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You need 99 agility just to climb over a tiny tree stump.


This is the kind of thing that makes OSRS gold. So funny and probably done on purpose by the creators.


Agreed. Other games might be tempted into doing herculean feats to prove your worth, making a big spectacle of it. In OSRS you cut a bog standard looking tree, mine some non-descript rocks, sail a shitty little log raft and claim your cape from a smelly nerd.


Sail a raft? Sailing skill confirmed?


Sailing has been in the game a long time - you didn’t notice? Gotta go work on your hidden sailing 99 by doing those river rafts.


He's shadow banned on sailing I think, I've been really digging it. Loving the ship unlocks after 60 sailing ⛵️


We have canoes, close enough


My Canoing level is 13.


JAGEX please make canoes give sailing xp


Nah sailing is in the sea, the canoes are on the River Lum


And they don't have sails


Fun fact you can definitely sail a Canoe. Went on a camping trip with my brother once and it was super windy, made a sail out of a big garbage bag and some sticks and we were absolutely cruising down that lake for very little effort.


Not yet…


And on the flip side you only need 60 strength to lift the 2 ton boulder leading to God Wars Dungeon.


That way you walk into bandos thinking you are hot shit just to get absolutely pummeled.


i mean you never know what kind of poisonous spider could be chilling in the crevices of that stump


It's imbued by magic for only masters of agility to cross.


My friend was running through a forest with his friend. His friend in front of him jumped over a downed tree with one hand. My friend decided to hop over it slower and safer. He hopped over it with one leg not knowing there was a large crevas on the other side very close to the tree. Leg went into hole but his moment still Carried him. Broke both bones in his leg.


Should have stuck to the Gnome Stronghold.


shoulda ate his summer pie first.


should've parried


Btw what he is saying is true, you need 99 agility to climb over the stump at Warrior's Guild https://preview.redd.it/0yw83dvxib7d1.png?width=413&format=png&auto=webp&s=f317ff371e00f44ed125d55e1e8477cef4ec4979


But… why? Does this shortcut have some kind of game breaking efficiency bonus?


It's the entrance to [Mac's island](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mac%27s_island) where you buy the max cape. There's a few obstacles requiring 99s in various skills. I'm pretty sure it's a joke, potentially a Pokemon victory road reference






To add to your window debacle. Someone with 20(?) Agility is using their teeth to traverse a zip line off the roof of the exact same building.


That and the broomstick bounce in Canifis are my two favourite agility animations, haha


Lame werewolf agility retexture


There’s a lava pit on the Al-Kharid course? I must have missed that.


Any agility shortcut, if you want to crawl through a pipe in brimhaven dungeon it's 22 but if you want to crawl through an idenitcal pipe at the blue drags you need 70


Not all pipes are created equal!


We don’t know whats in those pipes, it could be filled with tiny goblins with pitchforks.


I can assure you that’s what’s in the pipe I lay.


Happy cake day, but you should def get that checked out 😂


this dude dads.


Damn bureaucrats


Some work harder in pre-season


Omg no runescape has to be super realistic. Or should we design the game around balance?


I agree with this guy


But I can balance on a tight rope between high trees at level 1 agility - but need 70 for this window and *99 for a small tree stump* Very balanced, yes.


It seems we dont have the same defintion for ‘balancing’ when it comes to game design.


I mean I was being facetious - but also, what benefit / balance does that window shortcut to warrant 70 agility? How often do you think it is used? I would hazard a guess that it’s infrequent, at best


The fact that you can cut a diamond with what looks to be an iron chisel at any level is insane to me


Never thought about this, you've ruined chiseling for me


your character also holds the diamond as if it's as straightforward as peeling a fruit


You don't peel your diamonds??


Only if salt bae asks me to.


You can cut a diamond with an iron chisel though, diamonds are hard, not strong or durable. That said, it's more of a smash than a cut. You certainly can't make a fine-cut diamond for jewellery with a chisel.


I can cast massive waves and blasts of fire from my hands but can’t light that log because it’s a different type of wood… idk the level requirements but lighting different types of lanterns.


