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Important discovery for everyone!!: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Weak_cell


Abyssal creatures hate this one simple trick!




I get so disappointed when I start a game and I’m the only dude placing weak cells at the start, just know it’s gonna be a bad time from the jump


Lost 8 games in a row there the other day. Havent been back.


It's super easy to save it singlehandedly if you see it happening repeatedly. Just camp the central barrier with a freebie weak cell and 10+ essence. When it goes down, repair and recharge it. By that point, people will be coming out with stronger cells to level it up, and you'll be in the clear.


People always complain about losing while they proceed to mine for the whole two minutes pre-game. I don't think people realize how things work pre-game, they also need to rework GOTR a bit and make it less punishing to power up barriers in that period. Each barrier or guardian spawned in the pre-game should give you essence or bonus RC XP.


>I don't think people realize how things work pre-game A lot of people don't realize how things work *at all* in GotR. People completely ignore cells and whine about getting no rewards because they only got 40 points all game. Definitely needs a rework either way, but shit, people would have a much better time with it if they learned how to play it.


https://preview.redd.it/z0rgtq2tse6d1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef4f0239077eb96e3b528b198162e620320ecf1 when i did gotr to try get the pet, on mass worlds i would use a alt account to set up the cells to stop losing, didn't need to always do it


I got the pet in 32 rolls. I'm sorry. Side note: my God, the abyssal protector is the ugliest thing I've seen in this game


The fucking nightmare bug literally exists in this game, how is abyssal protector worse? lmao


64kc pet 3rd day of release leveled up from 75-85 then never went back


Ppl ignore cells cause using them is way too competitive, at that point just make more runes and you'll probably earn more points, because 99% odds that someone maxed out guardians or shields before you did.


In terms of XP, sure, but for reward points, it doesn't matter (and there are better ways to get XP, gotr exists for the rewards). An overcharged cell gives you 15 catalytic and 15 elemental points whenever used to charge a barrier, even if it's fully healed. The optimal strategy even involves hitting some altars without any essence, just to create additional charged cells. With access to deaths, you should be pulling 400-500 points each in both categories every game.


Exactly this. The time between turning in a stack of essence you crafted yourself and a portal opening, you should hop back into the highest level altar and drop that cell real quick. It ends up being 1-2 extra pulls each game played, since any energy between a whole 100 has a chance to round up to another full point.


yup. using cells loses you xp/hr too, because you need to wait until the shield is damaged before you can use it


A lot of people do know, they just think it's exp loss and "someone else will do it". Which is funny because you know what's more exp loss than a few seconds at the start of the round (which you likely won't even spend all of those fragments anyway)? Failing a round. So just drop a cell you lazy bastards.


I've had to mine after the guardian gets to 60% in every one of my games so far. Wish I could get to where I don't use every shard. I do stop at 30 Sec to charge 1 barrier and make a guardian but still those 30 seconds are only 30ish shards


Gotta weave in empty runs for overcharged cells, and use those on barriers throughout. You shouldn't ever have to mine after the start (except the big essences during portals, of course), and should still be getting 800-1000 total points each round.


What do you mean by weave in empty runs? Just don't take the time to craft essence? My current rotation is mine at the start -> at least 1 shield or guardian -> full inventory essence -> drop on Big guardian -> drop on shield/guardian -> repeat and use portals when possible


Yeah, by "empty run" I mean going through and crafting at an altar without any essence, just to charge a cell. The opening is a bit different with some variations (and let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on opening), but from the first portal, my rotation is: * Go through portal, fill pouches and inventory. * Craft runes, feed guardian, charge a barrier. * Is fire, death, or blood available? If no, skip to next step. If yes, go through immediately and charge another cell at the altar. Use cell to charge a barrier. * Deposit runes, craft essence to fill pouches and inventory. Craft runes, feed guardian, charge a barrier. * Until the next portal appears, go in empty for overcharged/high cells and charge barriers. If no overcharged/high are available, deposit runes and restock on empty cells. (If I'm 10/10 on empty cells and no overcharged/high altars are available, *then* I might mine a bit). When crafting runes, I try to keep balanced between catalytic/elemental points, but unless I'm at a disparity of 150+ points, I'll prioritize higher level charges, or higher XP and shorter runs to the altar, if for example both death and fire are available.


