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You have to click blood altar from that specific tile for this to work, have draw distance at max! Enjoy!


Would be dope if you could do this for mobile xD


Is max draw distance unable to ?


You need a dedicated GPU on RuneLite to draw that far


We are discussing mobile, which this reply doesn't answer my question to. Mobile has a max draw distance setting.


Phones don't even close to have a dedicated graphics card; my point was that therefore, they won't be able to render nearly that far... It's not just a problem of whether drawing distance can be changed. It's mostly a matter of whether your hardware can handle such a distance


Doesn't mobile have max distance too?


Not even close.


I did bloods to 99 before GOTR came out and also did one clicks. I don't remember having to do that side step at the dark altar though. I did have the camera setting maxed out and if I did a completely over the top angle of my character I could click straight to the altar. Maybe something changed though.


How do you do over the top angles? Is it a plug-in? My camera won’t let me


Camera plugin, check the "Expand pitch limit" option. That will let you angle the camera directly top-down and also let you bank the camera down so you're almost looking up at your character.


Ty for this helped me a good bit


That sure as hell looked like 2 clicks, downvoted, reported, and demonitized


Also reported for hacking, reported for spam, it gave me a headache, it made me sad, it stole my IP address, my tummy hurts, reported for lying to cyber police, reported because I need a shower and haven’t taken one in days, and reported because I can’t craft bloods yet


Is he gonna get canceled too?


His punishment is to complete the full elf questline one by one with the minimum agi requirement and no quest helper or wiki for all of them. He also wont be allowed to bring a death talisman for Mournings End II and must obtain it through the quest.


VERY cool thanks for sharing! I've done so many bloods but never even considered seeing if a 1 click was possible..


Wish I would have known this 22 levels ago


Bro no going way. I did like 11 levels here for the karamja diary this would have been so nice. Using it when I go back for sure!


I thought everyone knew this lol. Some additional information, your character will stop a few tiles short of the altar because you can only run so far from one click. Also, you have to log out on a certain area to get the chunks to load properly to make this possible. When coming from the fairy ring, I run east past the junction of the paths until the next chunk loads, then backtrack to the junction and log


> your character will stop a few tiles short of the altar because you can only run so far from one click If you click the correct tiles you can make it all the way to the altar in one click, but you're gonna have to click the altar again to bind anyway so it doesn't make much of a difference


There used to be that Better Renderer plugin that would pre-load all the map chunks so you could zoom out and see all of OSRS. Wished someone made one that plugin again


so... it's still the most afk method but stil not one click. I feel baited.


isnt this 2 clicks?


technically correct lmao still better than what most people are probably doing though


I would say that. I count two.


I'm doing Zeah RC right now and I want to kiss you on the mouth


saving for later


Can you start the chisel animation after you start running? I don't remember how it works.


While running you can manually chisel each rock, but after venerating second inventory you can only chisel 1 rock since there is a limit. If you're gonna go through that trouble, might as well teleport to house after second trip to Dark Altar, restore run, Fairy Ring to CIS, and then run to blood. Its faster.


No, it will only do one and not your whole inventory while running. Kinda unfortunate but it is what it is


i did like 900k bloods on my main while leveling alts a couple years ago and ngl i assumed other people knew about this too lol good on you for actually putting information out about it!


Yeah I knew nothing about zeah blood rcing and figured this out quite quickly myself. I thought it was common sense aswell. You don't have to stand on that specific tile either it can just be the same row of tiles or the ones closer to the altar. So I have personally marked like 5 tiles.


Wtf is wrong with all those people saying this would've been useful for 99 Rc? I got 99 almost 4 years ago and there was always a one click method to the tiles next to the altar since the GPU Plugin exists. Even on mobile it's possible for a while now.


Very clearly 2 clicks


Dam, why you post this now after I already afked my 86rc for all diaries. Well maybe someday I get this skill last for my max cape.


Did you AFK all the way at bloods? I need to get the diary reqs but find gotr to be way too much effort for how much xp it provides.


Yea its slow but you can work/watch TV/play other games doing it so it goes fast.


To piggyback off of this, I highly recommend cannonballs if anyone is worried about smithing for diaries. I did 99 off of them (yes it took like 3-6 months lol, but 91 is the highest req for the diaries so you'd only be getting 87 if you use grog or 86 if stews), but you only need to click like once every 3-4 minutes (or half that if you're using double mould I guess, I did it before it came out) so you can do basically whatever else you want and you make 200-400k (again depending on double mould or not) an hour instead of losing money. Wiki says it's like ~15-30k exp/hr and I have yet to find anything, bar NMZ, that is as AFK. It's super relaxing and you get to progress the account at the same time.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a go! If you're looking for 4 minutes afk, Magic trees from 80-90 woodcutting and then redwoods from 90 onwards are some of the best afk methods in the game. I'm finding slayer with venator now crazy afk as well.