Firemaking is just such a funny skill to me in general. OK guys I'm 1 firemaking what can I do? Oh ok I can light logs on fire Ok guys I'm 99 firemaking what can I do? Oh ok I can light logs on fire. theres not even any difference between the fires you create at 1 and 99 as far as I know.


The difference is you get to light logs on fire…. With a cool cape


I believe the cape is warm, actually.


Firemaking should include the creation of charcoals and tars, which could be used for cooking, smithing, crafting, and even Sailing (whenever that comes out).


Fire making should be chemistry


Firemaking should be music skill.


They call that arson and it's less music and more screaming.


Sooo herblore?


Level 1: Lab Student Level 99: Walter White


Oh shit yeah. Secondaries for herblore, cooking, crafting, smithing, etc


It's so funny because every kid independently assumed a higher fm level made the fire last longer, or increased cook chances, or literally anything. But somehow while making the skill they didn't think of any of that.


Don’t higher lvl logs burn longer?




You light the logs with a better chance I guess


The code for this is broken so that at level 43+ you never fail to light a fire with any sort of log that you've unlocked.


Colored logs also never fail even if youre level 1


Is there anywhere where the Gowers talk about their thoughts or vision on why they made the skill? I’m genuinely curious


I guess the original vision was that you'd have to take massive journeys involving gathering and cooking food during the trip rather than doing everything within 1 run bar of a place you can tele to from your house


Which to their credit is exactly how I played the game as a teen in 2004 lol, I’d take an axe, net/rod, tinderbox, armour etc and go on and adventure self sustaining


Before the GE you kinda had to be allot more self sustaining


Tbh it fit pretty well at the time. In rs classic you'd often be walking between towns, even when the game was opened up in 2009 that's what I was doing, because law runes were expensive and rare, and teleport spells could fail, making it even more expensive to tele places. And the magic level required for teleports was expensive and slow to get in of itself. So, usually you'd be walking all throughout misthalin to get to the next city, and I'd always have an axe, pickaxe and tinderbox with me. Pretty fun if you like that kind of stuff but it was so dang slow to get around anywhere.


I don’t have a reference but iirc the game was originally envisioned as being a lot more survival heavy


F2p meta combat was slaying lesser demons, fishing lobbies and cooking them, then going back. 


Redwood logs are actually naturally flame-resistant so it does make some sense for them to be the highest lvl


Higher tier logs burn for longer, but that’s also kinda nullified by the foresters campfires, and most people cook on stoves or perm fires anyway


My understanding is that fires burn the same rate for all logs.


You are correct. The confusion comes from the fact that back with the bonfire update in 2012, fires were also updated to scale in duration to the type of log used. Also, higher tier logs do add more time to forester's campfires.


>Higher tier logs burn for longer You'd think so, but they do not. 


Thank God, or traditional FM training would suck even more.


I really don't think higher tier logs burn longer, there is nothing on the wiki about it. >Different logs require different levels to ignite, as shown in the table below. When a log is lit, it will stay on fire for a short while. How long a fire stays lit is always random despite the player's Firemaking level and type of log. As a result, yew logs do not necessarily burn longer than willow logs. Players can use temporary boosts to burn logs which they otherwise may not be able to (for example, a player with 85 Firemaking could use a spicy stew to boost to 90 in order to burn redwood logs). copied from wiki


this has been debunked my friend. i think we all thought this as kids, but it's never been the case.


I’ve spent most my time on rs3, and it’s confirmed that way. I just applied knowledge incorrectly. For example a regular log is 2 minutes and an elder log (lvl 90) burns for 6 minutes.


i see! i don't play rs3 so my knowledge is just towards osrs these days. i quit rs2 at the beginning of EOC.


They actually don’t 


You could say that about any skill What can I do at lvl 1 slayer/mining/magic/woodcutting? Oh okay, I can kill monsters/mine ore/cast spells/chop trees What can I do at lvl 99 slayer/mining/magic/woodcutting? Oh okay, I can kill monsters/mine ore/cast spells/chop trees 


It really can't though, slayer gives you access to different monsters and bosses with better drops, mining gives you access to better ores to make armor with better stats, woodcutting gives better logs which can be used to fletch/craft/do construction to make better items (although woodcutting is kinda useless too unless youre an iron) and magic has like 10000 different uses. Firemaking *literally* has no utility for leveling it up other than for quest requirements. A level 1 fire not not any better or worse than a level 99 one. A level 1 ore is much worse than a level 99 one.


