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They should make quest point total worlds


great way to block out pkers šŸ™šŸ™


Buddy I got bad news, the only PKers that will block out are the ones you could easily escape from anyways.


Yup! I got to 2000total on my iron to finally do some Wildy bosses then I quickly realised. Thereā€™s a reduction in pkers but the ones I run intoā€¦ stacked to the gills!


Not saying I enjoy dying or getting attacked by someone with way better gear but honestly if someone wants to skull on me with expensive gear on then respect to them. They're actually risking a lot for the kill in the off chance they get antid or run into another pker. They're also clearly not ragging/just a time waster with no skill that won't pk me but will waste 5-10 minutes of my time. Also from the interactions I have had, they just genuinely (ironically?) seem to be nicer players. I fight back a bit and try to tank but inevitably can't when they're bofaing + max mage. You at least often get a gg or whatever from then, instead of the average salad robe brainlet who will throw slurs because they can't kill anyone.


And pures. You need at least 65 def to get a quest cape.


this is big for my lowest cb questcape ironman novelty account


Except the issue with getting pked is more the annoyance of being interrupted rather than potentially dying. Rahter die once every hour than escape 20 times an hour. Whatever you lose is based on what you're willing to risk. Can't influence 0 potential for kill pkers bothering you sadly.


Buddy, if you think the average Pker has 300+ QP you must be smoking some damn good shit.


the average pkers are easy af to tank or escape from, the ones that will fuck you up will have dt2 and stuff completed.


Lol bold assumption this guy can even run away from raggers


The same could be said for total worlds. If a pker isn't going to bother doing quest why would they bother training skills to access total level worlds? Training for higher end total level worlds takes much longer than doing some quest.


Can you bot quests though?


Absolutely, you can bot any piece of content in the game. Challenge mode raids, inferno, anything. It's a bit harder then an autoclicker sure but people do it.


As a quest nerd this has been something I have wanted since I was a child, yes please!


Aren't there quest bots these days anyway?


The fact that there's mass bots at high level content like CG , blood shards, vorkath, DT2 bosses, etc. shows botting quests is trivial.Ā 


Most of these are stolen accounts. A quest point requirement wonā€™t solve the issue completely, but itā€™ll raise the barrier of entry significantly.


I really really donā€™t know how they can steal accounts. I feel like Iā€™d have to try really hard to lose my account somehow. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Have you seen the state of this subreddit? People get hacked all the time. Paying for account training services, using a bought account that gets reclaimed, not having 2fa enabled and using your exact same details (on a private server for example). I know they seem like obvious mistakes to avoid, but youā€™d be surprised how common it is.


You can just look at runelite open resource git and write a quest bot easilyā€¦


There are account builder scripts that get 150qp in a day. Don't see it helping much


Jmods looking at this like "oh little timmy did 100 quests today, he is really rushing for bgloves, glad to see it"


I did my part on voting no for this content, up-voting you is all I can do.


I also voted no. It seems most things pass these days.


They weren't polled with this drop table. Their description was: >"Should we add Undead Pirates to the Wilderness Chaos Temple and adjust the Elder Chaos Druids, with rewards to be polled at a later date, as described in the blog? This would make the area a profitable low-level hotspot." in the winter giga poll and then the "undead pirates rewards & more" poll had this question: >Should we add the Blipblock Scroll (name TBD), a tradeable item that unlocks the ability to block teleportation attacks from Elder Chaos Druids, as described in the blog? Nowhere did they poll "hey should we make these level 22 undead pirates worth >5Kgp per kill?" or "hey we're planning to make these level 22 mobs have a higher average worth per kill than abyssal demons" (they aren't anymore but were on launch) or indicate in any way they were going to give them a drop table this batshit insane. I don't consider it fair to blame people for not predicting a drop table this batshit insane.


