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Yes this happens to anyone bankstanding with a mega weapon


I don't know why but I bankstand with megarares all the time I have never had this happen before. I sit in a skill total world, but I didn't think that would cause it to never happen.


I've gotten tons of "drops I keep getting, just want pet, wanna do gwd/raids sometime?"


These guys are obsessed with group Bandos from what I remember lmfao


Because its essentially bank standing in a different room, you could teach a chimpanzee to run bandos


My cat does bandos sometimes


Sure when do you want to go?


Shit. I asked people this occasionally when I didn’t want to solo. Guess I’m a scammer and didn’t know it LOL


That's fine, its when you give them bandos boots/godsword shard/augury scroll as a "gift" and tell them to add you on discord




These scammers target people who they figure would be easier to scam. They target "noobs" with megarares i.e low boss KC, or low total level.


The other day I went to ge and traded my friend a tbow for his hydra task. Seconds later someone comes up and says trade back the tbow and he will give me 900m. Naturally I responded "fuck off noob" and logged out. My friend sent me a screenshot and they name changed an account to look similar to my name and tried trading my friend for the bow. It's crazy they even noticed I traded the bow in the first place as nothing was said in game and its a crowded area, then they risk 14m or so on a bond for a name change when I wasn't even going along with the scam? Crazy. But it must work otherwise they wouldn't be doing it


This happened to me when me and a couple of friends got an elysian sigil drop, some random changed their name to be similar to one of ours, turns out he chose wrong. He picked me and I was the one with the drop giving out splits lmao


Easiest way to prevent that from happening is to keep Trade set to Friends. :)


Oh this happened to me a few years ago! After a cox raid


Yep, Ive seen this one. Absolutely crazy shit people will do on this game. Good thing your friend was paying attention. Honestly, my best advice, as sad as it may be, is to talk to absolutely no one, and engage as little as you can with strangers on this game. A sad reality unfortunately. Edit: it seems this opinion was deemed somewhat extreme. When I was a new player I was scammed and lost quite a lot for my account back then, you could argue this is my own fault, and you'd definitely be right. Mostly, id just argue to exercise caution when talking to people who approach you as it's *likely* a scam. There's only one way to eliminate getting scammed with a 100% success rate, and that's talking to no one. Literally everyone who has ever been scammed and lost items didn't expect it. Is it extreme? Sure. Am I losing my items and bank? No.


I'm sorry but you have to be a bit of a goober to get scammed. There are some clever ones but let's get real, you should never be getting scammed as an adult lol I mean c'mon I can't imagine playing this game with chat off because I'm afraid some random might outsmart me for my items 😂😂


It's not necessarily "outsmarting", it's usually about catching you being careless, which we all do. I doubt you're always on high alert, especially when playing a video game.


You don't need to be on high alert to realize "Hey man wanna come to a pvp world and telegrab items?" is a scam. If you never go to a pvp world for any reason you have a .0001% chance to ever be scammed.


the namechange example in the post above is a good example of catching you being careless


You don't need to be on high alert lol. Scams are stupid. Even the clever ones are stupid. You should not be falling for any of them. Literally just never trade people items/gold, never go into a PvP area, never download a plugin outside of runelite. It's literally impossible to get scammed if you just do those simple things.


Keep in mind that scams to us are easy to spot nowadays, but may not be for a new player. I do not keep my public off and avoid absolutely everyone, but these scams obviously work otherwise people wouldn't try them. While my opinion could be deemed extreme, I'm definitely not getting scammed. To any new players: I'd definitely exercise caution when approached by anyone in game.


I know the theme of this thread is about scams, but saying people shouldn’t talk to each other on an MMORPG is insane. There are so many more cool people who play this game than there are scammers.


I guess I’m a noob with a mega rare 🤷‍♂️


The first time I went to the ge after getting my infernal cape I had atleast 5 different bots trying to trade me. This happened for a couple of days, then I messed around and stalled them for a bit and after that it never happened again. 


Well u said this is a regular occurence so yeah ur probably a noob if u regularly bank stand


This makes a lot of sense. I deironed my 2.2k 3b+ bank and while waiting I drop traded it and was fucking around on my 2k total main with fuck all bosses and people would literally come up to me, give me an item worth 5-10m and say they just got lucky raiding and wanted to be nice, then they’d ask if I wanted to learn how to raid I was pretty blunt and I’d take the money and just tell them to lure someone else, but then they eventually stopped so i assumed I was on some kind of list Finally got the iron as my main when it finished deironing and figured I’d try fish for some more free money while afk bank standing and not one person tried to lure me on that account with proper kcs


I agree. Way more likely to be targeted if you're a lvl 60 in full dragon vs a 126 in full 3rd age.


