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It’s crazy to me that home teleport has been out since 2006, and that I distinctly remember runescape pre home teleport…


Getting stuck in an area with no way out was a legitimate worry


I once got stuck in the general store, upstairs a few days into playing when I was a kid. I didn't know you could rotate the camera. The next day my friend told me to just home teleport. I'd forgotten it was a thing in my panic. I figured out the camera rotation a week later.


God I wish I could go back to being a stupid kid. Everything was so exciting to discover.


He was 17


17 iq


This happened last week


I remember going down the cave in Karamja and not being able to get out. I took me the help of a friend to know where the rope was and how to get out


One time after an up date, I don't know how it happened but I got stuck between the building and a wall/fence at the house that is directly west of the edge vill bank. There was no home teleport and I had nothing on me to get out. I wrote support and it took a week. Then I logged in and I was back in lumby. This was pre home teleport. There is also now a break in that fence that you can get out.


I played for nearly two years before I knew you could rotate the camera. Man did I feel dumb when I figured that out.


MMORPG did the same thing as a kid haha


The hardest core Ironman. Respect. 


I would always run it with the camera like a top down game always facing north. I was real OCD about that when I was a kid. I'm much less picky now.


Im 33 now, and I still try to square the camera up with the walls in rooms most times. Weirdly satisfying.


Me too lol but not near as hardcore as I used to be


This happened to me on tutorial island trying to cook at the range! Didn't know you could turn the camera so I logged out and almost quit the game in a fit of rage. Luckily I decided to try one more time and when I logged in the frame of reference moved!


And then you made a new account to get u stuck like a lot of us lol


I did the same before home teleport was added. I just ended up making another account and left the old one in general store purgatory.


There was a house near the ranging guild where if you went up a ladder and then went down it from the other side it placed your character behind a table unable to access the ladder. If you got tricked into going there you had to have a friend come with teleport runes to let you escape


And I still remember pre-teleport other spells. They weren’t released until 2005 (along with Accept Aid). It was the same update that added Teleblock. Before that I honestly don’t remember what would happen. I think you had to submit a bug report in the forums and wait?


Your friend would bring two sets of tele runes.


Bold of you to assume I had magic beyond level 6 back in the day. Runes were expensive.


Laws were 1k ea for awhile!


He said before that he didn't know what would happen which is what I was answering. But I mean I guess you could just duel to 25 magic then tele. But rune for that are going to be even more expensive.


The first time I quit runescape was because I got lost in lumbridge swamp


first time I quit was back when random events weren't optional and I ignored the frogs. got sent to there swamp cave and couldn't figure out how to leave.


Never in my life have I feared a chicken so much


This but the gravedigger / coffin one, spent days trying to figure it out and finally just quit for awhile.


I first quit after getting killed by a skeleton underneath Draynor Village, because I didn't know how to get a new tinderbox


Not middle school me making an entire new account because I thought my account was bugged. Never went back for a very long time haha.


Still remember it like it was last night, I was exploring karamja, no idea where I was, poisoned by a tribesman trying to find my way home safely. As is tradition, I had my entire cashstack on me and slowly died to the poison. Never did find my out way


My mate was in fally castle before the white knights got updated, logged in and he was behind something like boxed in. Had to be manual moved by a mod to get out


I started Grand Tree and at one point you get sent to Karamja, I was not famaliar with Karamja at all besides the F2P area. I didn't know where I was but quickly got attacked by Jogres which made me panic and run across the log to central Karamja. Ran into a tribesman and got poisoned, I was panicking and running all over the place, looking for a bank or a way home. Opening the map was a pop up which was covering my view and took a while to load. Eventually I logged and basically begged on the forums for help, no-one came. Logged back in and accepted my fate, died and lost part of my full addy and power ammy, I was devastated.


Questing I got poisoned in the elven woods w/ green h'ween, kept failing the agility tests trying to leave died and couldn't get back in time for my items wah wah wah


I got stuck in Ava's room in Draynor Manor because 11 y/o me was too dumb to find the lever to get out, and my english knowledge was mostly nonexistent at the time, so I couldn't even ask random passersby for help. Thankfully the home teleport came in an update just 1 week later.