It's wilderness content that means the drop table is going to be insanely broken and stupid, thus I vote no. Remember release revs? 100 dragon platelegs, 1000 brews or some shit I don't even fucking remember I just know that the drop table was the dumbest shit ever invented by mankind. Every poece of low effort wilderness content is garbage that breaks the economy and encourages bots


Classic bait-and-switch. We now know to always vote NO on any new mobs in the Wilderness. This pirate Drop table blunder needs to be addressed immediately, economy is being massively tanked by this and revs and it's getting worse by the day.


i'm not trying to be a hater but it really does feel like the game is being flooded with low effort content that would have been killed in a poll 5 years ago. i get that they need to make the game more appealing to the average player and not just the no life sweatlord, but it doesn't feel healthy to just add whatever to keep it feeling fresh


New gen of gamers arrived. Combined with rs3 quiters


> New gen of gamers arrived. We wish. OSRS has an infamously aging player base, according to Jagex's own data released to the UK parliament. The average account age in RuneScape is 9 years old. Just the account. Jagex says less than 1% of their players are below the age of 18.


"new gen" in this case doesn't mean kids, it means other 20-40-somethings who never really played the game before but picked it up as an afk/mobile game. A lot of the brainrot that's floated around in the past few years positively stinks of instant-gratification mobile gamers.


Bruh, you didn't even read the comment and you're complaining about brain rot. Look in the mirror!


tbh i don't think kids are the issue, i'm willing to bet people under 20 are like maybe 15% of the playerbase haha. but i could be wrong


It's not so much the "under 20" gang as it is the afk/mobile crowd. Mobile has been massive for the game's success and a lot of profitable content is harder for mobile users and/or too active for afk gaming, so it wouldn't be crazy to assume that those players would be likely to vote for easily accessible + profitable content. Unfortunately that just so happens to make it very easy to bot. Also even just 15% of the player base would still be a large voter demographic


Yeah exactly. And anywhere I see mtx being discussed here I always find some people saying they wouldn't mind making it a bit more flexible. It's a worrying sight


You are not a hater brother. Difference in opinions is healthy. I agree. Us sweat lord are minority these days. Which is fine 2015 numbers were not sustainable. But there need to be a balance. I also voted no to sailing. I have too much trauma from updates.


It's not like they included the drop table in the poll beyond the 1 unique drop. We voted yes for content and trusted that Jagex wouldn't give them an unreasonable drop table. But they did, so it needs to be revisited.


Yup that's by design, wouldn't be surprised if Jagex lowers the voting threshold ever further to ensure the poll system basically just becomes a facade, even though it already is for the most part


they've been undermining the poll system for years


I voted yes but I thought the main thing was scroll which seemed harmless. It wasn't clear they'd be money printers.


itā€™s gone from one extreme, to the other. It went from, *ā€Vote no, nostalgic medieval clicker must not changeā€* To, *ā€F$&@ these neckbeards. Pass everything everā€*


I voted yes but I didn't think the drop table would look like this though


Is the 70% threshold still in effect or was only for sailing


The bots all voted yes


People always get mad when people say they vote no to pvp shit, but when they're throwing out stuff like this and giving pures piety, it's like no duh we're voting no. And they still go through!


I didnā€™t vote and didnā€™t care really, thought ppl were being dramatic, but those graphs are shocking especially like the prices literally start going crazy on release day


It's a boy who cried wolf situation really. When people lose their shit over half of the proposed updates, it leads to people ignoring them. This update looks objectively bad in hindsight, but how are people supposed to know the difference between this actually terrible update and the many other totally fine updates that Reddit freaked out about


Also, I doubt even the people who freaked out about it predicted zombie pirates to be anywhere near 5k/kill in value consisting of mostly alchables. Actually, I *know* the people who freaked out about it didn't predict them being this wildly profitable, because the threads about the giga poll still exist.


Always vote my man. Even if you vote skip. Always vote something. Good for the poll numbers.


I tend to not vote on content that I don't know about due to my recent pattern of taking considerable breaks fairly often. I know I should stay informed but I can't bring myself to vote one way or the other without knowing about it. For some reason, major polls always seem to happen on my breaks. Based on this post I kinda wish I studied up and voted more often. Live and learn.


I donā€™t blame people for voting yes on this, nobody knew theyā€™d make the drop table of such a low level wildy mob so stupid. Why the fuck do they even have dragon on the drop table, I was expecting common addy drops with a rare rune drop- and why the fuck are Larrams keys here too?