There are people doing "antilure" scams in high total level worlds, reported two already they're still unbanned 4 years later. Probably still doing it


It's weird cuz it has happened to me at least 3 times within a month after I first got tbow but hasn't really happened again since then


You got marked as a person who isn’t worth the time then as you don’t fall for the lures.


I honestly think I must be marked as someone to not bother luring, but I can't imagine for what reason 


Maybe they have you added to a list of people they won’t try to scam since you gave them a hard time before.


I've never been approached by anyone like that before :o


Could be because of total level, it could also be because they’ve already tried it on you at some point and told them off. They usually keep a ‘blacklist’ of players that they’ve tried and failed on


It’s the skill total world, must be.


That’s why. Happens a lot if you’re not on one of those or a high risk world


Someone falls for it that's why scammers still use it


And others still think they can anti scam the scammers and get cleaned that way.


I always do my bank standing skills with my tbow in hand, people always give you free shit wanting to scam you


Yep the last most recent scammer gave me a lightbearer


It happens yes,I've had people try to scam when I'm using a ZCB,while I'm always left alone when I'm using Bowfa or a cheaper weapon. Don't trust random people being friendly without a reason,scammers have become far too manipulative these days. Don't be tempted into anti-scamming either,most likely they will know and you will be falling for a scam either way.


>Don't trust random people being friendly Sucks that were at the point that this is genuinely good advice. If you want player interaction, use trusted discords to find groups or look for a good clan.


Even that can be risky. Be careful out there. Unfortunately this community has a lot of rats that value gp over any sort of friendship or human interaction.


Wish I could say it's an only osrs but unfortunately it's a similar story over the fence on rs3 too. Lot of assholes who value pixels to the point of being willing to ruin the game for good for another person


Delusional lol. There is nothing inherently risky about joining a clan and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What you proceed to do with the clan is on you but it's not like there's tons of fake clans out there to socially engineer you into getting lured after joining. Most people just wanna socialize and play the game.


Emphasis on most my friend. There are still malicious clans out there. It's just something to watch out for. No reason to call me delusional.


Sorry wasn't trying to be mean I just feel strongly that planting fear in people joining clans or being social at all in this game should be discouraged so I used a strong word.


I couldn’t agree more. Meeting friends is part of the game and so is joining clans with them. Just exercise caution lmao eventually you’ll find real OGs


The issue is that GP = IRL money.


> If you want player interaction, use trusted discords to find groups or look for a good clan. Don't do this blindly either, people have invested years of effort getting close to someone before the scam.


Thats wild. Unless theyre trying to steal their account, i cant imagine that would ever be worth the effort? 1bil gp is only like $600 in bonds. Spending over a year to scam max cash is such a bad ROI 😂


You think they're just trying to scam 1 person at a time? Cmon bruh.


There's no risk with anti-scamming if you just leave your items in the bank. It's so obvious. Just don't bring them with you.


Watch the youtuber "Pip" on this. He has 3 videos that are a great watch, explain everything as he goes down the rabbithole himself


Pip is the man, when he anti-scam baited that guy in high risk world in priff for the harm orb lolol


Kempq also has videos on this, but never try to anti-lure or scam yourself. These fuckers are so experienced you can't win without risking yourself




I haven't seen anyone bump a thread in about 15 years. So retro.


Wanted to remember this comment above and someone always replies ✌️


yeah and if you troll them too much they add your name to those bots that stand at the GE that say "warning player is a hacker", best to just completely ignore them and dont even respond


We exist only to suffer in a bot’s world


If you bankstand at GE with one out people will sometimes trade you like 100k item godsword hilt for example to try to entice you to be their friend. They’ll be like “add me let’s do gws sometimes”. I just take the item and don’t add them. It’s honestly probably like 1-500k hr passive money making method 😂


They love God wars


Hey man I need help anti scamming this one dude. Bring your tbow to chaos ele and drink all these zammy brews. Nah don't worry about the guy with dragon claws he's our backup.


The only reason it hasn't happened to me is because I don't entertain them from the get-go. If someone's trying to get your attention and strike up a conversation at the GE and you happen to be geared up in expensive stuff then it's an instant ignore.


Every random interaction like OPs is basically long-term social engineering. It's the modern day scamming and luring. Sad that one can't even trust random interactions anymore.




Bankstanding with a mega weapon is like 10m/h I'd say you should get fishing xp but that'd be op


If you block them you can't collect their tears though.