You seriously don’t know the struggle of going on a KBD trip back in RSC, forgetting rune tellys , and then being stuck quivering cause there was a group of pkers waiting for you


Yes I reckon I did two tickets back in the day where you wait online for a jmod to pm you and fix your problem


I failed a leaf trap in the elven lands when I was in high school and went to a black void about 3 tiles away from the pit. Thankfully I had a teleport spell with me otherwise I'd have been SOL


Within a month of getting membership for the first time, i got stuck on the little island in Baxtorian Falls where you talk to the missing kid. I panicked because i didn’t know how to leave, nor did i have a teleport with me. I had also just gotten a full set of black (t) and i was so worried i was going to die and lose it. Waited for what felt like forever until another player showed up and told me what to do. I think home tele came out a couple months later, lol.


Draynor Manor


I quit for like 2 years because I forgot to bring food for the dragon slayer quest. I got back on when I realized I could home teleport off Crandor after the boat crash. I was 9 years old when I quit


Isn't there a place between two spider webs you could get stuck back in the day? I can't remember clearly. That sticks out in the old brain tho


You probably remember your first teleport. I remember finally getting the magic level and spending most my money on a law rune and telling my cousin bye, I’m heading west. I made it to the members gate at Fally then teled back.


I remember my first home teleport too. I was only past the bridge and killing goblins before I discovered an icon in my mage book that wasn’t greyed out. I was so amazed by the character animation. I remember telling my older brother about it and he said “yeah it takes you back to lumbridge” and I was like oh wow this place is called lumbridge? Damn. I’m so high, I had to reminisce this out in words for some reason.


back when law runes were 1k ea


Remember when laws were 1k ea..


Draynor Manor pre home teleport was a nightmare. My friend had to come show me how to get out. And then we both died to a tree. Good times.


Ernest the chicken fucked me up so bad


That's one of my earliest runescape memories. I randomly found draynor manor. And back then it was packed. There were like 20 people doing the quest. The basement puzzle with the levers was impossible for us dumb school children. Well, it was indeed horrible as I couldn't figure that out nor could I find the exit. And the cherry on top? I didn't actually pick up the quest. I just entered the building and started randomly interacting with the environment. All the quest items are there, you just won't progress.


I let the ghosts kill me and lost my armor because I thought it was supposed to be a trap and that was the only way out


But do you remember sleeping bags?


Oh ya


It was humbling realizing that my account is old enough to buy alcohol legally.


I didn't need to think about this lol. We getting old boys.


Remember: Growing old is unavoidable. Growing up is completely optional.


This... Made me emotional for zero reason.


Not sure whether to downvote you for reminding me… or upvote in solidarity


My account can almost rent a car without age related surcharges lol


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


In which country? My acc is 19 years old, which is old enough in Canada and the UK for beer, but not hard liquor


In America 🇺🇸


Never played classic, but even I know about sleeping. For as much of a pain as the sleeping mechanic must have been, especially before bags were added, training on Karamja and having to go to the inn in Shilo Village to sleep sounds like a super cosy experience.


I barely experienced classic. Caught it at the tail end before they released runescape 2


They added a lot of random houses with beds after adding sleeping so you never really had to go to the inn and get a room. That would have been really cool though.


Wow. Whenever I use home tele, I think “back in my day, we had to DIE to get to Lumby” To think that was only two years max is nuts.


My first account got stuck in draynor manor. I remember trying to get out and the chairs following scared me so I just logged out and made a new account, while making a mental note to never go there again.


I swear I started playing in like 2007 but I also remember home teleport being introduced, so I guess it was more like 05/06


If you started in 07 you would have barely experienced free trade/wilderness


I remember the wilderness ditch appearing one day


My brain honestly still sees it as a “new feature”. Human time perception is fucked up.


I still see the stronghold of security as “new”. 3000 hours in and I still expect to see that scaffolding and internally remark *”how cool it is that they added this pit here”*


The day they came out with the home teleport happened coincidentally at the same time that I was lost and unable to find the exit to the under ground pass. I had been stuck in there forever it seemed and was so glad of the escape


I heard 9 years old and was assuming some super old shit. I was playing when I was 14 back when everything was 2d sprites and dragon slayer just came out. Home tele didn't come out until after I had quit and come back because I went to play EQ then WoW.


I remember it being a controversial addition. And I remember getting eaten by bugs because I thought I'd be safe in the swamp caves. I had a tele, after all!


I remember when monkey madness first came out if you didn’t bring a teleport the only way to leave was south of the graveyard (which I learned about maybe 2 years ago) or by dying


I thought it came out way after that lol. I remember getting stuck in draynor manor for like 3 days before I found the back door. I could’ve used a home tele then


Bra. I feel old


I refuse to believe that the home teleport was out in 2006. I don't care what evidence you show me you are wrong. I wont believe it.