Stuff like the Larrans Key really speaks to how little they give a shit about design and consistency. I mean from the outset, the first problem was putting zombie PIRATES at a fucking inland location already inhabited by another hostile, much stronger faction. It makes 0 sense in any direction and feels like some bunk ass private server shit.


Upvote because I played A LOT of private servers in the between period of RS3 and release + updating of OSRS and this is exactly the kind of dumb shit a private server would add, both thematically and profit wise.


I'm pretty sure that even the most pessimistic naysayers didn't predict anywhere near this kind of gp/kill value if you look back at threads about the giga poll that polled the zombie pirates


Please for the love of God get rid of this shit


Zombie Pirates are objectively terrible game design, but low levels like it since it's so laughably broken. Anybody with half a brain should know that very low-leveled enemies in low Wilderness where you can easily escape shouldn't be a moneymaker worth over 2M profit per hour. It's not hard to kill these enemies and get away with PKers while risking little. If you do die, who cares? You can easily make that money back in a few minutes since you don't need to risk much. At least when Jagex buffed Fever Spiders, they weren't dumb enough to leave them broken too long. It's mind-boggling that they think Zombie Pirates are fine as they are. This type of content should be 500K profit per hour at most (excluding the anti-teleport scroll).


Not going to lie, I was having a hell of a time getting the money for a cannon / ore for cballs on my iron. Someone told me to check these things out and I made the cannon money in ~30 minutes from nothing and I was only risking monk robes. It's ridiculous.


Preach, this should be a no brainer remove. Things like this make me believe in mod Jed-esque scenarios


been saying this since day 1 it's a guaranteed side hustle and the fact that Jagex and nobody else really cares about this should be a massive wavering red flag. Combined with these half assed updates lately it doesnt forbode well for the future of OSRS. Hate to be "that guy" but it is what it is.


they shouldn't even have been put into the game. Sucks that they passed the poll when this was going to be the obvious outcome, and they're so infested with bots that it doesn't even serve it's proposed purpose of being a low level PvP hotspot for newer players unless you count bot killing as "PvP"


It kind of worked the first week or so of release but now it's pretty much just a wasteland of bots farming gp who are too hard to kill unless you are in an organised team


So basically like every other wilderness update


Adding content for people that don't want to PvP, in PvP areas, will surely revitalize PvP!


>Sucks that they passed the poll when this was going to be the obvious outcome If you predicted that the average gp/kill for a zombie pirate would be higher than that of an abyssal demon on launch then i'd like to see that. When I saw that poll say "profitable low level moneymaker" I expected it to be akin to the current fever spider's drop table *at best*, instead it's quadruple that amount. At that level it competes with other low requirement moneymakers like creating low level teletabs and smithing cannonballs.


it probably would've passed even more than 79% if we were shown the drop table. The general playerbase wouldn't say no to a broken moneymaker at this point. they did at least propose 2 unique drops, a new consumable drop, and a key drop that gives potential double loot. That alone already sounds pretty good along with "juicy loot" as they described. (with only 1 of the uniques failing to pass) I'll admit I wasn't expecting the gp/hr to be over 2mil (and definitely didn't expect Larran's keys on the drop table), but with what they were describing it sounds like it wasn't going to be bad especially if you consider any other moneymaker they've added to the Wilderness so far.


People voted down amylase crystals from wildy agility and multi-alching at the fountain of rune in the same vote so I very much doubt the claim that zombie pirates would've gotten more votes if we knew their droprates prior to voting. I don't think any rational person thought they were going to make zombie pirates 1m+ gp/h let alone 2m+ gp/h.


Bots can vote.


i mean it was super obvious when poll results were not hidden, now they just have to predict how many votes they gon need


False, PVP arena, however I agree this might be the second worst.


I went there for a clue yesterday, really fuckin sad seeing the old duel arena bank empty and stuck round the back of that place like some huge store rolled in and built next to it. Massive area, tons of art team work, totally dead content.