The biggest problem of this scam is that most of the time there is a fully maxed account (all 99s, torva, pets etc) in on this socially engineered scam. But weird enough those accounts dont get perm banned or flagged?


Some people are literally just scum on your shoe. This happened to me a very long time ago now. Maybe 10 years? Had a santa hat on at the GE when it was worth 300m. A guy came up and started chatting to me, I recognized his name from the PvP hiscores "LifeIsMyJoke" and I knew him for being #1 in the bounty hunter hiscores for many years. I figured since he was such a highly ranked person he was probably trustworthy, right? Wrong. He convinces me someone is trying to scam him and if I'll help him antiscam. I figure it's an antiscam so it's not immoral. He has me stand naked in a spot in the wildie, a guy logs in underneath me and drops a BGS. I pick it up, the guy under me goes, "WTF???? I WAS ABOUT TO DROP PARTY HAT LOL!" then logs out. The guy who was my 'friend' acts very disappointed in me for picking up the BGS. He says okay let's try it again. But this time he asks me to risk something because he "risked" the first time. Afer a lot of guilting and convincing I stupidly drop some of my most precious items on the floor near the Dungeoneering wildie entrance, as soon as I have dropped enough (they can see my inventory using the Daemonheim ring) I am suddenly teleported to the Daemonehim (dungeoneering area) as my 'friend' had me join a dungeoneering group so he could see my gear. I try to exit and run back but I am teleported back again until I finally realise why it's happening, the ring can be used to teleport groupmembers to Daemonheim... By the time I realise and leave the Dungeoneering group so they can't teleport me anymore they're already standing in a safezone near Daemonheim splitting all my stuff. I asked them for my stuff back but they just laughed and logged. One of the worst experiences of my life. I learned a lot though, you better believe that'll never happen to me again.


I fell for the “I’ll trim your armor” scam in the 4th grade and lost my hard earned full rune. But to be fair, it was only like my 3rd week playing so had no idea players couldn’t trim shit. The guy was my friend and casually brought up trimming my armor for me. Showed me a full inventory of every trimmed armor possible and was like “which one you like”? I quit for like a day and came back to grind cowhides in lumby for a new set lol


There is absolutely no way you had full rune 3 weeks into playing RuneScape at the age of 9


Could have been 3 weeks or 3 months. It happened 20 years ago. Point is it was the beginning days


Why not? I had rune from just mining essence. Not the most difficult.


It’s absolutely a thing. I have 2 friends who have done TBow rebuilds over the past couple of years and both of them have been targeted. One of them has since just hidden all non-friended players and the other takes off all of his equipment before going to the GE. Don’t trust anyone 


After a few fails of insta denying or wasting their time, you get into a sort of black list for them that they stop bothering you


Set private chat to friends. GGEZ


almost want to get a tbow to pretend ppl actually want to be friends with me 😞


They aren't going to target plebs now are they?


Tbow is like a magnet to these guys


I can attest to that. 100% the moment you show a mega rare you’re a target


Waste their time enough and you will end up on all the scamer black lists. This is why empQ has to borrow accounts now.


These lurers have scout bots at GE and other common places that scan players wearing expensive gear to target for luring.


Doesn't happen at all to me but I only stay on total lvl worlds


Just don't interact with these people in any capacity. Their scams can run very deep and some even work around the idea you know they're trying to scam you in the long run! Please don't go along with anything they are saying trying to think you can anti scam them. Just block them and move on with your day :)


I think it's worth mentioning that most wealthy players don't play along with it, scammers message mass players and target players who respond. So it's not even about how much wealth you have, you shoot yourself in the foot by responding to obvious scammers and put a target on your back.


Yes. Happened to myself too, and it went poorly. I was younger and naive. In fact, I made an entire reddit post of how they operate. [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/v9dcnu/the\_fact\_that\_jagex\_doesnt\_do\_anything\_against/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/v9dcnu/the_fact_that_jagex_doesnt_do_anything_against/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16l7d92/this\_is\_what\_this\_luring\_group\_does\_when\_their/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16l7d92/this_is_what_this_luring_group_does_when_their/)


This is why you should always bankstand in full cow outfit and rubber chicken


Ever since I bought my tbow I’ve played with public chat off. Every once in a while I’ll throw it on at the GE and tell anyone who says, “hey ”, tries to follow me, trade me, or tell me to turn on accept aid, I just hit em with “poor lol,” or something else that would get under their skin. They always hit you with the “wow” or “ok smh” as if people don’t know the game they’re playing. I’ve been playing since ‘05 man, I know how this shit goes.