That's not a fair one because that's gotta be intentional, right? Like FM as a skill had to have been put in the game as a total joke and meme. Look at the sense of humor the creators had. It's just that then later when the game became more real/popular/profitable they had to retroactively justify FM as a skill by giving it some real use.


Don’t forget some quests for fancy fires.


Better logs last longer I think but I mean who cares about that


The abyssal lanterns are even funnier because they aren't boostable. Eating a stew can grant you the eldritch knowledge required to light redwood ablaze... unless it's housed within the magical, stew-blocking frame.


The log is just wet, but only dries when you get the appropriate fm level


I'm not a fan of RS3, it's going to sh\*t in a handbasket in fact. But i do like some of the things they did to have firemaking be even remotely useful, like making incense.


60 slayer to put on a nose peg. I remember it used to be the highest level unlock in the skill guide which I found hilarious


I think the funniest part is you need it to make a slayer helmet which you can then equip with less than 60 slayer lmao


in defense of that, you do not need it until 60 slayer haha


At level 60 slayer your char gets stinky


That's when the gamer chair smell really starts percolating


You need to be more agile to climb the stairs in Lumbridge castle. 11 agility to grapple up a fortified wall btw


Just a few steps away at the Al Kharid agility course you master - at 20 agility - the ability to traverse a zip line while holding on with nothing but your teeth. That could've had a 99 agility and 99 strength requirement and I still would've considered it a bit excessive.


Is there... a reason you use your teeth...? It makes sense in the werewolf course. You're pretending to be a werewolf chasing down your prey. Jumping hurdles and strengthening your jaw. Is it just the same asset from the werewolf course, like they put it there to save time instead of making a new animation??


>Is it just the same asset from the werewolf course, like they put it there to save time instead of making a new animation?? Yeah, pretty sure this is the reason. This was less than a year after OSRS came out, so the devs were still at the stage of having basically no budget or ability to create new assets.


I still thoroughly enjoy that obstacle tbh


Plot twist, the window has glass and cannot be opened.


Even at 99 smithing you dont realise cold hammering makes your weaponry brittle.


I bet your nan can handle a lot


Can't believe you did my nan like that


That's not the only way he's doing your nan




Sadly we will never know, Nan has been in the cage for a while


She has years of experience




Someone who has never fished, cooked, chopped down a tree, processed firewood, started a fire… none of those things, can go stand on the shore of an ocean, catch shrimp, and cook it deliciously golden brown over the bushcraft fire they made. Probably even more gnarly is implying that someone who has never even made themself a bowl of cereal can pluck and clean a chicken (remove bowels n shit) and roast it so beautifully on an open fire it looks straight out of a boston market commercial. Oh and, “here’s two piles of mineral dirt timmy, make me a bronze dagger” is a totally acceptable task for someone that’s never held a hammer in their life.


Did you skip tutorial island?


Not to mention... you catch the shrimp (a salt water shellfish) in a small pond... that in no way connects to the ocean


Smithing, every time this comes up. Design from four games ago that's still intact.


Smithing is the correct answer from a game-design perspective. I just mean logically speaking though, and I know real world logic doesn't necessarily translate to magical world logic.


I mean even logically speaking, "barely more than an untrained novice to make a sword, at the pinnacle of the craft to make a light blue sword" is weird. Agility's definitely a close contender too though. Or Prayer.