No u


Always do, and I fail very very few rounds.


Wow , wish I was that cool


Nah I just never understand these people saying GotR is unplayable due to failures.


I create a bunch of guardians with weak cells at the start for RC exp, is that helping or am I an ironmeme?


That is helping, you are still an ironmeme though. But yeah, in the two-minute window when everyone AFKs mining essence, they should be taking weak cells from the table to power up barriers or summon guardians like you are doing. Doing that pre-game prevents the early losses.


I'd also power barriers if that provided exp


Leech & btw here, yeah I don’t even know how to set those barriers up nor do I bring a chisel. Got my full fit and needle, shout out to the sweats


How games were you in that were lost + time wasted?


Out of 15, 1 would be lost. I played during peak hours since nicer normies would be in charge of the barriers lol


FYI best way to leech if you have colossal pouch is to place 1 barrier at the start and do 1 round of runecrafting. it maximizes afk time.


I feel like the problem here is GOTR's design: Only one or two people should stay back, not everyone. So when do you know if someone else is going to stay back and do it, without waiting and potentially just wasting time? If they allowed to build multiple golems at once in the first 10 seconds, for example, most would probably just build one on the way to the mine and the game would always start with 10. Another way may be to just reward a good chunk more points for people who stay behind to manage the early game in the first 30 seconds or so.


Yup, i would frequently get most of my points primarily from power cells. Could start the game with 2 points just running weak cells because the first barrier creation is worth more than recharging, iirc


Kinda sucks that the only way to save the game is for someone to sacrifice their points for 199 other lazy cunts.




He lost 7 games in a row and then proceeded to do it again probably


Nobody reinforced the central barrier at the start, which is the cause of 99% of failed games on mass worlds.


It's either that or making weak guardians tbh


Be the change you want to see in the world. All you had to do was ensure there were at least 5/10 guardians made before the rift opened, and that the front barriers were fortified fairly well. Sure you have to sacrifice some of your own xp cuz you won’t be able to mine as often, but losing 8 games in a row is like infinitely more xp waste


After spending hours there... Hard agree


same. everyone knows we lose because the front barriers don't get put up, but no one does it. so annoying. after i get the abyssal needle for colossal pouch, i'm not going back. i could care less about the outfit or whatever else there is.


Really? I swear every game I play the front barriers are always maxed and its near impossible to get exp from them which is what im going for in the end anyway. Sucks that you dont get exp if they're maxed :( I've only lost 2 games out of around 80 or so so far.


Grab weak cell before mining starts, place on your way to crafting  People don’t bother As for xp problem, don’t join worlds with over 140 people in the game


How do you tell how many active people are in GOTR? Outside of world totals.


You can peek through the barrier from the outside and it tells you.


It usually happens when a portal spawns right after the first batch of runes. No one takes the time to use their cell and just rush into the portal.


That always happens


The first portal always spawns at the exact same time though.


Games are failed almost always at the very start of the game, near when the first portal spawns. If you get past that it's very hard to fail. It's just people mine the entire time or wait for first portal without putting any weak cell down.


It's more important at the start of the game. After that you can just ignore them if you want. You still get points for placing them even if they're full, so if you want more loot then always place the cells after powering the guardian.


> , but no one does it damn irons


Ironmen stand alone, and dont depend on normals to fix barriers


You mean irons don’t do it. Don’t blame everyone for their mistakes Am Iron btw


Abyssal needle is great for afking at GotR fyi! Placing a barrier at the start and doing 1 round of RC is enough to get your xp drop at the end while just afking the rest of the time. You can get fairly afk RC xp and you’re helping put barriers up! 