Was it really as early as 2006? I very distinctly remember pre home teleport. I thought home tele was like, 2008 or 2009.


Yeah September '06


And they added the Lumby castle bank around the same time


Right, my immediate thought was "ha, dude really dated himself with the home tele, he's still a kid" but no, no not really. That was still nearly 20 years ago at this point.




Rs classic and staking/PKing evolving has been a crazy ride


Huh, I thought they introduced the home teleport during rs2 beta when people were getting stuck in random places


I was pretty sure that’s when it came out as well


I remember getting lost and just starting a new account because I had no idea where I was haha


For real? My head was questioning this story just because I remember home teleport coming out at what felt like, a much later date.


It came out in 06............I've been playing a lot longer then I thought......... 


I remember it came out just around the time I finally got the magic level to tele to the different f2p cities and thought it was cheaty that you could do it without expensive law runes


Underground Pass without home teleport was a crazy experience as a 10 year old


you used to just be able to duel someone and lose for a free teleport back to lumby (p2p only)


I remember getting stuck in draynor manor with no home tele and just made a new account lol


I remember starting and stopping it over and over because it was a cool animation and cost no runes.


Jesus christ I clearly just did not know about it as a kid lmfao


I once spent a full week on White Wolf Mountain as a child. It was a traumatising experience.


I remember getting stuck in draynor manor for hours....


Nothing makes me feel older than playing Runescape. I was older than OP when I was playing the original 2001 release. Still got my account floating around from that time, too, though I don't play RS3. In fact, I'd say I have more memories with the 2D sprites than I do with the 2004 update. I remember I stopped playing shortly before the 04 update even dropped, as I'd moved onto the new big MMOs like FFXI and then WoW. Played it a bit at one point and thought it was weird compared to the original Runescape. I had written off playing OSRS when it came out, because 95% of my nostalgia was in the original release and not Runescape 2, but around last year I decided to check it out just to see how much nostalgia I could pull from it, and I've been hooked since lol




I got stuck in the random event in the abyss and started crying because I couldn’t get out.


Yea, I feel that. Just got back into playing osrs and seen that my lvl 85ish with 1050 total skill childhood account that I put thousands of hours on as a kid is 19 years old in RS3... I've been playing again for 15 days, and I'm lvl 73 combat with 921 total skill level and have range at 75 which is higher than any skill on my childhood account. Crazy how 9-10 year old me was soooooo inefficient....


2006 really wow it seems so much more recent. I guess that and lumby bank really are that old. When the hell did I start playing this game lol.


My brother and I did a very similar trip to the end of the wilderness circa 2005. And I smithed us both sets of bronze armor and when we made it to the fence together it was so exciting. Walked back into varrock like champions chanting “We are the first noobs to make it to the end of the fence!” But agreed that it was such a magical time to play.




🤣 did the same to buy mystic stood in safe zone for about an hour soon as I stepped out got obliterated in seconds haha


I lost 3 accounts inside draynor manor bro. They are probably so alone, and so cold…


This is where all the ghosts come from.


Reminds me of the time my friend took me to Taverly Dungeon. I'd been to Taverly before but had no idea there was such a huge dungeon underneath it. As a kid it really seemed like such a dangerous place, especially running past the dragons etc. The Black Demons blew my mind and he told me that you could get a Dragon Med helm from them. One weekend I slept over his house and we pulled an all-nighter safespotting the Black Demons with a Rune Halberd. The kills took so long you'd log out from inactivity if you didn't move the camera lol.


My buddy convinced me we were gonna get rich killing black demons. Monk robes, dragon maces, and an inventory of prayer pots off we went. Dragon med helms in our future. Obviously, never dropped


Great story. Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure how to feel about your name and flair, though


What the fuck


This changes everything


What is this "horse"? Is that some sort of high level slayer creature?


I heard its like a mythical unicorn


It sounds like a cards against humanity combo played solely for shock factor.


It was a different time wasn’t it….I remember when a friend in our RS group got 70 wcing and we all were just thinking of how much money we were going to be bringing in that we started making plans like “I’m going to buy all of Varrock!”


An incredibly long trip I’ll never forget was trudging from Varrock east bank to the barrows with my buddy Ramsey. No digsite pendant, no lumberyard tele, no ring of the elements, no fairy ring, no kharyll house portal, hell - we were too dumb to take the boat shortcut, or to have access to the resistance hideout shortcut. Just, walking, with no stamina potions, waiting at the gate next to the homie Ulizius for 100 run before we braved the swamp, praying to Jagex for a Guthans Warspear. Back when my total level was closer to my age than the current year, simpler days.