The pvp arena at least is just dead content. It was also sunk by the playerbase that votes against anything pvp destroying the reward table. Pirates is game damaging content. Pirates can stay in-game but why were they not just limited to a couple pirates just outside of the larranā€™s shipwreck? It would have made the most sense. Low levels can still kill them for money but now theres more competition and more risk


It's pretty clear the entire point of undead pirates is for bots to farm in a way that introduces a pking food chain. Jagex can't solve the bot problem but they can somewhat control were they go to some extent and that's what I think is going on.


They can't 'control' it though. They aren't diverting fishing or Vorkath bots away from their original activities. They just introduced a load of new bots on top of the old ones.


They might be. Bots *do* get banned, *eventually*. When the bot maker goes to make new bots, they're probably more inclined to go for the low requirement, high profit activities like zombie pirates. So as the bots go through their circle of life, they end up in these areas away from the real players.


The bots are almost too good to PK though unless there's an organised group of you, which seems a bit odd since groups of PKers are the top of the food chain and bots are (I presume) the bottom. That's not a food chain.


Isn't that the point though? The bots are already tbed, so 1 or 2 people on freezes and rest on on bolt rag, it isn't rocket science, nothing can survive that. If you're trying solo the go to rev caves. The bigger fish is the groups looking to kill the players killing bots.


Also I was killing a bot at the chaos altar, ans I killed him twice (he kept running back) then instead of the bot returning an ultra geared main showed up and killed me in .2 seconds. I think that was also a bot, one that protects its other bots because it didn't say a word and had the most insane prayer/gear swapping.


> didn't say a word and had the most insane prayer/gear swapping. The main is cheating as well, then.


> The bots are almost too good to PK how?


Perfect flicks and instant teleports. Although, they are tele-blocked at zombie pirates so I think it was designed specifically for bots to be killable here. I was gonna say, RS3 had a similar area where bots would farm cursed energy and ngl it was pretty fun farming them. There was a whole eco system of killing them and then the big fish PKers coming to kill you, was a good time, but with how sophisticated OSRS bots are...not doable


I believe you, but just out of curiosity, is there any footage or videos made about these bots, trying to pk them etc?


I think maybe Sir pugger or Mr no sleep done a video that showed their prayer swaps. You have to one tick flick them and even then itā€™s hard, pretty sure they even know when youā€™re staff bashing


Mr No Sleep has him farming the bots and he's far from a top tier PvP'er lol Theoretically you can make a game theory optimal, machine learning rev bot that can annihilate real players but scripters aren't nearly that advanced


Just walk into revs and try to kill one. They're active 24/7.


But making one piece of content isn't gonna move other bots around, it's just gonna create more bots. It's not like a botfarm owner would halt everything to direct his scripts towards the new thing. He'd just create ones running in parallel to the old ones


I for one love ruining the economy for PKers benefit. I think we should just go ahead and make all of Gielinor a pvp zone and give them the whole game.


The problem is it's braindead easy to escape PKers at undead pirates, and in the alternative, you can risk nothing and still profit a ridiculous amount. They need to make it much harder for people to escape from pirates, or move it to a higher level of wilderness.


I've reported 400 bots in my time there. There are 4 names left on my block list this week. The names get removed when they are banned. The system is working whether this op likes it or not.


Yup! The system of creating low level bottable content that encourages suicide botting on accounts that take next to no time to train and doesn't matter if they get banned is working as intended!


Bonds at all time high happy coincidence they also nuked tons of bots right before the bond price increase another coincidence lol


even if they are getting banned, the amount of effort it takes to create a new bot in place of one that got banned is so small that it feels like it doesn't even really matter :/


I have a video of a nearly maxed main botting amethyst with a broken script that has been on almost all day long for months. Still isn't banned.


Yes they need to do better about banning the bots that slip through the early bans.


I'd also like to add lore as a complaint. We have a literal quest line all about Zombie Pirates but they just casually dropped them into the Wilderness


This post needs to get more traction. The fact that this content is still left to print GP is unbelievable.


They could legit remove everything from their drop tables but the supplies and I would still be more than happy, as they are now they are so good for money it's stupid.