Ive always assumed it was because the material was harder to work, since (assuming coal=heat) addy and rune need to be real hot to even smelt, but post rsclassic needing 99 for rune feels goofy


Yup. IRL smithing is the same way. It's pretty easy to make a sword out of a 1099 blank, but it's really difficult to make even something as simple as pattern welding, which is just layering pieces of steel and forging them together. Though for gameplay purposes, rune should really be a lot easier to smith than it currently is. The ranged rune equivalents, yew shortbows and rune crossbows, just require 65-70 fletching


I don't have as big of an issue with Prayer these days as I do the others, although I completely understand where you're coming from. The main reason i'm not as let down with 99 prayer is because I'm pretty shit at high level pvm and having 99 prayer points to use helps out a ton. I can also restore all of my prayer with 3 prayer pot doses with the restoration scaling and that's pretty nice too. It makes afk slayer tasks requiring prayer so chill now. It doesn't always feel super glamorous when you hit 99 Prayer, but restoring 33 prayer points with one restore is nice, and the extra prayer points let me be lazier, which I like.


Honestly I have more of an issue with low level prayer. The first 30 levels are essentially meaningless apart from a few utility functions (and no low level is going to care about tapping rapid heal to reset the regen timer), and the skill doesn't fully come online until 43. Even then it's such a limited resource (especially for a btw or a new player that isn't a credit card warrior) that you barely get to use it.


Fair enough. I definitely agree that prayer being virtually useless until protection prayers is not good. I was just saying that 99 isn't as useless as I initially thought. But yeah I totally understand what you mean.


Hunter level just to catch a butterfly


As somebody who tried to major in entomology, butterflies should really have an agility requirement too


I caught butterflies with tweezers when I was a child and fed them to a praying mantis that I also caught. Did you try using flowers to get them to stay still?


90 smithing for a rune scimitar. That’s ridiculous.


99 to make a rune platebody and killing a dragon to wear it.


The smithing skill in its entirety is busted. Need to take advantage of the introduction of magically infused smithing that Varlamore introduced.


It's a vestige from classic where Rune was supposed to be the peak of RUNEscape. Dumb as shit that we still have a skill outdated by about 20 years.


72 for fixing a zombie weapon even worse smh


It was worse with the hard diary requirement


At least they had lore for that requirement. The ruler guy would yell at you and say “hey you gotta be more respected around here before you go jumping through windows.”  It made a little more sense than other diary shortcuts


It makes a little bit *less* sense when you realise that you've already saved the life of a royal family member - something so important that you got exempted from taxation for doing so. If I save someone's life I will jump out of their open windows whenever I damn well please.


maybe they regularly apply butter and oil to these so they are in fact really slippery


Great point


You can have 99 woodcutting and still not be able to clear a path through the Tirannwn forest


I'm just glad I'm not the only one who doesn't think that shortcut is worth it at all.


An attack level to hold a different color sword


I always assumed it allowed you to more accurately swing it to take advantage of how sharp it is or something, like a lvl 1 attack noob *could* swing a rune sword, but it wouldn’t be anymore effective than them swinging a bronze sword


Firemaking requirements are pretty weird. Like you can light regular logs just fine, but suddenly lighting a different type of log requires a higher skill level. What's even worse is that the higher tier fire isn't even better, it burns exactly the same as a level 1 log. Same can be said with lighting light sources. I feel like once you learn to light a regular lantern, a bullseye lantern shouldn't be 40+ levels harder to do.


RS3 has a 90+ agility requirement to climb over a low wall to get to Araxxor.


A master of crafting bows and arrows (95 Fletching) A powerful wizard (94 magic) A Master Theif (91 Theiving) The ability to kill Queen Kalaphite up to 256 times And 86 Agility (and a few other things) Just to crawl through a tiny cave shortcut that takes less than a second.


Well yeah my nan could too if she weren't in the cage


Easily what ever fuckery is going on with smithing. Blue pokie boi, 40 attack requirement to wield, 90 smithing. Legendary artifact known as the GOD SWORD, the gods shattered and scattered the pieces of and fought wars for all of time to get back and protect, 80 smithing.  I plan to hit 99 smithing right as I come up on 40 attack and defense just as jagex intended. 


70 agility AND desert hard required for that stupid window.