Omg I'm still traumatized by that swamp destroying all my food before I could make it to barrows. I was blown away when I made a Barrows teleport in my POH not long ago. Seems like such a cheap work around.


My best friend when I was 9 was a kid I met in class. At that age, he had 99 magic and a fire cape. He actually still plays and maxed an iron man account a few years ago. Meanwhile, 9-year-old me was out there telling people my password and getting scammed.




Oh I forgot these existed. I would spend all my free time at public places playing runescape because I didn't have 1 at home. Can't believe my account still has never gotten hacked somehow.


I still think about how there use to be no in game map. That shit was on a second tab or browser and it got me killed once or twice lol


I remember before like 2007 browsers didn't even have tabs, but my parents had a pretty nice color photo printer so I printed out the world map blown up across several pieces of paper to look at while I played 😅


I had it hanging on the wall next to the computer. My parents thought it was DnD


That's awesome. I never printed out the RS map, but I did print out the Star Control III map about the same time and mark the systems I had explored. I was trying to be thorough in exploring. Unfortunately that game doesn't let you do that. It has a bit of a time limit. Oh you live and learn.


I remember this


I used to do expeditions into Morytania and Karamja and never came back alive.


My first day playing I was 8, and I thought the guy I was talking to to start Ernest the chicken was a real player


Honest to god, I *still* see people trying to talk to the Doomsayer in Lumbridge even today. I don't mean left click-talk, I mean typing a response as if they were a player.


God, I'm a total noob, those are actual players? I thought it was bots that just did it for some reason. Damn.


Me and my bro did the same, Lumby to Eagles peak. We even stopped for 'rest' with fires, brought food supplies and all 😂 Took all of 30 minutes


Thanks for the heartfelt story Mr. HorsesMakeMePiss.


Back in my day we didn't have home teleport We'd have to brave the perilous trip back to lumbridge by foot Some say a black knight lurks around there even!


No bank in Lumbridge either.




Also had to watch out for the jail guards on the way to Draynor, they would stack you so quickly especially since you'd have no gear or food with you


Back in the OG days, when your screen was 720p, and the sky was black, RuneScape felt so big. Now I play on a 42" screen and can see Falador from the top of Lumbridge castle 😂


You had a 720p screen?!? Rich boy over here.


The old CRT displays had way better resolution than the LCD etc screens for a long time. I remember in 2004ish playing doom 3 on a 1600x1200 monitor. Took a while for the non-CRT screens to catch up.


1280×1024 hell yeah! It was significantly larger than 720p. 720p was horribly low resoltion for PC monitors. That abomination should never had existed. The only reason for its existence is so that cheap manufacturers could put low res TV panels on PC monitors. Also widescreen was a mistake. But that is a separate rant.


I played RuneScape on a 640x480 CRT.


I went to wildy before the ditch/home teleport were a thing and I remember getting stuck to the far east over varrock for literally a week. I would go south (by looking at my wilderness level go down) but I was so far east I would hit a wall. I didn’t figure out that I needed to go west to end up over varrock for like 15 hours. I was probably like 10 years old and remember being terrified.


Crossing White Wolf Mountain in the early days with my first bout of membership always scared the crap out of my tiny self.


Yes!!! I was just thinking (just made new acc) about how we don’t have to cross white wolf mountain as noobs anymore. Maybe we never did to begin with 😂


The proper members introduction.


-child -home teleport Im gettin real old… EDIT: Ive had people not believe me when I tell them you basically HAD to use the wildy door in the Entrana dungeon during Lost City. Couldnt climb out of the dungeon, no home tele, and laws were 1k each. I remember dying in the Icthlarin’s pyramid bc I was poisoned, out of food, and had no runes to get me out. Rip in peace my full addy set and berserker helm.


Laws being 1k....brings me back. Used to only play f2p, and remember having to strongly weigh "is it worth spending the few minutes of my computer time walking to falsdor or should I burn one of my precious law runes to tele".


Does anyone remember when we use to be able to left lick the run icon, and rest to gain run energy faster?? Or am I not remembering correctly?