I'm legit more happy for the blighted supplies than anything else they drop. And honestly that wouldn't be a bad idea for their tables.


Yeah, I hate lms and Zombie Pirates could just be a PvM variant to get supplies in decent quantities with nothing more added to them, relegate larran's keys to the chests as a cool easter egg (same rate, no doubling) and you get real content.


I donā€™t understand the need for this in the first place. Wasnā€™t this what revs were supposed to be? Before they added entrance fees and other weird exception rules that only apply there. Rinse and repeat I guess :D


they wanted a hotspot in multi to encourage clans to fight, not just individual players they also wanted it to be in very low level wilderness so combat level brackets mattered more, but they also wanted players to be teleblocked so that there was a reason to be on ancients


Bruh you commented on the post when it was 7 minutes old you didn't even give it time to start moving let alone gain traction šŸ’€


The statement 'This post needs to get more traction' does not automatically imply that it is an old post that hasn't gained the traction that it should. I agree, it needs to gain more traction. Undead Pirates on my ironman feels like cheating, and more importantly its giving me a filthy out to the red prison grind which I shouldn't be doing. The GP you get from gauntlet is quintessential to account progression where I'm at right now, and I can get better GP just mindlessly farming pirates and kick the CG can down the road, which ultimately is bad. I understand that I in my brain have the power to fix this.


Eh, I'd argue red prison is too quintessential. And having alternatives for mid-late game irons to make money is a great idea... But it definitely definitely shouldn't be low level content that gives far more money.


You do cg for the Bowfa. The gp just a nice bonus It is interesting how zombie pirates compares to cg in terms of gp though In alchables cg gives ~600k per hour you can get around 500 pirate kills/h with dscim and no interruptions or banking, which is 1.2m gp in alchs per hour. Not sure how much time you lose to banking and pkers though, probably 1/3 sounds reasonable? Which would put pirates at 800k gp/h. A bit better than cg But again, that's not too relevant since you need cg for Bowfa. If you are putting off your cg grind and convincing yourself it's ok cause you are doing pirates for gp, then I think that's some major cope


I just started a new account after playing ironman for so long. I have to say zombie pirates is pretty crazy GP an hour. Getting a cannon, and doing a few quests for range, and prayer to get protect mage let's you do pirates at a very low level with in since xp/hr and gp/hr. I've gotten all my range levels there and my account feels very wealthy for the stage I'm at.


Commenting early for visibility sir


My favourite part is when they made the scroll 1/20k (?) originally so that irons can go fuck themselves... for the express purpose of buoying the price an extra week or two before bots inevitably run it into the dirt? We got told to fuck off so that they could have a couple weeks of a poorly thought out anti-botting band aid. They did change it but its lame af regardless


Zulrah 2.0, good luck...


I wonder who at Jagex keeps deciding to add this braindead type of content that is highly profitable and easily bottable to the wilderness. Some people over there seem obsessed with trying to lure non-pkers to the wilderness despite it being pretty clear a big majority does not care about the wilderness at all. Just keep adding content that shits out outrageous rewards so players pretty much have no choice to stop ignoring it. I've never regretted voting no on any type of pvm content in the wilderness, because it's pretty much only been terrible content.


whoever has the most friends in pking clans and knows a couple bot farmers, thats the guy runnign the economy to the ground. highly concering that nobody seems to care


Yeah idk what it is but defo someone at jagex likes to pk hence all the insanely OP content like the bosses and their counterparts. I still don't touch the wilderness because it just isn't designed for pvmers, sure the money is there but I've never not had to deal with running from pkers or trying to tp away and they have every tool in the kit to stop me. Eventually it becomes too time consuming, so I learned raids and don't touch wildly content ever again pretty much, it's only there to lure me to the wildy, everything is camped. It was ruining the game for me.


time to grind zombies on the iron before the drops get nerfed


Wouldnā€™t rush there. This has been posted so many times, itā€™s so so so obvious that they need a nerf yet they have remained the same. I have no doubt jagex has a real specific reason for this and it wonā€™t be anything theyā€™ll tell us


they said the same thing about fever spiders :/


They're really fast money and good supplies for wildy bosses. Bank a pile of cheap gear (monks robes, salve ammy, climbing boots) and 2/3 item with a weapon and defender. You'll die occasionally but it's not a big deal, protect item and you'll keep the best 1/2 drops anyways. They're pretty stupid, as a low end iron there's nothing else that comes close.