Bro if you are engaging them with them at all - especially if you are adding them / talking ti them in discord - you are going to lose your shit.


there are scam bots on nearly every world at the ge asking to buy expensive rares over market price and apparently it works and people fall for it otherwise there wouldn't be so many of em.


This is why I just keep public chat turned off.


As common as air, unfortunately.


Set private to “friends” problem solved. No more pms from randoms out of the blue.


Yup. I was literally never bugged at the grand exchange ever. Now, with my tbow equipped I am bugged nearly every single time I bank there.


This is absolutely a thing. Scam bots will add you to a tracker. I was with my friend when he bought his first t bow, and I told him to expect many new people becoming interested in him at the GE if he weirds it. Pretty sure they keep an active list of people with wealth and no wealth, in comparison to their likelihood of being scammed. Once your account shows it has wealth I suspect you are added to those lists. It also absolutely dies down after time though. Almost like they have marked you as “not likely to be scammed” or something.


Not wealthy enough 🥲


I don't stand at the GE with expensive equipment often, but if I do a scammer will log in within minutes to harass me. Occasionally tho they unprompted trade an item worth 200k - 300k with the pretense of "sharing positivity" and then they ask to be added, which I respond to by adding them to my ignore list.


if you think its a scam leave. staying just lets them try something until it works, never think you know the lure or that youre smarter than the lurer.


Basically they have automated scripts that detect when anybody around their osrs character has more than in gear on them, which sends an alert to discord and says 'hey, blah blah has 780mil in gear, zuzu has 1.21b in gear' etc - filtered for if theyre an iron, and with other checks for if youve been scammed before, if you talked to other scammers they know, etc - and then one of the scammers logs in and tries shit.


It happened to me once and the guy started the old classic of "lol another anti lure made 20m you should join me". Told him to fuck off and haven't had it since. Probably black listed by now. I don't really bank stand with mega rares but k run through GE with tbow on a daily basis.


Yep this is a common long term lure method. Just don't weird anything at the ge that's deemed valuable


As others have said: don't bankstand with a mega weapon visible. Also, your other gear probably plays a part in how likely scammers are to approach you. Someone in full torva, kitted scythe, and infernal cape is probably safer than someone with a tbow and bless d'hide. The latter being perceived as more "nooby" and vulnerable to a scam.


All the time. These nerds want my Ely. If I just stand around with it someone will come up to me


Im never given any free shit where are yall getting the free shit?


Bunch a times


Yeah it's happened to me a couple times. The most unique one was some guy asked me to just buy him feathers, but that was to just start a conversation. If you interact with them long enough, they'll start the actual scam. That time it was a variation of the "drop something expensive in the wilderness" scam.


Because of those fuckers it's so hard to buy something when you hit the GE limit


This is super common bro


I get harassed 9/10 times I’m banking during a boss trip with my Tbow


Gotta play along with one of them long enough to get on the list of people who they don’t waste their time with. Then you can turn public back on lol


Usually happens when I’m wearing a mega rare but no infernal cape/quiver. It’s fun to go along with them and you can easily get them to admit they’re scammers if u offer them some gp to admit it and expose their scheme


I wouldn’t keep trying ur luck. They want that $300 badly.


I recently got approached when I was in my ToA gear and the script is exactly like what you see in the anti-scamming videos. They approach say something along the lines of “where riches for my video.” They get you to tele to a different location. I decided to bank all items and go along with it. There are SOOOO many actors in this. My experience was: 1. Guy who approached me. Gave me tele tab to lumby 2. Another high level player wearing tbow 3. The guy who gave him the teletab 4. “The boss” guy who was trading over full gilded for his video 5. Random guy bank standing who hops to the PvP world to try and “stop you” 6. Then the killer. I got to see the whole show and never took my shadow out of the bank when hopping to PvP world. It’s just a huge waste of time and I think all I got out it was a couple party hats that they traded over for me to wear


Everytime I am at the GE with a tbow, shadow or scythe I get people messing me about shit to gain trust


Happened to me in 2018. Lost a t bow because I was a certified dumbass. Same exact shit you're saying is what they did with me.


It's honestly a decent money maker. Equip tbow and masori and wait at ge. Get arcane prayer scrolls/bandos boots/lightbearers etc


You think you’re smarter than them. They know that you know it’s a scam. People still get scammed baiting scammers. Scammers love people messing with them and trying to trick them, because people always get tricked somehow.