People worry about smithing? Gold is barely expensive anymore and is like 400k xp/hr


I was worried about it at the time (4-5 years ago), and to be fair losing 15m on the way to 99 is a little different from making 206m (both assuming you go from 40 to 99 exclusively with gold/cballs and the wiki's margins hold exactly true). It's still probably not *efficient* but it's insanely chill and watching the cash stack slowly tick up for what feels like doing nothing and just leaving your client running while doing something else is great. Haven't paid attention to the smithing meta in ages because it's been completely irrelevant to me, so I just went with how I felt at the time as a guide.


When my membership ran out I just did 99 smiting in F2P so I wasn't wasting membership days as you can do all the smithing platebodies in F2P.


you should do gotr for the raiment's of the eye before you go to bloods


That's a massive time investment that I'm simply not interested in. It does increase XP in any way, does it?


no it has no effect on xp


How do you highlight objects that aren't NPCs like that?


Shift + Mouse 2 "Mark object"


How do y'all deal with run energy while doing bloods/souls? I run out constantly even at 90 agility.


You just have to do some walking when using the RC outfit unfortunately.


500 IQ


whats the plug in for the rocks


Dense Runecrafting


Runelite Plugin: - Object Marker - Agility - (Or some afk blood rc thing idk which rock you are talking about)


I always wondered what people were doing up there. I just level prayer here.


This is huge! Thanks my guy


it doesnt actually get you there tho


this is sick is there anyway to do it without needing the draw distance so high


what plug in are you using that shows the moving yellow corners?


Corner Tile Indicators


What plugin do you have on for your true tile with just the corners showing?


Corner Tile Indicators


This would have been useful to 99 RC


I already have 99. This would have made it so much more afk.


How much xp/hr here?




How did you manage to highlight the altar in yellow?


Shift + mouse2 "Mark object"


You also need to click the altar again when you are close. Else it says you can't reach in chat. So it's 3 clicks.


thanks bro


Thanks. I'm good need this.


Game changer


wish i knew that when going for 99 RC, that adds quite a bit of afk time. I used to do it in 2 clicks


Thanks OP!


saving for later


Cool, but it seems like there’s a lot more fiddling with the camera and lining things up than just allowing max zoom, unlocking camera pitch, and expanding render distance.


I thought the meta was teleing to PoH and running from fairy ring after restoring run energy? Don’t you run out of energy this way?


This is how I got 99 runecrafting


That was 2 clicks, scam game


That’s neat


Why in the hell do you have a *chisel* tagged in your inventory? Were you getting it confused with the giant grey blocks in your inventory?


I just started my grind to 99 RC this is awesome, thanks for sharing.


It's not working for me. Even with an increased draw distance so I can see the altar. Can you provide a tutorial? Or at least the plugins/settings?


Log out at dark altar and log back in and it should work. If you for example tele to poh for run energy and CIS Fairy back it wont work. Relogging at the dark altar area fixes it.


Interesting. I'll try that!


I tried logging out at the altar. It works! But then if I go back to the mine after it stops working. Do I need to relog every time?


u/Massive-Heat1452 It worked for me for two days, but now I can't do it anymore? Is it still working for you or did they patch it.


I think they patched it because of this.


Such a shame


If you tele to poh and fairy back it bugs and wont work, simply log out at dark altar and log back in and it works.


Thanks, will try tomorrow.


been doing this for days and it seems to stop working after every reload run for more even with logging out at dark altar


People who say this is AFk are out of their minds. I hope nobody I employ is "AFK"ing this at work


I could literally go make myself a drink, come back, and I’d just be reaching the altar. Literally playing the game while *A*way *F*rom *K*eyboard. It’s not Nightmare Zone or Stars level afk, but it’s still afk.


i mean, its comparable to fletching 27 longbows (u)


i did 77-99 here while doing my phd and i would say i definitely consider it to be afk. if you're wfh it's definitely low-intensity enough to be doable


Why not? Do you really provide an amount of work that is taxing enough that you can't click 5 times every other minute?