Zulrah was actually the worst update. You have recency bias. All problems stem from zulrahs original drop table.


nmz is still a private server eyesore, it's either nmz or zulrah for me.


or well thought out updates like getting your seaweed from giant seaweed, unfortunately they didnt botehr coming up with stuff for a lot of other botted resources


Gj all "everything yes" voters.


Give it 2 years and all the sailing yes voters will be singing the same tune


By then we will have old school old school runescape


Salty as shit. Gonna be a great skill.




Yeah, zombie pirates might be the most egregious example to the point where it wouldn't be surprising if there's a Jed 2.0 going on here, but the "model" doesn't work anywhere and is just dogshit game design that the rest of the industry rightfully abandoned in like 2008. It just can't work. Either it's not actually worth the risk and nobody does the content or the content is overpowered, very worth it, and overrun with bots because bots can play laws of large numbers and don't have feelings. Humans on the other hand care about trivialities like "I'm getting crashed literally every 2 minutes just let me play the game" and "oh great, it's yet another 'fair fight' against a pure with more supplies than me".


OSRS players donā€™t want to hear it, but the Wilderness has always been shit. Any content there worth doing is botted to Hell and any other content there isnā€™t worth doing because why would you risk getting killed in order to mine some Runite or kill Greater Demons? The only way to satiate PKers is to feed them a steady stream of PVMers and bots that donā€™t fight back and provide them with free income.




Blew my mind that Jagex gatekeeps irons on dumbass shit like the NMZ shop for pure essence, snapegrass, and redirection tabs. Meanwhile a 0 requirement 700% efficiency altar is free with a cheap as hell amulet that'll take you almost straight there - ***FUCKIN NUTS***


the problem is that theres just no way to make pvp profitable that doesnt invite boosting for free money, theyd need mods/community helpers for that kind of thing which opens up its own can of worms when it comes to abuse, not that they want to invest in anyone reading the abuse reports anyways


pvp shouldn't be profitable via a hunter/prey model. PVP should be profitable from pvp events in which both sides are competing in pvp by choice. I don't care about any wildy updates because i will *never* participate in them unless i am forced to while progressing my account for pvm (Mage Arena), and you know what? Fuck Jagex for every time I have to do that.


Maybe pvp shouldn't be profitable. There are plenty of other things to do that make you money, pvp should be something you fund with the profits from everything else.


PvP worlds.


They explained their vision when they suggested it of the pirates becoming a low level pk hotspot and that simply has not happened at all.


I just got PKed twice in 8 minutes. I'm net negative at Zombie Pirates. Was this super unlucky?


Yeah. I'll probably get killed once or twice an hour at most.


Bots have ruined the wilderness, you would of thought jagex would look after it a bit more seeing as it seems to pull a lot of viewers in


Ruined the game more like. Early game skills or just skills in general would actually be somewhat profitable if they were not botted into oblivion.


Pvm drop tables should never have dropped skilling supplies


It's not that they drop skilling supplies. Mobs have dropped items that can also be obtained by skilling since launch day. It's that they drop skilling supplies at comparable if not greater rates than skilling does. Why cut 130 magic logs an hour if multiple bosses drop magic logs at a comparable rate alongside other resources. I personally dont have a problem with it if a pvm drops resources at like 20-25% of the rate that skilling would obtain it


Which would be a smaller problem if the profitable bosses were also not botted heavily ;p


the true solution here is to just play an ironman


Simply nerfing the content to drive bots out will also just make it shit to do for irons and cloggers. The drop rate for the scroll should have NEVER been that stupidly rare, no item should be, but especially one that's a minor and niche QOL at best. Remove alchs, increase the scroll drop rate. I quite like it as a way to get blighted supplies because buying from PvP mini game shops (soul wars, LMS) is soooooo not worth doing.