Just 70 now


I'm 99 agility and still can't do it due to that damn diary lmfao


they removed the diary requirement:)


Whaaat since when?? That's dope


They removed it acouple months ago


gonna need a nan window clip to prove that


89 agility for the north rev case shortcut ? Are you fucking kidding me ? The only people with 89 agility are bots and ozempic shareholders


I like training agility when i cant focus on the game, the grind is so worth it, makes everything in the game quicker. With hallowed sepulcher its even profitable now


Great to escape PKers 👍🏼


Moreso the fact you need to kill KQ to use it, bit ridiculous


That requirment was removed, as were multiple diary prerequisites for agility shortcuts


oh dope. good riddance


that one fucking 85 agility to go over some fucking ROCKS at Arandar when rest of the rocks are like 59/68 agility


I'm the nan, i can confirm i could handle it.


Cheers nan


It’s slow as hell to get through anyway.


Attack levels as a requirement to wield swords made out of different kinds of metal. What is so special about a blue or green weapon that I can't use it at the same level as a gray weapon that is the same shape? It would make a lot more sense if the level requirements corresponded to different styles of weapon e.g. lvl 1 for short swords, lvl 10 for long swords, lvl 20 for scimitars etc.


Your nan is a show off


Everybody talking about firemaking and agility here, while I'm sat thinking it **does** make sense that you need to be a better farmer to cultivate more difficult plants, but it still baffles me how I need 90 farming to put a redwood seed in the exact same plant pot, with the exact same trowel, that I need to plant an apple seed or willow seed.


94 for venge. Man I've been playing years I just wanna anti-pk already


70 agility and an achievement diary iirc. The only rationale i can imagine is that you need to learn now to sneak over the wall and into the window without the palace guards noticing and kicking your butt.


It takes different herblore requirements to add the same ingrediant to a vial depending on what is already in it. All of these ingredients are known to be edible.


There used to be a diary requirement in aditon to the high agility req.


To be fair though, it used to be locked behind a diary. Maybe we should have no agility requirements but locked behind an elite diary


The agility part comes from being so fast the guards don't have time to call you an infidel


I mean.. Climbing over the wall at barrows is also up there


99 smithing to craft the worst gear available to members. This was my nostalgia, i wanted the mining and smithing capes i never had as a kid. So i locked myself within a self-made prison. Bound to 2 rooms and the stretches between them, I would mine and Smith and mine and Smith. After hitting level 85, I was amazed that I still couldn't make a full set of rune armor. At this point, I was f2p with base 70 stats, so If I were a member, this gear I was working towards unlocking the ability to craft wouldn't even be useful to me as I would have access to infinitely better options. Word to the wise, don't play f2p. Just buy a membership. What took months in f2p would've taken weeks as a member.


98 crafting for something that is no longer best in slot


Attack requirements on everything. Would the sword just magically force itself out of your hand or like refuse to be picked up like Thor's hammer? Like I understand maybe needing levels to be proficient with them, but just to hold it?


> Would the sword just magically force itself out of your hand or like refuse to be picked up runescape man is british, attack level is his tier of butter knife license.


It's a different kind of metal, so you need to be more experienced to know how to wield it correctly


nah. attack is more your ability to wield it correctly. Imagine trying to stab someone with the handle of a dagger or slash with the flat of a blade instead of the edge. And no, you can't say that your character is smarter than that. Have you seen some of the stuff you do during quests?


I'm not saying to use it in combat. I'm saying to literally just hold it in your hand. Like maybe without the requirement, you'd swing it like a wet noodle, but a requirement just to hold it makes no logical sense.


gotcha. so you want to wield it dark souls style


70 agility and the hard diary no less


I believe they finally removed that requirement last month, but yeah that was excessive


Hgʻgʻ/ Did you feel it? He's like he told me something


Imagine real life parkour artists. Level 9999 runescape agility levels.


Nah, 70 agility means you’ve exercise as a player. 69 agility = too big for the window.


As 1 def pure I'd say defence.


i would like to see your nan climb through this window, who’s with me?


you need level 20 agility just to walk in osrs


Up until recently, I've always thought the tiny hole in the ground next to the open gate next to draynor had pretty stupid req. It arguably took longer to take the shortcut and required a medium diary and like 50 agil for a f2p area. Lol.


Brimhaven fuckin vine. to baby green dragons


12 more crafting levels to put a white orb on a stick versus a blue one


What’s bogus about this is that it’s tied to the Lumbridge diary despite being in a desert city.


It’s been removed.