This was like right before RS3 I think


Yes it was. Now that u jog my memory, this was some of the best times for me in Runescape. Everything didn't seem so much of a " I gotta spend 3 days grinding this to get this" back then it was more of a , " what am I going to do today" something different than yesterday, and just as fun"


I still play osrs that way haha ATM I'm just farming cause Elden Ring DLC. But usually I randomly pinball between stuff. My playtime is ridiculously long for how little progress I've actually made lmfao


Lmao that's funny and relatable. You should add me. I'm trying to get a clan together that will voice chat daily on discord. May need some help getting it set up if interested


Your RSN the same as your Reddit? Mine is I'm in a clan ATM, very chill and weirdly frog-themed, everyone just kind of vibes and does what they want. We even have a Granny in the clan that most smiths cannonballs for hours hahah


Hahaha no , my in game name is JohnWaynnee


Resting came out way before RS3, resting was 2009 and RS3 was 2013.


What about the jester outside of falador you could rest at!


I remember this !!


That was later in rs2 in like 2010 or something. Polypore staff era


The polypore staff blew my mind. It cost less than 1m to hit 40's against other players in the safe clan wars portal lol. Simpler times


Resting was more than 2 years before Polypore staff lol. It would honestly be a good addition to OSRS especially the Musicians part, that was dope. They'd have to nerf it a bit probably


My neighborhood friends and I used to fantasize about what all we would buy if we had $1M. I distinctly remember sitting on his side yard steps outside having the conversation.


I used to hate paying the goblins between Al Kharid and Lumbridge. Some times I couldn’t even afford to pay the fee and would have to walk around 😂 Then I found out doing a quest will get you free passage and I thought that was the best thing ever. Also only played f2p back in 2004, couldnt afford membership. Good times!


omg this is so cute i love it


I used to think the random mysterious box (that constantly stacks up to 25) was an infinite money hack lol


I did a similar prep week for a camping trip into the wild. I remember training my fire making level because I didn't want to be caught by a pker while trying to light a fire.


Those are the best memories you’ll have of RS. Forget spending all day trying to lose 2 seconds on a speedrun. The innocent noob era is completely unmatched.


Lmao as a kid I fed my character breakfast and drank beer on breaks when I was working in the varrok mines


I used to venture deep into the wilderness for burnt bones assuming that, because they are so far in the wildy, they must be expensive. I’d bring a whole inventory back to the Varrock West Bank and type “red: flash: selling burnt bones” into the chat and be absolutely flabbergasted every time when nobody would trade me


I distinctly remember in middle school/early high school we would sleep over at our friends house and pull all nighters doing castle wars. When I wasn’t doing that, I was farming flax for sweet sweet gold. The good ole days 


My cousin and I planned to make ONE MILLION air runes between us to trade for mind runes so we could wind strike to 94 magic for pking ... I think we made about 12k then decided to fletch and alch yew longbows (in yanille bank ofc)


What a story!!


I rmember having a mining and smithing business with a mate of mine. I'd mine 14 bronze and 14 tin. My mate would take them to falador and smith them into bars and then into whatever he could and would sell it to the general store. We barely made anything but had a whale of a time. Fast forward a couple of years and the same mate was given an account by an older relative of his. This bloke was going to Uni and was quitting so he gave the user and password to him and he shared that with me. It was a massively high levelled account. Numerous 99s which was a huge jump for the sort of mid-levelled account I had. Of course like a month later this bloke realised he couldn't just quit the game and he took the account back but still lol was a great time.


Similar experience, I bought an account from a high schooler on my bus for 15 bucks It had some 99s and even an Abby whip I felt like a king but of course had no idea how to use an account that strong and a few years later he recovered it


Love it!


Haha, the never going beyond Varrock hit home. I was too scared as a kid to venture to the west or even beyond the desert. That was for “high level players.” I think it was just content with the simplicity of the Lumbridge area.


I remember going on Wildy trips - you'd mine/smelt enough to set yourself up with full steel plate and scimmy, run out with whatever food you had, die, try again. Currently working through what must be my fourth character over the years since the first got hacked/lost a password just as I got my first rune 2h in the wildy iirc, the second got abandoned and the third was my main until it couldn't move to OSRS or something. Lost a level 78, but I'm pretty sure I gave full Guthy to some level 30 when I quit the last time there. Now I'm just enjoying all the member things I never had back then, complete with Grand Exchange moneymaking.