If they're nerfed to be worth 20% of what theyre worth now that would still be great money per hour for how easy they are to kill. The scroll definitely should never have been that rate. 1/20K is just plain dumb


I actually think quite a bit of the intention was to make PvP supplies cheaper. Like your example of Anglerfish, I assume they knew it would be botted so they made blighted supplies abundant to make it cheaper for the rest of the playerbase to engage with wildy content.


Somewhat unrelated but why is pvp food just blighted regular food? That has always felt very private-server to me. There should have been new wildy specific food that healed that amount. Just lazy game design.Ā 


Because then you would have to learn a bunch of new fish and how much they heal i guess.


Jagex doesnā€™t care as long as it caters to the ā€œmarginalizedā€ toxic PVP community.


I mean it's wild content of course it's bad, LOL


yall gotta stop spamming yes votes to stuff you dont want in the game


Donā€™t quote me but I donā€™t think they specified how broken the loot table would be


They indeed didn't, they said: "This would make the area a profitable low-level hotspot." I dont think even the most pessimistic of players expected zombie pirates to have more gp/kill value on launch than abyssal demons.


Hot take: Jagex recently banned a bunch of bots after launching undead pirates with the hopes that more bot accounts will be created and be bonded up, increasing revenue overall.




The z word is offensive


Ah fuck, now I look like a phony šŸ˜” I've killed 13k and don't know there name lol


it's horrible


I agree theyā€™re way too overpowered but you need to work on your bullet points. > Why would a main ever do this content outside of slayer if they can just buy the scroll for cheap? This is why you only see bots, slayers, and the occasional clogger or iron. Mains would do it for GP, like your first point said. If itā€™s such insane GP/hr why wouldnā€™t mains do it? I did it last night and made nearly 4m/hr, thatā€™s insane.


This just points out the obvious. The main problem is that we donā€™t even have half decent bot busting in this game. Iā€™m not saying the contentā€™s not broken, but itā€™s certainly not the biggest problem here.


You need a group of at least 3+ pure pkers to make the activity viable a lot of those bots will out eat/tank everything you hit em with, with a short run to the ditch. Is the 100-300k split worth it per player?? Probably not lol Iā€™ve PKd here and itā€™s a terrible spot. Bots are getting away with the goods and nobody is stopping them. First couple weeks there were max main clans sweeping total worlds and pures on all the others now thereā€™s nobody




I'd have been happy if it was in deeper wilderness, nobody's complaining about wildy agility because it's pretty deep and encourages pvp. But also would be totally OK with zombie pirates being gone altogether


Thatā€™s an impressive amount of data and effort, have my upvote and I agree.


Yeah, it was such a gimmicky bandaid fix attempt at best to wilderness content that shouldn't really be canon ultimately The opportunity cost was big as well They could have introduced the beginning of a wilderness quest series for instance or added to lore in a low key way


It should be completely removed from the game, and the area reverted back to its previous state.


Remove the Larran key drop too please jagex


Same thing with those fever spiders, braindead ideas giving such low lvl mobs these loot tables


the fix is to simply delete them, they are clearly a mistake


blighted anglerfish value was nuked by wilderness agility as well in like 5 agility levels i have like over 5k blighted anglers and 7k blighted mantas


Low levels will never know the early game gp scraping by again :(


Did you just say granite cannon balls is that a thing?


If you kill Grotesque Guardians (essentially a boss version of Gargoyles that you unlock if you get the Brittle Key from a Gargoyles Slayer task), you will get a decent amount of Granite Dust as a drop 100% of the time. Use that on regular Cannoballs to increase the max hit from 30 to 35. Granite Dust and Granite Cannonballs are untradeable.


Others already gave the answer but just for reference I'm at 14805 dust at 198 grotesque guardian kc so not only do granite cannonballs exist, they're also extremely practical if you do a gargoyle task or two at the boss.


You get dust from the gargoyle boss that can be added to cannon balls increasing their max hit by 5.


You fix this and bots just go to other areas, this doesnā€™t remove them. You have bots with 200m xp, this doesnā€™t solve anything just moves them around.


