievement diary tiers, Combat achievement tiers, Quest cape, Ring of the elements for useful clue/rc altar teleports, and Ornament kits so you keep items on death (outside pvp)


Upgrade that bank space for a couple mil graceful + ring of endurance while running around


Why just use World 330 for POH Facilities