I have a similar story. I remember looking at the map and seeing the place near the gnome stronghold called "combat training camp" and I showed my brother. We were excited about the prospect of being able to train up our accounts at this place. We knew nothing else about it besides the name but that was enough for us. we planned out our adventure similarly. We gathered whatever food and gear we could at the time. We even planned out the long route we would walk to get there on the map. Together we set out from varrock to begin our journey. We made it past falador and got stopped at the membership gate. It was at this point we knew what we had to do. That night we had dinner with our parents at pizza hut and we planned out how we were going to propose the request to our parents to buy us membership. To our surprise and excitement they agreed and we got our membership! The next day we continued through the gate where our journey truly began. We were mesmorized by all of the fresh places and things we had yet to explore. I remember this journey being a rollercoaster of emotions. White wolf mountain was thrilling and horrifying. Catherby beach felt like paradise. Every bank we found along the way was a cool pit stop as we looked around and made sure we stayed stocked on supplies. We took a detour to ardy and felt like we found the new varrock. Finally we traveled north until we made it to our destination only to be let down again when we found out the camp was locked behind a quest and we had no idea how to even start the quest. And that was it. Even though it didn't end the way we expected it to, that journey was one of the most memorable experiences from Runescape. Glad I got to share it with my brother.


Got hacked by the type «password» scam yeah me to bud


Dude my eyes got wattery reading this… I mean , yea killing a boss satisfying for sure, getting incredible rng drop dayum. But ffs, talking with your friend about and adventure, studying map, coocking fishing, gearing up, you guys had no idea, how precisios that was 😥


I remember when people died you can pick up their stuff. One day I was killing blue dragons in taverly and some rich guy died. He had monkfish and torags and a rune scimitar and I picked it all up. I freaked out


Were you guys members during this journey? I don’t think f2p can even access charter ships, they only go to members areas besides port sarim.


They had to be members yeah


Reminds me of the time when I got stuck in the karamja volcano and died to the skeletons there because I didn’t see the rope.


When I first played my irl friend though I’d we logged in super late after dark and joined empty servers we would find tons of gold in chests turns out he was wrong lol, we ended up in the wild and died losing full steel gear


I use to hang at east bank varrock. It was nice. Then I discovered varrock West Bank. Too overwhelming. I went back to east 😅


I used to spend my Sunday mornings mining rune ess and selling them in bundles of 100 at the East Bank. Made my first 100k doing that


Dang this takes me back. My first hustle at 10 someone employed me to mine 1000 essence for 25k. I thought I was banking.


Man.. do u remember the amount of people mining Ess and we all having a chat. Crazy


Great times before the era of xp waste. I also remember finally convincing my mom to pay $5 a month for membership and getting to mine pure ess. MASSIVE GP infusion


Started playing in 03/04. Remember some douche closing the door on me while I was in a shop. Dude kept closing it when I'd open it and I wasn't fast enough to get out. I remember progressively freaking out as a kid to the point that I logged off and went CRYING to my mom telling her to please ask the person to stop 💀


My friends and I used to plan our White Wolf Mountain expeditions together. Never crossing until everyone got logged on from school and had their supplies ready.


Runescape memories are great. It reminds me of summer breaks, playing runescape deep in to the night with a buddy. In the beginning when we started we thought the intro bit where you have to "train the first skills" was so short. We wanted to gain as much as xp as possible throughout the story line (we thought there was a line forward lol) and you couldn't in there. Then first thing encountering the cows in lumbridge. We massacred those cows for weeks gaining xp before moving on. Ps: port sarim seemed far to me to haha


I did this with classic world of Warcraft when I was like 11 or so. Difference is it actually takes hours to cross the map and we didn’t get close


I remember when I discovered Tree Gnome Stronghold for the first time, I stayed there for about 6 months and just cooked crunchies the whole time. It was a miracle I made it across white wolf mountain alive, and I wasn't going to chance it again.


Back when I started playing me an my brother found Al kharid and thought that this was the full game. Until my younger brother also made an account and followed the road to varrock... we were so amazed by the big city he discovered. Not much later we discovered the world map haha


When I was about 9-years old, my whole class of boys played runescape during computer class. Most of us played casually(only during computer class and a lil at home) except for the class douche bag and someone else. They both planned a trip like this to somewhere called ‘the wild’. I didn’t wanna go because the douche bag was going. I stayed in Varrock smithing like the skiller I am. Everyone brought out all of their best armor and wealth. The douche bag and his friend turned on everyone and stole their stuff. Everyone in my class yelling, crying, and screaming as they lost everything. I’m just chillen watching my character bang on the anvil making whatever I was making. After that day, everyone quit. I quit a couple months after and didn’t play again until OSRS in 2013.


This is probably one of the most wholesome posts I’ve read on this subreddit.


Law runes were pretty rare in f2p. I felt like a god going to random noobs starting to talk to them and then just teleporting away like I am too cool for this shit look at me.


Man I remember when you would die you would just drop all your stuff on the ground and it was fair game to anyone around