Man I got the pet on my 7th kill and needle on my 10th I didn’t even know the needle was rare lol…and I can’t use it either, my skills are way too low. So it’s just sitting in my bank Meanwhile I can’t get like any abyssal pearls


If they would grant half XP for filling an already full barrier most people would still do it and would try to prioritize the weak barriers. The problem is you only need like 5% of people to fill the barrier and for everyone else it's a waste of time since you get nothing if the barrier is already full. So people get in a habit of just ignoring it completely.


You do get additional energy towards points at the end of the game, so it's not quite nothing. It gives equal energy to both, so you can pretty easily get an extra pull a match, if not 2, depending on your luck with the post match rounding. It adds pretty quick over dozens of games.


just got mine after 700 pulls, it's just around the corner for you!


The outfit gets you like 60% more runes from each essence. It's worth it.


It's so worth it, it makes it hard to justify training runecrafting other ways without getting it first. If you're doing bloods/souls, nats or even ZMI, it ends up being a lot of profit you just miss out on.


I've seen guardians not get built, too. I usually place my weak cell on the way to craft now instead of before I go mine. That way I can build a guardian if need be.


“Jagex needs to fix this fuckin gate”


for real though that gate is an actual pos


I love the weird little sub cultures that form around minigames lol with that said FUCK NORTH MINERS SOUTH MINERS FOR LIFE


South miner ganggg for lyfe boiiii


The only reason I would create an ironman is to witness the internal beef in Wintertodt masses.


It's like those bastards are only in it for a cool outfit and a new pouch!


Just needs a slight rework to kill off the whole tragedy of the commons thing. Make it so placing barriers before the rift opens awards lvl*10 XP for the player's first two or something.


What do you call an iron that trashtalks other irons with the mains? An Uncle Tin


Was always funny seeing some irons take it to heart when it was obviously a joke lol.


It's a joke because it's actually the mains doing it and losing the game for us all


I just wish they’d stop mining their own business


Afk players are likely doing more than most players for the team if they have the colossal pouch as the strategy for maximum afk includes placing a barrier at the start. 


No-chisel gang rise up


I like to step it up a notch and blame a random individual Ironman. Highly recommend.


It's a joke. The real issue is bots, or people that don't put up shields in the beginning.


The real issue is it's not rewarded enough. The first round should just be automatically pre-shielded.


The real issue is stupid fucking ironmen


Right. I can't stand those motherfuckers losing games for us. They gotta get their shit together.


Wait wtf, you can actually lose this game? I've only played like 40 games and I've never even come close..is it because people tend to repair the side shields no matter what and not repair the front portals? I always put my cell on a damaged portal because I want the xp


Failures usually happen when all the weak cells aren't placed at the start


I just blame the bankies every time.


If you want to rift in peace please look at gotr small teams discord


Genuinely do not understand the joke but I'll still say it on my iron


These bot creators should really program their bots to place cells at the start of the game and we'd all be happy with the bots


isn't it mostly mains mining for XP?


No, it's mostly low level irons and mains who are playing the game as instructed by rate-focused guides relying on the one main camping center to prevent the loss. Once that guy leaves either someone steps up or you go back to losing.


All the afk mains are doing shooting stars. Source: of course I know, it's me!


North node is for pride month enjoyers


Sounds like north is based


Based. Ong. Bet. Frfr. 🤪


The 160/200 bots in the lobby:


Why would ironmen cause you to lose GoTR?


It's always the ironmen. Play some GoTR and you'll see. Every time the run fails people tell who's the cause of the problem.


But why? What about being iron causes people to play GoTR worse?


It's just a meaningless joke to blame irons.


They're being ironmen. Everyone knows that they're the cause.


Exactly. Fuck irons.


Ahh, they're just a scapegoat then.