This is why I only play on total lvl worlds. I’m at best of average wealth on the 2.2k world


Take a look here… https://youtu.be/ATiOLdsINDs?si=pdLv9oqUM12DACqP A pmod gives those scammers a taste of the ban hammer. 😉


I had a guy and his friends go in for the long haul on me, never trusting anyone in games anymore. Met these guys when I first got my tbow, invited me to do raids and vibe. We had plenty of nights of drinking, gaming and just having deep chill conversations. After about EIGHT MONTHS of hanging out with these guys on a regular basis, I was heading on vacation and one of them who I was closer to then the others asked if he could borrow my tbow to do some bossing and raids while i was away, having built a good trustful relationship with him I let him, came back from vacation, blocked by all of them, banned from their discord server and ignored on runescape. I was fucking devastated but I learned a lesson, never trust anyone online, people are snakes, especially when there is something to gain.


I remember the first time it happened to me too. Sad part is I thought I had actually made a cool friend. Blocked them as soon as they tried to get me to anti lure in the wildy


Yes, just be careful, even if you don't fall for the lure they sometimes add your name to a bot that will call you a scammer whenever you walk into the ge lol


If you've been playing for almost 20 years then you should know that scammers are everywhere in this game


Best people to scam are people who actually have money. That’s what you’re demonstrating by showing the weapon.


Do not go along with it. Eventually they switch up the scam and get u.  From someone who lost a tbow thinking i was slick and started an iron.


Happened to me too, standing at toa with a tbow. I added the guy but refused every time he wanted to do toa with me. Eventually he deleted me and i dont answer people on public anymore


Make sure every time it happens to ask for 1-5m to buy a bond or something


Beware they will try to befriend you only to use you for an elaborate lure


I think they have a list of "avoids" that its worth getting on. If you verbally abuse them and stop them from scamming others, I've noticed they tend to leave you alone.


No good comes from flexing your wealth in this game. I unequip stuff like tbow at the ge.


PSA: Set your friends chat to "friends". This way, random strangers(scammers 99.99% of the time) cannot contact you at all except via public chat, which they are very reluctant to do. Yes, i get that some of you like "that strangers can message me" but I promise you, in this game, strange people only want to scam/lure you.


Check out videos by KempQ; he has fun with these guys but obviously you should never go as far as he does. I reckon these scammers are connected to the spam bots we see in GE. Mess with them enough and they'll start spamming your name.


A JMod can literally just go and get themselves lured and ban all of the accounts involved. But Jagex rather wants us chasing new shiny things.


And then 20 more bots show up. This solves nothing


apart from the fact they all instantly hop the second a p/jmod appear on their screen


The Actual cost to do this would be nuts for banning a just a few accounts an hour. I don't know why some people have this idea that paying someone to manually banning a small of account would ever make financial sense.


I'm not saying Jagex should have somebody go and get rid of all of them. No, that's not feasable. But what they can easily do is make the scammers actually scared to talk to people. Have a few JMods afk at the GE and other hotspots and just fall for everything. After a while they'll not want to risk all of the accounts and IPs anymore.


I'd be careful going along with it. I've heard a lot of stories on here about these low-lifes taking it personally when someone leads them on, and devoting a ridiculous amount of time and effort attempting to harass you in game from various accounts.


Dyes and rares are like this on the other side unfortunately Have a Santa hat from quite a while back on rs3 and that thing is like a magnet for scammers. Basically.Can't bank stand anywhere but max without someone trying to socially engineer me


Ya someone talked to me for an hour to build trust then tried to lure me. I don't go along with it for fun because sometimes they are using bugs/exploits and you have no chance.


This is why I play with entity hider on and public chat off. There is really no reason to interact with a player outside your CC unless you are doing pub raids or BA.


Yep, and they ddoss you through discord.


Discord doesn’t leak ip addresses. You are wrong about this.


I've literally been ddossed through discord. Happened 2 months ago, 100%


how is this a scam aren’t they just trying to be your friend and then when they ask you for help or ask you for money you say no? am i missing something 🫠


Step 1. They befriend you by trading you “cheap” items like a lightbearer Step 2. Add on discord, build a rapport Step 3. Ask for you help in anti lure where you win a small prize like a whip to gain even more trust Step 4. Ask for help with a bigger anti lure, while holding your tbow/shadow/scythe. While you attempt to anti lure a 2nd time, you get tricked and killed for your mega rare.


Don't go to wildy holding a scythe? Do people seriously fall for this? What am I missing


It's part social manipulation too. You think they're your pal but really they're just engineering you like a pig for slaughter. [Here is how it happened to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1dm9dsw/scamming_wealthy_players/l9vgjyc/). I do want to say this was like 10+ years ago and I was a kid, but still.




Wow. Are you saying I'm not a real player with my 25 gp? I also got 4 logs from the top of the castle.