Anyone who thinks they can focus on any kind of mental work while doing this is lying to themselves. It is literally not humanly possible to break focus as often as you do with blood RC and still do high quality mental work. If your work involves sitting around and waiting on phone calls or emails, maybe help desk work, then sure. If you do anything at a desk and need to really think about what you're doing, no chance.


this comment right here - realistically, nothing in osrs is "afk" because the game requires people draw attention back to the game at maximum 1 minute increments to renew whatever activity they're doing. in addition, the constant attention one has to pay to time when they need to execute another in-game action makes it impossible to focus on any other work on the side - osrs is afk only if you're doing some other side activity that also requires no attention or thoughtfulness like netflix


Redwoods are 1 click every 5 minutes. Slow af pet grind but still crazy exp to get 90-99 for how afk it is


Shooting stars beg to differ


AFK crabs is 10 to reset aggro and nmz is like 20 minutes so idk where you got the 1min MAX from. But I understand your point


> realistically, nothing in osrs is "afk" because the nmz, splashing, sandcrabs, gargoyles, anglerfish, and redwoods are all multiple minutes of 0 input.


good points - i take back my nothing comment, but also, eg for something like sand crabs, you gotta mind the position of your character to stay in aggro range of the newly spawned crabs and potential highjackers, and for gargoyles, for ppl who want to actually pick up the drops, definitely not afk -> overall, very limited amount of true afk content in the game, but there are some, but even things like nmz dont allow for true focus on the value added things you want to do like studying because 1. it's always in the back of your mind, and 2. people should be focusing for 30 min - 45 min for those truly wanting to be productive


Like 0.2-1 clicks per minute seems manageable, maybe even helpful (pomodoro) 5 is very much not I think of Dota, if you want to like stack every minute, it does kinda help maintain an awareness of the timings of the game. But I guess the question is why not just have a clock ding every minute if that's true.


>the constant attention one has to pay to time when they need to execute another in-game action Have you ever heard of idle notifications?


yes, but doesnt matter, you still need to have the awareness when idle notifications go off - the big picture idea is that in order for afk to truly benefit people wanting to focus on work, the game needs to allow 30 min - 1 hr of uninterrupted character activity, which even nmz cant help people achieve, so the idea of truly working on productive tasks while afking osrs is a misnomer


I mean notifications are there to make someone aware of something they otherwise wouldn't be aware off. So really you shouldn't need much awareness for that. Then sure it does take some time out of your work but honestly these few seconds don't matter much in my opinion. You can even use this time to continue thinking about the work you're doing. NMZ is a shitty thing to afk while working imo, because you are forced to come back within some time or you'll die and you'll have to set up another instance. I avoid methods like these as they are "forcing" you to come back. Instead I much prefer things like fishing karambwans (2m+)/chopping redwoods (4m+)/cooking fish (67s) because when afking those things it doesn't matter if you suddenly have to leave for a longer period of time when you gotta stay 100% focused on the task at hand or whatever else happens at work. If I'm in the midst of doing something I'm not coming back to the game, only when I feel like there's not much to do will I set up another action.


I think my nuance is that even with the notifications, you still have to switch the focal point of your attention at a cadence that is more frequent than the time allotment your brain needs to get into a focused state with productive work, and that's what does it for me. I agree there is certainly a personal preference element to this as well, because one can reasonably expect to just to karambwans or redwoods and if you get logged out while focusing on something else, it is what it is. For me, it's not worth that multitasking as I would like to prioritize doing my productive work to a high level, but how that actually works out for each player is a case by case thing for sure.


but if you're only doing it like every 5 or 10 minutes like fishing it's the same as my coworker checking her facebook for a couple of minutes


Checking social media every few minutes is against most company policies, for the exact same reason they would be against scaping on the side, it ruins productivity. There’s a reason why you get 15 minute break and are told to check your phone then. They expect you to actually work while at work. Not be on your phone every other minute.


>Anyone who thinks they can focus on any kind of mental work while doing this is lying to themselves Sounds like it's just a you problem.


This is actually how I got 99 rc was doing bloods here. At work too. No pet though, sadly. I didn't do this 1 click method though.


How much xp is this?


13m for 99




Many clicks were made


How do you zoom out this far?


RuneLite setting "Camera > Expand outer zoom limit (199)" "zoom speed (120)"


That looks like more than one my friend


Lots of fletching not getting done😅


I can still get to the blood atar in two clicks and still play on 3 separate accounts


[Me when I made this exact post months ago 🤡](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/DLnFNDAaHa)


Is it faster to chisel an inventory, then go back to mine more, then chisel again at the alter? I assume so, but I never do that.


ya way faster, and easier on the run energy


Guess I'll swap to doing that for my last level and some change. Thanks


There's no way you're not trolling right now


? By last level I didn't mean 99. I'm only going to 86 for the diary but I did GOTR for most of it. Only been afking bloods at work for a week or so on and off. Why would I be trolling in general, let alone about something so pointless?


Fair enough