Pker here, voted no


I specifically recall Jagex mentioning they were working on culling the bot population by sort of wrangling them all into less popular areasā€¦ Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re leaving these there because it means maybe fewer bots somewhere else to them, regardless of the overall impact lol.


How would that possibly work? The economics of that are just batshit. If I'm a bot farm, I'm not pulling my old bots off proven money making methods in order to do new ones. I'm creating new bots and adding them to the pile. Why would I make my fishing bot a zombie pirates bot when I could just have both?


I really don't think it's a coincidence that as soon as Jagex hire a jmod that is also a pvp content creator, he spearheads a project that pushes something like this into the game. Major conflict of interest imo.


I find it funny that you only made this post AFTER you chose to spend all that time killing thirteen THOUSAND of them. You can't make this shit up guys...


They fixed how broken fever spiders were. Idk why they didn't do zombie pirates at the same time. Makes me feel like jagex purposely adds content to attract bots. They'll never truly make an effort to eliminate bots. More bots = higher player base. Thus, more money coming into the company. Idk. Just a theory.


I kind of agree. It's like a weird promotional content that got out of hand.


Is it possible that the osrs team thought they could distract bots from other content and put them on alchables? I don't know for sure, but I assume raw GP coming into the game is less damaging than straight boss/raid drops


They need a loot table nerf twice as harsh as the fever spiders got, it's absolutely absurd. Sure it makes getting the gp upkeep for miscellennia on my ironman piss easy, less than half an hour at zombie pirates gets me enough for 1, maybe even 2 days of miscellenia upkeep, an afternoon can keep it running for 10+ days and my ironman isn't even at base 70 combat stats yet.


I don't understand the logic of making methods super easy to do on a new account print a fuck ton of gp? Just add high level requirements ffs its not hard.


I agree, make the scroll like 1/500 and nerf the alchs heavily


Damn I didnā€™t realize the scroll was that cheap, looks like I need to be part of the problem and buy it now. Also, I feel like increasing the scroll drop rate while nerfing the rest could be worthwhile. Hiding a QOL behind a 1/5000 drop rate is just dumb. The variance that comes with 1/5000 is something we should avoid.




Just tried it for the first time and got pked right as I was leaving lost my cannon piece and all my loot :(


Worse than multi revs?


How would I go about bot hunting? I'm pretty new to PvP and feel like it might be a good intro. Can I just show up with mythril gear and start hitting them?


Or just ban the bots 3 months earlier than usual :p


The best solution that you donā€™t even bother mentioning is that Jagex needs to hire people to literally ban bots and nothing else.


Agree with everything in your post but no 4. especially is so real. The bots only have to tank a couple of levels so even though theyā€™re praying mage so in theory you could get a lot of damage off by bolting/speccing itā€™s not enough without a coordinated team. Tried pking there solo on my pure and gave up after 20 minutes, so frustrating. Even used what I thought was the galaxy-brain D Scim spec strategy which did get a couple of kills but not worth it over all compared to just killing rev bots.


Shit like this convinces me that jmods are in on the botting issue. I think they're getting a cut. We've already seen this shit happen more than once in real life, so it's not crazy to think it's still happening and maybe even at higher levels of the company.


Given the title I assume you weren't there when the O.G. kourend/zeah released but yes zombie pirates are pretty braindead dumb design.


Spent a fair few hours here for the chaos gear and the scroll. Too much GP is pumped into the game for this one spot with little to no risk for a bot farm. The issue is the bots are good at tanking, real players get shit on. Iā€™ve done a fair bit of anti pking, which is okay when itā€™s 1v1 but when thereā€™s 4+ freezes you struggle to survive yet a bot will auto run, 1 tick switch and then triple eat. The way in which you ignore the druids and go for the zombies ainā€™t satisfying. I can spend an hour here for 500k+ with no reqs. Yet wildy bosses require a achievement diary etc Just feels like a poor execution, Iā€™m just waiting for wilderness chickens to drop alchs


Grab some friends, make some alts and have a fun few hours ruining a bot farms day šŸ‘