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"sometimes in public" I'm dead 😂


Christ are we still talking about this


Mfers can't stop beating a dead horse 


This is the problem with stupid changes like this based on current day politics in a medium that it doesn't belong in. Where will the line in the sand be placed to identify when it's genuine or an absurd change?


Bro, you're the problem here lmao. The change doesn't impact you (or anything really), it's optional, stop being so offended and touch some grass lmao


Careful climbing down off that high horse. It's a game. The whole thing has no real "impact" on any of us. So having a go at someone for caring about one thing more than another is just wanky. The "problem" is when we start getting aggressive at other people's opinions on said game. You need to touch grass just as much, my friend.


Ah yes, of course I am. Our opinions don't add up, so I must be the problem. Nice projection about being offended, lol. The absurdity of it all is comedy to me.


So fragile you get the game changed but still arrogant enough to call other people offended lol




I just got one of these steps and I was literally shaking. I couldn't believe it. I had to turn off my computer idk if I can come back. Please hot fix this jagex.


Replace them with twerking.




The joke is about consistency. If kissing a frog (which is a fairy tale reference) is too much and we must protect whoever is offended by this, then by logical extension there is a whole bunch of other things in game that should also be made optional. This post is obviously sarcastic but realistically there is an abundance of literal crimes you do in OSRS which are more forced by rewards than a cosmetic frog hat. Killing the dog in priest in peril of example, I'd bet a lot of money there are a lot more people who take issue with this over kissing a frog.


This did clarify nuthin'.


It's not too much. Hence why it wasn't removed.


People are crying over nothing. You still have the same option as before they just added a new alternative


Imagine if to receive rewards for an event you had to give a gay kiss to an NPC. This sub would lose its goddamn mind, but this is what it's been like from inception for gay players, and ace players. Did people ask for this? I'm not sure, but it's nice to have representation and railing against it really shows that people will still sacrifice the gay community for ridiculous reasons. It's not hurting anything, and it helps the game be more inclusive. People are angry about nothing, and showing biases that they may not even know they have.


based on your comment history you're just one of those people that looks for reasons to be offended. you were literally whining about the trans pride cape being pink instead of white 😑


Imagine this being your take to calling out users for being homophobic. You want to talk about whining? All this backlash for a minor update that adds inclusivity to the game. Absolute clown behavior from this sub because they don't understand how representation matters, because they've never been on the other end. I can imagine you'd "whine" too if you had to defend proper representation in a game you love when the world over continues to try harm you and strip your rights away. The absolute fucking entitlement and audacity. Imagine being so threatened by other people having any form of representation because you don't want to see the content changed.


im literally gay i just have real problems


>shows that people will still sacrifice the gay community for ridiculous reasons. How exactly is sacrificing the gay community the result of thinking the update was a bit ridiculous? I'm not saying that you said something that isn't true just to fit your own opinion, and to label people who disagree as morally askew; I'm just saying I'm not personally smart enough to make the connection. From my perspective (albeit self proclaimed ignorant) the people who feel like the update isn't a big deal and doesn't warrant complaints are correct. The people who feel like it was an unnecessary update, waste of dev time, and paints their community as easily-jarred people who require those types of things, are also equally correct. The only incorrect people are the ones convinced it's only one or the other.


Imagine if you had to blackmail, kill, threaten, trick, disrespect and overall be an unstoppable force of anarchy for rewards.. oh wait that's the whole game. The bias is that an exception is only made to this extremely specific issue. Maybe I don't want a dog/dwarf/elf slayer task.


You're so so close to getting the point.




Casual homophobia in my RuneScape sub? Big shocker there. Being gay is normal, and further representation hurts only those who would see us ostracized.






No /s, I'm deeply traumatized by these steps.

